Content Creator
- Joined
- Jan 24, 2016
Stuntcock pointed me to this thread (Need input finishing foot mod) when I asked about the wonky layering on chest and right thigh layers. I'm making bottoms for the Thicker Ass and Legs mod and I want to use the lower chest layer too. I found this deformed rectangle that looks like it has part of a thigh indent in it.
I have placed it in my template library where I found it in the Medium Ass and Legs mod, and replaced the skin layer with one from the Thicker Ass and Legs mod, and reshaped the mask, but I'm not sure how to add it to a costume mod. I thought this code would be necessary...
Does this mean that it just exports itself with the mod, even if I don't put it on an outfit layer? Or perhaps do I need to put it on the Mods layer in the Main scene along with my costume mod, just separately? I also notice when I drag it onto a layer and double click it, the mask layer is called "Mask" but it's visible and normal.
If I do need to put it on the Mods layer, do I also need to change it to be Invisible and Mask before publishing?
I have very little coding experience, so I can't tell from looking at the Settings what needs to be done to make a costume use this and work with the current Thicker Ass and Legs.

I have placed it in my template library where I found it in the Medium Ass and Legs mod, and replaced the skin layer with one from the Thicker Ass and Legs mod, and reshaped the mask, but I'm not sure how to add it to a costume mod. I thought this code would be necessary...
import flash.display.MovieClip;
// There's a Mask which governs the overlap between CHEST costume elements (i.e. fabric covering the mons pubis) and the thigh sprite.
// We're changing the shape of the thigh, so we must also change the shape of this mask.
// Store a reference to the original mask so that we can easily reinstate it later on (when removing this mod)
g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMaskBack = (g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMask as MovieClip).getChildAt(0);
(g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMask as MovieClip).removeChildAt(0);
// Inject a copy of our new mask into the scene (in the same hierarchical position as the original mask)
var legMaskThick:MovieClip = new chestcostumemask();
(g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMask as MovieClip).addChild(legMaskThick);
// SDT code regularly adjusts the rotation of the legMask; those adjustments will now apply to our sprite since it's a child of legMask.
function removeProxies(l:Object) {
// I don't know what this line does or if it's necessary for this removeProxies function even if the costume mod doesn't include all the Thicker Ass and Legs code, maybe it doesn't belong here
var lProxy:Class = l.getLoaderClass("Modules.lProxy");
// Restore the original thigh/chest clothing mask
(g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMask as MovieClip).removeChildAt(0);
(g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMask as MovieClip).addChild(g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMaskBack);

Does this mean that it just exports itself with the mod, even if I don't put it on an outfit layer? Or perhaps do I need to put it on the Mods layer in the Main scene along with my costume mod, just separately? I also notice when I drag it onto a layer and double click it, the mask layer is called "Mask" but it's visible and normal.

If I do need to put it on the Mods layer, do I also need to change it to be Invisible and Mask before publishing?
I have very little coding experience, so I can't tell from looking at the Settings what needs to be done to make a costume use this and work with the current Thicker Ass and Legs.