Mass Effect 3 (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 20, 2010
If youve seen the new trailer you know why this post is in this section of the forums.
With a hopefully improved female shepard this game is gonna be all kinds of win.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
I assume this is the trailer you're referring to.

Nice moment occurs at 1:18

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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
In case some of you didn't hear: they released a playable demo of ME3 yesterday for all 3 platforms. From what I've seen in the demo, not much has changed gameplay wise, although they did add in these new gameplay "modes" I guess.

Action, RPG, and Story or something along those lines. Action basically turns all the in game dialogue choices into automatic cutscenes so you don't make choices. I guess it's to make it more of a TPS game to appeal to those that just want to shoot aliens in the face. RPG is the standard Mass Effect experience and Story basically makes the combat sections of the game pretty much a joke in terms of difficulty.

There wasn't a huge leap in terms of visual enhancements but I thought ME2 looked pretty good so no complaints there. There were some odd clipping issues with the facial expressions, but hopefully that gets fixed before the actual release. Maybe I'm just imagining it or something but while I was playing the demo, I got the feeling the audio was on another level from the previous ones. If you have a nice sound system:

check out that sound effect when the dreadnought explodes as you're running with Andersen to the rendezvous point. Hopefully you'll agree.

The only downside to the demo was that I had to install Origin again. God, I hate Origin. >:| In case you haven't come across it yet, Origin is essentially EA's version of Steam.

Despite the fact that the gameplay hasn't changed much, I'm really looking forward to this game. It's one of the few games I'd play just for the story. I mean you can nitpick it and say that it's not even that original of a sci-fi story, which it probably isn't. I don't watch enough shows or read enough books to know that. So in my blissful ignorance, I will enjoy the experience Bioware has made with this series and damnit, none of you will ruin it for me. :meaw:


i'm a bf 3 pc player too, so i hate origin like i would hate some strange and stupid illness

as a rpg and pc player there's a lot of things that i don't like about ME3 (i will get it, however, because i want to see how it end.. and to give shepard a good retirement with tali), like the fact that you can't holster your weapon, there isn't any chat on lobby and multiplayer game, graphically aint that good... and i fear a return of the dragon age 2 syndrome, with extremely dumbed down mechanics
btw... i don't really like the new ashley, she got a strange face... in ME1 was better


Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
This game was suppose to be out before christmas 2011, so it gives me at least a little hope that they pushed it back. Surely it can only mean because they weren't finshed with it yet and wanted to refine the game more. I loved ME 3 for the story and the gameplay wasn't half bad either. I purposley got a few characters killed in my game to make the story more interesting... problem is I tried to off certain characters at the end only to have the wrong people die. Serves me right really, and I'm not the kind of person who loads a game when I do something wrong, if I make a mistake I have to live with that for the rest of the game. I personally think it makes a game more interesting like that rather then trying to run through it perfect like.

I will play ME2 again and have a version where I save everyone, but only because I want to see how they did everyone in ME3, but that second play through won't be my official playthrough, just a save file I will play when my own story has come to its end. ME 3 could prove to be very interesting for me, and I hope BioWare don't screw this game up like they completley ruined Dragon Age, I actually felt like I'd been robbed when I played Dragon Age II, as a result I'll never buy the game again.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
I wanted to give my impressions of the PS3 demo.
The first word that came to mind is "choppy" to be honest. The frame-rate seemed ludicrously low to the point I started feeling ill. I can't be certain but it appears the frame-rate often dipped well under 30fps, likely into low 20's. However, this wasn't uncommon for ME2 to do the same thing on the PS3 so I'm inclined to believe it'll be the inferior version and I imagine the PC and the 360 versions will be smoother.
Then again, it's probably better to play the series on those anyway; get the full experience by playing ME1 as well. ME2, even with the "ME1 comic" assumes you were mostly Renegade if you didn't play ME1 as a Paragon: Feros for example was practically wiped out, and the game later shows that you killed Shiala.

Otherwise the demo was about what I expected: Two quick missions, the game's introduction and a later level. Nothing to write home about, but certainly nothing to sneeze at.
What did impress me was the improved face creation elements, the face looked immediately better and you have more hair type and color options; though Shepard looked more than a little out of place compared to the more detailed Captain/Councillor Anderson. (More so if you give him/her blue hair.) Nevertheless I imagine I'll spend quite a bit of time tweaking my face in the demo until I get it perfect.

Because my PC isn't powerful enough for even ME2, and I no longer own an Xbox, I'll have to hold off on playing ME3 for a while until my friends are done with theirs and willing to let me borrow them and a 360.

btw... i don't really like the new ashley, she got a strange face... in ME1 was better
I remember saying this when they revealed her earlier. I believe it's the long "femme fatale" hairstyle they gave her in combination with the heavy (for Ashely) make-up. She's really sexed-up this time, which is just at odds with her bad-ass tomboy-soldier character.


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 20, 2010
this demo really surprised me. if the singleplayer demo is anything like the finished product oh god will it annoy me, femsheps face is awful and animates just as bad. the cutscenes felt poorly directed or overly directed and the graphics just dont look right, mass effect 1 came out a year after gears of war, and while epic has made many many updates to their version of the engine bioware hasnt touched it at all.

but the multiplayer......... actually felt really good. it was paced really well and looks like it could be a good diversion.

on a ryona related note i couldnt get the atlas in singleplayer to grab liara or shepard, in multiplayer i witnessed one of the phantoms do their finishing animation, which wasnt spectacular but maybe theres more enemies with finishing attacks


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
I thought FemShep's face was a little odd during character creation, but once in game it seemed to look fine to me. Might just be the lighting? I didn't think there was anything wrong with the animation or the cutscenes.
Andersen's running animation was oddly goofy for some reason though. I was disappointed the Cerberus troops stun batons didn't cause any kind of special hit animation.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
Keep in mind that some demos are based on earlier builds of a game, which appeared to be the case here. I was rather confused by the fact that this one looked inferior to it's predecessor, until I thought about that. I'm sure the final product will be far more polished. Graphical performance aside, I loved the demo, and I can't wait for March 6th. The plot just looks epic as all hell.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Bumping up a four year old thread to share a Mass Effect 3 ryona video towards EDI by "ryona boiz":

It's mainly a grab attack with a few hits towards her face and a knockdown. I thought it was good anyway for what it is. Rare sight.

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