[PC] Kunoichi ga Iku (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Jun 26, 2011
The game is similar to Shinobi Girl, a 2d side scroller. There are 2 playable characters, a melee and a ranged character. There is a demo out, but you are only allowed to be one of the characters i think (i haven't beaten the demo level yet).
"°Ã˜-í"šÃ‰"YŽEÂôÂ@"š*"šÃŒ"šÂ¢"šÂ¿"šÂªÆ’CÆ’NÂIÂ@Â`"ÂÂFÆ’nÆ’Å’Æ’"Æ’`"E-@'*Â` Click this link and it should take you to the page where you can download the demo.
To download the demo, click on the image with the controls where it shows the arrows and Z,X,C,V

The demo should open up in an adobe flash player similar to shinobi girl i believe.

http://i.imgur.com/aqNqe.jpg (image of the game)
http://i.imgur.com/2DJAU.jpg (image of the game)
http://i.imgur.com/8il1p.jpg (image of the game)
http://softhouse-seal.com/product/054-kunoichi/img/download/taiken.jpg (image of the game)
http://softhouse-seal.com/product/dlcounter/downcnt.cgi/seal_kunoichi_taiken01.zip (alternatively you can click this link for the demo)
The game itself is said to be released January 27 2012.

*Edit* Forgot to post controls lol
Z: Attack
X: Throw Shuriken (uses blue bar)
C: Charge up blue meter
V: (Haven't figured out what V is, but feel free to post in the thread saying what V does)
Side note, if i messed up in posting this thread, i'm really sorry. Feel free to adjust it the way it should be posted.
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Potential Patron
Jun 18, 2011
It is not very intuitive, but at the character select screen you need to press left arrow key.


Potential Patron
May 12, 2011
I found what is the V button for. If you have a fully charged energy bar and press V in front of a ninja, you rape him in a cowgirl position. If you do, you lose all the energy but regain a little hp. Unfortunately it doesn't regenerate the armor.


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 26, 2010
lokked funny but sadly only the ninjas could rape ar reraped~
and the boss was really buggy =/


Potential Patron
Jun 26, 2011
Got the game, its alright, you can just jump through everything but some of the CG's are cool. But uh one thing i noticed, (well for me it didn't) it doesn't have a save option... at least i don't think so.
If you want to download the game you need all 3 parts and then unzip
Part 1: [url=http://www.mediafire.com/?d2bdv3d1vwajz0j]RJ089717.part1.rar[/url]
Part 2: [url=http://www.mediafire.com/?az3crza6zjrnfo5]RJ089717.part2.rar[/url]
Part 3: [url=http://www.mediafire.com/?5c94zc7bws8bo92]RJ089717.part3.rar[/url]
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Potential Patron
May 12, 2011
The game saves anytime you enter a new stage. To continue the game you must select the 2nd option in the menu but if you finished the 8th stage the save is resetted


Potential Patron
Nov 22, 2011
hey, all. I tried Ijama's files, and quite frankly I'm getting an "Invalid Name" warning on it. Please assist?


the setup is not working and it haves 402 Kbytes while a Bin file names setup that I cant open haves the 552 Megabytes

can someone help me please?


Potential Patron
Jun 26, 2011
are you guys clicking on the RJ089717 files? it sends me straight to mediafire and it says its in megabytes, thats strange... you need to download all 3 parts and extract them all in order to get the game. im not sure if it is necessary, im assuming not though, but you may have to change unicode to japanese.
I think I figured out your problem, when you click on Setup, there are two of them, there is no need to install the set-up for the VLC file or media one (the video). You want to install the set-up that is the application (type should be application with the little computer icon looking thing) And then it should be in japanese and you can kind of guess how to install it (ill reinstall later to be more specific in terms of downloading it since everything is in japanese or weird symbols, i have homework to do and morning practice and im being a bit lazy >.<)

[url=http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/archive/index.php?t-18284.html][Full Game] Kuniochi ga Iku (release date on 27th Jan) [Archive] - The Unofficial LineMarvel Forums[/url]
The post with the links is 13:28 for the mediafire links incase for some reason clicking on the ones i posted isn't sending you to mediafire
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Potential Patron
Nov 15, 2010
To install the game, first extract the files, then rename the folder into something shorter.

The extacted folder name for me was: 華麗に悩殺♪ くのいちがイク! ~桃色ハレンチ忍法帳~
And I renamed it to Kunoichi ga Iku

This solved my problem.


Potential Patron
Mar 6, 2010
I've played and finished the game. Got all the CG. A bit short for me, though.
Okay, my review for this is as the following:
Graphic 8/10 => The graphic is quite good, nice. The animation is also smooth.
Gameplay 6/10 => I can finish the game without even touching the regular minion. Just jump through them. And the level of challenge is very low for me.
Sound and Music 8/10 => Nice music all the way, the sound when the heroine get hit or get "grappled" is also good.
Overall 7/10 => Decent game, but I still expect more with a game this size. I still prefer Shinobi Girl to this.


I've played and finished the game. Got all the CG. A bit short for me, though.
Okay, my review for this is as the following:
Graphic 8/10 => The graphic is quite good, nice. The animation is also smooth.
Gameplay 6/10 => I can finish the game without even touching the regular minion. Just jump through them. And the level of challenge is very low for me.
Sound and Music 8/10 => Nice music all the way, the sound when the heroine get hit or get "grappled" is also good.
Overall 7/10 => Decent game, but I still expect more with a game this size. I still prefer Shinobi Girl to this.

I think that you really are too generous.
My evaluation was:
Graphic 6/10 => Nice rape animations, nice but somewhat unrelevant victory pictures... and that's all there is. The attack animations are clumsy, enemies grapple is somewhat awkward and they seem huge scarecrows... not to mention the complete lack of attack animation from most of the beasts and of "damage taken" animations... no "death" animations, no GOR pictures. It is not only the "rape animations" from much of the enemies that are lacking here but a great deal of what you should expect from a H-game with this price placement.
Gameplay -1/10 => SERIOUSLY WTF?? There is no gameplay whatsoever... how pressing right+up continuously to end a level can be considered "gameplay"? The bosses have a single attack pattern and there is so little difference between the two chicks that the choice between them is only based on whose rape sequences you like best.
Even an old and "graphically challenged" game like "Altered Ass Hunter" can easily teach a thing or two about gameplay to this amateurish piece.
Sound and Music 7/10 => nice music all right. And the speech was decent. Still not only commercial products like Ninja Girl but even free products like Fairy Fighting have better speeches.
Overall 3/10 => a complete dog! A crushing disappointment!
Man, even Vanja's "Spiderworld", or most of ToonPimp's games are better than this (at least it has more rape animations, "damage taken" animations and GOR pictures), not to mention Ninja Girl. Back to "Programming Games for Dummies" for the guys of Softhouse Seal.


Potential Patron
Mar 6, 2010
I think that you really are too generous.
My evaluation was:
Yeah, you got me. I was being too generous, but still it has a good graphic all the way. The gameplay is pretty much nothing, but it still "gameplay" (right?).
Rape animation still a good one, but yeah, too little, no variant. Recommend it for anyone trying to look for something with a good graphic and music, but not gameplay.
Oh yeah, I would suggest them to read "Hentai Game for Noobs" if I were you, hehehe...

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