OG zako attempt, Story of three nations. (1 Viewer)


Nov 27, 2021
(title to reflect name of setting when name is decided, I am horrible with names. Suggestions welcome.)

In an alternate fantasy world, war occurred between the Gaians and Sekans.
The Elves waged war against Sekans the draconic dominant race, and rallied to form Gaian alliance. The races who were already coexisting with Elves due to their similarities, such as humans and beast folk Sulins joined the cause. Sekans, supported by many races in fear of aftermath of the war, expected easy victory to this challenge as most races did. However the Gaians won and managed to banish the Sekans to the sky and ruled over the races that did not side with them.

long time later, the Gaians split off to their own leaders and split the land. But the war has caused many generations of coexistence and racial differences became weaker. Gaians grew stronger and more resistant than their past generations, but noticed the declining birthrate, especially in men. Eventually, the descendants of Gaian alliance waged war on each other without a victor, until a rebel faction formed of every nation's armed forces organized an operation of kidnapping as many males as possible of the land, and hiding. They demanded cease of warfare, and recognition of their control in the middle grounds to prove it for release of the men. Nations agreed but was only able to receive portion of their men, as the rebels insisted on maintaining some men as hostages for their secured existence. Soon they formed their own nation, with the fastest population growth, while others were slowed down in rebuilding due to lack of population and men.

Now the world is redesigned mostly were people have started to become accustomed to having women do most work, and men kept safely from harmful things. Women became leaders, and men enjoyed all the luxury they could wish for. Men can mate whoever they wish, and women are taught to focus their best efforts on increasing the population growth. There are three nations, Gaians of Elven lineage, Yggrom of Human lineage, and Tofflaws of the Sulin lineage. The rebel's nation was reformed as the Vindicators, self proclaimed as regulators and servers of law and justice in the land. Three nations constantly do skirmishes still, but over many years every nation has worked hard to perfect the protection of lives, and the leaders had shared idea to do so. For this, they pay tribute to the Vindicators for their mercenary services that regulates rules of engagement, scales of war, and rescue of the wounded.

The Gaians are based on asia, they excel in science and magic, but has had political insecurity due to lack of dominant religion. Gaian leadership has constant concern of rebellions and lack of cooperation, and foreign conflicts can either lead to unification or betrayals. But in the end, after enough benefit was gained, the pride as Gaians bring them back under the Gaian flag.
The Yggrom are based on Europe, they excel in magic and religion and is treated as barbarians, as they treat the other nations. Tofflaws are the smallest nation yet is considered the strongest as well. The only nation with enough population for their size. Yggroms wish for some conflict to expand their territory.
The Tofflaws are based in pacifics, arabian to americas, kind of a bucket list of everything I am less familiar with. They are alliance of many sub races of different animal traits. With the largest land and population, they have always suffered the most when conflict arose, and people have been calling for a strong militaristic ruler.
The Vindicators are free city nation located at the central hill that overlooks most of the land. They control the vital passages and major locations of the land, allowing them to interfere in most engagements of other nations. They own most male population, and have highest male birth rate as well. They seek to turn war and combat in to a sport for profit, and attempts to persuade other nations to join on this experiment for a price of no longer having to send tribute for their services. Vindicators are rumored to have unknown race among them, hidden from the public. The most drastic rumor is that they are the descendants of Sekans that blended with the locals.

The story starts in Yggrom, with the protagonist who dreams of traveling and experiencing. Things kick off when the protagonist is invited by the Tofflawn government and Gaian government to train their troops. knowing this will earn anger of Yggrom, protagonist heads out to accept the call.
inspired by fire emblem three houses, Parallel Paradise, For Honor, history, and many other silly stuff.
Goal is gore/ryona heavy zako universe. But my fetish has a direction of minimizing the killing, and maximizing the suffering, in a form of serious and comedy, but not sad or drama. I'm not confident I can do this, but I thought of the world setting in hope of achieving that. I am new to this and also more used to working based off of something, so all suggestions and contributions are welcome. I hope the world is vague just enough that it is easy to start off of, but also easy to introduce stuff, even from different universes. (as members of this world, not multiverse thing.. preferably.)

As for more detail on the world, they are set somewhat in early 1910s, but not accurately as I am not that accurate in the history (I just like taking events.) overall people of this world are stronger than earth humans, they have more advanced materials, and magic that is just enough power for one on one fights. Magic of this world works well against living beings, but not so much on others. Technology is advanced enough to have primitive aerial vehicles and travels, but the gunpowder of this world is not the same as of Earth, so firearms and explosives are much weaker. I intend these settings works as the Minovsky to explain use of fists, lacks of helmets and general clothing, warhammer 40k-ry in age of planes and guns.

