My Wife Broken and Tortured in Her First Wrestling Match (1 Viewer)


Casual Client
Nov 16, 2016
I watch as my wife swaggers confidently into the ring, to face her mystery opponent in the match I arranged for her. She knows that she’s not likely to win, having never wrestled before, and she knows it’s a no-DQ 30 minute match with very little in the way of rules; so she’s expecting some pain too, having signed the contract knowing the punishment round stipulation if she loses. She’s fighting because she knows I will love every minute of it all.

What she doesn’t know, is just how much pain is in store for her..Nor just how vicious, large, and ruthless her opponent is. I feel kind of terrible about setting her up, but I know it’ll turn her on to get thrashed in front of me.

My wife is 5’7”, 140 pounds; athletic but curvy, thick in all the right places. It shows nicely as she slides into the ring, wearing a white t-shirt knotted above her belly, no bra, and tight black spandex short shorts beautifully accentuating her ass. Her cute feet are bare, showing off her bright red toenails. Her long, straight brown hair in a high ponytail. She’s done a little makeup too, with mascara. Wifey winks at me as she turns to face her opponent, and gasps in shock.

Her opponent, Sugar, is climbing into the opposite corner of the ring. A monster of a woman, Sugar is 6’2” and over 265 pounds. Wearing a black bodysuit, big black boots, and fingerless gloves, with sharp looking nails, she looks every inch the bruiser I was told she’d be. Wifey looks like a lamb being led to the slaughter against this beast, but she puts on her game face and tries to look tough.

Noticing Sugar’s boots, she asks the ref why she has to be barefoot if the opponent has boots, saying her feet will be vulnerable to stomping. He says she chose the outfit she’s wearing, so she looks at me. I shrug sheepishly as she glares.

Sugar taunts her - “nice pedicure honey. Real fighters wear boots! You should have thought of that before you strutted in here like a stripper!” Wifey answers with a glare and a middle finger.

then the bell rings!!

With no time to argue, my wife goes on the attack, sprinting at Sugar, and catching her off guard with a knee to the gut. Sugar doubles over so wifey keeps up the pressure, pounding Sugar with forearms to the back. Sugar staggers against the ropes, covering her head. I can’t believe what I’m seeing, and I cheer wifey on to keep it up.

Wifey, getting confident, taunts Sugar as she lands a punch to the ribs. “I really thought you’d be tougher! Guess the outfit doesn’t make the fighter!” She then makes the mistake of lashing out with a bare foot to kick Sugar in the shin, yelping as her bare toe connects with the hard material of Sugar’s boot.

As she hops back, Sugar stands up, grinning evilly at my wife. “You just fucked up bigtime sweetie”. She grabs my wife by the ponytail, roughly wrenching her head and neck back as she screams out for the first (but not last) time from the pain.

My wife’s hands desperately claw at Sugar’s gloved ones trying to loosen the grip, but she just twists harder and pulls up, forcing my wife yelling in pain, onto her toes…and stomps the heel of her nasty boot down HARD on my wife’s injured foot.

Wifey shrieks in agony and drops to the mat as sugar lets go of her hair, holding her foot and rolling around on the ground, moaning in pain.

Sugar stomps down hard on my wife’s other foot, eliciting another scream from her, before opening up an unreal barrage of stomps & kicks all over wifey’s vulnerable body. My wife is desperately trying to roll away from Sugar, yelping with each stomp.

“LET’S SEE YOU STAND AND FIGHT NOW BITCH!” Sugar roars at my wife as she delivers a brutal kick to her stomach. Wifey groans as her body involuntarily curls around Sugar’s leg.

Reaching down, Sugar grabs my wife’s face with both hands, roughly squeezing her gorgeous features as she leans in close “You’re going to beg me for mercy in front of your man now. You can count on it.” Wifey, still winded, manages to choke out “F-fuck you! Giant bitch!”

“Oh, still a tough girl huh?” Sugar laughs as she slaps my wife hard across the face, causing another pained cry as she falls onto the mat clutching her cheek now.

