Britney, I also pulled out 1K textures. I've made them 2K afterwards. :)
Neloangelo5 hi! Nice name. It's how you call Vergil in DMC 1 before you know his real name! Is that the reason why you chose that name?
I'm begining to see this through : the game doesn't seem to accept alpha when the texture isn't meant to be set with it in the game, that's why you choose that Momiji outfit for your mod ;)
Well, as far as modding seems to be with umod FOR NOW, I don't see how we could do more than working on mods on particular textures (and thus particular outfits, definitely not all), which is too bad :/
The plus seems to be that we can upgrade textures sizes !
I've got some mods in my drawers waiting for a way to force alpha but can't package the dds yet ! Any idea all?
Keep up the good work ! We'll make them regret they gave us a PS3 portage !