Re: Faceless' misc costume imports - 24 Jun 13 - Mileena costume update
Updated Mileena costume. Big thing is that the color slider for her top now controls the RGB for the entire costume.
Known issues:
- her knees and elbows will clip at the movement extremes; trying to fix it was taking too long
- still waiting for proper glove template, so her gloves are actually skin mods
- for some her forearms and hands don't layer right, so I put the joints on her hands instead; expect some clipping
- handjob and arms:back do not work
- possible minor clipping between top->back and top->chest if she starts hyperventilating with the largest breast settings
For those who care, applying this code to the top->back component tracks the breast slider setting.
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var clip:MovieClip = MovieClip(MovieClip(this.parent.getChildByName("chest")).getChildByName("rgbFill"));
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, followBreastSlider);
function followBreastSlider(e:Event) {
"rgbFill" and "band" are instance names set with the Properties panel. This code was added to the 1st frame of the "Top Back" layer.
EDIT: consolidated the code that links the color sliders