Friday the 13th: The Game (1 Viewer)


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
So they just released a new trailer at PAX West and it features a ton of kill animations. Here it is:

Some of them look awesome, but I kind of wish they would have implemented a single player mode. Oh, and I wish we would have gotten Mrs. Voorhees with unique kill animations of her own. I know she was one of the Stretch Goals for their Kickstarter campaign, but they never reached it, unfortunately.

On another note, I think it's ridiculous that a Friday the 13th game needs a Kickstarter to become a reality. I thought Until Dawn was amazing and actually sold well, so there seems to be an audience for AAA Horror games like that. I would think a AAA Friday the 13th game in the same vein would sell a lot of copies, but I could be wrong.

Either way, definitely getting this when it releases. Hoping all the camp counselors have different voice work from each other so we can get a lot of good sounds for the various kills. It better not be one voice set for males and one voice set for females. That would suck.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
So there is a promotional Beta going on right now for a few days. More details here:

Breaking: “Friday the 13th: The Game” BETA IS LIVE! -

I've watched an hour or so on a stream and there are some pretty good moments. It plays a lot like Dead by Daylight in the sense that there is one killer who is out to get the other players as they try to find means of escape. Survivors can escape by repairing communications to call the police and fleeing to them or finding car parts to repair and fuel the car to drive out of the camp.

As far as female camp counselors go, there are a few ones with interesting designs. One in sports jogging attire and another in somewhat slutty apparel with a bit of her ass cheeks hanging out. And the kills Jason can do to the survivors are pretty brutal and varied. And I believe someone mentioned that there is ass/breast jiggle physics going on with female camp counselors if you look hard enough. There is some ragdoll after the camp counselor is dealt with, but it's only if Jason or anyone walks/runs over them.

If anyone is able to do a little mini-montage video of female camp counselor deaths before the Beta is over, that would be nice.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
I actually haven't seen this myself. The kill animations that stand out to me are:
  • Pickaxe stuck in the head while he turns it.
  • Fireplace.
  • Machete kill where he pushes the character to the ground and hacks off both arms before delivering the final slash to the face.
  • Foot stomp crushing the head.
  • Handaxe decapitation.
  • Forced arm break and head removal with his bare hands.
  • Fire poker through the mouth.
As for the game itself, it seemed a lot of fun when I was watching streams of it. The only thing that seems a bit unfair is Jason teleporting into grabs which can lead into instant kills. I know it's only a beta and with no release date in sight yet, I'm sure they'll get it all sorted out and balanced. Thanks for that video, Rag40.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
No problem, man.

Yeah, some of those kills are awesome. I love the fire poker kill, but the thing that kind of upset me with that one is that the camera zooms in too close and we couldn't see her legs kicking then going still. You can see it fully in the Pax West video that I posted earlier in this thread. It's supposed to end in a nice spread eagle death pose, but in the beta the game zooms in too far and cuts their lower body off screen. Hopefully that was just the beta version.

Oh, and I agree about the teleport grab. The good thing is that tons of people are complaining about it over on the forums so I assume it is being looked at. I actually really hope they don't rush the game out the door or anything. They should take their time and get it right so the game doesn't die out. The devs seem pretty cool and they kept insisting that this was an actual beta and not a glorified demo like most other betas are.

Anyway, I also want to see what the clothing options are for the characters. I bought the DLC clothing options, but I am assuming there will be some other ones to unlock in the main game. That should be cool.

All in all, I am looking forward to checking it out when it releases. Should be fun.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
The campfire poker kill is what sold me on the game, but you rarely get to see it because nothing of importance is around the campfire. Hopefully that will change in the release version.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Yeah, some of those kills are awesome. I love the fire poker kill, but the thing that kind of upset me with that one is that the camera zooms in too close and we couldn't see her legs kicking then going still. You can see it fully in the Pax West video that I posted earlier in this thread. It's supposed to end in a nice spread eagle death pose, but in the beta the game zooms in too far and cuts their lower body off screen. Hopefully that was just the beta version.
That certainly is a shame. Legs kicking whether futilely or involuntarily is one of my favorites. That's why the fireplace kill is one of my favorite ones here.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
That certainly is a shame. Legs kicking whether futilely or involuntarily is one of my favorites. That's why the fireplace kill is one of my favorite ones here.

Yeah, agreed. Although, there is a saving grace. When you die you get to spectate other players and as you are spectating them you have full control over the camera. Well, it's not a free cam, but you can choose which counselor to watch and spin the camera any way you want. You can also zoom in and out. The cool thing is that you don't lose control even when the counselor gets put into a cinematic kill. So that should help in getting full camera views of every kill animation.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Game is out and I've been playing it all night.

+wonderful selection of new killing moves in Jason's arsenal. You have to unlock them all but nothing (so far) is expensive, I could unlock the ones I wanted to see after only a few matches. In addition to the known ones (punch the head off, eye gouge, one-handed choke) there is a healthy dose of wrestling moves like a bearhug, body slam and backbreaker. There's also a slow two-handed choke where the victim's dying expression gradually changes. And those are just the shared kills; each version of Jason has at least 3 unique weapon kills.
+the hair effect is greatly improved, although lighting on it is a bit glitchy

-no more new female counselors, there are three new males and that's it
-no match replays. Live recordings are the only way to get any footage
-no single player until "Summer," according to the faq :(
-ragdolls are still awful. I'm sure some people find them funny but I really wish I could turn them off
-the match intro no longer has Tiffany getting killed, instead it's a guy in a navy blue shirt


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 26, 2009
Thought I'd bump this up. Seems like they are putting out 80's swimsuit DLC costumes. Seems like it might revive this game in terms of ryona content.

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