My art and writing is both average, so I wish to offset it with creativity.

Started this thread to celebrate my first zako creation, knight of Yggrom. The knight has very complex setting, but I hope the design is bearable and attractive.


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Nov 27, 2021
Zako ideas. (art will come far far later when I have design or can draw, feel free to doodle 10 minute ideas of your own as wished.)
also welcome to suggestions of what army lacks and needs.

Yggrom - The few and strong, Utilizes traditional heavy armory, artifacts, and magics from the war against Sekans. The military prefers brute force attacks, and believes they can move as enemy predicted, if they move strong enough to force their foes to match their march instead. The troops are kept in high moral through religious doctrine, as well as magics that keeps mortality and injuries to be minimal. The pinnacle of religion and magical power has given birth to a Soul magic. The religion of Yggrom encourages sexual activities and reproduce. While it originally emphasized in peace and cooperation, the declining population has led to radical teachings that have led to crusades to claim men for a chance of sex. While the magical stretch fiber is widely used in armors and clothes, Yggrom lacks technology to produce very high quality fiber, and still relies heavily on the traditional cotton and metallic armors.

Initiate - All soldiers of Yggrom starts out as Initiates, who prepares to become Soul Guides to serve the military most effectively. Using Soul link, they effectively get first hand experiences of how things are done. Initiates often link to people working in dangerous fields, or soldiers in non combat duty as they are at less risk than those that are fighting.

As in-training troops, initiates are simply given standard sister outfit and codex. They study the codex and enrich their mind with the religion and magic. They also build their bodies to help with labor and potential future as Knight of Yggrom.
An All black outfit, a long robe covering their neck to toes. This shows their shoulders and side of their legs. The front part of the robe is longer, to provide comfortable room for breasts. Remaining length is used to wrap around the belly to provide tighter fit. When this cloth is laid out, it forms a shape of a cross, with three holes symbolizing the three nails of their holy figure. This also provides excellent ventilation, helping them maintain body temperature that rise during Soul link even in the cold weathers of Yggrom. They wear a white headband with transparent black veil. This veil covers their hair, but when Soul linked, the veil is pulled forward to cover their eyes to notify others.

Soul Guide - The foundation of Yggrom military structures are from these magicians. These ladies only master soul magics, especially the Soul link and Soul materialize.
Soul link connects one with another, to share ideas, thoughts, and senses. This magic is a must have for all armed forces of Yggrom to ensure their safety in combat. When a warrior is in mortal danger, the Soul Guide are also able to feel the same danger and is prepared to use Soul materialize at any given moment. Soul materialize materializes a soul in to a body, effectively bringing the linked person to safety. Unlike normal teleportation, this does not affect the person's materialized form before the spell, so the empty husk is left in the battlefield. This magic also has another flaw, which is that the inexperienced warriors may be in frenzy, despite the Soul link, taking over the full control of their body from the Soul Guide and relentlessly attack even after they are brought to safety. It is very rare for someone to be killed from this, but injuries do happen time to time in worst situations.
Soul Guides make up majority of the Yggrom's military, due to their importance.
Other uses of Soul Guides are for telecommunications, using the shared mind. Yggrom army is mostly free from worries of heralds being intercepted, or delay in orders.
However these ladies suffer the pain and suffering of the warriors due to the Soul link, so they suffer greatly as well, and is often the target of enemy saboteurs. Armed with just a dull spear headed staff to keep wild animals at bay, they are vulnerable to attacks. The common defense strategy is to materialize their warrior. This cause gaps in the Yggrom front, but Yggrom is willing to give up a losing battle to ensure Soul Guides are safe so that everyone makes it out alive.

Soul Guides wear general sister outfit, but have restraining kit on to prevent injury from sudden movements caused from serious pain. While not required, many voluntarily restrain themselves after the link as well, due to common case of self harming from trauma. While linked, they concentrate and remain calm, holding the staff with their two hands tied in front of them.

Savior of Soul - Sister who have decided to serve the non violent path, has mastered the Soul magic that they can link to multiple knights. Given training in military stratagem, they help steer minds of knights to make tactical moves. This allows them to be a field officer safe from harm. They are also capable of doing an interesting feat, which is to temporarily leave the soul in the passage, and take over the body of the linked.
While Savior of Soul is not master of combat, they can make use of well built physique of knight rendered combat ineffective. Often mistook as necromancy, the ignorant foes of Yggroms cower in fear when a dead knight rises once again in the battlefield. The limitation is that this prevents multiple links, so it requires recalling of the other knights linked.

Savior of Soul wears modified outfit, where central areas of the cross shaped Sister outfit is carved out, connecting the three holes and form another cross inside. This modification reveals their upper buttocks, breasts, and frontal vagina, so they wear an white panties. They no longer wear restrains as they are better at control. The bodies of these ladies show alot of skin, and sometimes one can see bruises and scars from years of service.

