Here's the first version of my second dialog.
Please let me know what you think. Are there bugs? Do you like one slave girl more than another? Anything you'd want added or changed? I know of some occasional issues where Mistress won't acknowledge a task that you've done, and I'll work later to make the dialog more robust. For now, just try the task again (maybe it's just your Mistress being a bit cruel).
Mistress's Playthings
*** This dialog requires Dialogue Actions Mod using the Loader ***
The Scenario:
You are subservient to a Mistress who has presented before you one of her slave girls (random choice among five different personalities).
Your Mistress will instruct you off camera to use your new plaything.
Follow your Mistress's instructions to gain her approval, or disobey and gain her ire.
Do your job well and your Mistress might even pleasure you herself.
Start Condition:
Just wait for the module to start itself.
How to Play:
- Make sure you are using the SDT Loader
(SDT Loader | Undertow)
Make sure you have the Dialogue Actions V1.12 installed
(Pim_gd's Mods - DialogueActions v4.01 (7 Aug 2015) | Undertow)
- Arm positions, moods, and clothing are handled by the dialog. Do not set them yourself.
- Any line preceded by <Mistress> means that she is speaking to you from off camera.
- When your Mistress gives you permission to do something, and it is followed by the text <PULL UP>, pull your slave by grabbing her head and HOLDING DOWN THE LEFT MOUSE BUTTON while moving her to the top of the screen.
- If things seem too slow, pull the girl down to continue to a new line.
- If you can get your Mistress to kneel before you, you can undress her with PULL UP and redress her with PULL DOWN.
- If she ever comments on changing a position, you can keep her from doing it by quickly putting you dick in her mouth to keep her from finishing the thought. Otherwise she will continue and change her pose.
Version 1.1 : Just fixed a few typos and scripting errors. Thanks Pim_gd!