
Avid Affiliate
Dec 11, 2010
If you guys can figure out how to switch assassin to one of the other variation's looks that would be great. Been practicing the most on that variation, but god does that makeup make her look stupid.

Yeah, Assassin's my go-to variation, too. Royal Storm would be my favorite, since it's the closest to the traditional Kitana I'm used to using. However, the lack of a mask outs a serious damper on that variation for me. Mournful has the most iconic outfit, but I don't like the moves at all; I was not a Jade player, and I get my ass kicked roughly twice as often trying to use it. So Assassin is the best compromise, in my eyes, between a useable character and an enjoyable outfit.

I actually sort of like her whore makeup in the Assassin variation, and while I miss being able to do the Square Wave/ Butt Slam attack, I think the extra damage buffs and parry tech are growing on me. Royal Storm has an awesome semi-projectile Fan Lift, and I REALLY miss using that when I switch to Assassin, but her Fan Lift has always been a pretty close range attack, in previous Mortal Kombats, so I try to keep things in perspective and not feel upset or left-out.

Still haven't quite settled on a Jacqui variation (maybe the Full-Auto one?), while Cassie, I don't think I've even touched her variations besides Hollywood. Sonya suffers from serious Kitana-itis, in that I'm not fond of her face camo but do like the concept of her Special Forces variation. As for the guys, Grand Master seems to be the only worthwhile variation in Subbie's repertoire (the projectile-blocking Ice Klone is simply too cool to pass up) and the numerous grappler variations (Sun God, Commando, Wrestler) all seem good to practice with if you're into ryona... although, at least in Jax's case, I think I like the Gotcha Grab/ Pumped Up variation better, partly on account of his Gotcha Grab being one of the first pieces of ryona that ever turned me on.

Is it just me, or has anyone else found that Kenshi's demon-armor summoning variation is a MASSIVE pain in the ass? To fight against, I mean? The AI seems absurdly good at zoning you out with that moveset. M'lady Kitana has died many a times to that bastard's cruel blade.

P.S. GURO HENTAI ALERT Pixiv is delivering already! Short comic in which Ferra does her fatality on Kitana, and gets fucked by Torr at the same time.
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Avid Affiliate
Dec 11, 2010
I'm very much pro-mask. Her face is OK this time, MUCH better than it was in MK9, but nevertheless her mask is, for whatever reason, possibly the sexiest article of clothing she has.
In fact, this may be TMI, but I bought a Kitana cosplay costume a few years back, and the mask is one of my favorite fapping aids. I dunno what it is about Dat Mask, but it drives me fucking bazongas. I think perhaps it adds to the mystery and the sultry deadliness of Kittie; she's stunningly beautiful, but she keeps it hidden, and the lack of features on her face draws all your attention to her eyes.

Oddly enough, I prefer the mask on Kitana than on Mileena. A lot of people seem to like the mask on Mileena, since it hides her gnarly grill. Me, though, I can take it or leave it; maskless Mileena is fine by me.

As long as I'm being weird, another thing that's been on my mind, for awhile now actually, is the idea of having some form of oral sex with one of the kunoichi, under or even through her mask! It's why Quan Chi's Blowjob Sword fatality is one of my favorite moves in this game; he doesn't pull the mask down, he just sticks his sword blade right in there, right through the fabric (although I'd envision a purely sexual act of this sort to be non-penetrative in regards to the mask; i.e. it goes in her mouth and maybe even partly down her throat, but neither rips nor tears through her mask, at least not until the climax).


Potential Patron
Apr 15, 2012
I liked her booty in this MK2 costume. It's her best skin for sure.

- - - Updated - - -

Nothing is strange in this fetish actually, morosenoodle. Since we are all weirdos for liking ryona stuff this kind of sexual fetish is nothing if compared with our other sexual preferences because they're not directly sexual. This fetish still being real and directly sexual then not just a art as ryona is for us. And to be honest I agree with you: dat mask can't be replaced nor forgotten.


Avid Affiliate
Jul 16, 2012
Speaking of the booty, Cassie, in her alternate costume, has a really nice ass. I think Cassie is slowly replacing Kitana as my new favorite female fighter. I mean, you can't really beat a classic, and I think Kitana's great, but man, Cassie's personality and overall design is making me like her more and more. Plus she screams really nicely.


Avid Affiliate
Dec 11, 2010
Kitana's MK2 costume does have the nicest ass. The following screenshots are presented as evidence:

MKX Ryona All Fatalities on Kitana MK2 Alt Costume.mp4_snapshot_12.07_[2015.04.18_18.24.28].jpg MKX Ryona All Fatalities on Kitana MK2 Alt Costume.mp4_snapshot_10.03_[2015.04.18_18.23.26].jpg MKX Ryona All Fatalities on Kitana MK2 Alt Costume.mp4_snapshot_03.23_[2015.04.18_18.21.26].jpg

Cassie's yoga pants costume also has an amazing ass. I'm actually trying to edit it right now (pink hair and pink/purple/white colored costume, a la Steph from LazyTown); the old method for modifying kostume textures changed towards the end of MK:KE's, so does anyone know if there are any new utilities I might be able to use? If I can get my Stephanie/Cassie character to work, I'd be willing to do costume/model requests for people in the weeks to come.

