Gears Of War 4 (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Gears of War 4 will release 11 October 2016 on Xbox One and PC/Win10 , It is Developed by The Coalition and Published by Microsoft , It is a Third Person Shooter game Similar to the style of Resident Evil 4/5/6

- Playable Female Character (Until now )


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She is Playable in the main Campaign either through a Splitscreen Co-Op or Online Co-Op , She is also playable in Horde mode and i guess she is playable in multiplayer too


She is Kait's Mother , She is Playable in Multiplayer mode
The game was leaked in some places early , I didnt browse that much in videos but I found out about this interesting vore ryona


They are Creatures that eats and swallow the player whole by catching them by their tentacles , Swallow and devour them through their mouths and finally keep them inside their bulgy stomach , If the player you take control is the one eaten then the moment it grabs you then the camera switches into first person and see its tentacles approaching you then you get to dive into its mouth and stomach in First Person view and gets eaten , Consumed and swallowed whole , While you are trapped in its stomach then you see your surrounding like normal but with a reddish filter indicating that you are eaten inside a reddish flesh stomach and the camera walks whenever the monster walks and the monster has got a very big bulge due to swallowing the player , If one of your partners is the one eaten and engulfed then you got to see her being eaten and swallowed whole in third person view through your eyes , I am yet to see a gameover while the player is inside the monster's stomach so i don't know what will happen in that case and i am yet also to see a close up shot of a partner getting eaten so that i can rate the animation , And Just like Resident Evil 6 there is a critical health mode for the player that the character will be in a critical health and will crawl and either a partner will heal her or the monster will catch her , the vore scene happens only in that critical mode

Here is a video for lovely kait getting eaten and swallowed whole in first person , It is from a Split Screen Co-Op game from the PC version , She is the screen on the bottom , it nearly starts at 6:47

I hope that if anyone knows more ryona in this game then i would be glad if the user posts it so that we all enjoy the ryona of this game
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Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
I haven't played the full game yet, but I did see that livestream that they had of Horde Mode about a month or so ago. The Snatcher was one of the bosses that they needed to face. From what I saw, when you or someone else gets devoured, the other members of the squad will have a limited amount of time to shoot the belly and if they do enough damage it will burst open and release the player. If the victim is not saved in time the Snatcher will eventually release the remains on the floor, but their body will be in pieces. It wasn't all that great, unfortunately. I guess if you are into the whole vore thing, it may be right up your alley, though.

I do want to see all the different executions that can be done. Also, sound is a big part of ryona for me, so I want to hear how the voice actresses do. Also, as a fan of female vs female stuff, is every enemy in this game pretty much a beastly dude? That will suck, but I guess that's been par for the course for Gears games.

Also, it kind of stinks that you can't choose to play as Kait in a single player campaign. I would rather make JD the AI bot, lol. I know you can choose her in a co-op campaign, but I am not going to go around and make another player suffer as I try to figure out the ryona in the game, lol.

Anyway, regardless of all my bitching, I am still looking forward to playing this game. Won't be able to get to it until Friday, though.

Deleted member 31

I played a bunch of co-op of this game and there's surprisingly a couple good ryona animations in the game. When I get the time I'll experiment with horde mode and see what I can do.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
I played a bunch of co-op of this game and there's surprisingly a couple good ryona animations in the game. When I get the time I'll experiment with horde mode and see what I can do.

That will be excellent from you and I am waiting for it , the game was launched earlier this month and i am yet to see a single ryona video for Kait :( , maybe the game being a X1/Win10 exclusive and Kait being playable in a non-direct way in the main campaign and only fully playable in horde mode had reduced the percentage of people making a video , Also someone like Nyora on youtube makes his/her videos two or three days after release but i guess as he/she is a Japanese and X1/PC is niche market there prevented him/her from making a video

I am really waiting for your videos :)


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
For some reason Fraps doesn't work with the Windows 10 version of Gears 4, so I can't even record anything. Might have to find an alternative recording program if this is how it's going to be for future Windows 10 games...

Regarding the game itself, I enjoyed the campaign. I like Kait, but man, for me the ryona kind of sucked, lol. Maybe Tonug can come up with some cool stuff, though.

As I said in the past, audio is really important for me when it comes to ryona and they reduced the amount of sounds that characters make upon death. In past Gears games, there was a different death sound for when a character gets "gibbed". It would usually be like a short scream or choke sound as they get blown up. But now they don't make any sound for those types of deaths. Also, during the execution animations there is no sound whatsoever from the victim. That also sucks.

There are some nice unlockable characters. Sam, Anya and a female Gear are among them. I only have Anya unlocked, but the unfortunate thing is that they didn't even re-record new voice acting for her MP character. She makes the same sounds as she did in Gears 3. That was kind of surprising.

The ragdolls are really loose and flimsy, but sometimes you get a decent death pose out of them. I also really like the gasping sounds Kait makes as she is downed and crawling around.

I played a solo Horde match to see what the Pouncer death looked like and it was also a letdown. The leadup animation is cool where it pins you to the ground and the character struggles to get up. Eventually, those crazy tounges pop out of the Pouncer's mouth and it bites down. But then it just shoots into a generic ragdoll animation. I thought it was going to be something more than that.

Sorry for the rant, but yeah, this was kind of disappointing from a ryona standpoint for me. Still enjoyed the game for it's other aspects, though. Just wanted to post my thoughts on the matter. I have really specific tastes, though, so you guys may enjoy it anyway. I am really anal when it comes to certain things, lol.


Deleted member 31

No you're right though. From what I remember there's not much if anything to do with this game ryona wise. Someone could probably make a deaths compilation but thats about it.


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 10, 2010
There is this video. Whether or not it is what you were looking for or wanted in a video, I don't know... Found it just searching YouTube.

Thanks for posting this! I definitely wouldn't have seen some of these without this vid being put together. I haven't played a lot of the game, but I think Kait is pretty sexy :)


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Thanks Carl for posting this video :) We hope to see another one for Monsters ryona and that would be perfect

And Hi Crimson , Didn't see you for a long time :)


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 10, 2010
Thanks Carl for posting this video :) We hope to see another one for Monsters ryona and that would be perfect

And Hi Crimson , Didn't see you for a long time :)

Hi Boundy :) I've cut back on ryona consumption considerably, but still make sure to check Undertow every day, ha ha. Folks are always up to something.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Here is some more videos towards Gears of War 4.

Another from "Ryan Hinto", apparently this one is Kait in a different outfit, but from the perspective of the player.

These two come from YouTube user "immortal Midway" with Kait being disposed of in a variety of ways in montage format. There are two parts.

I apologize if, again, this isn't what you guys wanted. Just thought I'd share what I ran into towards the game.

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