Male Zako (2 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Nov 14, 2017


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Casual Client
Jan 18, 2021
The Dark Elven Assassin found herself strangely aroused as she noticed the rigid erection on the dead guard she had just garroted. Maybe there she would take a little time to enjoy this unexpected development before disposing of the humiliated man's worthless corpse and continuing on her mission.


Casual Client
Apr 2, 2020
Is there any hype for male zako photoshoots? I've been trying to get into it and am looking for people to critique and help come up with some fun ideas for shoots. Just let me know!


Potential Patron
Jun 5, 2021
What exactly is a femboy zako? Like a certain outfit or style?

I think it's just a guy that acts or dresses feminine.

There are a couple of people on twitter who dress up and roleplay as male zako (generaly spandex and zentai suits.

Most are japanese (a xouple of whom say that they dont want to interact with foreigners in their profile), but there are a couple of english speakers there too.

Some of the english speaking zako roleplayers love to take requests and exchange photos (i did this a couple of times with one roleplayer on twitter (MaleZako) back when i was on twitter (i had to delete my twitter when i got into a new relationship and had to hide this side of me lol)).

The one i spoke to was very chill and loved taking requests, as long as his face was never seen
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Casual Client
Apr 2, 2020
I think it's just a guy that acts or dresses feminine.

There are a couple of people on twitter who dress up and roleplay as male zako (generaly spandex and zentai suits.

Most are japanese (a xouple of whom say that they dont want to interact with foreigners in their profile), but there are a couple of english speakers there too.

Some of the english speaking zako roleplayers love to take requests and exchange photos (i did this a couple of times with one roleplayer on twitter (MaleZako) back when i was on twitter (i had to delete my twitter when i got into a new relationship and had to hide this side of me lol)).

The one i spoke to was very chill and loved taking requests, as long as his face was never seen
Thank you! Makes perfect sense now, super excited.


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
A teenage swordsman from Eps 11 of Darwin's Game. His feet turns into those of frogs, and gets quickly disarmed by Shuka. Dunno if he classifies as a femboy but he looks a little feminine to me. Apparently my friend told him that his name is Kuroi Yakumo.

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Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
My favorite male zako games:
  • Fighters Club Online. Aside from having sexy and a huge assortment of female zakos, FC also had a male zako that enticed my fetish. The game had muscular Latino boxer dudes called Fist Fighters (주먹패) that appears in the first area of the game. They appear as men with blue boxing gloves, red sports pants, sneakers, slightly tanned yet burly body and a short black hair with a mustache. They also had an elite version of the Fist Fighters with dark brown skin and white hair, which makes them even hotter.
  • The Takeover. A 2.5 beat 'em up game reminiscent of Final Fight made by a Greek dev named Pelikan17, who also made a racing game that never got released thanks to Nicalis' dodginess. The game had two hot Asian kickboxer dudes named Hornet and Tomcat. Hornet has blue trunks and gloves and Tomcat has red trunks has gloves. Both boxers has toned and relatively slim and tanned body, short black hair, ankle and armp wraps and delicious backs, abs and pecs. They appear to be "unfinished" since their faces looks kinda messed up and blobby, and their movesets only consisted of a straight jab. They moan when they're damaged, and scream as they die. The game also had a sumo male zako named Goliath, but they look unappetizing.
  • Streets of Rage 2 and 4. Do I have to explain it? BTW the game has Muay Thai practitioners as male zakos called Ravens. They appear as muscular young men with spiky blue hair, tanned body, black tanktops, red and white shorts, headdresses, armbands and ankle/wrist wraps. Their attack consists of kicks and knees, and they're a pain in the neck according to SoR players. However, they're hotties to me. They also have palette swap/variants named after other birds such as Condor, Pheasant and Sparrow. They emit a sexy boyish moan when they're KO'd.
  • Unbound Saga. A PSP beat 'em up game reminiscent of Comix Zone but 3D. The ninth stage is an arena where the players fight pastiches of fighting game characters, including thicc-ass sumo wrestlers with slightly-tanned skin and green mawashis, and bald Muay Thai fighters with a rather muscular body. Both zakos are appetizing though, and you can see the sumo's ass when they're toppled.
  • Batman Arkham Knight. The game had shirtless swordsmen/assassins working for Penguin in the GCPD Lockdown DLC story. The swordsmen came in three variants: bald with white skin and gray jeans, dreaded with white skin and blue jeans and dreaded with black skin and blue jeans. They're not too hot IMO since they look kinda messy and has hairy armpits, but I like their shiny water-coated skin and how you could torture them using environmental takedowns, from gassing them with toxic gas to electrocuting them on electric fences. There are also shirtless thugs in Killer Croc's DLC story.
  • Yakuza 3-5. The Underground Arena had some fighters as opponents, including boxers and wrestlers. One of my favorites there is Otaki Minotaur (ミノタウロス大滝), a Japanese wrestler with a nice toned body, boyish face and voice (Yakuza 3 only), short black hair, muscular abs and pecs, black wrestling briefs and matching armbands and boots. His appearance reminds me of NJPW wrestler Shota Umino, both being hot wrestlers with nice bodies.
Honorable mentions, also anime with nice male zakos:
  • Sleeping Dogs (has a bald Muay Thai fighter in the Zodiac Tournament DLC)
  • Rage of City (a shitty mobile/HTML5 beat 'em up game. Has a DILF boxer dude and a masked kickboxer as bosses)
  • Knuckle Bash (a beat 'em up game by Toaplan featuring wrestlers. There's a Filipino kickboxer in the 1st stage that serves as a boss alongside a hillybilly looking guy)
  • Yakuza 7 (has a boxer and a masked wrestler as a zako in the Koreatown area. Not too appealing compared to the ones in Yakuza 3-5)
  • God of Highschool (two boxer dudes appear on Episode 1. One got KO'd off-screen and one got kicked in the face by Jin Mori)
  • Tower of God (there's a muscular boxer dude with a mohawk on Episode 5. Got easily KO'd after getting staff'd by Hwa Ryun)
  • Ranma 1/2 (Boxer dude with tanktop on Episode 2. Got gut checked and KO'd by Akane and falls down Aika style)
  • Darwin's Game (Cute frog-legged swordsman with hakama on Episode 11. Got easily defeated by Shuka after getting one of his hands severed)
When I find more beat 'em up/brawler games or animes with boxers/wrestlers/martial artists in it, I'll compile it here.


Swell Supporter
Apr 8, 2020
I'm surprised no one has added Gray Guys, made by Novax on DA and Pixiv. Most of the pictures have both male and female and you have to look at their bodies to tell which is which.


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