Pim_gd's Advanced Dialogue Guide (v1.01 - updated 10 December 2013) (21 Viewers)

German Prince

Content Creator
Jun 24, 2016

maybe I'm just blind or just unable to work out a solution on my own but I want know is it possible to multipy variables with another?

button1:"" {"style":"Him","set":{"arousal":"*2"}}

instead of

button2:"" {"style":"Him","set":{"arousal":"+2"}}

I hope that's understandable.

Best Regards,
German Prince


Content Creator
Nov 18, 2016
I hope that's understandable.
It is understandable. But it doesn't work this way.
initialize:"Loading system ..."{"style":"him", "set":{"x":"*";"a":14;"b":2;}}
multiply:"[show_result][SETVAR_result_*a x 3 + 0]"
show_result:"*result*[target_*b + 1 x 10*]"
target_0:"wo samma?"
target_10:"samma do?"
target_20:"na, samma ned!"
target_30:"do samma!"
First of all: you need Pim_gd Pim_gd 's DialogueActions (download here) for this
Second: for some reason, flash regards the substitution of "*" with "x" not as an arithmetic operation - this is why it must have another additional mathematic operation (like "+ 0")


Respectfully, Rudgar


Bedroom Philosopher
Content Creator
Sep 2, 2017
Based on my experiences, the [LOAD_MOD] and [LOAD_HAIR] triggers in dialogueactions causes dialogueactions to load mods from the $INIT$ folder. However, since I am creating a dialogue-restart function in my loader dialogue and I don't want my $INIT$ folder to be cluttered, how can I make the [LOAD_MOD] and [LOAD_HAIR] triggers load mods from a location other than directly from my $INIT$ folder? Or better yet, how can I make these two triggers load mods that are in a folder within the $INIT$ folder?


Vivacious Visitor
Aug 20, 2019
I have a series of questions, I'm pretty new to this, maybe a week or so, still at the stage of using existing dialogues and slashing them apart to figure out how things work. Been mainly working with Gamer Girl and Pro Boner by Antimatter42 (Fantastic work BTW!). This might be a long one.

1. I am currently tackling variables to create a reasonable flow, that still has variations and paths, but I am having a problem with certain lines not triggering. Mostly trying to use how many times he cums (which I thought could use *FINISHES* but now I'm not so sure), or what clothes she's wearing to determine at what stage things are. Here's an example:
vigorous:"lets get started!"{"style":"Thought","check":{"*FINISHES*":"<=0"}}
vigorous:"oh, i love the throbbing!"{"style":"Thought","check":{"*FINISHES*":">1"}}
vigorous:"it feels so good coated with cum!"{"style":"Thought","check":{"*FINISHES*":">5"}}
vigorous:"how are you still going?!"{"style":"Thought","check":{"*FINISHES*":">10"}}
cum_in_throat:"still going!"{"style":"Thought","check":{"*FINISHES*":">1","*FINISHES*":"<5"}}

I thought I had it, but they are still triggering pretty randomly. It's supposed to trigger in sets (WOW!!! to still going! etc.) Any thoughts on how to do this properly? I looked everywhere, and I couldn't find anyone using any sort of counter for finishes, besides using a {set} at the end of every [cum_] line. I also am pretty sure this is not the way to do between value variables, but couldn't do it in a way that wouldn't throw out Dialogue Checker errors.
b. I also would like to do penis and breast size variables (using [GROW_HIS_PENIS_BY_] for the penis, [GROW_BREASTS_BY_] and BreastExpansion for the breasts). Main problem with those has been trying to reset the penis size, or create a min/max (as I am using penisrange, so it becomes ridiculously big, and I end up using [passed_out] in some way. For the breasts, I am mainly trying to make it so that when they grow to a certain size it switches to a pulled down bra, using [VA_SET_VARIABLE_da.clothes.etc....](also is there anyway to make this VA interact with Outertop?).
c. Oh, and is there a way to enable his right arm to sway back and forth, not held, but able to reach and hold?

