Possible future ryona games? (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Mar 25, 2010
Kick Ass 2

Kiss Ass 2 game by Freedom Factory Studios / UIG Entertainment, that was supposedly released in November. Anyone know anything about it?


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 11, 2009
huh, i never heard about it. i'll look into some videos.

i can't find anything from the second game at all. something tells me it never came out. there's plenty out there from the first, but it looks genuinely awful.

double edit: apparently it comes out at the end of february, and you won't be playing any of the female characters.
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Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010

I apologize in advance for the lengthy spiel but it looks like it could have potential.

Evolve is a recently announced multiplayer focused Sci-Fi game by Turtle Rock, the people who brought you Left 4 Dead.

Matches consist of five players max, four play as human hunters while the fifth plays as a constantly evolving monster. The hunters play in first person while the monster plays in third person. Though the game is obviously built for multiplayer they have stated in interview videos that you can play the game alone as either the hunter or the monster, while the other empty slots are filled in with AI. A nice feature if you fear people interrupting your "fun".

There are four classes, assault, trapper, support, and medic. According to previews the classes aren't limited to a single character. For example, if you pick assault you can then pick from a set of unique characters that fall under that class. Though they'll share some weapons exclusive to that class each character within will have skills/equipment loadouts that differentiates them from one another. In terms of female characters the only one that has been revealed so far is Val, the medic. All of the characters in each class haven't been revealed yet but, with a bit of luck, it sounds like every class could have a female counterpart. Which means you could potentially play matches with an all female team of hunters.

As the title suggests, the monster is a constantly evolving creature that the human characters are hunting/being hunted by. The monster player starts off relatively unimposing but they can devour the local wildlife to move their creature's evolution along. As the creature evolves it gains new skills and changes form. As of this post they have only shown one monster, the Goliath. The Goliath is described as being able to throw rocks, breath fire, leap great distances, and bull charge. From what I've been hearing there are going to be different playable monsters in the game, each with a variety of abilities. Some relying on stealth, others relying on brute strength like the Goliath. I'm hoping that they have finishers they can use on the hunters, or possibly devour them for the purpose of evolution. A line in a Gameinformer article sparked my interest "Players can get a better look at the Goliath’s mouth if they’re unfortunate enough to get incapacitated around the beast and it decides that hunter is on the menu". Here's hoping it's not just flavor text.

The maps the matches take place in will also have their own hazards, usually in the form of the local wildlife. One preview that stuck out to me described the carnivorous plants, which will apparently try to devour any hunters that get too close. If caught by a plant the other hunters will need to help them out, which begs the question. What happens if they don't?

The game is planned for release sometime in Autumn of this year for Xbox One, PS4, and the PC.

You can find more info about it here and in the coming weeks: Evolve - Game Informer February 2014
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Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Sounds like it could be cool. The implementation of bot support is always nice to see. Bots seem to be making a slight comeback after being absent for basically a decade, lol.

Hopefully you are right about the finishing moves, something along the lines of The Last of Us or Gears of War multiplayer finishing moves would be cool.

The only thing I am worrying about is that the deaths will be in first person view when playing as the hunter. That would suck. And going by what they said:

"Players can get a better look at the Goliath’s mouth if they’re unfortunate enough to get incapacitated around the beast and it decides that hunter is on the menu"

It seems that deaths might be in first person going by that quote, but who knows. Same thing is happening with that Alien Isolation game. The lack of third person view deaths is going to be a bummer.

Still, sounds cool, thanks for the info.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
Sounds like it could be cool. The implementation of bot support is always nice to see. Bots seem to be making a slight comeback after being absent for basically a decade, lol.

Hopefully you are right about the finishing moves, something along the lines of The Last of Us or Gears of War multiplayer finishing moves would be cool.

The only thing I am worrying about is that the deaths will be in first person view when playing as the hunter. That would suck. And going by what they said:

"Players can get a better look at the Goliath’s mouth if they’re unfortunate enough to get incapacitated around the beast and it decides that hunter is on the menu"

It seems that deaths might be in first person going by that quote, but who knows. Same thing is happening with that Alien Isolation game. The lack of third person view deaths is going to be a bummer.

Still, sounds cool, thanks for the info.