“This is where I start to have fun. Let’s see how flexible you are”. My wife is on her hands and knees when Sugar DROPS her whole body weight on my wife’s back, knocking her flat on her belly.

I start to feel a strange combination of sorry for my wife’s suffering mixed with incredible arousal as Sugar bends her in an absurdly vicious camel clutch - I didn’t even know my wife was that flexible! Maybe she isn’t, judging from the screams of pain and her feet kicking helplessly on the mat. I gasp audibly when Sugar sticks her fingers in wifey’s mouth and rips her mouth wide in a vicious fish hook camel clutch. I can see my wife flailing and hear her muffled screams, and I feel myself getting increasingly aroused.

Sugar whispers in my wife’s ear “done yet slut?” My wife gasps out “hell no!”. My mouth drops open in shock. Sugar slams wifey’s head on the mat, growling “we’ll see about that!”.

Sugar rips her to her feet by the hair, and proceeds to thrash my wife with an absolutely horrifying series of painful submission moves. Manhandling her barefoot opponent around the ring, Sugar goes to TOWN, first she picks wifey up, and SLAMS her down in half over her knee, with her toes pointed to the ground, a scream of pain ripping from my wife’s throat as her back bends at an impossible angle. “SUBMIT!!” yells Sugar, “NO….” moans my wife.

Standing, I watch my wife’s bare feet stomp the mat and her mouth open in a scream, as Sugar wrenches wifey’s arm halfway up her back so viciously I thought it would break.

Sugar follows with a surfboard hold, with my wife on her knees, rolls her into a Mexican ceiling hold, tortures her arms in a Lotus Lock, and stomps on her bare feet some more. My wife is screaming her lungs out with each one of these attacks, but to her credit and my shock, she STILL hasn’t submitted! She IS screaming very loud though…and seems to be getting more panicked.

I shout some encouragement to my wife to keep fighting, when suddenly, the ref slips me a nightstick. Shocked, I stare at him, and he only nods in return. I know from the contract what can come next if I do this right.

Sugar drags my wife over by the hair, shaking her and telling her to submit in front of me “tell your man who the alpha bitch is, and maybe I’ll stop”. My wife is in a lot of pain, and there are tears in her eyes, but she shakes her head.

I use this moment to slip the nightstick to my wife through the ropes, and she doesn’t hesitate. Grabbing it, she whacks Sugar right in the pussy!

I’m stunned but let out an encouraging shout to wifey, as the beastly heel drops to the floor holding her crotch! Wifey does exactly what I would have expected, and begins smashing Sugar all over with the nightstick.

“HOW do you like this?! Big bad alpha bitch huh? I think I owe you some pain!” My wife is clearly weakened and in pain, but the anger is sexy, and I love that she still has some fight in her…especially with what I know is coming now. Sugar is just covering up trying to avoid damage as my wife rains down the nightstick….

My breath catches in my throat as I realize two women in masks, black bodysuits, and heavy boots have entered the ring. They both have fingerless gloves and sharp nails like Sugar. I open my mouth to tell my wife to look out, but it is already too late.

Together, the two women grab my wife by the ponytail mid swing and SLAM her down onto her back, where she hits with a SCREAM “w-what the fuck?! What is this?!” Wifey yells as she crawls back from the assailants.

The masked women are no-nonsense. They pounce like wildcats on my retreating wife. She struggles but is already injured, and they easily overpower her. “Get..OFF!!” My wife yells at them, but they simply manhandle her into position: face down, ass up, on her knees. One woman pins wifey’s arms behind her back in a double hammerlock, while the other woman presses my wife’s cheek into the mat, 1 hand on her face, and one gripping her ponytail with a death grip.

My wife is struggling but held immobile on her knees, her black spandex shorts stretched out in a lovely way over her butt. The masked women speak. “You fucked up BAD honey.” Says one “You’ll regret using that weapon sexy girl” says the other. They both laugh at her struggles. “You’re not going anywhere. You’re going to submit in front of your man.” My wife starts to whimper a little as she realizes how helpless she is at the moment, the first time she’s shown fear. Still on her knees, I notice her toes are pressed against the floor in a lovely, way. It must be straining for her.

