Ryonani Teamster
- Joined
- Mar 1, 2010
The below is a copy and paste of what I posted over at the disturbedthings forum. So it's gonna be vore related. You can find the other instances of ryona below this.
And here's my list for Ryonani. There are some spoilers.
Here's a picture of Gretchen for those interested:
Knights' Contract is a hack and slash game for the PS3 and 360. You play an immortal knight named Heinrich who must defend an attractive mortal witch named Gretchen. If you get cut down then the enemies get a chance to get at Gretchen. There are 3 vore capable enemies in the game. I'll list them here. Possible spoilers if you're interested in the game.
1. Giant dog creature - The creature is just that. Imagine a giant hairless dog. If it catches Gretchen it will start chomping down on her lower half. If you're not quick enough to free her it will swallow her up feet first. Unfortunately there's no noticeable bulge.
2. Giant snake - A boss near the second half of the game has control over two large snakes. Given a chance one of the snakes may lunge out to grab the Witch. If it does it will close its mouth around the entire body of the witch and slowly chew. There's no blood as far as I can tell. If you don't save her the snake will tilt its head back and swallow her. Then it will open its now empty mouth to roar. No bulge here either.
3. Prolapse Boss - This boss appears late in the game. Imagine a giant prolapsed anus with teeth attached to an equally giant severed torso. It can launch out a smaller mouth to grab Gretchen before pulling her in head first into the larger mouth. Again, if you're not quick enough it will quickly gobble her down. It will lick its "lips" with the smaller mouth after finishing.
The game itself isn't all that great. It's difficult to make heads or tails of many of the late game areas. The rooms look exactly the same and it's incredibly difficult to get your bearings. Also many of the bosses have quick time events once you drain them of their health. If you fail any part of the event the boss will regain nearly a 3rd of its health and you'll have to fight it again. You also have to watch the same quick time event over again, most of which are pretty lengthy. Still the vore scenes are quite enjoyable. Though most of the time a nasty red filter covers the screen whenever the witch is in trouble. So it can be a little hard to see the action.
Vore: 8/10
Game: 5/10
And here's my list for Ryonani. There are some spoilers.
(I don't remember most of the official names so I'm sure I'm spelling many of these wrong. Sorry again.)
- Large Zombie -
This is an enemy you fight often. There are different variations but they all have the same grab. They'll grab Gretchen with their left hand and raise up there right. Given enough time they'll smack Gretchen upside the head, killing her. Kind of weak I know.
- Sword Knight -
Large armored enemies that become common throughout the game. If it grabs Gretchen it'll raise its sword up and impale her through the stomach. Then it will raise the sword above its head with her still attached before tossing her off.
- Mace Knight -
Again pretty common enemies. They are like the knights except their hands are replaced with giant maces. They will stomp on Gretchen's stomach, holding her down while raising its maces above its head. After which it will swing both maces down onto her.
- Phantoms -
These are flying enemies armed with tridents, spears, and staffs. They cast spells at you while flying around. They catch Gretchen by jamming their weapon into the ground, creating a glyph that traps her. They will then stab her through the stomach.
- Spider -
Small spiders that launch webs made of hair. They will stab Gretchen in the stomach after grabbing her.
- Small Golem -
Late in the game you'll start to run into golems. They will bear hug Gretchen. Eventually snapping her back and throwing her down.
- Large Golem -
Sort of a miniboss. These large golems will grab Gretchen with both hands, squeezing and then smashing her into the ground.
- Large Reaper -
Also a miniboss. It's kind of like the phantom except larger. After grabbed Gretchen it will flick its scythe across her neck. No decapitation.
- Straeggele -
This is a real interesting boss. She is another witch who has wide bones jutting from her chest. Like a bear trap she can use these to grab Gretchen and squeeze her to death.
- Straeggele part 2 -
Straeggele undergoes a transformation into a large rather indescribable boss. Imagine a three legged monster with a long head, it's mouth splitting it laterally. Unfortunately that mouth plays no part in its grab. It will snatch up Gretchen with a free hand and squeeze. Then it will slam her into the ground.
