its a small worldHuh, I didn't expect to see the characters for a minecraft mod I maintain to be here.
Nice reference it truly fits this situation. I only hope someone else will carry his torch now. Fare thee well Dante :(It's truly, truly been a roundabout path...
Thank you, Dante. I can't find any other words to express it.
Awww, that's cute <3Happy, healthy, and growing bigger every day. Loves his pitbull, his "Koona" (a blue plush monkey that I spent 3 weeks and $9.25 in a 25 cent claw machine till I finally grabbed the little fuzzy fucker) and Sara X Mills on youtube lol. Angel is a fully grown rednose pitbull. He will pull her ears, bite (gum) her nose and she just licks him till he laughs his butt off.