Sorry for hijacking this thread with my musings and updates about this fool's errand of physics and dismemberment (which will all be obsolete before too long when better implementations are released by people with actual modding talent, unlike me).
I figured I might as well share these files to save a bit of trouble for anyone who wants to experiment with this.
The attached zip has
two files, one is the edited "FFB with perfect mutilation V1"
FemaleBody.nif file from
this mod. (You still need to download that mod for the rest of the files!). You'd put this nif in .../Data/meshes/actors/character/characterassets/.
The edits are just that I added the breast physics from "CBBE Body Physics" (credit to the creators of CBBE and BodySlide) to FFB dismemberment-supporting body. (and that there are two bodies on top of / inside each other to minimize seams)
The second file is my custom
preset for a body that looks very similar to FFB, built from the CBBE Curvy preset. The nipples and breast shape and torso are still slightly different, but it's "close enough" for me.
You'd put this file in .../Data/Tools/BodySlide/SliderPresets/.
You could use this preset to "Batch Build" all CBBE outfits to match the approximate shape of the FFB body, so there's not a huge disconnect between clothed and naked female bodies in-game.
Note: This female body nif will only change the appearance of nude bodies, and using it WILL break the appearance of most/all clothed female bodies. It's just to test out, back up all your relevant files before you try this. As the creators say, these physics are "alpha" and not officially supported, nor intended to be used for full playthrough yet.
If you like the results and want to try playing the game with this body, you'll want to do the following for EACH outfit/armor in the game, assuming you already Batch Built with the preset, so the static outfits should already match the FFB shape:
[Disclaimer: I'm still a noob with BodySlide, none of this is authoritative, I'm just repeating what worked for me]
-Select the CBBE Body Physics body in BodySlide.
-Select my "FFB-like" slider preset (or make your own) to shape the CBBE Body Physics body into approximate FFB shape.
-"Build" the physics body, but keep in mind this will overwrite the actual FFB dismemberment body, so rename the physics body (we'll be using it as a reference, but not in-game).
-Open Outfit Studio via BodySlide, select Load Reference, and choose the physics body you just built.
-Now load the outfit you want to add breast physics for via the Load Outfit option.
-(Some outfits have multiple parts [like a separate body mesh in addition to the reference];
you need to do the following three things for each mesh that includes bits of armor/skin on the torso/breast area)
-Right-click the mesh from the list on the right
-Select "Build Skin Partitions" from the dropdown list
-When that's done, select "Copy Bone Weights" from the same dropdown list
-Choose Export NIF (don't include the reference) from the File tab, and save it over the existing outfit mesh (maybe make backups?)
I haven't figured out how to make breast physics work on outfits that already have cloth physics (like most dresses/skirts). It breaks the skirt physics and the breasts stay static.
If you have just breast physics on naked body, it will break any clothing you or female NPCs wear. If you try to leave the naked body static and just do breast physics on clothes, your naked body will have broken/warped breasts. So it's necessary to copy the weights to ALL clothing and armor, which is a tedious process.
This process will surely be automated for whatever "HDT physics" for Fallout 4 is eventually released, but I just couldn't wait, so I wasted hours testing all this junk out. Good luck, if you attempt. Or, just wait for the real modders to find a superior solution.
One day we will have awesome physics and full dismemberment with all outfits and that will be a great day.