Not exactly. The idea is to deliver a "bloated"
work-in-progress instead of a finished product.
When tracing a hairstyle for animation purposes, it's necessary to include superfluous elements. You must deliberately spend time drawing stuff which will rarely be visible (because it's occulted by the girl's face, or her body, or other strands of her hair).
You're already familiar with the idea of multiple layers (for the PNG template) with occasional overlap among hair elements on different layers.
Extend that idea. Imagine that
each strand is drawn separately, so that it's possible for them all to swing around without leaving any "holes" in the hair (through which bare scalp might become visible). There will be an
absurd amount of overlap.
At any moment, 40-60% of your work will be hidden. Because you've drawn more hair than is actually necessary, the project involves more time+effort. Because Flash is drawing a lot of hidden sprites, the hairstyle will hurt the game's FPS more than usual. That's the "price" of a high-detail dynamic hairstyle.
We don't expect novice users to deliver on all of that. Instead, the novice is asked to simply
trace the reference image carefully, and to
maintain separate layers whenever possible. The veteran modder would then fit/stretch the vectors to fit the SDT head, "draw in" the missing/hidden details, assign each hair element to an appropriate layer (e.g. above the ear, below the shoulder), and then tackle any animation work.
In this particular case, I would leave most of the hairstyle static. I would seek to animate only the two sidelocks and the half-ponytail.
Go ahead and post it in your thread and I'll take a look. There's no harm in proposing another project. If one project is more promising than another then we could prioritize it. If
@TheSoiledDakimakura is willing to work on this hairstyle, then you could pursue your two projects in parallel.