DC Universe Online (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 29, 2009
As to Champions Online, as it's almost the same theme just with DC heroes instead, this MMO just recently had an open beta, in which people who have a Playstation Plus account, preordered, or gotten keys were able to play. Luckily, I was one of them! For the PS3 version that is. I'll keep it brief, but right now it makes for some alright ryona action. One of the best things that happened, that I wish I am able to see again is when I'm about to fight Scarecrow, Batwoman was lying on the ground going crazy. It was...VERY nice. Too bad she looked really skinny..

One of the funnier things is that almost all of the DC characters are missing their capes. So when I saw Batwoman, she was without her cape, which made me give some fun thoughts in my head as to why (some really sexy thoughts of course). Your character themselfs,as they are superheroines, look really sexy too. Your not able to change their size though, other than for Heavy, Middle, and Small, so everyone's bodytype is very simliar...but yeah. For those with the beta, we should join up while we can!

I am the PS3 though, so keep that in mind.


^Image all of them without their capes. It was VERY interesting to see Batgirl there without her cape.
Edit: I should be mentioned this takes place before the "One Year Later..." event, but I guess you could figure that seeing this Batgirl is still around, huh?


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
I've been going back and fourth about whether or not to pick up this game.
The only thing holding me back now is that I keep hearing that it will have a monthly subscription fee, which I can't afford. (I'd barely be able to afford the $60 install price.)

More over, I have a question about the beta, as I couldn't get in: What's the creation system like?


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Damn them and their limited beta keys. Looks interesting, although not much more impressive than CO graphic wise from that screenshot. Did anyone actually manage to get a beta key?


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 29, 2009
The character creation feels oddly enough I think more limited than the one in City of Heroes, but I was able to have slot of fun making my characters. Each new character I've made toke me an hour, only because I kept changing what I want to do and stuff. I was able to make my own character, and then someone based on the Ultraseven series. I try and take some screencaps sometime.

On the ryona note, I switched over to the Superman side and during a boss fight the boss kept freezing me, which sets me in a different stun animation than the usual stuns. It's really working out, plus as I'm running around in my female Ultraseven I'm currently fighting this minion that likes to fire at the center of my chest, right where my 'energy/color timer' is at. Unfornately, it's just a circle on my chest, but it still works well.


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
The only thing holding me back now is that I keep hearing that it will have a monthly subscription fee, which I can't afford.

That's confirmed, and is the reason I can't play most MMOs. It's sort of a blessing in disguise, because I waste enough of my time on gaming as it is.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
That's confirmed, and is the reason I can't play most MMOs. It's sort of a blessing in disguise, because I waste enough of my time on gaming as it is.

Ahh hell. Thanks for the info though, shame I won't pick this game up.
Who knows, maybe it'll go Free-to-Play in a couple years... I kinda hope so, I would like to trot around the DCU beating down thugs, aliens, and monsters with the likes of Power Girl and Green Lantern.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 29, 2009
Update on the ryonaness of the game: The more I play it, the more fun I'm having in seeing my heroine in bad situations. I'm currently fighting Brainic's minions, and one of them often likes to trap me in ball containers which freezes me in place, usually with me in a shocked or surprised expression, as it contains me in a rolling ball like thing. The best part is that there is ball physic when I'm in that container, so my body rolls around like a ball for at least 10 seconds until I auto break out (you can break out at any time with your powers, but what's the fun in that?). During this other heroes (or villains) can grab you and use you as an item, or use you to be smashing you onto the ground while your in it. It's REALLY sexy.

Plus, more stuns which really makes losing all the more fun (and there really isn't much problems with you being defeated, as you can respawn very quick without a lost in exp or anything. Just you need to travel again.)


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Do character have voices?
Are boss matches private?
Can you take screencaps?

EDIT: release date is January 14
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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
So did anyone that bought the retail game want to share their thoughts on this game? I'm pretty interested, but always wary of throwing 50-60 bucks at an MMO.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 29, 2009
So sorry it toke so long for a reply! I tried to take some screencaps before the beta ended (REALLY wanted screencaps of the heroines without capes), but I couldn't log in on time (my internet was really glitchy at the time). Plus, the next time I saw the heroines their capes were back on...

As for the bosses, the bosses matches can be pirvate if you enter alone. Otherwise, their not. Everyone BUT the avatar's have voices.

EDIT: Ah, we almost posted at the same time! And no, I didn't get the game yet.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
This game looks like it has a lot of potential but I've been hearing that the gameplay is lackluster. I guess I'll just wait until they launch a trial account phase and hope it doesn't flop so bad it closes down before it does, like APB. :|

P.S. Your first character is pretty smokin'. x_x Can't wait to see the video, particularly the Power Girl one.


Man, NOTHING will ever top the fastest start to shutdown time that is APB.

Besides, this is Sony, the kinds of people that would keep a game going for a LOOOOOOONG time before they actually pull the plug (Just look at Vanguard).

P.S. APB is coming back, don'cha know...


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 8, 2010
yup! you join "Parasite" (the big pink guy!) who wants to suck her powers out! unfortunately no actual sucking takes place ;P
its just a normal fight/win quest :( you beat her, she falls down, thats about it! (though she does get punched through several skyscrapers in >this< comic style thingy that follows :-3)


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
So I've been trying this one out and posted some pictures over in the images thread for this game: http://www.undertow.club/images/2091-dc-universe-online.html#post16414

Overall, I'm finding it pretty disappointing. It's had at least a year and half on CO to modernize itself, see what worked and didn't work for them and improve on it but the whole concept feels like it's gone to waste. As I had noticed before, with a slight exception to facial features, the visual quality of the game is quite poor for a game launched in 2011. It feels like the game is running in 16 bit colors or something (and I've been through the obvious video options). Color transition is terrible, the lighting and shadows are off constantly, and the colors used in character creation don't look accurate in game. Speaking of, the character creation felt very limited and clunky when compared to CoH/CoV/CO. In those games, I could literally sink an hour into experimenting with the costumes and adjustment sliders, but my reaction to DCUO was pretty much "wow, that's it?". You gain different costume pieces through gaining items in game, but CO had that as well on top of the very large selection you got form the get-go. Oh, and big surprise. Yet another game with absolutely no voicework for your own character. I guess even a simple hit sound is too much to ask for these days? I wish the argument that "MMO's have to tone down their eye candy for the sake of performance" still applied, but games like Aion and Vindictus have pretty much proven you can play in visually stunning environments with even low end gaming rigs and mid-level office machines.

Gameplay wise, nothing special. The standard fare MMO run around and kill shit routine. Voice acting in the cinematics wasn't terrible, but it's rather obnoxious in game.

Ryona... I'm not very far in the game but I would say it's pretty much at the exact same level as CO.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 29, 2009
I was JUST about to mention that! I'm very much looking forward to playing this again once it goes free to play. it seems like nothing lasts for over a year now though, when I think of this combined with Marvel vs Capcom 3.

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