Video Games Mortal Kombat 05 - Gauntlet match Li Mei Vs Kira Vs Sheeva Vs Khameleon Vs Sareena Vs Dvorah (2 Viewers)


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Oct 19, 2015
MK: Gauntlet Fight

After a defeated Nitara was dragged out of the Koliseum, Jade made the next announcement. ‘Our next match will be “Gauntlet” match between six warriors! Our first contestant will be Li Mei of Outworld!’

The arena gates opened and a woman with raven black hair and brown eyes strode into the Koliseum. She wore purple top and shorts that revealed most of her tanned toned body, with six-packs and biceps. She only wore sandals on her feet. She stood before Kitana Kahn, posed sexually for everybody to see; the crowd cheering loudly.

‘Our second contestant is Kira hailing from Earhtrealm!’ Jade called out next.

The arena gates opened and a woman with red hair tied into two pony-tails and two bangs sticking out ran into the arena. She wore a black top with a red vest that exposed her biceps and six-packs. She wore red shorts along with black boots and gauntlets. She smiled sadistically as she waved at the crowd, a pale toned body shining in the hot sun.

Without stopping, she approached Li Mei and right hooked her in the face. Li Mei gasped at the sudden attack while Jade quickly sounded the gong despite the disapproval roar from the crowd. Kira then grabbed Li Mei by the hair and kneed her hard in the face. Li Mei grunted and wrapped her arms around Kira’s leg, tripping her onto her back.

Kira grunted as her back hit the sand, looking up at Li Mei. Li Mei had sat on her stomach and tore off the Earthrealmer’s top, exposing her six-packs and pink nipples. She threw the ruined clothes aside as she began raining punches into the redhead’s face. Kira blocked as many punches as she could before slamming a knee into Li Mei’s back.

Li Mei gasped as she stumbled forward, on her feet and standing just above of Kira’s face. The redhead grinned and reached up, pulling down Li Mei’s shorts and exposing her black hairy vagina. Li Mei gasped as Kira used her shorts to trip her face-first into the sand. The Outworlder moaned din the sand as Kira pulled off her shorts, going after her top.

Kira then stomped hard onto Li Mei’s spine and her top ripped off her. Li Mei yelped and tolled onto her back, exposing her brown nipples. She snarled in anger and kicked Kira in between the legs, making the redhead howled in surprise. She then reached up and grabbed Kira’s shorts and pulled them, exposing Kira’s red hairy vagina.

Kira quickly stepped out from her shorts and stomped onto Li Mei’s face, pushing her head into the sand. Li Mei howled in pain as Kira grabbed her by the hair, pulling her up onto her feet. With a smirk, Kira kissed Li Mei on the lips and stepped back. All of the sudden, Li Mei began moaning as she rubbed her breasts and hold her vagina; her eyes rolling back as she began drooling. It was not long when she released a sexual scream, orgasming all over the sand. Li Mei moaned as her cum squirted out from her clitoris, trying to stay on her feet. She looked up at Kira who was approaching her.

‘You fight… With no… Honour…’ She gasped, her cum flowing down her legs.

Kira smirked. ‘There’s no such thing as honour in the ring.’

Then Kira delivered an uppercut into Li Mei’s jaws, sending the Outworlder flying backwards before landing onto her back. Li Mei laid unconscious into the sand, more cum flowing out from her vagina. Kira smirked and pumped her fists not the air, winking at a displeased Kitana. Jade sounded the gong and the gates of the arena swung opened.

‘The next contestant, hailing from Outworld and Queen of the Shokans; Sheeva!’

A female humanoid with four strong arms and a black muttet stomped into the arena, wearing nothing but a red loincloth. Her brown nipples were hard and her biceps and six-packs shone proudly off her light brown toned body. With one of her arms, Sheeva tore away her loincloth, showing her black hairy vagina.

‘You!’ She growled at Kira. ‘I will show you the meaning of a honourable fight!’

Kira rolled her eyes. ‘Sheesh… What is with you Outworlders and honour? All I care about is winning this!’

