
Avid Affiliate
Dec 11, 2010
Anyone up for making some Fatality/ Brutality vids? As a PC user, I can't do it myself.

Personally I'd love, love love love love LOVE, to see some vids with Kitana, MK2 costume, traditional masked variant. All new character Fatalities/ Brutalities if possible, but if not, at the very least I'd like to see an HD vid of the Pit and Kove (!!!!) fatalities being done on her, by Cage, Goro, Reptile, or some evil male character.

Thanks in advance!


Avid Affiliate
Dec 11, 2010
I liked all of them so far, but Leatherface and Triborg have the best ones.

Alien I was a little disappointed with, owing to the lack of any Facehugger finishers (I'm *hoping* there's a facehugger rape Brutality) Otherwise, I liked them! I'm a sucker for all things bisection (#1 ryona type for me) and Alien's tail stab/ torso rip is just great in that regards. Nice build-up, slow and painful, really sexy spinning body parts in the slow-mo; only thing I'd change is her lower half landing ass-up instead of down.
Alien's second fatality has a WONDERFUL build-up; I love the stabbing and the way Alien pulls its victim in close, staring her right in the eyes. That's the sort of thing they should have really given to Baraka! The actual kill is a let-down; I was hoping for a more violent vore ending, and honestly if Alien had scarfed it's victim this might well have been my favorite of the new finishers. As it is, it's really good in terms of the entire game, but only average in the context of this new release.

Bo Rai Cho's explosive fatality is awesome. Again, a very nice, perilous leadup to the main event. It incorporates two things I like: dousing a helpless heroine in flammable liquid, and bisections (explosive, in this case). The flaming lower body is a nice touch!
The second fatality is less awesome. It's gory and painful-looking, but it doesn't make much sense to me. Why is the booze making her puke out her intestines? Is it poison booze? They should have gone for another fart fatality, but oh well.

Triborg's gang rape fatality is really cool, especially that last bit, where Sektor splits her in half and they hold her up like a fucking trophy. The "trophy display" trope was used to great effect in previous MK games - SubZero, Kung Lao, and Noob all had similar victory poses in MK9, for example. This trope is not used as much in MKX, which is a disappointment.
The peril machine fatality is even better. I've actually had dreams about things like that happening to Kitana, so this fatality is going right up near the top of my list! That last shot - when the beautiful girl has been reduced to a processed block of meat - is cruel and cold and ever so sexy.

Leatherface's split fatality is OK. I love the way his victim screams and falls to her knees, but it's a little too close to some of the other fatalities for my liking (e.g. the scythe faction kill, or Kung Lao's flower fatality).
His meat hook fatality, on the other hand, is AMAZING. Possibly the best fatality in MKX, and I do not say that lightly. Again, bisections are amazing, and you've got the whole bondage/peril aspect while the defeated heroine is dangling on Leatherface's meat hook.. It reminds me of my favorite fatality from War Gods, and - like the machine processing above - is another scenarios I've envisioned in the past. Pretty much perfect. 10/10, now if only if was on the PC, and we could use the camera hack...!!!


Avid Affiliate
Dec 11, 2010

Some old stuff, some new stuff. New highlights include Alien's winpose @0:00 and Alien's facehugger brutality (yay) @3:00.

Speaking of winposes, what are people's thoughts on extra-violent, even "fatal", winposes? Personally, I like 'em. They're a nice middle-ground between in-match fatality moves, and the deathtrap/badend Game Over sequences you see in some other games (two ryona tropes I also enjoy, but for different reasons).

Generally speaking, I like fatal winposes because (like the threat of Finishing Moves) they increase the tension of a match; the prospect of your favorite heroine being cruelly dispatched if she fails to achieve victory means there's a lot more at stake, gets you more emotionally invested in the fight! You don't often see fatal winposes, but as fan of hard-ryona, I very much appreciated it when they show up in otherwise "soft" ryona games (for example: Rolento's grenade winpose in SFA, Juggernaut's crushing winpose in the Capcom Vs series, or the Death Match conceit in World Heroes). You also don't see fatal winposes too often in hard-ryona games, either (Stryker's winpose from MK9, Boss Shinnok, Predator, and now Alien from MKX), and you know what? I'm OK with that.

I like the idea of using fatal winposes sparingly, and only when it makes sense, for the character, from a story perspective. For me, it's not just about the idea of a fight ending in tragedy for a heroine, but the idea that the fight MIGHT end in tragedy. That element of peril, the uncertaintity of the situation, is a major turn-on for me; the hope that the heroine might somehow avoid her fate, either by winning the match, or through the opponent showing some last-minute mercy (of course, as a guro fetshist, I prefer it when the heroine is NOT shown mercy; it's the idea of that mercy being possible, not the actual act of it, that matters here). Personally, I think the last five-ten seconds of a match, as well as the whole dizzy/ Finish Her ritual, are some of the hottest parts in any ryona scenario, and it's for just that reason: the peril, the struggle, and the last desperate hope. Getting back to fatal winposes, that presents me with a problem - because, on the one hand, the match can (and often will) have a hard-ryona ending. On the other hand, it removes the prospect of the heroine being beaten and still surviving (maybe she is set free? Or simply humiliated?). Fatal winposes are not an ironclad death sentence, of course - our heroine can still always, you know, win the fight - but in a game, that HAS finishing moves, and CAN end with the baddest of the bad ends, fatal winposes diminish the urgency and importance of those critical last few seconds. I still like them, yes! In fact, I love them; experiencing a hot match which ends in mercy is the ryona equivalent of blue balls. Fatal winposes are cheap and easy, which isn't always a good thing, isn't always bad thing. So that's why I say I like the idea of using fatal winposes sparingly. Usually only for really evil characters, or at least really inhuman/ predatory characters who have no reason to leave their prey alive.


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
I've see some camera mod videos, very good stuff, I've seen one with Cassie's stick to the crotch move on....herself. Amazing video, a shame there's the hud in it. Does someone can make one without HUD? If so, please with her sport outfit!

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Ed Boon tweeting about an announcement for tomorrow, hopefully it's about the PC version of MKXL. It's too soon for them to announce any real content right now since they literally just put out a balance update the other day.

Edit: Meh, just an esports thing with a $500k prize pool. Nice for competitive communities, useless for PC players
Last edited:


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
Can I make a request here? I want to see Jacqui's X Ray on Tanya and Cassie, but I hate....the X Ray effect. I want to see the body of the girl, not the bones. I think it's impossible to delete the X Ray effect, but it's possible to see it from another angle with the camera mod. Someone can do that move on those two girls with the camera mod, maybe from behind the girl attacked, so I don't see the bones?

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