Master Ryona List (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Wonderful , There was a ryona wiki in the old ryonani website but sadly it didn't move to the new site , I hope this list becomes a reference and evolved to become a Wiki

If I can make suggestions then :

- I hope to add the ASFR Ryona ( ASFR Means anything that makes the female inanimate like turning into a stone statue or gold statue or simple freeze )

- If there is a ryona element that happen only once or very few in a game then i hope to mention who did it or when it happens between two brackets , For example if we added Dragon Dogma and mention Vore in it then we say Vore ( Hydra , Maneater )

- A Tab for the name of the damsels

I was hoping for a description to when exactly did every ryona happens and who did it in details but of course due to the limitation of the sheet then just the titles is fine , I guess the detailed descriptions is more suited with the wikis

Also , What Does difficulty refers to ?
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Avid Affiliate
Jul 11, 2013
Great! I know that there's a long way to go, but I'm hoping to flesh the list.

Boundy22, the Difficulty tab means to how hard is the game in terms of playability, not necessarily on the Difficulty of getting to the Ryona content (rated from Beginner, Normal, Hyper (Hard), or Another (Very Hard)), but maybe it's subjective, not everyone is a master on most Beat'em ups.

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