Plus she screams really nicely.

Haha, Kano! :D


Avid Affiliate
Dec 11, 2010
I seem to be in the minority but I actually prefer Cassie's default outfit.

I like them both about equally. Cassie's alt shows more skin, which is great, and it accentuates her assets, but the other stuff- by which I mean, everything that's not her tits, abs, or ass- is a bit meh. Cassie's primary reminds me of Jill Valentine's battlesuit, which is a good thing, and it's quite form-fitting, also a good thing. I also like the way she's got her hair in the primary better.


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
Amazing Liu Kang X Ray on Cassie, 1:55

It seems that no one has created any beating videos yet, like the MK9 ones....probably I'll have to wait!

- - - Updated - - -

And here some good moves on Sonya, around 5:30

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I have a request to the possessors of MKX...can anyone make a short video with that hold (I think it's an hold) combo of Liu Kang (the multiple punches) AND his X-RAY on Cassie second outfit??

Thanks very much!!
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Avid Affiliate
Dec 11, 2010
I have a request to the possessors of MKX...can anyone make a short video with that hold (I think it's an hold) combo of Liu Kang (the multiple punches) AND his X-RAY on Cassie second outfit??

Thanks very much!!

You're talking about his throw, right? I just made a video (short match, includes multiple throws, a Dramatic Camera Interactable, X-Ray, Finisher, and some funny prematch banter); uploading it it right now, but it's large so may take a little while.


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
You're talking about his throw, right? I just made a video (short match, includes multiple throws, a Dramatic Camera Interactable, X-Ray, Finisher, and some funny prematch banter); uploading it it right now, but it's large so may take a little while.

Yeah, I think it's the throw! Thanks, she has the second outfit right? I've already found them with Cassie first outfit...anyway thanks again, I'll post more if I find something interesting!


Avid Affiliate
Dec 11, 2010
Yeah, I think it's the throw! Thanks, she has the second outfit right? I've already found them with Cassie first outfit...anyway thanks again, I'll post more if I find something interesting!

She's wearing the half shirt/ Yoga pants outfit. Here's a gif sample; is this what you're looking for?



Avid Affiliate
Dec 11, 2010
Liu and Cassie fight

Just to warn you, the match itself is crap. I had to play it with one hand.

NOT LIKE THAT. I mean, it was a 2P match, and I had to control both characters at the same time, one hand per character. Let me know how it works.
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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 20, 2010
I like them both about equally. Cassie's alt shows more skin, which is great, and it accentuates her assets, but the other stuff- by which I mean, everything that's not her tits, abs, or ass- is a bit meh. Cassie's primary reminds me of Jill Valentine's battlesuit, which is a good thing, and it's quite form-fitting, also a good thing. I also like the way she's got her hair in the primary better.

I do too! She looks more like a super heroine, kinda like an Xmen character.

Yeah, in addition to the outfit itself, I also think the hair looks substantially better. I'm generally not a huge fan of bangs. I think the other thing I like about it is that it's uniform. It's snug throughout, the colors work well, the jacket portion of the alternate just seems odd to me. I think if it was just yoga pants and the top I probably wouldn't have an issue with it.

And yeah, it does have more of a heroine feel to it.

p.s. Kang's xray is great :)

Deleted member 31

Btw I just got the game today. My initial impressions are the new animations look awesome, way more fluid than MK9's. The X-ray moves look great too. I love Kitana but holy crap has Cassie Cage won me over. I think she's gonna be my favourite girl for this game. She has the prettiest face, great costumes and a super sexy voice. I messed around with the bigger grappler type characters (Goro, the Aztec guy, the big brute with little girl) and they seem to have some pretty cool ryona moves. I'm gonna have a lot of fun checking out everyone's move list.

I will definitely be making some ryona vids for this game, though you know me by now, I don't put out a lot of vids, and Im super busy these days. But I will try to get some stuff out there.

Also heads up, hate to disappoint but for now I won't be able to do another video like the Jade one as I do not own the game on PC. My PC simply isn't good enough to run it, let alone run it with FRAPS lol. So for now my vids will have to be in standard 2D camera style. But ONE DAY i promise we will get more 3D MK ryona from yours truly. :P

But yeah overall Im very happy with the game based on initial impressions. Cassie is awesome, the animation is awesome and Kitana doesn't look as bad as I thought she would. And her alternate costume looks quite good too, can't wait to unlock it. And even Jacqui looks pretty good!


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 20, 2010
Have you tried ShadowPlay yet? I was skeptical at first, but it's honestly pretty awesome; if you've got an Nvidia card I'd recommend trying it, as it blows the hell out of FRAPS.

If his rig can't run the game, he probably doesn't have an nvidia card that can run shadow play.

Deleted member 31

Yeah, I have a 7870. My bottleneck is def my CPU and my Ram (only 4 gig). Who knows though, maybe I'll upgrade sooner then later.

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