MLP Rarity Dialogue (Plus more!) (Molestia) (3 Viewers)



Hey so.. a friend of mine linked me to this sound file.
Anyone know the one responsible/if this could be used in tangent with a trixie dialog?


Potential Patron
Jan 17, 2013
PlaceholdError said:
Hey so.. a friend of mine linked me to this sound file.
Anyone know the one responsible/if this could be used in tangent with a trixie dialog?

Downloading the file, it has the name "Runka Chunk Gone Wild". Presumably Runka Chunk is an alias for Rina-Chan (who tends to do fan voices for some FIM stuff, mostly as Twilight), and from there it seems like it was meant to be a test/gag reel for something that never got made.

Of course, most of this "info" seems to come from 4chan, so hell knows if it's legit or just a troll/smear against her.

Regardless, I wouldn't mind an audio dialogue using this, though making those can be a bit trickier than text dialogues.


Avid Affiliate
Jun 8, 2011
Maybe someone can make those Dialogs:

Zecora needs Human Sperm for a Potion (hope whoever did this also can pull of her rhyming)

Queen Chrysalis is feeding on the "Love" of her newest Slave

Applejack working as a Prostitute for Cherries Jubilee

Rainbow Dash can join the Wonderbolts, by sucking their male members dicks

The CMCs trying to get a Cutie Mark in giving Blowjobs


Potential Patron
May 16, 2012
PlaceholdError said:
Hey so.. a friend of mine linked me to this sound file.
Anyone know the one responsible/if this could be used in tangent with a trixie dialog?

Oh god can someone please make this into an audio dialogue for the game. I beg anyone to make this! This is too awesome to not reach the light of day.


Hello dude!!
I have a request ! :D
Are you gonna do a Fluttershy one?
If so! That would be epic! :D



lordandrew1 said:
Hey id like to make a request, clould you possibly make a lyra?

For Lyra I always use the 'Humanoid Girl' dialogue that Curious made. It's a pretty decent fit for her. You can find it here.


This is actually the last place i expected to see something MLP
not that i would complain
for something tagged as "trial" it is very nice
also: i know this is kinda strange to say but i think she isnt even too OOC
what i mean to say is you did good work there my friend ^^


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Demaar said:
This is actually the last place i expected to see something MLP
You'd be surprised how often pony mods are requested for this. Actually no, you wouldn't.
Try the My Little Pony - Cutie Marks section in this post, where you'll find download links for cutie marks, tails, full-body pony mods (winged or wingless) and a link to the MLP hairs thread. There are various other threads containing hairs for a lot of minor characters. There's a saddle mod somewhere, which somebody showed off by posting a screenshot of the guy riding on a pony girl's back in-game. Basically, if you really want to have sex with a cartoon pony, you're in luck.
I read the Molestia one out of morbid curiosity, and it's hilarious(ly wrong on so many levels). I won't write new ones from scratch, but maybe I'll proofread the existing ones at some point.

Edit: You know what? I collected the dialogues from this thread, fixed the grammar (and a lot of awful spelling), shuffled around lines so they made more sense, and even added a couple of lines to fill sections that needed more (although my knowledge of the show is lacking, so who knows what mistakes have crept in). You're welcome. Boring discussion about writing for characters I know nothing about follows:
Derpy Hooves was a pretty typical shy-girl dialogue, with a bit of weirdness. The dialogue checker tells me you can't use : inside the dialogue, but that's easily avoided (and the smiley faces are intact in the finished version, by using %3A).
The Flutterslave one was a pretty decent sort-of yandere one. If I got nothing but requests for yandere characters, I'd probably enjoy writing them a little too much to be healthy. If you pop into my thread and tell me your favourite yandere, odds are I can write a dialogue for them.
The Princess Luna dialogue was short, which made it the easiest to fix up. Not very interesting to me, but hey.
I tried to make Molestia's fetishes even more bizarre, but I'm not sure if this can be called a success - she's just too crazy-awesome already. I guess she's a parody character of Princess Celestia (who I've vaguely heard of). She is literally the sluttiest character I've seen in any dialogues here, and it's hilarious. I added a lot of mood changes and some delays to her lines to put emphasis on that. Edit: v3 fixes a minor grammatical problem, not important.
The Rarity dialogue didn't need many changes. The lines themselves were written pretty well, even though most of the first_throat and first_dt lines work better elsewhere (so I mostly just moved lines around).
The Trixie dialogue was actually written pretty well, even though it was the most work to fix. Whoever wrote it made pretty good use of triggers, had a lot of different lines for the ones that were likely to repeat and it really felt like it was one specific character (a show-off tsundere girl, basically). If the real Trixie is like that, she's automatically the best character. Some lines lacked ", some mood settings were [HAPPY_MODE], but the actual lines for the character were pretty great. Edit: Oh, and as of v3, finishOther should work properly.
Twist is a nice little dialogue with the twist (hah!) of lisping. The vigorous lines didn't correctly trigger (you can't start with a capital, as Vigorous isn't a default line type). Some of the more generic first_dt and first_throat lines were also shuffled around to give her more resistance and general lines. Otherwise not much had to be fixed.

I claim no credit for the original dialogues, but these fully-working versions of them are pretty different, so hey.
Shit. I was meant to be working on RWBY dialogues.
Edit: Added Twist dialogue by Fenris, from the "blowjob is magic" thread.


