
Potential Patron
Mar 5, 2019
hey my dude your dialogues are really well built and i do like them
i just want to mention
for the bus driver dialogue theres a line with
" even a grown-up porn star" as opposed to a not grown up porn star

edgelord 3000

Content Creator
Jan 16, 2018
New dialogue is out! 10% effort writing/copying the lines, 20% effort making the dialogue technically work, 70% making the goddamn animtools positions, and I'm still not very happy with the results.

Also, the loader pack have been updated with the new dialogues.

really good stuff man. question, what background would you use for the train one? i can't seem to find anything decent.

I have a background that I'll upload later today, I just need to make sure it fits SDT's window properly.

hey my dude your dialogues are really well built and i do like them
i just want to mention
for the bus driver dialogue theres a line with
" even a grown-up porn star" as opposed to a not grown up porn star

Hah, you got me there. Though I'm not sure I want to change it, as I feel it kinda fits the spectator's state of mind. Unless it totally ruins the dialogue for you, then I'll happily change it.
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Casual Client
Nov 29, 2018
edgelord 3000 edgelord 3000 I just gave your Bus Bystander a read, haven't actually played it yet though. Top notch as always! I have a few things to share about it.

From the way the person is talking it sounds like a woman is watching them. Any way that some lines could be changed to make it seem a man is watching them? Kinda like he knows it's wrong but wants a turn with the girl anyway, or for her to give him some attention too.

Also, it reminded me of a manga I read a long time ago.
The manga started with a young girl and her younger brother on a train with a random man also riding. The girl was playing a handheld game and her brother wanted to play it. When she refused her brother began teasing her body. She agreed to that kind of 'game'. The random man ended up watching them through a hole he poked into his newspaper. Right as her brother finished she noticed the man was watching them.
I don't have any way to track down the manga to provide a link. It was part of a collection and the site it was on changed policies.

Anyway, great dialogue! I'll give it a play when I get some free time later.

edgelord 3000

Content Creator
Jan 16, 2018
Thanks for the kind words, BlueZephyr BlueZephyr ! I did write the dialogue with the intention that the person watching them was a woman, but realized that if I didn't mention their specific gender it could be a gay dude as well. Mostly because I liked the mix of their outrage that someone would do this to a young girl and... not to them, kinda. Maybe I'll make a male/lesbian bystander version later, but I can't promise anything since I don't know how skilled I will be at writing such lines.

Regarding the manga you mentioned... sounds very much like "Siblings sure are great" by Shimanto Shisakugata, right? He really loves that "protagonist watches people fuck" stuff.


Casual Client
Nov 29, 2018
edgelord 3000 edgelord 3000 I finally got some time to try Bus Bystander and I'm noticing a small issue. The girl has finished and restarted 4 times now but I haven't seen the first restart line. It could be just poor luck because I sometimes have trouble getting it to fire in my dialogues. I took a look at the variables you're using and the values you have resistance and restart set to are very similar (res for resistance and re for restart). I'm gonna keep playing and if I still don't see any restart lines I'll try fiddling with the variables a bit.

I said that last bit from my own experience in making variables. Your setup is a little different from what I tried though. I had made a variable called *CAME* to keep up with whether or not he came but the variable never would work. I finally just made a line that would call out the variable followed by it's value and SDT was mistaking *CAME* with *ME*. Something similar may be happening here. Or I may just be having poor luck. I'll post a followup in a little bit.

EDIT: About 2 minutes later went back to it and got a restart line straight away...:rolleyes: Sometimes I just have poor luck and assume something is wrong, lol.
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edgelord 3000

Content Creator
Jan 16, 2018
I made it a self-imposed rule that I wouldn't use restart lines to progress, as it's so inconsistent. I also think I've broken that rule on some of my dialogues...


Casual Client
Nov 29, 2018
edgelord 3000 edgelord 3000 Can I request dialogues here? Bus Bystander (again) reminded me of a project I started but never saw through. I was wondering if you could work your magic with my idea.

edgelord 3000

Content Creator
Jan 16, 2018
Sounds a bit like Douglas Addams ... ;)
I must admit, when I started doing this, I never imagined the day I would be compared to him!

edgelord 3000 edgelord 3000 Can I request dialogues here? Bus Bystander (again) reminded me of a project I started but never saw through. I was wondering if you could work your magic with my idea.
Of course, feel free to request whatever you want. However, I promise nothing. If I can't think of any lines for it, it goes into my ever-growing pile of scrapped projects. So many scrapped projects...


Casual Client
Nov 29, 2018
edgelord 3000 edgelord 3000 Thanks! This is gonna be a bit long, I just want to be as detailed as I can. Hopefully it'll give you some inspiration to work with.

