pestilenceSFM's Animations + Pics + Stories (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Jun 12, 2015
Hey folks, just a preview of one of my big upcoming animations.

In it, the girl gets grabbed, and as she struggles too much for the monster, it produces a large venomous stinger, which it will then drive through her chest. Once she loses consciousness, it will relax its grip, and then slowly swallow her.


Here's quick little story I came up with when I posted the preview on my Tumblr page:

"The beast's struggling prey proved far easier to swallow once she was subdued by its powerful sting. Her thrashing intensified at first; the pain of the venom was excruciating as it spread through her blood vessels, making her feel as if her veins were filled with fire. Before long however, her squirming began to slow, and then stopped altogether as the potent venom finally flooded her heart, stopping its beating.

As she perceived herself losing consciousness, the last thing she felt was the writhing, slimy and fleshy interior of its mouth enveloping her, her body being sucked slowly inside."
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Potential Patron
Jun 12, 2015
Claire Redfield Raped and Killed by Dogs (Animation + pics + story)

Hey again folks, thought you guys might like this little collab' I did with a friend who has a real flair for writing smut. He wrote the story and I did the pics / animations. Warning; this is an enormous post. Since I've pasted it wholesale, any grammatical, spelling or syntax typos are attributed to English being his second language (I know right? Even then he writes fantastic boner fuel).

Without further ado, Part 1:

Claire ran, she ran faster then she ever thought it was possible to run. Her sweat covered breasts shaking beneath the red leather of her top, her lungs burning with the exertion of having run this far for this long. Everything had happened so fast, so much had gone wrong in so short a space of time that it seemed unreal, impossible

She’d come to Raccoon City looking for her brother Chris, what she’d found instead was a City consumed by death, the dead walked the streets, the city burned, and then entire place reeked of rotting flesh. She’d also found a guy, a cop no less, Leon S Kennedy. The presence of another breathing living human reassured her somewhat, even if she did find the way his gaze would linger on her body a ridiculously inappropriate thing to do considering their situation…

..Still they made good progress towards the R.P.D, everything going in their favour until they found the main gates locked, that was when she had suggested taking a short cut over the fence to the right, the fence that surrounded the R.P.D’s housing kennels…

There had been nine of them to begin with, nine Dobermans, slender powerful dogs who somehow hadn’t been infected like the rest of their kin. They emerged from the shadows of the compound and snarled at the two humans contemptuously.

Leon had drawn his pistol right away, and told them to back off, it hadn’t worked, recklessly he’d fired a couple of shots dropping two of the dogs, and that made things worse.

The entire pack charged together, Leon freaked out then fired his gun erratically, Claire joining in out of necessity. One dog fell, then another, then a third. It was then that the remaining four dogs came to a halt, suddenly cautious, respectful. Leon out of anger shot levelled his gun straight between the eyes of the lead dog, and was about to fire when Claire knocked his arm to the side causing the bullet to instead scrape the animals rear flank. “Leon! Enough!“ she yelled, her compassion overriding her fear.. “They aren’t monsters, just scared animals, like us.”. The four dogs took that cue to vanish around the corner. “Fine!” Leon said annoyed at her “But if they come back they are your problem!”

….Leon had been right, Claire realised as she tore through the dank streets, pursued by the pack she had spared, they should have killed them, should have killed every last one of them. She saw a gap to the left, with a chain link fence ahead of her, but to her dismay it was locked, Desperation set in as she looked back and saw the three dogs were closing on her, but with the very last of her strength she hauled herself over it and dropped hard to the other side hurting her knee. She allowed herself a brief moment to rest as the dogs reached the fence and started barking furiously.

Sweat ran down her ample breasts in rivulets, her slender legs trembling from exhaustion, her entire body ached, and she was scared, even with the fence between her and the dogs. “Leon, where are you!?” she yelled, having not seen him since the the dogs had returned and split them up, she hadn’t seen him since, her last image of him being him telling her to “Just Run!” with more than a slight look of irritation on his face… Claire straightened her back, groaned painfully, stared at the dogs with an almost hurt look and stumbling to her feet began to follow the alleyway around the corner…

The sight that greeted her there, both answered her question, and turned her blood cold..