Jade sounded the gong and Kira waited for Sheeva to come closer, yelling as she kicked the Shokan in between the legs. She looked in surprise as Sheeva made no reaction from the low-blow. The Shokan queen snorted and right hooked Kira in the face, followed by a left punch into her side. Kira howled from the two powerful punches, firing her own punches into Sheeva’s stomach.

The Shokan grunted before grabbing Kira by the shoulders using her upper arms while she grabbed the human’s thighs with her lower arms. She grunted as Sheeva slowly lifted Kira into the air air and held her over her head. She spun the human in circles before throwing her into the sand, sending dust flying everywhere.

Kira screamed when she hit the sand, looking up at the Shokan. She snarled and kicked Sheeva in the shin. Sheeva grunted but use this to fall towards Kira and slammed an elbow into Kira’s face. Kira groaned after the elbow slam, barely noticing being pulled up onto her feet by Sheeva.

Sheeva then squeezed Kira in a bearhug using her upper arms while her lower arms fingered Kira’s vagina and anus. Kira screamed in both pain and lewd as the air was being squeezed out from her and she felt Sheeva’s rough fingers inside of her anus and vagina. The redhead shook her head in denial at her climax building up.

With a gasp, Kira orgasmed all over Sheeva’s hand; drooling as well. Sheeva smiled as she lifted the moaning Kira onto her shoulders, licking her red wet vagina. After having her fill of the human’s cum, Sheeva roared and power-bombed Kira into the sand. The human made a soft yelp laid motionless, eyes closed and out cold from the move.

Sheeva pushed Kira away from her before facing the crowd, flexing all four of her biceps at the cheering crowd and at Kitana. Kitana smiled as Jade sounded the gong again. The arena gates opened and a figure ran into the arena. It was a female humanoid with white transparent hair and toned body. She wore a turquoise leotard that showed her biceps, six-packs and most of her cleavage. She also wore turquoise high boots and gloves.

‘The next contestant!’ Jade announced. ‘Hailing from Outworld, Khameleon!’

Khameleon stopped before Sheeva, sizing her up before hissing. ‘Strength is not everything Sheeva. I will show you that agility and cunning will always triumph!’

Sheeva smiled and beckoned with all her hands. ‘Then prove it Khameleon.’

Khameleon screamed and ran towards Sheeva but before the Shokan could touch her, Chameleon leapt into the air and jumped over her. She landed behind of the Shokan and wrapped her arms around Sheeva’s throat in a sleeper hold. Instead of tightening her hold on Sheeva’s throat however, she turned the Shokan’s head to face and kissed her roughly on the lips.

Sheeva’s eyes widened as Khameleon’s tongue dominated her mouth, trying to kiss her back as well. In the end, Sheeva simply fell backwards and slammed Khameleon into the sand. Khameleon screamed as she broke the kiss with Sheeva, releasing the Shokan from the sleeper hold. Sheeva growled and faced Khameleon, ripping off her leotard.

Khamaleon gasped as her silver nipples and white hairy vagina were exposed, screaming as Sheeva proceeded to slam her fists into her sides and breasts. Khameleon’s screams filled the air as she tried to defend herself, Sheeva’s rock-hard fists battering her body. Finally she throat punched the Shokan, Sheeva gasping and holding her throat.

The moment she rose to her feet, Khameleon opened her mouth and unleashed her long forked tongue out. It went straight to Sheeva’s hairy vagina and anus, penetrating both of them. Sheeva screamed sexually as she felt Khameleon’s wet tongue inside of her, launching punches at her. Khameleon dodged all of Sheeva’s attacks as she fired her own punches into the Shokan’s guts and breasts, her tongue still inside of her.

Sheeva’s screams filled the Koliseum as Khameleon’s tongue penetrated her deeply, poking her sensitive spots. Sheeva finally gave in with a moan as she orgasmed onto Khameleon’s tongue, her thick cum dripping onto the sand. Khameleon smirked and pulled her tongue out from the Shokan’s vagina, tasting her cum.

