How do I use this actionscript thigh mask in an outfit mod? (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Jan 24, 2016
Stuntcock pointed me to this thread (Need input finishing foot mod) when I asked about the wonky layering on chest and right thigh layers. I'm making bottoms for the Thicker Ass and Legs mod and I want to use the lower chest layer too. I found this deformed rectangle that looks like it has part of a thigh indent in it.

I have placed it in my template library where I found it in the Medium Ass and Legs mod, and replaced the skin layer with one from the Thicker Ass and Legs mod, and reshaped the mask, but I'm not sure how to add it to a costume mod. I thought this code would be necessary...
import flash.display.MovieClip;
    // There's a Mask which governs the overlap between CHEST costume elements (i.e. fabric covering the mons pubis) and the thigh sprite.
    // We're changing the shape of the thigh, so we must also change the shape of this mask.
    // Store a reference to the original mask so that we can easily reinstate it later on (when removing this mod)
    g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMaskBack = (g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMask as MovieClip).getChildAt(0);
    (g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMask as MovieClip).removeChildAt(0);
    // Inject a copy of our new mask into the scene (in the same hierarchical position as the original mask)
    var legMaskThick:MovieClip = new chestcostumemask();
    (g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMask as MovieClip).addChild(legMaskThick);
    // SDT code regularly adjusts the rotation of the legMask; those adjustments will now apply to our sprite since it's a child of legMask.
function removeProxies(l:Object) {
    // I don't know what this line does or if it's necessary for this removeProxies function even if the costume mod doesn't include all the Thicker Ass and Legs code, maybe it doesn't belong here
    var lProxy:Class = l.getLoaderClass("Modules.lProxy");
    // Restore the original thigh/chest clothing mask
    (g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMask as MovieClip).removeChildAt(0);
    (g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMask as MovieClip).addChild(g.her.torso.chestCostume.legMaskBack);


Does this mean that it just exports itself with the mod, even if I don't put it on an outfit layer? Or perhaps do I need to put it on the Mods layer in the Main scene along with my costume mod, just separately? I also notice when I drag it onto a layer and double click it, the mask layer is called "Mask" but it's visible and normal.

If I do need to put it on the Mods layer, do I also need to change it to be Invisible and Mask before publishing?
I have very little coding experience, so I can't tell from looking at the Settings what needs to be done to make a costume use this and work with the current Thicker Ass and Legs.


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Does this mean that it just exports itself with the mod, even if I don't put it on an outfit layer?
Yes, it gets included in the mod output. But it doesn't automatically do anything to influence the SDT game. Your mod must include AS3 scripting so that the sprite can be applied to the correct part of the scene (background image, chest mask, animation frame, hair segment, etc).

I have very little coding experience, so I can't tell from looking at the Settings what needs to be done to make a costume use this and work with the current Thicker Ass and Legs.
Upload your FLA file and I can send back a working copy. If you want an explanation of what each part does then I can provide it. If you simply want a working FLA project file (i.e. something which you can draw thick-thigh clothing onto without the need for any code tinkering) then we'll just leave it at that.


Content Creator
Jan 24, 2016
Yes, it gets included in the mod output. But it doesn't automatically do anything to influence the SDT game. Your mod must include AS3 scripting so that the sprite can be applied to the correct part of the scene (background image, chest mask, animation frame, hair segment, etc).

Upload your FLA file and I can send back a working copy. If you want an explanation of what each part does then I can provide it. If you simply want a working FLA project file (i.e. something which you can draw thick-thigh clothing onto without the need for any code tinkering) then we'll just leave it at that.
I suppose a working FLA project file which I can draw thick-thigh clothing onto is exactly what I want, however it's hard to turn down an explanation of how it works. I would like to know, honestly. It's simply that I don't know how to use code to do anything, it's not that I don't want to figure out how. I am new to flash, but the more I can learn, the better. Thanks for all your help with this. The FLA file I uploaded is a swimsuit I actually drew to avoid problems with the chest and thigh. (oh I almost forgot it also has the mask from medium thighs mod that you uploaded reshaped to the template I'm drawing on)


452 KB · Views: 177


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
The FLA file I uploaded is a swimsuit I actually drew to avoid problems with the chest and thigh. (oh I almost forgot it also has the mask from medium thighs mod that you uploaded reshaped to the template I'm drawing on)
There's nothing really wrong with this file. It contains a few extraneous reference elements, but it's possible to publish a working SWF file from it. Your RGB elements were setup correctly. I've added the AS3 script for the thigh mask, although it's not actually needed for this particular mod.


