Ok then with that out of the way the first thing I should inform you guys is that I'm using "Queen of Fighters" I'm using the same verision stated by Someone92. Anyways my first question is "Is there any significant difference between MUGEN and Queen of Fighters"? Besides the fact that QOF is just a Hentai version of MUGEN filled with hot chicks. Also for those that play QOF I would like to ask if there is any reason for me to download the new version of it from this link (
BETMARK Universe), since I'm basically happy with the version I have, though I'm not sure how old my version is compared to the latest. If there is any reason you think I should please let me know any information would be appreciated.
Next question, I download most of my characters from the same link (hence why I question the need from downloading the latest version of QOB since the characters still work anyways) and I would like to know if you guys know of any other site where I can download characters? The reason I'm asking this is because I saw a video on Youtube of a guy using a Kuromaru name kurolli and I only have Kuromaru_Lite and Plus, but I don't know if they are obsolete versions or not.
And now my final question (for now anyways) which I know is kind of a stupid question, but how to you add the pictures of new characters into character selection screen? Since when I add new characters and when I go to select them they have no pictures displayed, but either than that everything still works out fine It's just a bit annoying not to have a picture when you select them and when they appear invisible during the vs part before the actual fight. If anyone can teach me how to fix this I would really appreciate it.