My creations (Fairy Tail, Fate, Pokémon, and more...) (Dynamics) (11 Viewers)

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The Mike

Potential Patron
Sep 6, 2011
too bad there is not an option to scale the body, she looks too big to be taiga.... :P
awesome work marlow ;)


Potential Patron
Nov 10, 2011
hi, ive got a problem when downloading the pack..well pretty much everything when i click it only downloads something called "index.php" anyone knows why?


Potential Patron
Sep 28, 2011
asdflolol, you need to RENAME the archive, for example to Taiga.swf, remember always .SWF

How can I rquest the scale of the body in Konashion Blog for the next update?



Avid Affiliate
Feb 16, 2011
Majin said:
asdflolol, you need to RENAME the archive, for example to Taiga.swf, remember always .SWF

How can I rquest the scale of the body in Konashion Blog for the next update?

his problem may be caused by something else.

Also, you can ask him on his blog, but it's not likely to happen.

marlow brandon

Content Creator
Jul 23, 2011
Long time no see...

Ok, new stuff:

Levy McGarden from Fairy Tail and Kushieda Minori and Kawashima Ami from Toradora!

See ya!


Potential Patron
Sep 28, 2011

Thanks a lot!

Next Project... Dragon Project xd


Bulma (Teen):

Chichi (Teen):

Videl (Pigtails):

What do you think? ;)
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marlow brandon

Content Creator
Jul 23, 2011
Long time no see!

I've been busy since I begun to do some tests with the mod loader to make clothing, but I still not control the layers quite well, although I hope to post soon my first suits.
May take long to do new hairstyles, because if I get master the technique, I intend to make costumes for each character that I have done.

Well, let's go to the topic,

Three new hairstyles, all from Beelzebub:

Izabella, Satura and Lamia
(Yolda is half finished, so you already have a clue that what's the next)

See you!


Can't download some of them.
It only loads a PHP file, instead of a swf.

Can you pls fix it?

awesome job btw. :)

marlow brandon

Content Creator
Jul 23, 2011
Eeeerm... I have no problems to download any file, maybe its a browser issue...

By the way.

Only one hairstyle this time. :-\

Its a new version for Erza Scarlet that I use for her costume.
Take a look to it. (Requieres ModLoader)

Hope you like the improvements.


Potential Patron
Nov 12, 2011
It would be good if you create Bleach or One Piece Characters.
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Potential Patron
Nov 12, 2011
Sovereign899 said:
Sweet works, quick question how do I use the costume mods like titania armor?

You have to use Mod Guy Loader, with the modmanager you have to import it, and then with the mod guy loader use it.


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
I'm thinking about rewriting the manager and documenting the loader properly.
But that requires so much time.......  ̄Д ̄


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
DA_Zero666 said:
It would be good if you create Bleach or One Piece Characters.

>:( between me and minuer im almost positive all those characters have already been done


Avid Affiliate
Feb 16, 2011
ModGuy said:
I'm thinking about rewriting the manager and documenting the loader properly.
But that requires so much time.......  ̄Д ̄
I already started rewriting the manager, but I "gave up", I'll pick it back up in a week or so, too busy right now. Also, running Loader.swf allows you to load the mods through the swf import option doesn't it? The only problem is the character saving system... couldn't that be written into the loader.swf?

I am still willing to work with you on stuff, I completely follow your code even without any form of commenting.
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