Sugar gets to her feet, laughing at my helpless wife. “You see? Little athleisure girl. Real fighters wear boots. Gloves. Wrestling bodysuits. Clothes with some protection! Like my friends here. You have the audacity to come in here wearing that crop top and your little spandex booty shorts, with your pedicured bare feet touching my ring…and THEN you cheap shot me with a weapon?? Now you’re going to find out why you wear protective gear.”

As she says this, she walks behind my struggling and panicking wife, and kicks her legs open a little wider. “Enjoy, slut!” Sugar’s arm loops around as she BASHES my wife right in the crotch with the nightstick. “YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHFUCKKKKKKK!!!!” Screams wifey as the vicious low blow makes impact with zero way to defend herself, tears immediately start to run down her face as the heels all laugh. “Yeah, scream bitch” Sugar hits Wifey in the crotch again. “Aiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!!” Another scream, more tears, feet kicking helplessly in the struggle.

Sugar goes rapid fire, bashing my poor wife’s pussy repeatedly with the nightstick as she can do nothing but scream and cry. I’m frozen watching, mouth open, unable to look away. For the first (but not last) time, my wife pleads for mercy “please no more! Please! I get it I’m sorry!”

“Too late bitch. We’re not done here” comes the reply, to both my horror and my extreme excitement.

My wife continues to plead for mercy that is clearly not forthcoming. The laughing heels let her know that they’re about to go to town on her sexy ass.

Keeping her in that facedown kneeling pose, Sugar takes over the restraining & wrenching of wifey’s arms, while the two masked women engage in the latest torment - nail clawing.

My kneeling wife’s desperate screams echo off the walls of the Ring room, as the masked heels gleefully RAKE their nails SLOWLY down the back of my wife’s thick thighs, smooth calves, all the way down to her feet, where the two women DIG their claws into her soles, raking them nastily, and clawing the struggling jobber between her toes as well. Screaming doesn’t even do it justice - my wife is SHRIEKING, while the 3 horrible heels giggle at her agony..”INVEST IN A PAIR OF BOOTS ROOKIE!l” snarks one of the heels, “AAGHHHFUCKAAHHHHHH PLESESTOPNOMORE!!!” Is the only response my wife can give them.

While the two continue to torture her feet with their sharp nails, Sugar switches her grip to pin my wife’s wrists with a single hand, while her other hand’s sharp nails find the exposed skin of my wife’s lower back (thanks to the crop top), and begins scratching and clawing her there as well!!

I can’t believe what I’m seeing! My wife is squirming, struggling, shaking, but unable to break out of the face down kneeling pose these 3 brutal women have her in. Her face is tearstreaked, mascara running, her mouth alternating between incoherent screams and desperate pleas for mercy. Sharp nails are raking her legs, feet and back. They’re really delivering on this contract…

They finally relent for a moment, and Sugar even releases my wife’s arms, which drop limp by her sides as she falls forward to the mat on her stomach and curls up slightly on her side, sobbing & breathing heavily.

“I’m done. You made your point. I’ve had enough!” Wifey starts to crawl her way towards the ring ropes.

“Who the fuck gave you permission, bitch?” Sugar asks as she drags my sobbing wife back towards the middle of the ring by a foot. Lifting her tearstreaked face towards me, she tells wifey to admit defeat to me. We make eye contact, and she seems to gain some resolve. “No.”

I’m astounded. I know they’re just going to make her beg again, so is she doing this for me?? Or her pride??

Her screams begin again (starting to become slightly hoarse!) as Sugar suddenly locks in a vicious one-legged Boston crab! Bending my wife nearly in half, Sugar touches wifey’s toes to the back of her head, - I had no idea she was this flexible - while she desperately pounds the mat.

