MindBreak dialogue (1000+ trigger lines) (3 Viewers)


Casual Client
Aug 30, 2019
What's up everyone, been a while.

Here the final release of my MindBreak dialogue project.
Since replayability is essential to me, this one totals 1000+ different trigger-lines and 3 dynamic words for : cum, dick and her.
I hope you like it.

What's the story ?
Same as before, a girl is the hostaged of this master dude. As he force her to drink him more and more she progressively falls for him and become her pet. Your typical MindBreak story.

How does it play ?
The girl goes from the same 3 states of mind that I had originally :
- First she's fighting back (get to state 2 after cuming twice)
- Then she starts to enjoy it but she's still refusing to admit it to him. (get to state 3 once you came 5 more times and bumped into one of the "NextState" lines)
- And finally, mindbreak complete, she accepts her new place.

As you ejaculate more times within a state, the dialogue is gonna evolve around the fact that she is slowly falling into depravation.

Technical stuff that might help ?
If you want to skip some stages or care to "save your progression", play around with the initial_settings line on top of the .txt
Don't be to impatient to rush in her mouth since the characters have quiet a few long back and forth replies.
The dialogue use every trigger-lines in vanilla except for : general, pull off, drool, cum in eye, cum in nose, lick balls and swallow.
I recommend letting her free of her movements (arms and eye) so the dialogue as full room to grow.

Requirement ?
Just the popular animtools loaderpack from Sby since there is one anal position to unlock through play.

Please check out this final version, tell me what you think.
See you next time.


MindBreak dialogue (2022).txt
1,005.2 KB · Views: 4,601


Potential Patron
Aug 4, 2022
some questions :
sometime i have just a white screen as dialogue box i don't know if it's normal, and when i use sby loaderpack i think it skip most of dialogues i don't know why.
what is the best loaderpack for play ? i don't know how to put animtools in a loader by myself.
ps : really great dialog, maybe the best i have see for the moment.
ps : what is the name of the anal position who is needed ?


Casual Client
Aug 30, 2019
sometime i have just a white screen as dialogue box i don't know if it's normal, and when i use sby loaderpack i think it skip most of dialogues i don't know why.
Hmm, my best guess is : since all the original trigger lines that are core to the game are textless and look like this :
head_grabbed:"[head_grabbed*HeldInc*S*State*P*ATV_position*]" {"style":"Thought"}
It's normal that you see a white scare briefly because they are meant to not display text and to simply redirect to the accurate text line. The problem is, if they aren't followed by anything it probably means a variable like *HeldInc* for exemple (wich count the number of Held lines) have been messed up during play and the dialog can't find any accurate lines to match it. It happened to me before when I accidently ran more than 9 "Held" lines in a row and then interupted the following "Wake" or "Head_Grabbed" line to reset the HeldInc incrementation variable back to 0.
I'm sorry if this is chinese to you, if you run into that problem again try to ping pong what caused it in game, it would help to solve the issue.
I reuploaded the dialogue in this post after incrising the maximum incrementation from 9 to 15 may be it helps.

what is the best loaderpack for play ? i don't know how to put animtools in a loader by myself.
I use this loaderpack : sby_loader_pack_11_545d

ps : what is the name of the anal position who is needed ?
ANIMTOOLS_ATV_doggy6chair is the name of the anal position.

ps : really great dialog, maybe the best i have see for the moment.
Thanks mate :)


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2022
Hey. Great job with the dialogue.
I tried it once and it looked like I got to one of those lines that triggers the anal position but nothing happened. I checked my animtools folder and the position used in the dialogue is there so I'm not sure what could be wrong.

Also. After having tried it I took the dialogue and fixed some spelling errors. Mostly I changed the exclamations or moans that are things like "Haaa", "Hoo", "Hu", etc to be the more natural looking "Aah", "Aaaah", "Ohh", "Uh", "Huh", etc. There was also some misspelled words that I replaced with spellchecker. I'll attatch the file here in case you want to check it out and consider implementing some of the same updates.


MindBreak dialogue spellchecked.txt
1,005.2 KB · Views: 270


Casual Client
Aug 30, 2019
Hey. Great job with the dialogue.
I tried it once and it looked like I got to one of those lines that triggers the anal position but nothing happened. I checked my animtools folder and the position used in the dialogue is there so I'm not sure what could be wrong.

Also. After having tried it I took the dialogue and fixed some spelling errors. Mostly I changed the exclamations or moans that are things like "Haaa", "Hoo", "Hu", etc to be the more natural looking "Aah", "Aaaah", "Ohh", "Uh", "Huh", etc. There was also some misspelled words that I replaced with spellchecker. I'll attatch the file here in case you want to check it out and consider implementing some of the same updates.
Sup mate. Thank you.
Not sure how I could help with the anal stuff, it will probably demand some experimentations on your part.
Thx for the tips, I'm no english native speaker. What spellchecker do you use ? I might throw an update on this post if it's worth it.


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2022
Sup mate. Thank you.
Not sure how I could help with the anal stuff, it will probably demand some experimentations on your part.
Thx for the tips, I'm no english native speaker. What spellchecker do you use ? I might throw an update on this post if it's worth it.
I just opened the file with visual studio code where I installed a spellcheck extension, opened the list of "problems" in the file and went trought the list replacing the misspelled words with the correct spelling. There weren't that many mistakes, mostly things like "strenhgt" instead of "strength" or "rouhg" instead of "rough".

PS: For the exclamations (Ahh, Ehh, Oh) I just used search and replace to change every appearance for the correct spelling. So replace Ho with Oh, Hoo with Ohh, and so on. You can do this with visual studio code too by enabling "match whole word" when searching for the term so you don't mistakenly replace stuff that's in the middle of another word (for example you wouldn't want to replace "hope" with "ohpe"). The only exclamation I didn't bother fixing was replacing "He" with "Eh" because "He" is also a word (the pronoun) and it would be too annoying to go through the entire file to determine which ones are pronouns and which ones are exclamations.


Casual Client
Aug 30, 2019
I looked into it, turns out there were quite a lot of typo/miss-spells. I think I got most of them. I also agree about the exclamations, changed them too. Since it's been a while now, this edited file probably has a number of new lines as well. I don't know how many more, I'm not recounting all of that xd.


MindBreak dialogue (2023).txt
1 MB · Views: 467


Potential Patron
Jun 22, 2023
it's sad the name of positions are not valid for the new sby loader, i tried to change the name in every files but it don't work so the anal and return to default positon dont work


Dec 13, 2021
it's sad the name of positions are not valid for the new sby loader, i tried to change the name in every files but it don't work so the anal and return to default positon dont work
Move or copy and paste the postion txt files to the settings file


Potential Patron
Jun 22, 2023
i agree, by far the best, but the intro dont launch and she go far away in the dialog if you force the dialog, and it's just sad that sby loader pack dont include the positions of the dialogue, i tried to edit myself but it dont work
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