- Joined
- Sep 18, 2018

Our first outfit pack for Control. For some technical help and suggestions thx to SilverEzredes and alphaZomega.
Contain such things:
1. Civilian dark, top/bottoms.
2. Civililian lacquer, top (jacket only).
3. Civilian latex top/bottoms, 2 types of pockets - latex and more regular one, also jacket with raven image version available.
4. Civilian leather, top/bottoms.
5. Tactical dark, bottoms.
6. Tactical latex, bottoms.
Each part can combined with another one, i.e. you can choose latex bottoms and combine in with dark top, or any other top from nexusmods.
* For SweetFX plugin, dark t-shirt/tactic jacket and boots look on nexus. It's just my gameplay setup, they not included in the archives.
Download: 1.0.zip
Q: How to install/use?
A: 1. First you will need an .dll from here Loose Files Loader, put in root folder of the game, for example E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Control
2. Put choosen files into E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Control\data_pc\textures\characters\andro\jesse\ folder. "bottoms" to "bottoms", "tops" to "tops", etc. If folder has name, for example "bottoms_latex_kind_pockets", then put files from this folder to "bottoms".
Q: Is it possible to completetly delete pockets on latex pants? How about model switch? New onces?
A. Answer is no for all 3 questions, until exporter will be done, or manual packaging way will be found, or skilled C/C++/C# programmer will join Control modding community. For more information read Control Nude Mod? [Request]
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Update 1.1.
1. Silver kind for all civilian parts outfit.
2. Silver kind pants for tactical outfit.
3. Fixed side pockets for latex tactical outfit.
4. Fixed leather pants.
To get "tex" effect on tactical remove jesse_tactical_pants_n.tex file.
Download: 1.1.zip
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