She had not long to celebrate as Sheeva angrily grabbed her by the shoulders and head-butted her in the face. Khameleon let out a screech as Sheeva continued to hold her shoulders, her lower fists slamming into Khameleon’s sides. The Shokan’s queen grunted as she slowly lifted her opponent into the air, holding her over her head.

Using her upper arms to hold Khameleon in place, Sheeva used her lower arms to finger her hairy vagina and mouth. Khameleon gagged on the Shokan’s fingers as she felt her fingers inside of her, flailing her arms and legs wildly. She even try to reach for Sheeva’s wet vagina with her tongue.

Before it could even reach the Shokan, Kkameleon screamed as she orgasmed over Sheeva’s fingers. With cum flowing down her arm, Sheeva lifted Khameleon higher into the air before slamming her back onto her knee in a backbreaker. Khameleon gasped as more cum squirted out from her clitoris, trying to roll off Sheeva’s knee. The Shokan was not done with her however.

Sheeva then turned Khameleon upside down and licked her wet hairy vagina before slamming her head-first into the ground in a tombstone pile-driver. The reptilian woman’s eyes rolled back into her lids upon impact, falling onto her stomach when Sheeva released her. She laid in the sand, out cold and cum flowing out from her vagina.

Sheeva grunted and roared victoriously, flexing her four biceps at the crowd. She did not perform her usual ritual as Jade sounded the gong again, the arena gates swinging open. A woman with black and grey shoulder length hair ran into the Koliseum. She wore black and purple clothing that were too revealing, showing off her biceps and six-packs on her white toned body. She also wore boots and long gloves.

‘Hailing from the Netherrealm!’ Jade announced. ‘Sareena!’

Sareena wasted no time for words as she leapt into the air towards Sheeva. The Shokan merely grunted and caught Sareena in mid-air by the face, slamming her into the ground. Sareena cried out in shock as Sheeva pinned her down, punching her in the face and sides with her lefts fists while her bottom right tore off her clothes.

Sareena gasped as she was stripped so early in the fight, her pink nipples and black hairy vagina exposed. The Shokan discarded the clothes aside and continued to hammer her fists into Sareena’s face and sides, even hitting the side of her breasts. Sareena barely defended herself as she was pummelled by the queen of Shokan.

The Shokan smirked as she stood up and leapt into the air, stomping onto Sareena’s chest and hairy vagina. Sareena howled in agony as she spat out saliva from the blow, falling limp into the sands. The Shokan queen looked down at her opponent before pulling her up onto her feet, standing behind her and pulling her to face Kitana.

Sheeva smirked as she used her upper hands to grope Sareena’s breasts while her lower hands fingered her hairy vagina. Sareena moaned as she felt her breasts being fondled and her vagina fingered, too weak to resist. It was not long before she moaned lewdly, orgasmed all over Sheeva’s hands.

Sheeva then pinched and twisted Sareena’s nipples as she licked the cum off her lower hands, Sareena yelling in pain and ecstasy. Once every drop of cum was off her fingers, the Shokan gave Sareena’s nipples a final tug before clamping all four arms around her waist and chest. Sheeva roared as she slammed Sareena three times into the ground in repeated German suplexs.

By the time Sheeva executed the last German suplex, Sareena’s eyes were closed. She stayed out cold as Sheeva lifted her limp body up into the air. Sheeva roared as she held the defeated Sareena like a trophy, the crowd cheering. Even Kitana smiled and applauded her. Sheeva grinned before throwing the unconscious Sareena next to Kira, spitting on her body.

‘Pawns of Quan Chi are no match against the Dragon’s fury!’

Then Jade sounded the gong for another time as the arena gates opened, the final contestant running into the Koliseum. It was a female humanoid with golden toned body with no hair on any part of her body, her silver nipples and smooth vagina showing. Behind her back were four thin but sharp pincers attached to her. Her eyes were compound and her mouth was full of sharp teeth.

‘Hailing from Arnyek Islands!’ Jade announced. ‘And the final contestant: D’Vorah!’

