Horizon City Wars (zako management game) (2 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Aug 22, 2021
Disclaimer: This game is a spiritual successor of Capital City Wars by user Strix. All credit to the original idea belong to them. This game is managed and played independently from its predecessor.

Premise: The goal of Horizon City Wars is to forge your own zako organization by following your zako dreams, gathering power and wealth by fighting other zako groups and shaping the city to your personal needs.

Setting: Horizon City has recently gained its independence from the surrounding nation. The city-state is now very vulnerable to every group or individual that seek power and glory. Gangs, corporations, and other governments are attempting to fill the blank space within the small nation. The time is the near-future where super tech is rare but starting to fall into the hands of major players.

How to Play

– Select a location on the map. That will be the base of operations for your group. The areas surrounded in blue are government monitored/controlled and the area in green is military monitored/controlled but the daring can setup shop there. Just be warned that they will send the full force of the government to maintain control of those areas.

Build Your Organization – Your group starts out small in Horizon City. If they’re part of a larger organization, this city isn’t deemed worth the resources to put any large investment of resources into it. You must first select the type of organization. Then you get to spend 6 (!!!) points on the attributes listed below. Finally, you select the lethality of preference for your group. Please introduce your group with a small blurb and a picture of your uniform and logo.

Organization Types
– This group is considered a new branch of an ever-evolving mega corporation. As such, this group has access to more resources than other groups within Horizon City, but when they setup shop they also setup signs. They receive bonuses to resources and technology but a penalty to stealth.

Cult – This group is considered a group of fanatical believers to a faith or cause. As such, this group has a steady stream of disenfranchised people. They receive bonuses to discipline and stealth but a penalty to intelligence.

Government – This group is considered to be sponsored by the government even if not directly associated with them. As such, this group can get away with a lot and the city helps support their activities with money and recruits. They receive a bonus to size and resources but a penalty to combat experience.

Insurgency – This group is considered a cell of a terrorist organization attempting to strike fear into the heart of Horizon City and everything it and its people stand for. As such, this group is proficient with guerrilla warfare tactics but draw the ire of the local government. They receive a bonus to combat experience and stealth but a penalty to public relations.

School Club – This group is considered a bunch of students and their friends filling out extracurricular activities. As such, this group is well-rounded and excellent for fledgling organizations. They receive one extra point to spend on attributes.

Street Gang – This group is considered a bunch of locals devoted to one cause or another be it legal or illegal. As such, this group knows the streets and vice-versa. They receive a bonus to intelligence and public relations but a penalty to resources.

Combat Experience
– This attribute gives your organization the ability to hold their own in a fight. Zero represents a group that has never been trained and six represents years of experience, training, or recruiting the best of the best.

Discipline – This attribute gives your organization the ability to obey orders and do what you want when you want. Zero represents a group that only listens to you if its in their interest and six represents a group who will march against a military firing squad.

Intelligence – This attribute gives your organization the ability know what is happening where and when in the city. Zero represents a group that doesn’t even watch the news or read a paper and six represents a complicated intelligence network where nothing happens without you noticing.

Public Relations – This attribute gives your organization the ability to be ignored by the people, city officials, and the military. Zero represents a group that the city actively hunts down and six represents a group that could kill a cop in broad daylight without anyone batting an eye.

Resources – This attribute gives your organization the ability to fund their operation and expand/upgrade the group. Zero represents a group that can barely finance a used car and six represents an amount of resources capable of purchasing up whole districts of the city.

Size – This attribute gives your organization the ability to control large areas through sheer numbers and take/absorb losses smaller groups would crumble under. Zero represents a small team of up to three people and six represents thousands of individuals.

Stealth – This attribute gives your organization the ability to operate under the radar of others. Zero represents a group that wears flashy colors, posting everything they do online and six represents a league of shadows only known by its own members.

Technology – This attribute gives your organization the ability to field the most bleeding edge technology. Zero represents a group that fields garbage and a six represents experimental tech capable enhancing even the lowliest zako to a super killing machine.


– This group setting means that when your zako enter into fights they carry real weapons, don’t care about the lives of others, or simply believe that a dead person is one that can’t mess with you.

Nonlethal – This group setting means that when your zako enter into fights they actively use techniques or weapons that subdue opponents rather than maim or kill.

Mixed – This group setting means that when your zako enter into fights they bring a combination of techniques to bear. Some member use lethal methods while others can’t or won’.

Playing the Game – Every week you can select an action and reaction for your group to perform with the first week being to setup shop in town. The action is an agenda that you set out for your zakos for the week. The more time you give them in a week the more they are likely to do. The reaction is something you have your zako group respond to and that typically is based on intelligence received, the city news, or the actions of another group directly affecting your own.

Actions and reactions are limited to your imagination but some examples are listed below:


Stakeout a Location: Learn what you learn about a particular location and its inhabitants.

Perform Petty Crimes: Your zako group robs people and business to increase its resources.

Form a Press Gang: You force people to join your organization.

Attack a Zako Group’s Turf: You actively attack a rival organization.

Perform Acts of Charity: You improve the selected for the people.


Follow a Lead: You heard something through the grapevine and want to shake some trees.

Take Your Injured to a Hospital: You suffered some casualties during a recent scuffle and want to quickly regain your fighting force.

Bribe an Official: Your group wants the government to look away from something they noticed.

Simply decide and describe what you would like your group to be doing and where with a short description of how you want them to do it.

Example: The Paperpushers are a new school-type organization that wants to bolster their membership by doing college campus recruiting and handing out fliers for their action. They also saw an opposing school-type group operating out of the same campus as them so their reaction is going to be attempting to infiltrate the other group by having some of their pledges join both clubs.

What if I want to play an individual hero or person? Keep the size at zero and invest points in what you would like them to focus on. A fighter for street justice would focus on combat experience, public relations, and intelligence. A iron-man type might focus on resources and technology.

Bonuses for Storytelling

Since this game is a shared story full of the potential for zako goodness it stands to reason that people would want to share the events of their group even though it might reveal important secrets and information to other players. Players who type up small stories about their zako or create art will receive a bonus to their actions and reactions for the next week. (Limit 1 bonus per week) That way spectators will get to see into the various groups that make up the city and hear stories from their perspectives.






Combat Experience



Public Relations






(Attach any relevant logos or art of uniforms and a picture of where you want to be based out of on the map.)



Vivacious Visitor
May 27, 2020
Hey, thanks for bringing this back. I'll use the same team:


Name: Green Catsuit Association (GCA)
Type: Government
Lethality: Mixed

Combat Experience - 0
Discipline - 2
Intelligence - 0
Public Relations - 2
Resources - 1
Size - 1
Stealth - 0
Technology - 0

Description: The all female GCA has been recently founded by a group of young females, that wanted to change the world without doing what their rich daddies told them to do. The new organization is located at a modern, glassy office park on the nothern island, in west Horizon City, where the members fastly reach all locations in the city by boat. The large empty office buildings have started to be turned into huge data centers, as they were housing the groups only and most valuable product: information. The GCA didn't care for weapons or drugs, all they bought, sold and shipped were information. And they were highly successful with brokering the currency of the 21st century thanks to the privileged families the girls originally came from: they knew alot of people, and knowing people means knowing their secrets . Therefore a lot of government agency were investing into the group and buying (or trading for) their most dirty and destructive goods on other agencies, countries, corporations or terrorist groups.
As part of their business model they try to not go to war with any other zako group and remain neutral in other's arguments, although selling secrets makes the GCA rather accepted than loved.

Disclaimer: logo ain't mine ;)

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