- Fire Witch -
This witch is armed with a large spear. She will simply stab Gretchen through the stomach a few times before raising her up above her head and tossing her.
- Sword wielding man (I don't remember his name) -
Simply a man wielding a sword. If he grabs Gretchen he will stab her in the face or chest.
- Trundala -
A giant witch. She looks like a purple ogre, with little in the way of female features. The second time you fight her she has the ability to transform into a purple cloud to warp to other areas. If Gretchen is in the cloud's way when it passes then Trundala will reappear with Gretchen in her hand. She will eventually crush Gretchen in her hand.
- Rapunzel -
Another witch. She takes on the form of a giant spider. The abdomen is replaced with a giant face with blonde hair. The spider will grab Gretchen with its Spider mouth, shaking her around. It will then toss her back towards the abdomen where the hair there reaches out and stabs her, eventually tossing her back onto the floor.
- Second to last boss -
This boss is basically a man attached to a monsters body. He will cast an orb that pulls Gretchen up to the human body. He will then impale her with his left arm.
- Last Boss -
One last Witch. She will grab Gretchen by the head with one hand. It then looks like she snaps her neck with that one hand.
- Large Zombie -
This is an enemy you fight often. There are different variations but they all have the same grab. They'll grab Gretchen with their left hand and raise up there right. Given enough time they'll smack Gretchen upside the head, killing her. Kind of weak I know.
- Sword Knight -
Large armored enemies that become common throughout the game. If it grabs Gretchen it'll raise its sword up and impale her through the stomach. Then it will raise the sword above its head with her still attached before tossing her off.
- Mace Knight -
Again pretty common enemies. They are like the knights except their hands are replaced with giant maces. They will stomp on Gretchen's stomach, holding her down while raising its maces above its head. After which it will swing both maces down onto her.
- Phantoms -
These are flying enemies armed with tridents, spears, and staffs. They cast spells at you while flying around. They catch Gretchen by jamming their weapon into the ground, creating a glyph that traps her. They will then stab her through the stomach.
- Spider -
Small spiders that launch webs made of hair. They will stab Gretchen in the stomach after grabbing her.
- Small Golem -
Late in the game you'll start to run into golems. They will bear hug Gretchen. Eventually snapping her back and throwing her down.
- Large Golem -
Sort of a miniboss. These large golems will grab Gretchen with both hands, squeezing and then smashing her into the ground.
- Large Reaper -
Also a miniboss. It's kind of like the phantom except larger. After grabbed Gretchen it will flick its scythe across her neck. No decapitation.
- Straeggele -
This is a real interesting boss. She is another witch who has wide bones jutting from her chest. Like a bear trap she can use these to grab Gretchen and squeeze her to death.
- Straeggele part 2 -
Straeggele undergoes a transformation into a large rather indescribable boss. Imagine a three legged monster with a long head, it's mouth splitting it laterally. Unfortunately that mouth plays no part in its grab. It will snatch up Gretchen with a free hand and squeeze. Then it will slam her into the ground.
- Fire Witch -
This witch is armed with a large spear. She will simply stab Gretchen through the stomach a few times before raising her up above her head and tossing her.
- Sword wielding man (I don't remember his name) -
Simply a man wielding a sword. If he grabs Gretchen he will stab her in the face or chest.
- Trundala -
A giant witch. She looks like a purple ogre, with little in the way of female features. The second time you fight her she has the ability to transform into a purple cloud to warp to other areas. If Gretchen is in the cloud's way when it passes then Trundala will reappear with Gretchen in her hand. She will eventually crush Gretchen in her hand.
- Rapunzel -
Another witch. She takes on the form of a giant spider. The abdomen is replaced with a giant face with blonde hair. The spider will grab Gretchen with its Spider mouth, shaking her around. It will then toss her back towards the abdomen where the hair there reaches out and stabs her, eventually tossing her back onto the floor.
- Second to last boss -
This boss is basically a man attached to a monsters body. He will cast an orb that pulls Gretchen up to the human body. He will then impale her with his left arm.
- Last Boss -
One last Witch. She will grab Gretchen by the head with one hand. It then looks like she snaps her neck with that one hand.

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