Ali Icestorm (real name unknown)
lone ranger, looking for fights to block her mind from pain...
short, baby blue hair, eye length bangs
blue/silver toward pupil
Athletic, Slim, Pale
5' 8"
size: 36 B
skin tight white jump suit
light blue tribal all over
Dark Blue shoulder pads
knee pads
shin guards
ribbon from her left shoulder used for distraction
Fighting style/ abilities:
Integrated Grappling System
Brazilian Jujitsu
Non perfected Jeet kune do concepts
can manipulate Hydrogen and Oxygen to create water from air... then turns it to ice before your very eyes.(freezes stuff)
Weak Spot:
very weak chin, some good face shot can knock her down good... but she blocks very well.
Back story:
most of her back story is unknown. this is just what she read in scientist who was practicing genetics notes.
"when Ali was born, her mother died from the birth. when her father heard, he committed suicide.... left alone, she was adopted by me... she was only 6 months when the tests began......................... before you know it, she began to learn to control herself more. the chemicals turned her hair blue, and her eyes blue and silver... she can control temperature and some molecules to create ice from water she created herself... magnificent... my creation... "
she knew she was different... knew she had no friends, no home, no one to love her... she read the 12 years old she killed the scientist...
she was alone... she had to make money to live... she tried performing... but was looked at as a freak... so she killed people... then she got arrested and put in jail... then she learned to fight. she showed the prisoners her ice abilities... they all wanted a piece of her... so she fought back.. after various fights she was moved to a cell with a jeet kun do/ integrated grappling instructor named Rudy that killed an opponent. she was the best, Rudy beat all the guys... she finally went too far and killed someone. she had to teach Ali to become a fighting machine.
Ali incorperated her ice to her fighting. she can freeze her hands and punch with ice fists. she can cool down her opponents body to make injuries hurt 2x more. and she can freeze small sections of her opponents such as a foot to the ground or even herself to her opponents.
when she escaped prison at the age of 18... she became an underground phenomenon and won lots of money... that's where the name Ali Icestorm started... with the money she got a suit that holds in cold that can help her create ice better or even protect her from various amounts of heat.. though not a super strong material. it can withstand most falls woth out ripping.
present day you can find her meditating... trying to find inner peace... trying to stop the pain from killing the only man to take care of her. wondering what her parents where like... and wondering... will this torture ever end... still evading the police at all costs...
"i don't believe that love exists... if it does... why does nobody love me..."
some of her secrets**
under her suit... she hides her scars.. she has multiple scars from fights and some even from her anger.
her very high pain tolerance helps her for fighting. her mind is soo screwed up... that she doesn't think about pain anymore. but it's there...
what everyone didn't like about her... why everyone stayed away... was that she loved blood...the taste the look. she wanted people to be in more pain that her... when she bleeds she drinks it... to take back in what she lost... she drinks her own blood...loves the taste...
PS sorry for no caps hahhaa typing with 1 hand lol... tiny net book :P