Well the monster does play in third person. So you could see finishers that way, assuming there are finishers. Also since it's by the team who worked on Left 4 Dead I imagine there are some holdovers that bled into Evolve. For instance, in Left 4 Dead the camera would shift to a third person view if the player were grabbed by an enemy like the smoker or hunter. Though that's just speculation on my part. I can't say anything definitive until actual videos start surfacing, which should hopefully be soon.
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Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Here's hoping they stick with the L4D formula, that would be nice. Hopefully they meant that your "character" would get a better view of the Goliath's mouth and not literally us the player when they said that quote.

Also, regarding Turtle Rock and L4D, I thought the voice actress who played Zoey in L4D did a pretty good job, so hopefully we can expect the same level of quality in that regard for this game. So at the very least, if all else fails, I can extract some decent ryona sounds from the sound files, lol.


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2010
first details on the next hitman game

An open letter to all Hitman fans

Dear Hitman fans,

We wanted to share this open letter with all of you out there eagerly awaiting more news about what’s happening next in the franchise.

At Io-Interactive right now, we are building the next AAA Hitman game for PC and next-gen consoles. It has our total focus and we wanted to take a moment to tell you a few things about it.

In the next game you will experience a globetrotting Agent 47 at the prime of his career – the apex predator stalking his prey across the world, with the support of his long-term handler Diana Burnwood and the whole of the ICA.

The game concentrates on the core Hitman fantasy of using a wide range of tools to take out a diverse group of targets across expansive, exotic locations around the world. We are building this game on the backbone of the Glacier 2 engine, using the best parts and what we have learnt through Hitman: Absolution and drawing inspiration from past titles like Contracts and Blood Money to fulfil the core Hitman fantasy. That means we’re packing in an extreme level of detail on the largest levels we have ever built for a Hitman game. We’ve adopted an open, non-linear level design approach to the game, ensuring the game will play out across huge, checkpoint-free, sandbox levels. Our aim is to create living, breathing and believable levels which will allow gamers to play around with the AI to create those unique moments every fan of the Hitman franchise loves.

Contracts Mode is back – you will be able to create and build challenges by experimenting with the large levels and possibilities within them. And of course, you can share them with the world and challenge your friends or foes to complete your hits. Your rules, your Contracts.

You will also be glad to hear that we have removed 47’s magic pockets. We believe that’s all we need to say about that subject.

As we get further into 2014, we will reveal more and get into much closer contact with all of you. There are so many things we have planned and we are extremely excited for the future of Hitman.

Thank you all for your dedication. We will share much, much more in the coming months.

The Io-Interactive Team




Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Bound by flame

Bound by flame is an Action-RPG game set to release at spring 2014 that looks more like Dragon Dogma/Dark Souls type of game and fortunately like most other RPG games , you can select to play as a female and you can make the face of the heroine

As for the enemies and creatures here is their description from their official site "the world of Bound by Flame, Vertiel, is home to many a supernatural creature. Scythes, Swamp beasts, Ghosts... these are only a few of the monsters you will have to fight. And these are only some of the most common in this world: with the rise of the Lords of Ice, some supernatural monsters that had sunk into oblivion have come back to life, more terrifying and more awesome than anything else you may have been fighting before.

Each of the monsters you will be fighting has special abilities and, more importantly, its own unique behavior. Therefore, each combat is different and forces you to adapt your tactics and your combat style to the make-up of enemy packs."

The design of the creatures looks promising to deliver ryona but we have yet to the their attack animations but I saw a photo that has a flying creature grab the playable character from behind so I hope it at least deliver the quality of Dragon Dogma/Dark Souls ryona ... hopefully better


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
It seems that deaths might be in first person going by that quote, but who knows. Same thing is happening with that Alien Isolation game. The lack of third person view deaths is going to be a bummer.

Still, sounds cool, thanks for the info.

Don't want to put more depression for you , but I read that Alien Isolation started as a third person game and then a playtester messed with the dev tools to make it look like a first person game and the team liked it because they thought that it would be more scarier :( :(

but who knows , may be it would be like Left4dead case where the camera shifts to Third person mode in deaths and IMO Third person deaths have more horror effect that First person ones , may be there would be mods for the game to make it Third person , just keep hoping :)


Potential Patron
Feb 21, 2012
fun fact: this game sounds like it got the idea from lol because the mosters known as cho'gath and kha'zix and kog'maw are all from the same race but they ate something different so they evoled into different monsters


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Don't want to put more depression for you , but I read that Alien Isolation started as a third person game and then a playtester messed with the dev tools to make it look like a first person game and the team liked it because they thought that it would be more scarier :( :(

but who knows , may be it would be like Left4dead case where the camera shifts to Third person mode in deaths and IMO Third person deaths have more horror effect that First person ones , may be there would be mods for the game to make it Third person , just keep hoping :)

Thanks for the info. Bummer to hear about the playtester's influence to change the view from third person to first person.