I've used the .mod file extension because this is technically a Loader mod. It will behave like a vanilla import (i.e. it's usable with moreClothing) but it won't actually be compatible with the vanilla SDT game. The vanilla code has a few notable omissions; it can't handle BRA and PANTIES imports, for example. We're able to use those categories in our work because @sby's template extension fills those gaps in the SDT code.

If you want to ensure vanilla compatibility then you can generally just recategorize your PANTIES mods as BOTTOMS. The layering is less precise, of course. Your panties might not be compatible with (i.e. fit underneath) skirts and pants created by other modders. For something like bikini bottoms which we don't expect users to combine with other BOTTOMS mods, this workaround is fairly reliable.

My repackaging of the Thick Thighs mod uses Loader scripting, so it might seem like a waste of time to worry about vanilla users or BOTTOMS workarounds. But @Patrice's original work actually is vanilla-compatible, so we shouldn't just ignore the idea entirely. If you're comfortable releasing your work in Loader format then that's fine, of course! Just be sure to let people know (i.e. in your mod's description or tags) about any prerequisites or conflicts that might arise.


By the way: Flash handles lines in a somewhat non-obvious way. When you assign a thickness, Flash tries to present this same thickness to the viewer at all times. But there's a problem: zoom levels. When the entire object is 20px tall, a 1px border makes sense. But if the viewer zooms in and the object appears 200px wide, then a 1px border seems very thin. The relative thickness of the outline will seem to change whenever zoom is used. This quirk does not apply to the core SDT artwork (such as the girl's body) because the outline which you see there aren't actually lines; they're fills which resemble lines.

You can apply this same technique to your work by choosing the appropriate line thickness in Flash and then "baking it in". Just select the line and then use the main menu: Modify > Shape > Convert Lines to Fills. Please note that this operation is irreversible and potentially destructive. If you subsequently decide to tweak the appearance of your object then it's a pain-in-the-ass to manipulate your new "shape-ified" outline. Therefore it's a good idea to keep a backup copy of your lines: just right-click the layer which contains the lines and choose "Duplicate" from the context menu. You can then rename it (to "Bra Outline (backup copy)" or whatever) and toggle it into a hidden Guide. You can then Convert your actual outlines into a fill shape.

And if you ever decide to tweak the object (e.g. to create a Medium-Thigh variant of your Thigh-Thigh costume) then you can just discard your shape-ified outline layer, reinstate the backup outline layer, adjust nodes and Beziers as needed, make another backup of the layer, and do the Convert Lines to Fills operation again.


If you want me to explain (or fix) the chest+legs FLA file then you'll need to upload it.

If you'd prefer to explore the Flash tools on your own then you should be able to make a copy of the revised StringPantiesWithReference.fla file (since it contains an "active" instance of your thick-leg-edited Mask). You can then copy-paste the new artwork (chest, back, rightThigh, etc) from your previous FLA project file into the copied file (which you've renamed to SexyBeltAndShirtForThiccLady.fla or whatever). You'll need to tinker a bit with the scripts (mostly the registerMod statements) in order to get Flash to publish the correct elements, but you seem to have already figured out that part of the creation process :)


Content Creator
Jan 24, 2016
Thanks so much! When I get home I'll paste the parts of a lowrise pencil skirt I was working on that I couldn't get quite right without the chest layer into the new StringPantiesWithReference.fla you provided, and see if I can use it correctly. I could only get so far with the waistline restrictions that came with avoiding the chest layer.

I didn't know about the line-fills, that information helps quite a bit. I certainly don't want my lines appearing to change thickness in-game. I'll post my stuff in a new thread once I finish a couple outfits.

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