Not to be outdone, the masked heels join Sugar. One of them puts her thick boot on my Wife’s free toes (the non-Boston crab side) and starts GRINDING them under the heel, eliciting fresh howls of agony from her.

The other one goes around to the other side, crouching in front of her sobbing face, and locks an insane mandible claw on her! My wife’s screams and struggles become more intense (and more muffled!) as her weakened arms ineffectually flail at her attackers.

They let her go once again, and she curls up in the fetal position, fully crying and barely able to speak.

Looming over my crying wife, the 3 heels don’t look anywhere close to finished. My heart is racing with a combination of guilt and excitement, wondering what they have planned for her next. There’s still plenty of time.

My wife manages to stop sobbing for a moment, still in the fetal position, looking up at her tormentors “ok ok, I get it, I shouldn’t have used the weapon. Please no more! I can’t take it! I submit!”

Sugar laughs. “You don’t get it honey. The rules say your submission only counts if we accept it. And I don’t yet” with that, she grabs my wife, sits her up, and traps her arms in a cruel lotus lock using her tree-trunk sized legs. Wifey’s screams start again as she frantically struggles, kicking her legs in pain. Sugar makes matters worse, grabbing her ponytail in one hand and arching her neck. My wife’s screams are pitiful, but so hot.

Not to be outdone, the two masked women seize the opportunity to inflict more cruelty on my beaten and helpless wife. Each grabs a foot, evil looks in their eyes. They show her their claws, hovering over her feet. My wife’s struggles intensify. “No no no no! Not that! Please not that again!”

The two masked heels DIG their claws into my wife’s feet, working their nails between her toes, trying to inflict maximum agony. It works. My wife’s screams reach a new pitch, as tears run down her face, helpless to stop the assault on her feet and toes. “AGHHHHHBBBBHPLEASENOOPLEASEEEEEE!!!”

Laughing with glee, the heels only try harder to hurt my wife the louder she screams. My wife’s sexy feet are covered in scratch marks. The masked women continue to DIG their nails between her toes as she thrashes and squirms. “We told you rookie. BOOTS! Don’t fucking forget it!” All my wife can do in response is continue to cry hysterically “pleasepleasePLEASEPLEAASEPLEEEAAASE! STOP STOP STOP! I’M BEGGING YOU!!”

“Nope. You’re gonna keep taking it, slut!”

I watch as they continue to brutalize my sexy, scantily clad wife. The punishment continues at a dizzying pace. The 3 heels play with my wife like a toy, moving her from position to position, utilizing creative submissions that wonderfully show off her body. She can’t stop them, and all she can do is scream and cry, her voice getting hoarse and increasingly more desperate. They twist her limbs, bend her back, pull her hair, throw her around, smother her….I’ve never seen torture like this in a wrestling ring. All the while they continue to attack her feet as well. My wife’s face is streaked with her running mascara from her tears. Which only seems to incite the heels to further violence. I can’t get enough, and wonder what is going to happen to her next.

My wife is a wreck. Lying in a twisted heap at the feet of the 3 sadistic heels, her whole body is shaking with sobs as she cries hysterically. “Please….PLEASE Let me submit!! I didn’t sign up for this!”

More laughter all around. “You did, dumb bitch. Maybe read the contract next time!” I myself did read the contract, and am exploding with excitement of what might come next. If I’m right, Sugar’s terms of surrender will work out nicely!!

The bell rings!

Ref says “time is up, but the rules state the match has not ended, as we don’t have a winner by accepted submission! The match will continue until we do!” My wife is terrified, “please, let me surrender, I’ll do anything!”

Sugar yanks my wife to her feet by the ponytail. Looming menacingly over her as she stands on shaky legs, cowering, Sugar almost gently undoes wifey’s ponytail, letting her long brown hair cascade down.

Suddenly grabbing two fistfuls of my wife’s hair, Sugar knees her in the stomach, and yanks her face in, kissing my wife HARD and aggressively, pushing an invasive tongue into her mouth and roughly exploring. I’m instantly hard as a rock watching this.

