Huit's loader imports (5 Viewers)


Content Creator
Feb 6, 2014
The 3rd one down suggests that the slant sort of flattens out as it wraps around her, before dipping down again into the V. Something like a cubic function curve. But the problem is that there are at least 2 variations to the outfit in the screenshots.
Ooook after two days I finally managed to understand what you mean (apparently my english isn't that good). Thanks for your input !

About the inconsistency of the references : her "main" outfit is the stockings' version, she's wearing a pants with this tops on rare occasions.


Content Creator
Aug 23, 2019
hey, im having trouble with these bikini top straps, getting the "derelict elements" i think youve been calling them. using sby's loaderpack 11 and moreclothing V7_1.

ive tried a couple different ways of loading your bikini mods:

-when I have moreclothing init loaded and bikini mods in moreclothing folder and adjusted settings with :Body>CostumeBra, loading one of your bikinis works fine, subsequent loads of your bikinis get the strap malfunction
-when i have moreclothing init loaded and load bikinis manually, loading one of your bikinis works fine, subsequent loads of your bikinis get the strap malfunction
-when i dont load moreclothing and load bikinis manually, loading and unloading your bikini mods all work fine.

ive read through this thread and it looks like you reuploaded your bikini mods with a fix (im assuming the :Body portion? im not entirely sure), but im not sure why im still getting these previously found issues. Not sure if im doing something wrong. do these still work within moreclothing v7_1?

edit: also tried the loading leash first in moreclothing settings to the get dynamichairextenderV5.8(?) loaded before anything else, no change


Content Creator
Feb 6, 2014

I successfully reproduce the error (yeah !) and yes, there is something fucky with the shoulder straps for the bikinis loaded after the first one. I tried with a previous version of moreclothing and there is still the same error.
It's been a while but I think that's not the same error with the straps as the one describe previously in this thread (edit: I fixed the images and yeah, that's not the same bug). Besides, the relevant part of the dynamic library is embeded in the mods (I think ?), so don't bother with the leash.

I'm afraid I have no clue about of to fix this, sorry.


Content Creator
Aug 23, 2019
no problem, wasnt sure as i couldnt see the images before. probably some of the best bra mods on here, just loading one manually and works fine and is good enough for me


Content Creator
Feb 6, 2014
no problem, wasnt sure as i couldnt see the images before. probably some of the best bra mods on here, just loading one manually and works fine and is good enough for me
Thanks for the kind words and for being understanding.

Heads up, the link to the Kan-u Unchou outfit download page is broken.
Link fixed. Thanks for the feedback.

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