DerpyHooves v2.txt
6.7 KB · Views: 1,104

Trixie v3.txt
21.3 KB · Views: 1,019

14.7 KB · Views: 1,227

Twist v2.txt
5.9 KB · Views: 750

Rarity v2.txt
8.4 KB · Views: 1,560

Luna v2.txt
2.9 KB · Views: 1,490

Flutterslave v2.txt
12.2 KB · Views: 1,517


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Shinigami_no_Jinnai said:
Since we now have Aloe and Lotus... how about a Dialog of one of giving you the "Special Treatment" of their Spa
The last actually-new dialogue in this thread is from may of 2012. The last new one linked to is from february. OP hasn't posted at all since then. I'll fix up dialogues, but I can't exactly write new ones (knowing very little about the show). Basically, don't get your hopes up.


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Bluey5 said:
Hey f93, is those all the dialogues made so far in this thread?

f93 said:
I collected the dialogues from this thread

To give an answer that isn't just snarky bullshit, it's technically all but one. I didn't correct the Twist one linked in this thread (it's actually attached to this post, but someone linked to it earlier) because it wasn't really in this thread. That was just me saying "OP has abandoned this thread, so I'll hijack it to correct all dialogues posted in here". The first Rarity one was also skipped out, since it was a WIP version of a later one (which seems pretty much complete).

I guess I could offer to fix up the other pony dialogue threads if asked, but those are more actively maintained.

Edit: Come to think of it, by a strict reading of the rules this thread should have been closed long ago - new dialogues can't be edited into the OP. If that happens, I'll zip up my versions of the dialogues and put them in my thread.

Edit2: Fuck it, may as well fix the one I missed. Added to my previous post.


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Here are the remaining MLP dialogues, taken from zatanaslover's thread. Again, I claim no credit for writing these - I'm just editing them to pass the current version of Pim_gd's checker, fixing up spelling and adding a few actions (hand movements, delays, etc).
The zip archive contains these dialogues and all of the other MLP ones I could find (the remainder of which are in this post, if you only want individual ones), with a credits file listing who provided each one.


Applejack v2.txt
6.1 KB · Views: 1,213

Fluttershy v2.txt
14.6 KB · Views: 1,232

PinkiePie v2.txt
7.5 KB · Views: 1,078

RainbowDash v2.txt
8.4 KB · Views: 1,323

TwilightSparkle v2.txt
16.3 KB · Views: 1,208

MLP Dialogues
38.5 KB · Views: 1,800


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
v2.10 checker
Molestia: (1 minor)
Dialogue was checked in 30 ms with v2.10 of the DialogueChecker.
I found 1 issue(s) with your dialogue, of which 0 were severe, 0 were major issues, and 1 were minor issues.
Grammar - Minor: The following issue was found after stripping the line of delay characters, triggers and variable substitutions.
Keep in mind that you can place characters in YOU/YOUR/ME/MY variable insertions, like "Hello*, YOU*!".
Sentence starting with a comma (grammatical error) on dialogue line on line 64, col 8 near "pre_cum:", (...)"
Line 64: pre_cum:"*YOU*, After *FINISHES*, you've still got cum left! I'm impressed!"
Stripped Line 64: pre_cum:", After *FINISHES*, you've still got cum left! I'm impressed!"

Once you've fixed these issues, try letting me look your dialogue over again. Maybe I'll find something new.

Trixie: (3 major)
Dialogue was checked in 32 ms with v2.10 of the DialogueChecker.
I found 3 issue(s) with your dialogue, of which 0 were severe, 3 were major issues, and 0 were minor issues.
Line Usage - Major: Duplicate finish line (finishOther was first declared on line 155) on line 156:
Duplicate finish lines will not be loaded properly. Use a trigger to a normal line instead if you're using finishes for an entire line.
If you're using finishes to insert part of a line, consider making a callback function that sets a variable to one of your linesections.
Then you could insert that variable in your finish line.
Line 156: finishOther:"Your pony-fucking persistence has unlocked a secret tip - Something is wrong with you."

Line Usage - Major: Duplicate finish line (finishOther was first declared on line 155) on line 157:
Duplicate finish lines will not be loaded properly. Use a trigger to a normal line instead if you're using finishes for an entire line.
If you're using finishes to insert part of a line, consider making a callback function that sets a variable to one of your linesections.
Then you could insert that variable in your finish line.
Line 157: finishOther:"Trixie switched places with me about ten minutes ago. I'm one of her magic clones."

Line Usage - Major: Duplicate finish line (finishOther was first declared on line 155) on line 158:
Duplicate finish lines will not be loaded properly. Use a trigger to a normal line instead if you're using finishes for an entire line.
If you're using finishes to insert part of a line, consider making a callback function that sets a variable to one of your linesections.
Then you could insert that variable in your finish line.
Line 158: finishOther:"[ANGRY_MOOD]OH COME ON, REALLY?"

Once you've fixed these issues, try letting me look your dialogue over again. Maybe I'll find something new.

the rest is clean - I'm not gonna go into detail on these because that would take a huge chunk of time and I don't see these in widespread use (more than 3 weeks, < 100 downloads)


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
I fixed Trixie and Molestia, and put them in a new version of the archive. Again, I'm not going to write any more MLP dialogues (because I actually know very little about the series, and just fixed up other people's dialogues).


Potential Patron
Apr 23, 2015
What is the chance we could get some dialogue of Pinkamena as her homicidial cupcake making self?

"I am going to make a cupcake out of you for this!"

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