My wife is too stunned and helpless to do anything, so she just kinda takes it. As Sugar breaks off the kiss, she STOMPS hard on my wife’s poor foot again, sending her screeching to the floor and writhing in pain.

“Tell you what rookie skank. I almost believe you. I have a condition for your surrender, but I need to hear you scream a little louder first!”

Sugar grabs my wife for her horrifying finisher - PINUP STRONG! Interlocking her booted tree trunk legs with my wife’s thick thighs and bare feet, she grabs my wife’s arms and flips her upside down. With Sugar’s legs extended, my wife is essentially completely trapped in a pretzel upside down, with her ankles and knees under crushing pressure, while her arms and shoulders are being torn from their sockets backwards. She can’t even struggle, all she can do is SCREAM.

Scream she does - I can see the veins in my wife’s neck as she wails. “AIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE PLEASE LET ME DOWN!!!” With Sugar’s immense strength, she can keep her there all day.

Not to be left out, Sugar’s masked henchwomen move in. One grabs my wife’s huge nipples through her tattered crop top, yanking away from Sugar, causing my wife a fresh wave of agonized screaming. The other executes a demonic crotch claw on my upside down wife, digging her claws into wifey’s pussy through the unprotective spandex.

My wife’s screams are so loud the building sounds full. Her pleas for mercy are so hot, and I still can’t believe she’s doing this for me, even as she begs for it to stop.

Finally, after an eternity of continued pleading, Sugar drops my thoroughly destroyed, beaten and humiliated wife back to the mat. There she lays, crying hysterically.

Sugar finally offers the deal. “Here’s how it’s going to work you cheap shotting whore. Your man is going to come into the ring, and you’re going to suck him off in front of everyone, to MY satisfaction like a good little slut. You will also sign a contract to participate in future matches. You do both, I’ll let you submit, and we can head off to your punishment round.”

I can tell my wife wants to argue at the mention of the punishment round, but at this point she knows what’s in the contract and is so desperate to get out of the ring, she’s not thinking straight (big mistake). She merely nods.

I get into the ring practically shaking with excitement. The heels hold my wife on her knees as I approach, her body still shaking with agony & exhaustion. As Sugar shoves the contract in her face, Wifey looks at me with resignation. “I hope you’re at least enjoying this” I can only nod and grin in response as she signs another match agreement.

Without further ado, Sugar shoves her at me, and my wife eagerly takes off my pants and begins to suck me off. Sugar after a few seconds grabs the back of her head and shoves her face into my crotch, making my wife choke sputter and gag on my cock.

As if this wasn’t enough, Sugar makes evil eye contact with me as she reaches between my wifey’s kneeling legs. With 2 sharp fingers, she finds my wife’s pussy, and cruelly PINCHES it between 2 nails, while keeping my wife’s mouth firmly in place on my cock.

The agony of this pussy pinch causes a SCREAM to rip from wifey’s throat, but unable to pull away, she is screaming around my cock down her throat, eyes closed, tears pouring down her face. It’s too much - I explode down her throat, blasting my whole load from this incredible match into her mouth.

Gagging and choking, my wife mercifully, finally, passes out. Sugar allows her to fall back, splatting onto the mat.

As the crowd cheers, a stretcher takes my unconscious wife away to prepare for the punishment round. Sugar pats me on the back-“good job fella.You and the boys be back here tomorrow morning for the dungeon viewing room. We have to get her cleaned up and ready for you.”


Casual Client
Nov 16, 2016
This is a great read! Do you plan to upload the dungeon punishment round? I would love to read it and I can't seem to find it at the moment
Thanks!! Really happy you like it. Yes I will upload that here at some point soon. I have also been creating 3D renderings and am getting close to having this story illustrated out. I may post those too :). Here's a preview of Wifey as she stepped into the ring for her nightmare with Sugar


  • Wifey Pre-sugar Better Hair.png
    Wifey Pre-sugar Better Hair.png
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