Enchantress - These initiates are the new, few, and rare troops of the army who utilizes Soul magic in direct combat. Traditionally to become a priest, one had to be a knight first, but enchantresses head to combat right away with just magic in their hands. with Soul barrier and basic elemental spells, they provide magical support in small scales.

Enchantresses wear stockings, short and light wide skirt, very loose tunic, and a feathered hat. This lets them vent off heat from use of magic, and tell them the direction of wind.

Priest - Priests are sisters who have came to the battlefield to aid fellow women. They use magic and pray to mend wounds and smite light to foes, impairing their visions. Armed with a flail, they can whip and smack foes in close as well. When needed, priests can cast frenzy on fellow warriors to enhance their combat capabilities, even though it causes severe damage in the end. But everyone believes this is the way to be the martyr and gladly accepts to be frenzied.

Priests wear tall white caps and hold the banner of the Yggrom, along with a flail. their clothes are white version of the Savior of Soul, with metalic armors reinforced in vital regions.

Sorcereress - These enchantresses have researched ways to harm the foes from afar using magic. Their magic can fly in considerable distance without losing power, and the knowledge of soul magic guides these projectiles towards the enemies. They wear colored cloak on top of what the enchantresses wear, color basing on their primary element of magic.

Women at arms - These initiates have taken cause to join the fray, and focused on physical training. Their soul magic is still used to cast Soul barriers to mitigate the damages taken by their armor and body. Often handling the defensive roles, they are the backbone of the Yggrom military. The reality of warfare is cruel to these young girls and their faith and assurance from their bonded Soul Guide may not be enough. This is when they are casted a frenzy spell by priests to lose fear and become war machines.

Standard issue is a round shield and a spear. They have freedom with side arm of choice. they wear leotard cloth armor, and overall gambeson on top that covers just above the edge of their leotard. It is not as tightly fit as the sisters, but the belt forms angled outline of the chest. Each warrior is given freedom to purchase and use helmets as well. As many of these girls do not have to show their backs to the enemy, the back of the gambeson is cut deep to allow easy removal of it, like a gown.

Knights of Yggrom - The symbol of the Yggrom and the ones who lead offenses. They are dismount knights who rides to combat. Most are not trained and capable of mounted combat or charges, so they dismount upon arriving their destination and prepares for a fight. Armed with best of the Yggrom, they are given the newest armors and weapons, and have become 'modernized' and now uses muskets. Often standing in rows behind Women at arms, they fire volley of bolts and rush in for a charge when needed. Once in combat, knights will freely go from spearmanship carried on to bayonets on their musket, to drawing expensive swords to focus on whats in front of them.

Knights are given standard issue of shield, chain mail and plate armor for their chest, high quality stretch cloth navel cloth, metallic boots gauntlet and shoulder guard. Protected in front and back, their only weakness is the small gaps in the sides. The front of the knight is still the most sturdiest, especially when the knight mounts their shield to the chest armor. Their muskets are advanced from of former crossbows, shooting bolt at even higher speed, allowing longer ranger and accuracy. The guns are front loaded, and some knights carry expensive sabots to make their bolts more deadly. Experienced knights carry a signal javeline that has smoke explosive attached.

Ku Seroko Order - Serokos are noble born who are ceremonial royal guards. Given flashy and attractive armor, many girls dream of wearing such beautiful uniforms. However these ladies are not just for the show, they are given the most intense training possible, and is considered to be the strongest card Yggrom can play. Mounted on horse, they ravage the battlefield continuously with lance charges. Even when dismounted, these noble ladies will continue to fight, to be a model for the army.

Ku Seroko Order knights are given ceremonial armor that is decorated with golden drawings. This with a beautiful dress underneath gives feminine look. The dress is missing the central region to not get in the way in horse riding.

Havens - Havens are the ones who handle minor works in front line of campaign compared to initiates. These women at arms are instead given tools of production to build defenses and bases. When they have to fight, they deploy newly designed pavise that can mount repeating ballista to rain huge bolts on to foes that endanger the base.

