It's very sad to say this(though in this case it's still a good thing for me) but it took till just now to stumble back across this when I stumbled on the program in my new computer when I transferred files over from my old one. While playing...What is it 1.8? I thought about(again) how it'd be cool for a stomach inflation. Stumbling back across this place, it dawned on me to do a search for a thread I opened up a year ago. I assumed like other boards it'd be a thread that had somewhere between 2 to 5 posts 2nding and 3rding it but eventually dieing out only to see it labeled under 'Filled Requests' which(from the sheer shock) made me go "You fuckin shittin me? :o".
I kinda feel ashamed because since it actually was not only worked on but stabilized(albeit with ONE minor gripe which I'll mention elsewhere...maybe.) and fit for human(and otherwise?) consumption, and the one thing I never got to say till now.
Thank You! Each and every person who worked on it.
I bet at least one person was like "Wtf did the OP go?"
I kinda half expected the board to not even exist anymore, glad I was wrong.
I kinda feel ashamed because since it actually was not only worked on but stabilized(albeit with ONE minor gripe which I'll mention elsewhere...maybe.) and fit for human(and otherwise?) consumption, and the one thing I never got to say till now.
Thank You! Each and every person who worked on it.
I bet at least one person was like "Wtf did the OP go?"
I kinda half expected the board to not even exist anymore, glad I was wrong.