Leon was in the centre of the path his body limp a lone Doberman tearing into his stomach, pulling his intestines from his body. Claire trembled “…Leon” she whimpered, the dog turned, it was the same dog she’d spared, the same dog Leon had tried to kill. “LEON!!” she screamed in despair opening fire on the dog, unloading the entire clip into the animal’s body as slammed against the wall.. Filled with hatred and guilt she began furiously kicking it’s lifeless corpse with her boot, then collapsed sobbing next to Leon’s body…

The ominous growls broke her out of her melancholy. Raising her pretty face she saw her three Doberman pursuers through teary blurred vision, they’d found a way in. Claire began to panic, she didn’t have the strength to run, certainly not to climb that fence again with an injured kneee. She whipped out her pistol again and fired three times her face a mask of hate, but instead of three loud reports, there were three soul chillingly empty clicks, her rage driven execution of Leon’s killer having deprived her of the very last of her ammunition.

Stumbling to her feet she reached for the knife her bother gave her, if she was going to die, she’d at least kill one of those bastards. The three dogs advanced in formation, skulking low to the ground, menacing growls emitting from their muzzles. Of the three the one in the middle seemed to be the leader, and he paused briefly, sniffed the air, and then his posture changed, it made a small bark to the other two dogs, who barked in response then split up, fanning out around the wounded female. Claire felt a shudder of terror as she realised she was being set up, the dogs were now too far for her to keep them all in view, forcing he to switch her gaze between them, keeping her blind to one of them. The lead dog stared at Claire, then to Leon’s lifeless corpse and slowly walked over, sniffed at his opened body, then bit down on his neck while looking right at her.

Claire snapped at the provocation. “Get the hell away from him!” Claire threw her knife at the lead dog, but a pain in her knee made her wince and she missed completely, depriving herself of her only useful weapon. The dog on her left jumped up grabbing her wrist in it’s jaws, the other slammed into her legs, the pain causing her to slam to the ground. Claire managed to reach out and grab her discarded pistol, and smacked the one dog off her writs with the butt. Crawling to her feet she intended to head for the fence only for the lead dog to leap at her from the front slamming her against the wall. She slumped awkwardly, vaguely aware of the whole pack now in front of her, then the lead dog tensed up in a crouch, then leapt at her. Claire shut her eyes, awaiting the feeling of teeth tearing into her soft young flesh, but instead of pain she felt tugging…

Opening her eyes she saw the lead dog had latched its teeth onto her shorts and was pulling insistently. Claire pounded weakly on the dogs with her empty pistol but he wouldn’t move, the material of her shorts shifted, and the blue of the denim slid down to reveal a hint of the creamy whiteness of her amazing ass , foolishly she tried to preserve her modesty and grasped the top of her shorts with both hands, releasing her gun, but now that he was unimpeded by the blunt impacts, the dog was able to easily out pull the tired female and he yanked the garment down her thighs to above her knees, exposing the flash of red hair that surrounded her beautiful soft young pussy.

Understandably freaked out Claire tried again to pull the garment up, but the Alpha pulled harder and yanked Claire off her feet, her perfect ass making contact with the cold grimy floor of the alley. “Get the hell off me” Claire shrieked kicking weakly, but her shorts slid over her knees catching on her boots. The other two dogs bit into the leather, pulled, Claire locked her ankles together but the boots slid free with a pop exposing her cute toes to the naked air.

Claire wasn’t a fool, she knew they were purposefully stripping her, random questions flashed through her mind as to why as she fought back. Was it because the material would hurt their jaws to eat, then why did they not do that to Leon, and why were they not tearing off her other clothes like her top instead of just her sho…She finally saw the cock. A huge bulbous red cock dripping beneath the alpha hindquarters…. She screamed

Everything became horribly clear in a flash, her time studying natural biology at college, came back to her, giving her reasons, for this. This hadn’t been some random set of events, she’d been herded here, to this sectioned off part of the city, away from discovery or shelter. These animals had been driving her here the whole time, she had been their prey, but not for food, or for territory, they’d seen her as a mate, and killed Leon as he was their rival for her.

Biological reasoning didn’t do anything to calm her terror she felt at the prospect of this animal trying to ‘mate’ with her. “No!” she screamed and kicked the dog full force with both bare feet knocking it backwards and making the other two dogs back up, Claire felt so weak, she tried to stand, but the shorts half way up her shins caught her legs as they dropped to her ankles and she tripped, her head slamming into the concrete, making her vision swim.

For a brief moment she thought she heard voices, human voices, in the distance, near the alley. She tried to yell but all that came out was a weak whisper “” The voices faded, grew distant, and then were gone. Claire felt a presence draw closer and then felt something cold drip onto her naked ass. Her senses clearing she felt her pussy lips against the cold floor, little bits of dirt from the floor getting caught in the red hair that surrounded her sweet young lips.

