Gagged Reactions V3.1 - Bondage & Breathplay themed dialogue (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Dec 16, 2011
So I've been sitting on this concept for a while now, poking and prodding at my old version for literally weeks until I decided I'd just re-write the whole damn thing.

"Gagged Reactions" is exactly what it says on the tin: A dialogue designed to be used when "she" is gagged with a ring, dental, plug or other open-mouthed gag, for fans of bondage and/or breathplay.

Most dialogues rely on... well, actual dialogue, which this lacks. Apart from a "dialogue loaded" message at the very start, there are no words in this script, it's all just actions. As far as I know this is the only dialogue of this kind that currently exists but I will point out that I am very lazy and didn't look very hard.


EDIT: Ever since Sby released the gaggedidalog mod, this mod now includes some actual dialogue! Albiet dialogue that is still intended to be used with the submissive gagged. However, this mod now works as a normal dialogue mod as well. If you don't want her to speak while using it, simply don't use the gaggeddialog mod alongside it.

EDIT 2: Updated the file to contain a version of each dialogue without speech or thoughts for those who prefer zero dialogue whatsoever.


Gagged Reactions consists of 4 "Chapters" wherein you, the dominant, train a submissive character to enjoy being facefucked and choked. Chapters are progressed by making the submissive cum a set amount of times. In Chapter 1, the submissive is defiant and unwilling, and making them orgasm is difficult. In Chapter 2, they become frightened and unsure, still uncompliant, but easier to make orgasm. By Chapter 3, the submissive is still unwilling, but slowly starting to come around and orgasms much easier, and in Chapter 4 - the current "final" chapter, the submissive is completely smitten, eagerly services the dominant and can orgasm at the drop of a hat.

Includes two versions: "HET" for all you straight folks and lesbians, and "GAY" for men of culture such as myself (and anybody who enjoys futa.)

- Added "speechless" dialogue options to folder, allowing for zero dialogue or thoughts and reactions only once again.

- Added new dialogue, allowing this to work as a normal dialogue mod as well as with Sby's gaggeddialog.
- Fixed a few minor syntax and flow errors.
- Added responses for more linetypes.
- Enabled functionality without gags.
- Made "her" orgasms more complex and varied.
- Updated to work with newer versions of mods.

- Hotfix for a few broken lines of dialogue that weren't triggering due to double ":"s being used

- Fixed Dialogue boxes showing up (Thank you DigitalSmutExports DigitalSmutExports )
- Reduced amount of coughing submissive does
- Altered orgasm parameters for submissive
- Removed white flash on submissive orgasm during Chapter 4

-SDT Loader
-MakeHerCum_V1.0 (for Yaoi/Futa dialogue)
-GaggedDialogV1 (if you want the submissive to speak while gagged)


Gagged Reactions
32.1 KB · Views: 958

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Content Creator
Sep 12, 2018

Dialogdisplayedit has triggers which allow you to set styles within the dialogue w/o the user having to tinker with the settings file. Check out the dde documentation if you're interested, it's fairly straightforward if memory serves me well.


Content Creator
Dec 16, 2011

Dialogdisplayedit has triggers which allow you to set styles within the dialogue w/o the user having to tinker with the settings file. Check out the dde documentation if you're interested, it's fairly straightforward if memory serves me well.

UPDATE: Managed to figure out how to get it working! Thank you for the advice, I'm uploading V2 now, which will probably go on the Resources page.

Bold of you to assume I know how to work with DialogueDisplayEdit.

For some reason that particular mod acts funky for me, I've downloaded it several times but no matter what changes I make to the settings file it never seems to actually do anything. It took me like 8 tries to finally get the background boxes to vanish.

That said, I'll take another look next time I'm working on stuff, if I can get it to automatically hide the dialogue boxes that will be a good workaround for my issue. I appreciate the heads up!
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Content Creator
Dec 16, 2011
Released version 3 to include actual dialogue thanks to Sby releasing GaggedDialogV1. This dialogue still works on its own without that mod but now you can have the submissive speak if you want them to, and it doubles as a normal dialogue mod, too.

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