2. I am using AnySizeHer with many of my projects and was wondering if there was a way to fix the massive mismatch that occurs when using animtools:

This is how it looks immediately upon loading the position.
I haven't had any other significant problems using it, but this one is annoying, especially if I use some dialogues.

3. I also fixed the Body Freckles in one of the loader packs (I can't remember which one, I have an amalgamated one consisting of sby's pack (?) and another more basic one, can't remember which). Now it uses the neck, shoulders, and breasts, instead of just the shoulders. What can I say? I find freckles hot, and got a bit obsessive to fix it.
Freckles.swf=Body Freckles:CostumeCollar>Body3:CostumeTop>Body3:Body>Body3
Not a question, just something I fixed if anybody wants to use it.

4. Some questions about the UI....
a. Does intro resistance (in the Scene Options menu) do anything at all? And if it does, how do I stop it from resetting to the middle of the bar?
b.I like the counters that are pretty much standard, but are there any more? Like Mood, Pleasure, They seem hard to search for.
c. Has anyone tried to tackle a revamp of the dialogue menu? Maybe include all the new moods that can be applied, have a more comprehensive list of triggers, color implementation, and a way to see a list of variables that can be used by default. Not saying I'm volunteering to do it now, but if there is a need, I could give a crack at it.

Ok, I had better stop, already babbled too much as it is. If anyone wants to take a look at my versions of Antimatter42's dialogues, to use or to maybe help me be more concise, let me know. Sorry if this is a lot to tackle, I do not expect any answers, just glad that they can be asked.

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Content Creator
Sep 12, 2018
I have a series of questions.....


I'll help where I can

1. The way to do it is to just have on line for each vanilla linetype and then from that you route to different custome linetypes using the FINISHES variable to determine which one. That way you increase performance which is a must with SDT since it's slow as hell otherwise and checks are a huge performance killer if you use them liberally. Say you want one set of vigorous lines if he's cum 1-5 times, another if he's cum 6-10 times etc:

vigorous:"[vigorous*FINISHES*]" {"style":"Him"} (this will route to vigorous1, vigorous2....)

vigorous1:"[vigorouslow]" {"style":"Him"}
vigorous2:"[vigorouslow]" {"style":"Him"}
vigorous3."[vigorouslow]" {"style":"Him"}
vigorous4:"[vigorouslow]" {"style":"Him"}
vigorous5."[vigorouslow]" {"style":"Him"} (these all route to vigorouslow, you have another battery with 6-10 routing to vigorousmedium etc)

vigorouslow:"something sexy she says when they're starting out"
vigorousmedium:"something sexy she says when she's warmed up" (and here you have the lines that the character thinks/says)

As a positive side effect you dialogue file will be a lot less cluttered with code which might be good if you need to do some bug fixing later on. The reason you want to use the Him style for code only lines is that they're not prevented by a full mouth or unconsciousness.

If you don't just want different lines depending on how long they've been at it but want to do some sort of story progression you could check out my bundle (link in my sig) and have a look at how I did it.

2. You just have to pay the iron price and tweak the position. Many positions that people have uploaded come in (typically 3) different versions depending on body size. I've never used AnySizeHer but I can tell you it's just enlarging a problem that's already there.

3. That wasn't a question but rather a series of general statements. Feel free to clarify what the question was. ;-)

4. a) It determines how much warming up she needs before she can deepthroat. I've always found the GUI setting to be a bit unpredictable but you can set her resistance with dialogue variables (just check the DA documentation).
b) I don't know that there's a mod which displays mood, but a pleasure counter is included in sby's loaderpack (and every other loader pack I'd imagine).
c) I can't answer because I don't know what you mean by the "dialogue menu". Please feel free to clarify.

Finally, don't be afraid to ask. Helping each other is one of the things the forum is for.


Vivacious Visitor
Aug 20, 2019

I'll help where I can

Thanks for the quick reply, and for providing examples!
I organised my previous post a bit to make it more coherent.