D’Vorah’s pincers turned into wings, allowing her to hover towards Sheeva. ‘This one will devoured you and feed you to the hive.’

The Shokan snorted and raised her fists. ‘I will squash you like a little bug!’

Jade sounded the gong and Sheeva roared, charging towards D’Vorah with two fists ready to slam into her. The Kytinn simply flew higher, making Sheeva hit nothing but air. Then D’Vorah slammed her feet onto Sheeva’s shoulders before burying her smooth vagina into the Shokan’s face. Then using her wings, she lifted Sheeva off her feet and slammed her into the sands in a Hurricana.

Sheeva screamed as she rolled onto her feet, turning to face her new opponent. She gasped as D’Vorah’s pincers punched her in the face, breasts, sides and stomach, moving too fast for the Shokan to defend herself. Then all of the sudden the Kytinn’s pincers transformed into wings as she flew off her feet, slamming them into Sheeva’s chest in a drop-kick.

The Shokan yelped as she fell onto her bottoms, looking up at D’Vorah hovering above her. She growled and grabbed the Kytinn’s leg, slamming her into the ground. D’Vorah howled as she was slammed into the sands, screaming as Sheeva lifted her up and slammed her down again. With a snarl, Sheeva spread D’Vorah’s legs and stood on her arms; pinning her upside down into the ground.

D’Vorah gasped as Sheeva slammed her own wet vagina onto her smooth ones in a scissor position, grinding roughly onto her. The Kytinn moaned as she felt her climax building up but slowly moved her pincers upwards. The Shokan gasped as she felt something entering her vagina and anus, feeling D’Vorah’s pincers inside of her.

Snarling, Sheeva managed to pull out D’Vorah’s pincers put from her anus and vagina using her upper arms, only for the Kytinn to push in two of a remaining pincers. The Koliseum filled with end moans as Sheeva and D’Vorah tried to dominate one another sexually. Finally both combatants gasped in unison as they orgasmed all over each other.

Sheeva moaned as she orgasmed all over D’Vorah, the Kytinn moaning as she was coated in both the Shokan’s and her own cum. When she was done expelling her fluid, Sheeva got off D’Vorah and lifted her off the ground. Wrapping her arms around the Kytinn, Sheeva pile drove her into the ground.

D’Vorah howled when her head made impact with the ground, sending sands everywhere. She groaned as she was lifted up into the air, Sheeva turning her around. Sheeva grabbed D’Vorah’s pincers with her upper arms while her lower arms grabbed the Kytinn’s arms, kicking her in between the legs and then in the stomach.

D’Vorah howled from the two kicks and tried to pull either her arms or pincers free. Before she could fight back, Sheeva had head-butted her in the face and swept her off her feet, still holding onto her pincers and arms. As D’Vorah fell onto her back, Sheeva jumped into the air and stomped onto the Kytinn’s stomach and wet vagina.

D’Vorah gasped as she orgasmed for the second time and the air being knocked out from her. She barely resisted when the Shokan pulled her up into the air and showed her to the cheering crowd. Then lifting her higher into the air, Sheeva slammed the Kytinn’s back onto her knee in a backbreaker.

D’Vorah groaned as she rolled off Sheeva’s knee, lying into the sand unconscious as cum flowed out from her vagina. Sheeva stood up and raised all four fists into the air, roaring triumphantly. The Koliseum erupted in cheers and applause as Sheeva flexed all her biceps, putting one foot on each defeated women still lying in the sands.

‘Winner and Kitana Kahn’s new champion, Sheeva!’ Jade announced.

Sheeva grinned before putting one knee before Kitana, bowing her head. Kitana stood up from her throne and smiled appreciative at her. ‘Rise my new champion and claim your prize!’

‘My thanks my Kahn.’ Sheeva said as she stood up. After one more bow to Kitana, she slowly collected Kira, Li Mei, Sareena, Khameleon and D’Vorah; carrying every unconscious women in each arm except for D’Vorah who was on her right shoulder. After she collected her trophies, Sheeva walked out of the Koliseum, disappearing into one of the chambers under the arena.

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