Looking back she found the alpha stood over her, a hungry cruel glare in his eyes, the dripping on her ass coming from his swollen and already leaking cock. Utterly repulsed Claire crawled forwards, only to be cut off as one Doberman clamped his teeth on her ponytail causing her to scream in pain as her head was yanked to one side violently. “FUCK that hurts! STOP!!” she begged raising her hand in protest, only to give the second Doberman something to play with, his jaws closing on her wrist, biting down enough to draw blood and causing Claire to whimper pitifully. “OH GOD! Stop!” she pleaded as she was pulled in two directions, the pain intense, but the worst was yet to come.

From the rear Claire was presented in the perfect bitch position, her ass raised, her pussy exposed and sweaty from her running, the dog could see the pure pink slit between the pale white lips, delicious sweet and pure, he could smell the innocence, the lack of another’s scent inside this girl, she had yet to be mated, and his cock swelled further as her closed in on her, her toes curling up in fright as she felt his breath wash over her rear, her whimpering increasing as the dog sniffed her pussy, his muzzle tickling her thighs, she heard his jaws open, the panting get louder, nearer to her nether and she shut her eyes waiting for the horrible feeling of his tongue to cross her pussy… but it never came…

Instead Claire felt a rush of air and then felt the dog’s fur glance her ass, he eyes snapped open and she let out an unrestrained cry of horror as she felt the dogs cock slap against her defenceless cunt…​




- - - Updated - - -

Part 2:
“Oh God stop!” Claire screamed, sharp pain pulsing through her wrist and the back of her head as the two Dobermans pulled at her in opposite directions, he free hand tried to brace her, take the weight of the huge animal on her back. She knew she was going to be raped, she knew she couldn't escape, she was utterly trapped, and it terrified her to think that losing her virginity to a dog wasn't some horrible implausible possibility, it was a certainty.

The Doberman relished the power he had over the screaming girl, the beast enjoyed her screams, her misery, her fear. Her body gave off a scent of desperation, made the beast feel even more powerful, more aroused. Looking down he saw the curve of the young girls ass beneath him, pale white skin, dimpled from the cold, he slid his cock between her cheeks enjoying the feel of her skin against his engorged member, and the way Claire cried miserably as she felt his dick against her skin…

“Please…JUST KILL ME!” She begged, tears rolling down her porcelain cheeks as she screamed. The pain of being pulled in two different directions was agonising, the sight of Leon’s dead body in front of her, the cock tormenting her, it was too much for anyone to bare, a cruel horrible torture, a prelude to a horrific rape.
Part of her was in denial, couldn't believe this was going to happen, that after all these years, after all the near misses of guys trying to get her drunk so they could get inside her, after all her abstaining and waiting for that ‘right guy’… she was going to lose it to a dog, a random a filthy alleyway.

To make matters worse it was a dog she’d kept alive out of pity, a pity this dog wouldn’t show her in return. There would be no empathy, no pity, no sympathy, he was going to violate her, and even as she began to sob uncontrollably at the prospect she heard the dog snarl and suddenly the two dogs pulling her froze locking her still “Pleaseeeeee” she begged crying “Don’t do this! Pleasseeeee”
“HYARGHHH!!” Claire cried sharply as the Doberman’s thick cock pressed into her cunt, her hole stretching painfully to accommodate his tip. “NO! No! Please! Stop!” She begged trying to look back, but the grip on her hair held her sideways, unable to see. The Doberman licked his jaws, then cruelly pushed in slowly, making her feel him sliding up her inch by inch, relishing the noises Claire made as shrieking horribly as her body accepted the dog into her.
The dog leant in forwards when he met Claire’s hymen, she whimpered miserably as his stinking muzzle drew close to her face, his tongue snaking out, before running up her neck and finally over her lips in a perversion of a kiss. She spat as best she could, but the foamy liquid remained on her lips, vile, rotten, she could taste him. The Doberman gave a satisfied snort, opened his jaws and then punched through her hymen.

Claire’s jaw dropped, her eyes wide, he was in her, the dog was fucking inside her! She’d prayed, was almost sure something would happen, that someone would find her, kill the dog before he got that deep, she was a good girl, this couldn't happen to her! Her virginal blood dripped onto the cold concrete between her knees, and as she saw it she realised it was true, shed been deflowered. Further confirmation came when the thick pulsing sensation inside her rested against her cervix. The Doberman growled a little disappointed and pushed hopefully. Claire yelped, her pussy was as full as it could be, so with a mildly dissatisfied snarl the Doberman licked the tears rolling down her left cheek then puling back rested his paws on her shoulders and began to rape her.