It seems that modding may be our only hope. If you check out this vid: Alien: Isolation Gameplay Commentary - YouTube From 6:45 - 6:58, there is a death scene and it is done all in first person.

So yeah, here's hoping for some 3rd person mods.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Well , there are always mods for third person games to shift it to first person ones but I am not sure if there is mods for the reverse and that is unlikely to happen but we can only hope , it all depends on the game's engine , I heard that the engine they used for the game is an engine built in home by creative assembly and as far as i know creative assembly are PC Centric developers so there is a chance that their engine could be moddable, I saw some games that can be converted from First Person to third person only if it can accept console commands like in portal where you can play in third person and although they are usually buggy ones but it is better than nothing for us , If only there is one of us who is expert in modding then that mod would have a high chance to appear


In Mirrors Edge you can play in third person view only because there is unused or scrapped files that has some animation in third person view and modders got the chance to make it semi-playable , So I hope that the files that contains the 3rd person animation in Aliens remains undeleted

And putting ryona aside , I am the type of person who get nauseated while playing First person games so I am hoping for a mod to make it 3rd person :)
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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
The Last of Us : Left Behind

The new "The Last of Us " DLC has been released which feature Ellie as the main playable character

So any one tried this knows if it has good ryona ?


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Just beat it.

It has mostly the same type of deaths as the normal game. There are a few new ones, though.

There is one part where there is water that has electricity running through it. If you step in it, you automatically die, with a possibility of two different death animations.

The rest of the new ones are all kind of similar to each other. They all involve infected biting Ellie or Riley in the neck. Some are QTE type deaths and some occur if you don't run away fast enough. Much like the base game's biting deaths, the screen goes black as soon as the enemy starts biting into your neck. Kind of weak, in my opinion.

Regarding human enemies, you don't encounter any while you are with Riley, but you do encounter a bunch during the Ellie solo sections. The only death that seemed new (it may have been in the base game...not sure) was this one where the guy grabs Ellie and knees her in the stomach which causes her to fall to the ground, then he follows up with a stomp to her head, but the screen goes black before the foot even connects. Besides that, all the human deaths seem identical to the base game.

So not really a big showing in the ryona department. Combining all the abrupt black screens with the fact that Ellie is only 14 and it just kind of misses the mark for decent ryona.

What I was hoping for was that ND would add some female human enemies into the mix since the developers confirmed that they had to cut them from the main game due to lack of time. I thought for sure they would be in this DLC, but we ended up with the same generic male thugs. Huge missed opportunity there...Ellie has some sick looking stealth kills.

Anyway, here's hoping for a future sequel with an adult Ellie as the main character. Add some female enemies to the mix and it could be pretty epic.

Oh...and for the record, I actually enjoyed TLoU a lot. So don't think I am hating on the actual game itself...just the ryona aspect.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
BlackSoul: Extended Edition

I saw a game released on steam today called BlackSoul: Extended Edition which is a third person survival horror game and it has two playable characters and one of them is a female called Ava

I didn't saw much of the gameplay but in the trailer one of the very few attacks shown is a zombie grabs Ava and starts biting her neck

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Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
BRCS: New BloodRayne?

Arc System Works, probably best known for the Guilty Gear and Blazblue fighting game series, are teasing a new game called BRCS.
Based off of the teaser picture and the BRCS acronym it's pretty clear it's going to be a new BloodRayne game.
Information is obviously sparse at this time but the full title, and hopefully some actual gameplay details, will be revealed on April 23rd.

Teaser Site and image below.
1397631683339.png 55438.png
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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
The teaser message says : "She who fights with monsters might take care lest she thereby become a monster , and if you gaze for long into an abyss , the abyss gazes also into you "


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
BRCS by Arc System Works?
Then it's likely a fighting game called BloodRayne:Continuum Shift

Let's wait for a week and see....

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