Havens wear same as Women at arms, with gauntlet and face cover to protect the hand and face.
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Nov 27, 2021
The inheritors of Gaian name, Gaians have the most flourishing land and always managed to stay ahead of others in terms of science and magic. The only nation with automated fire arms, other nations has always been jealous when they reload one by one. This made the people arrogant, and often fell to civil wars, but Gaians have prevented further separation under nationalism ideology. This influenced their military as well, so each troop likes to stand out and rely on themselves than others, but moves in the best goal of Gaian nation, though paths may collide. Due to constant civil war the Gaians prefers speedy process, and has grown to be very fast and offensive forces. The war machines of Gaians are fearsome symbols that is the pinnacle of Gaian tech. Gaians will use their mechanized infantry and strike teams to stir up the enemy, as the giant war machines and peace keepers move in to push the front line. With the best stretch cloth, Gaian infantry rides to battle in their vehicles wearing just clothes, additional armors only covering the most vital areas. However the Gaian troops aren't so light weight compared to the others, only slightly so. Instead the Gaian troops are known to carry much more luggage and supplies, and often outlasts the foes.

Conscript - All Gaian women are to serve military duty no matter what, unless she is becoming pregnant. The conscripts are drilled hard military training and national ideology, to become true patriots of the nation. Even pregnant women serve proudly in non combat positions. Issued with the state of the art automatic rifles, even conscripts can lay down rain of bolts to make foes surrender before fight even begin. Wearing all green, they disappear in the woods and open fields and lay low to await the order attack, either as first wave to scout the foes, or as second wave to finish the foes. Gaians seek to drill real combat experience this way and withdraws the troops quickly if things go unexpectedly.

Conscripts are given basic fatigue from old war, as Gaian nation have tremendous amounts of them still. Armed with state of the art automated rifles, they resemble police officers in some way.

Mechanized Infantry - The most standard troop of Gaian, mechanized infantry rides to battle in fast mobile 5 personnel vehicle and deploys right next to the enemy. They excel at throwing superior fire power instantly, with grenades and rifle fire. Each soldier is trained professionals to handle any task given, from building outposts to medical treatments using both tools and magic. The strongest asset of these troops are out sustaining the enemy, where if foes are too challenging, mechanized infantry will simply out run the foes, and come back regularly until foes give in. They have confidence that none can match their speed and instant power.

Mechanized infantry is given backpacks that holds supply for long combat duration, usually kept in the vehicle. Their fatigue is modernized edition with camouflage and body armor covering the belly, knee, and elbows. They wear transparent goggles and reinforced plastic helmets, allowing them to keep the heads held high in any disruptive weather.

Hospice - Hospice are the ones who dedicate to keeping everyone alive. While they may look peaceful, they are the most fierce troops who have no hesitation to dash in to middle of battlefield to grab a person injured out of the fight, never leaving anyone behind. Using magic, they can deploy small miniature machines to glide around the battlefield and seek out injured troops. these machines try to fly in front of enemy attacks, intercepting it from reaching an injured soldier. This is the sign for Hospice to run in to the fight.

Equipped in bright all white, and the body armor they wear is actually the small drones that gets deployed. Even still, they carry multiple bags of medical supplies. They carry pistol for self defense, and a knife that can rip any fatigues to reveal the wounded region, and reform the stretch cloth to bandage the area.

Tofflawns have always lacked magic, and felt themselves treated differently from humans and elves. Eventually they separated off, and formed belief that the magic is wrong to use. They do not use magic at all, and believes their lord have blessed them with unique physicality traits of animals to perform best of everyone's roles. Due to lack of magic, Tofflawn's machinery are with limits, but everything Tofflawns lack are made up with each individual's strong points and one solid belief. Tofflan army is the biggest army and they use grand strategies to hold foes and keep them apart, while concentrate their own forces to eliminate one by one. But current Tofflawn military is used to long time of peace, were major combat experience is from mercenary work. While the central military is old fashioned army that relies on melee combat, the religious leaders that have grown as mercenary lords introduce experimental equipment few knows of.

Maidens - Most Tofflawn youth starts their first career as maids, and eventually they leave their own family and become maids of stronger families. Once they are experienced enough, they may end up with local powers or government to begin their military training. While novice at fights, they are dedicated to their master's orders as doing their best is what their religion teaches. Maidens are only expected to be combat effective in large groups, due to their lack of training, but their large numbers make inaccurate rifle shots deadly and any attacks meaningless as more fills the ranks.

Maidens wear clothes that varies per master, but generally wears slightly see through black one piece with white apron, as they are originally house maids. Armed with basic musket, they form tight grouping to protect their masters and more important people.

Zealots - Some maidens stands out in a groups, through their animal talents or disability from combat. They are trained in arts of asymmetric combat, reducing their weakness and enhancing their strength. Zealots can appear out of thin air and disappear in broad field, leaving targets eliminated. empowered with secret tonics and devices, they are dedicated to get the job done, even at cost of life.

Zealots wear general kunoichi outfit, made of cheap cloth as they are expendable. These cloth has variations, one conceals most of the body for infiltration, and once at location, zealots will blend in with the locals. During combat, they may discard their clothing to fake their body, and is common to see them fighting to the end in just bare fish nets.

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