Possible future ryona games? (2 Viewers)


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
I've see the presentation of Fallout 4 and it's definitely will have Ryona content, you can play as a female, there's female enemies, melee and long range weapons, fistfight if you want, and seems there isa fight club too.

Plus it will be probably one of the best game...of the century!


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
New trailer for NieR: Automata (aka NieR 2)
This one showing gameplay. At the very end you can see a larger robot use a grab move against the protagonist, "YoRHa".
We also get some details about the setting:

Invaders from another world attack without warning, unleashing their secret weapon: the machines. In the face of this insurmountable threat, the human race is driven from the earth and takes refuge on the moon.

The humans develop an army of android soldiers to fight back against the mechanical horde, but succeed only in slowing its advance. To break the deadlock, a new breed of android infantry is sent into the fray: the YoRHa squad.

In the forsaken wasteland below, the war between the machines and the androids rages on. A war that is soon to unveil the long-forgotten truth of this world…

The world that you see in NieR: Automata is one where androids and mechanized weapons clash in ferocious combat in a barren and deserted wasteland. It’s set after the original game but the story is written in a way which means you don’t have to have played the first one.

The world/universe is still linked between the two NieR games though so if you have played the original, you will no doubt recognize some of the locations and characters who may or may not be returning. The locations in particular will look different as they’re now more like ruins after the alien invasion but there will also be areas where you get the sense of a very advanced civilization.

YoRHa No. 2, Model B, “2B”
(designed by Akihiko Yoshida from CyDesignation)

2B is an all-purpose battle android, deployed as a member of the automated infantry squad, YoRHa. She is equipped with a sword for close quarters combat, and can attack from range using the “Pod” support system. Her eyes are obscured beneath her standard-issue military visor, which she rarely removes.

Members of the YoRHa squad forgo names and are referred to only by their code numbers. Though the regulations forbid them from expressing emotions, each model has its own distinguishing personality, and 2B is comparatively cool, calm, and collected.

She’s not actually female, or maybe it’s more accurate to say she’s not actually human. Her name or serial number is 2B and she’s an android.

At the end of the E3 announcement trailer there were three words that popped up — “doll,” “human,” and “machine” so there were hints from the start…
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Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
The upcoming Deus Ex Mankind Divided will have female enemies, you can see them around 13:25

In Human Revolution you can do finishers on females civilians (prostitutes too), now you can do lethal and non-lethale finishers on female enemies too.
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014

Indivisible got funded!

Lotsa cute ladies will be in it, including cameos from indie games like Shantae and Transistor! Based on the demo, it'll at least have a lot of different ladies getting beat up in lovely animated detail~
I am very excited for the game and the number of cute characters for ryona potential is a lot of cherries on top huehue.


Vivacious Visitor
Oct 5, 2011
There's the Devil's Third Online game for PC where you can finish your enemies with some special melee gruesome animations.
I saw some of them from this guy's videos:

But I'm yet to see my favorite one (a savage and humiliating groin kick used by the dual chocalho melee weapon). The guitar finisher is maybe the one that you guys will like the most I think, but it's also missing from his videos.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Looks like there may be potential for zako ryona in Watch Dogs 2? I don't have the game myself but from some videos I noticed there are female guards and police officers in the game who can be taken down in various ways. Didn't play the original Watch Dogs so I don't know if this is a new thing or what.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Yup yup yup! Wonder if the Smash port is reall...?? If so I hope we get some new ladies.

OHHHH yes! Also! Fire Emblem is getting a Dynasty Warriors spinoff!!!

Aaaand we're getting a Direct next weeeek! I really hope this could have some good ryona for FE ladies...!


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Welllll I don't know fershur how much ryona it'll have?

Buuuuut Fire Emblem Heroes is coming in a few days!

I gotta represent mah Nintendo ladies~
I wasn't expecting these kind of artworks, buuut it IS Fire Emblem and lately Ninty realizes it's the best series it has for fanservice, right? xD

There's also a Final Fantasy game already out doing a similar thing, too, but the art for characters is only sprites. I'm trying to catch screenshots of low HP and KO sprites. Hopefully this FE game will have some cute voices in it, too, though~


Avid Affiliate
Jul 16, 2012
I played a ton of the closed beta, recorded myself getting my ass kicked as Peacekeeper, might upload it. Gotta say, For Honor might be a pretty good ryona game and a good game game. I love the gameplay and Peacekeeper is a ton of fun to play.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
I liked the beta~ I didn't even think about ryona too much tho haha. Guess it's not my kinda game for that buuuut I could totally see it having some good stuff like that! I just wanna play it for real and be able to build my army of warrior ladies -- heyyyy just like I'ma do with Fire Emblem huehueh


Content Creator
2D Artist
3D Artist
Feb 24, 2017
Does it count if a new account forum member wants to make one? Or is this only for AAA/big indie tittles? I made a post detailing my possible game already, so I wont spam so much in here, but I thought that I perhaps someone would like to know. Anyway, there's no tittle yet, and the certainty of it depends on the interest there is for it. Feel free to check the thread.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
-- Mostly US releases --
PSV means PS Vita


- Accel World vs Sword Art Online (already released)
  • Sleep/Electrocution/Dizziness included... no low hp (sag) animation sadly
  • Link: (TTC1266(サブazusa))


- Summon Night 6 (Aug 15, PS4)
  • I'm getting this game because I'm a Summon Night fan...
- Musuo All Stars (Aug 29, PS4)
- Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash: No Shirt, No Shoes All Service (Aug 29, PS4)
  • I only made a few ryona videos on my favorite characters: Leo and Souji (might make some more later), haven't really searched for ryona videos for this game. The voices are actually LESS than the ones in Estival Versus.
- Mary Skelter (Aug 31, PSV)
  • Some YouTube videos running around.
  • Dungeon crawler, you are probably just going to get voices...

- Drive Girls (Sep 8, PSV)
- Ys VIII (Sep 12 (US)/Sep 15 (EU), PC, PS4, PSV)
- Blue Reflection (Sep 26, PS4)


- Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle (Oct 10, Switch)
- Nights of Azure 2 (Oct 24, PS4)


- Four Goddesses Online (Dec 31st, PS4) - Neptunia Francise -

- Blade Stranger (March 2018, Switch)


- Dragon Quest 11 (XI)
- School Girl Zombie Hunter (saw some news on Siliconera)
- (2017.08.05) Added links to YT accounts
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Club Regular
Apr 25, 2015
I think if Yakuza 0 on PC able for mod it will be very good. Many grapple. Many awesome attack. Many savage attack. Lay on ground in pain. Dizzy with stars. Beating with weapon and object in evnronment.

I have no finish game myself. I busy playing mahjong mini game. >,> but I discover a character call Miss Tatsu. She use aggressive beast style in combat and she train you. Not playable but character model in game maybe possible to swap.

Some video of attack call heat action. You must build up meter like in fighting game then you can use these type special.

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