Claire couldn't form words, couldn't express her disgust verbally, couldn't vocalise anything but wails of utter utter misery as the dog violated her body, giving her no time to acknowledge the enormity of what she had lost, before pounding her like a slab of meat. Her one free hand splashed down in a puddle of murky water, her fingers aching as she tried to support her whole body weight with one hand. The constant rutting, the excruciating searing pain, the sick reeling of knowing it was a dog inside her, she couldn't deal, she began to make insane cries, nonsensical wails more like those of a distressed animal then a human, her eyes wild in terror and pain as her virginity was taken in the most appalling way imaginable.

The Doberman licked his jaws, this bitch felt good, she was so tight, so fresh, her virginal blood providing lubrication for his cock well, but not enough. Turning his head he barked at his two aggressive subordinates and they began pulling at Claire again, but this time harder, causing even sharper, more pleasing cries to come from the already distressed girls sweet lips, and her pussy to secrete fluids in a panic response.

The planned attack worked, her increased pain caused Claire to tighten up, her pussy wrapping like a snake around the rapacious cock thrusting into it, trying to slow it down, but all it did was give the dogs bulbous cock even more stimulation, and he howled pleasurably stabbing even deeper into her body. “K..K..KKILL MEEEE” She screamed, finding words through her pain “SO..SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! KILL ME!!” She wanted anything, anyone to end her torment, the dogs, some people, even zombies, just god let it end, Death was better than this!!

Death did not come, and her pain got worse, the dog hammered into her for what seemed an eternity, she felt herself bleeding, felt her self spitting inside from the savagery of the assault, her neck muscles burned from being pulled backwards, the tendons straining, her left hand felt numb, as if it had died from the pressure on her wrist. but she couldn't go numb, the sensations were too strong, too varied and intense for her mind to have any chance of blocking even one out of them out.

The Doberman looked to his left, then growled, the dogs pulled and Claire was spun sideways, the harsh ground tearing open her naked knees, frsh stinging pain adding to her torment, causing her naked toes to spasm. She looked down and cried as she realised shed been turned to face Leon’s lifeless body, in a final act of cruelty and dominance over the fallen male, the dog was raping his woman in front of him. Looking up the Doberman barked and the other two dogs backed off, Claire felt her hand fall free, tried to see the damage, but was swiftly slammed down, her tits pressing against Leon’s gaping chest wound her face upturned looking into his dead eyes, and then the dog began to hammer her, intent on making Leon ‘witness’ as his bitch was mated.

“OH god NOOO NOT LIKE THIS!” Claire screamed, her hands clutching Leon’s shirt like a scared little girl. The second Doberman held her head in his jaws, made her look at Leon as the alpha pounded harder and harder till with a howl of utter rage it ripped into her womb and began spurting huge quantities of its cold dead spunk into her. Claire’s horrified cry as she was torn open was blended with a shrill shriek of pure disgust as she felt her body fill with copious amounts of the dogs cum. Intent on ensuring maximum defilement the dog violently thrust into her womb a few times, before tearing his knot violently out of her pussy leaving a fresh trail of blood on her ass, swiftlky followed by a spray of his cum.

Claire cried, panted, her hands weakly trembling on Leon’s bloody shirt, the smell of his dead body in her lungs, mixing with the smell of the dogs leaking cum made her want to puke, and then just when she was about to give into her despair… she heard voices, the same voices, but this time they were closer, aprroaching the alleyway.
Hope lit up in her beautiful eyes, she tried to look, but couldn;t get free of the dog’s jaws, she whimpered, prepared to open her mouth in a scream when the voices got nearer. The unmistakable sound of footsteps echoed mere meters away, but as she parted her lips she heard the alpha growl, a second later her vision twisted violently, she heard a horrible crack…… and then everything went black….

…….“Jesus Christ!” Exclaimed a young man in an R.P.D uniform as he rounded the corner and saw the scene in front of him.

In the middle of the alleyway lay a man with his guts torn out, wearing a uniform like his own, atop him lay a really cute redhead, her shorts pulled down her tits pressed up against the man’s chest, her legs apart, her head twisted at an unnatural angle facing towards them.

A young blonde waitress ran up behind him and cried out in horrified alarm “D.Don’t loo..” the man trailed off, realising his warning came too late. The young blonde cried then softly spoke “W..What happened?” she whispered refusing to look again. The cop shook his head in uncertainty. “From the looks of it.. I guess…maybe those two decided to have one last…y’know, and then something found them..” The cop looked closer “must of been a new guy, I don’t recognise him.”