The project I started was called Club Voyeur. The basic idea is there's a girl either in a room with windows or on a stage with people watching. Random men will go to her and use her. If she doesn't willingly do it she's forced to. I was using a couple backgrounds from the background archive, search for showroom. Or I can provide a link to the specific backgrounds with google photos.

At first when I started it I was gonna have her silent while the men physically and verbally assaulted her. Bus Bystander made me think of it in a different way. All the lines are coming from the spectators watching the show. It could be just one spectator making comments, or it could be a group all talking about what's going on.

The way they speak shows that they're getting into it, they knew what they were paying to see when they entered the club. Some ideas for personalities; really vulgar and getting a kick out of the girl's misfortune, getting excited and turned on, thinking that the display is wrong but still enjoying the show, imagining how much fun they'd have if they could have a turn.

On a final note, could you use that trick you showed me to store variables in the charcode? I use the Eyewear RGB to store info; eyewear.r for age, eyewear.g for dominate hand and eyewear.b for gender (I have a mix of girl, boy and intersex characters). I can elaborate this last paragraph further if you ask, my babbling has gone on for a while now.

Thanks for reading my idea.


Casual Client
Nov 29, 2018
I'm intrigued. I'm gonna try to make a proof of concept dialogue and see how it works out.
I'm glad I piqued your interest! Just a little note about something I said previously, random men means actual random men taking turns with her. I found a bit of dialogue I think from DigitalSmutExports DigitalSmutExports in his Attendants dialogue. He made his dialogue to where it would generate a random him every time. I modified it for myself making it to where the dialogue could generate a random him when I click a button.

I'm currently working on a small dialogue similar to Club Voyeur that uses the random guy generator. If you want, I can post my wip here so you could copy/paste the version I modified. It also has a good example of how I do my variables.

edgelord 3000

Content Creator
Jan 16, 2018
That would be swell, I could probably use that to make comments that talk about his appearance as well.

Regarding her age, when I started writing lolicon dialogues I asked detritius if it was okay for me to post them here, and he said that it's allowed as long as her age isn't specifically mentioned (and that it's tagged properly). So what I think I'll do is that I'll make a variable that by default says "age unknown" or something like that, and let people (you) edit the triggers accordingly to their own tastes.


Casual Client
Nov 29, 2018
it's allowed as long as her age isn't specifically mentioned
Ah, didn't know that. With what I've written in wip so far it has the bit where it sets the age variable and shows the range that the dialogue can accept but I haven't wrote any lines that use the variable. Is that ok? If not I can cut that part out before posting it here, or change the range to something higher.

edgelord 3000

Content Creator
Jan 16, 2018
It's probably fine if you upload it to and delete it later, I reckon.

Right now, I have two variables for behind-the-scenes stuff, three variables for her settings and 16 variables for the many pronouns that is possible in English. I didn't expect that would take up so much of my time. I can cut that in half if you want the Him character to always be male, let me know. And I have no idea how to handle intersex characters.
I'm also thinking of different lines for if she's being held or not, what mood she's in and where her arms are, I hope I can manage to keep track of that without having to chop my own balls off in the process.


Casual Client
Nov 29, 2018
I decided to cut out the part that sets the age and with what little I've written there's no reference to her appearance other than gender. That makes it easier for me since I don't have a account. Still though, I left my initial settings as it was as well as a list explaining what each variable does.

I've been using sublime text to write it with so it's not gonna show up properly in notepad. I've downloaded a few dialogues from here that did that too.

EDIT: I just thought to myself, I could've put it in my google drive and posted a link here. Would that be more acceptable in the future?


Obedient Toy- WIP.txt
12.1 KB · Views: 324

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edgelord 3000

Content Creator
Jan 16, 2018
If I'm not mistaken, there's a 2/3 chance of getting a black guy, and the black guy have a much larger chance of having a bigger dick than the white guy. Is that your choice and how you want it, or can I just make it true 50/50 either way?


Casual Client
Nov 29, 2018
That was my personal choice. Depending on where you are there's a higher chance you will see one type of person more than others, and the bigger dicks is just a stereotype. The only thing I don't like about the way I have the generator set up is the white guys sometimes tend to be too dark. I guess I could have extended the light/dark segments to include hsl also so I could get more favorable light skin tones.


Casual Client
Nov 29, 2018
Something just clicked in my head.
I'm also thinking of different lines for if she's being held or not, what mood she's in and where her arms are
If she's being forced her arms will either be on her legs or bound behind her back. If she's doing it willingly her arms will be on his legs. She's always in a worried mood because she isn't there by choice. I hope that will help you with some of the thinking process.

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