1. I tried using *FINISHES* and it hasn't worked, just shows his speech bubble and that's it. Even checked the log, and it only shows playing the vigorous*FINISHES* line. Tried manually playing the lines in the dialog menu and playing vigorous1 and so on works, going straight to the next line, but not vigorous*FINISHES*. Also I tried experimenting a bit with vigorous0, trying to make it so she says different things before he cums, and instead it shows [vigorousthat many times].

Here's my test dialogue in it's entirety right now.
dialogue_name:"DialogueActions Test"



vigorous:"[vigorous*FINISHES*]" {"style":"Him"}
vigorousstart:"I can't!"{"style":"Thought"}
vigorouslow:"Go easy!"{"style":"Thought"}
vigorousmed:"I think I'm getting the hang of it!"{"style":"Thought"}
vigoroushard:"This is great!"{"style":"Thought"}
vigoroushorny:"I want more!!"{"style":"Thought"}
vigorousspent:"I'm exhausted!"{"style":"Thought"}

pre_cumstart:"Are you almost there?"
pre_cumtent:"Are you nearly there?"
pre_cumready:"Don't hold back!"
pre_cumhorny:"I'm drooling for it!"
pre_cumsat:"I can slurp you up forever..."
pre_cumspent:"I can't believe you're still going!"

finish3:"three times"
finish4:"four times"
finish5:"five times"
finish6:"six times"
finish7:"seven times"
finish8:"eight times"
finish9:"nine times"
finish10:"ten times"
finishOther:"that many times"

and here is my Mod.txt file.


2. Yeah, that's what I thought, being how janky it all is in the first place. Should I edit the specific animtools files or something else? Or just not bother using Animtools with AnySizeHer?

3. Oh yeah, sorry, should have put that at the end or something.

4. a) Ah, ok. So I am using [UPDATE_RESISTANCE_<0-100>][RESET_RESIST] in the start line. Cool, didn't see that one.
b) Oh, is it the one second from the left? Ok.
c) Sorry for being unclear, I meant the menu that pops up when you click edit under dialog (in Modding).

Thanks again for the help.


Content Creator
Sep 12, 2018
1) My mistake. You can't use the word "finish" on a line with line attributes. Note that this isn't just the *FINISHES* variable but the sequence of letters "finish". It's really weird and I had forgotten about that since it was a while since I did SDT stuff. I apologize. The way I did it for my bundle was to create a custom variable which I bump by 1 on restart.

2) Yeah, just edit the position. I called it the iron price, but it's really not that big of a deal. Just leave all of her parameters as they are and just reposition him (much easier).

4 c) I'm pretty sure that hasn't been done. You can just switch moods under the Scene menu and as for documentation of all the code including mod code like DA and moretriggers that hasn't even been compiled into one document here on the forum.


Content Creator
Dec 16, 2011
I have a question that may have already been answered, but here goes anyway: Is there any way to trigger a dialogue line as a "thought" (or force it to trigger while "she" is gagged/has her mouth full) without a blank thought bubble showing up in the text area? I know you can set the opacity to 0 with DialogueDisplayEdit but is there any other way to do it just using base Loader settings or DialogueActions?

I'm trying to make a "gagged reactions" dialogue which is pretty much exclusively blank "thought" lines with various actions like coughing, gagging, wincing, ect. But as it stands, you basically need to use DialogueDisplayEdit and manually set the dialogue box opacity to 0 or else it sticks blank thought bubbles up pretty much constantly.

Would appreciate some help and/or advice!


Potential Patron
Aug 29, 2019
I have a question that may have already been answered, but here goes anyway: Is there any way to trigger a dialogue line as a "thought" (or force it to trigger while "she" is gagged/has her mouth full) without a blank thought bubble showing up in the text area? I know you can set the opacity to 0 with DialogueDisplayEdit but is there any other way to do it just using base Loader settings or DialogueActions?