The young waitress dared a quick look. “If they were….then why does he still have his pants on?” “Got interrupted I guess” the cop replied.“But the smell?” the waitress interjected, only for the radio to cut in on her reasoning.
“Sec” the cop said listening to the transmission. “Ok, we gotta go Cindy, whatever happened here it’s too late for us to do anything about, if we’d been here a little sooner maybe we coulda done something, but right now we gotta go!” He gave one last look at Claire’s lifeless blue eyes, her face forever frozen in a plaintive, hopeful expression. “It’s a damn shame though” The cop said with a sigh “She was really cute…” The two survivors turned and walked away slowly, leaving the horrific scene behind them.

Cindy stopped to look back one last time, her face sad, but the distant howls of dogs snapped her to her senses, and she quickly hurried after the police officer…​

ANIMATION HERE (WEBM) - Right click and enable loop.


Potential Patron
Jun 12, 2015
Hey folks, another pair of animations today, both of the same set.

It turns out Victoria’s imprinted killer instincts were not up to the task after all. Worse still, the guards have decided that it would be a waste to get rid of her immediately. No; they are going to reward themselves for thwarting her infiltration by having a bit of fun before following their orders to deal with her once and for all.



High Quality WEBM Links Here:
Disposed Of


Potential Patron
Jun 12, 2015
No worries! I had a lot of fun animating and sounding this one. Working with tentacles is more complex than I expected though.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Thoughts on the Animation

This animation is pretty nice. The part where the tentacle plunges deeper into her throat after Kate chokes out (at the 0:17 mark) is probably my favorite highlight of it. Something about that sound effect that makes that part seem a bit visceral. I want to say that I see some cum inflating going on as it looks like her body is growing a bit in size, but maybe that is my eyes playing tricks on me. Either way, great animation. Keep up the good work, sir!


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Very nice animation so thanks for your efforts in creating this video , although i am not a fan of guro/death but thanks for the vore part :) and I hope you make more , how about making another video with both kate and chloe as they teased a lesbian moment in the latest episode so they make great couple :) but i hope it doesn't have guro/death , you may use tentacles to wrap both of them then swallow them whole

And one last thing , can you reupload the video at another file hosting site because it gave me security error ?
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 13, 2009
I'm not really into Kate Marsh, I feel so bad for the poor girl =P. However, this was an excellent video. I love how the animation and the sounds mesh well together. Definitely a very hot scene! I look forward to whatever you do next.


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 10, 2010
Hi pestilenceSFM, I hope you don't mind if I just merged the two threads together. I understand that it's both guro and vore, but I just prefer to keep everything neat and tidy and in one place if possible. You keep doing your thing.


Potential Patron
Jun 12, 2015
Hi pestilenceSFM, I hope you don't mind if I just merged the two threads together. I understand that it's both guro and vore, but I just prefer to keep everything neat and tidy and in one place if possible. You keep doing your thing.

No worries; just house keeping and digital hygiene I guess. Sorry if my split posting was creating clutter.


Avid Affiliate
May 18, 2013
I've been away from this site too long. Luckily I randomly stumbled across that gunshot video a few day(s?) ago posted on xvideos. Amazing stuff, thanks so much for making and sharing it.

In the past year I've come to enjoy fantasy necro content more than just about anything else, and so this suits my tastes perfectly. Thank you.


Potential Patron
Jun 12, 2015
Glad you enjoyed it! There isn't too much of an audience for my stuff here, so I've been considering posting to Gurochan instead.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 13, 2009
Glad you enjoyed it! There isn't too much of an audience for my stuff here, so I've been considering posting to Gurochan instead.

Gurochan probably is a better place. We still appreciate your work =), there's many lurkers and not enough love going around.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Thoughts on the Max Animation

This was a pretty enjoyable animation to me. The way Max's small breasts bounced to the rhythm was pretty nice. The way her arms kind of ragdolled a bit was good. I am not one for spankings on any medium, but I thought the anal romping to be pretty great. The sex sounds were good enough to me. When the teacher (I think, looks like him from the game) pumps the cum in her body, the way Max's body ragdolls from that is nice. And the end with the creampie leaking out was OK with me, though, I probably would have preferred if there was no flatulence. Then again, she's dead and that's... kind of expected to happen, right? If it was possible to show on the model that her asshole had been ravaged as it had been with it being a bit wider than shown in the animation, then it would've been even better to me. Then again, that's more of my favoritism speaking out and is not to greatly impact the thoughts on the animation. And I understand it's probably not possible to do that given what you have.

I really did like this animation, though. Very entertaining. Thank you for making it and sharing it with us. I really appreciate it. Please keep up the good work and I do look forward to your next project.

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