I'm trying to make a "gagged reactions" dialogue which is pretty much exclusively blank "thought" lines with various actions like coughing, gagging, wincing, ect. But as it stands, you basically need to use DialogueDisplayEdit and manually set the dialogue box opacity to 0 or else it sticks blank thought bubbles up pretty much constantly.

Would appreciate some help and/or advice!
From the DialogueActions user guide:

Additionally, DialogueActions will instantly play lines that only contain a single trigger.
This means that if you have something like a callback or a branch decision, there will no longer be a lengthy period of blank box visible to the user.
Variables will still be set. If other mods relied on reading those lines, they can no longer do so - DialogueActions waits until is finished loading the variable values before forcing SDT to play the next line.

For larger lines with multiple triggers, you can add "_INSTANT" to the line name, like "intro4_INSTANT".
If a "_INSTANT" line contains something else than triggers, it won't be played instantly.


Content Creator
Dec 16, 2011
DDE hides lines with no text in them by default, does your lines perhaps contain some unwarranted spaces in them?
I wasn't aware of this, although I seem to have run into a problem.

I couldn't figure out why my dialogues weren't working when I put the "_INSTANT" tag on them, but now it seems like my DialogueActions.swf isn't loading properly. When loading the SDT Loader I get a red error message during the mod loading process saying "Dialogueactions API not found". I tried downloading the latest dev version (was using 4.08, got 4.09_dev) to no avail, also tried loading it in different positions in my mods.txt file; again, no dice.

Might just need to stick to DDE for now, but I kind of need DialogueActions to be working. Anybody know what could be causing this issue?

EDIT: Seems I accidently disabled a seperate mod that was impacting DialogueOptions, been remedied now.

Although I still seem to be having the same issue... Lines with just a trigger in them still pop up with a thought bubble (if they're not set to "thought" then they won't trigger at all with a gag on) and putting _INSTANT at the end of a line doesn't seem to work.
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edgelord 3000

Content Creator
Jan 16, 2018
Have you run the dialogue trough the dialogue checker? If you have and there are no errors, could you upload the file here so we can take a look at it?


Content Creator
Dec 16, 2011
Have you run the dialogue trough the dialogue checker? If you have and there are no errors, could you upload the file here so we can take a look at it?

Very late response but yes, I have. Because of all the notes I have in my dialogue I have no idea what errors I'm supposed to be looking for, half the time Dialogue Checker doesn't even register my file as a valid dialogue even though it works when I load it into SDT.

You seem to know your way around dialogues though, and I recently started rewriting my dialogue from scratch - if you'd want to help me get the "_INSTANT" line working properly by taking a look at my template I'd appreciate it!

edgelord 3000

Content Creator
Jan 16, 2018
I took a quick look at your Gagged Reactions dialogue, and I think the issue with empty boxes comes from the Б character, which unfortunately will produce a text box even though nothing is actually written. Not sure how to avoid that, sorry.

Regarding _INSTANT, are you sure you need it yet? It's meant for dialogues where you have a non-text line that checks for something then goes to another non-text line several times, and the GR seems like it doesn't much of that.

Also, with dialogue checker I usually just keep every comment line away from the dialogue file so it doesn't shit itself.


Content Creator
Dec 16, 2011
I took a quick look at your Gagged Reactions dialogue, and I think the issue with empty boxes comes from the Б character, which unfortunately will produce a text box even though nothing is actually written. Not sure how to avoid that, sorry.

Regarding _INSTANT, are you sure you need it yet? It's meant for dialogues where you have a non-text line that checks for something then goes to another non-text line several times, and the GR seems like it doesn't much of that.

Also, with dialogue checker I usually just keep every comment line away from the dialogue file so it doesn't shit itself.

I tried doing this, removed all instances of Б from my dialogue and it's still bringing up blank boxes. I'm going to try and use the custom triggers in DialogueDisplayEditV5_1 to manually remove the boxes, though, as you mentioned in my dialogue thread.

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