Resident Evil 2 Remake, Nude Claire Mod (41 Viewers)


Casual Client
Feb 7, 2014
Did you unzip the mod and replace the files? It should be inside the native folders. Once you done that just re-rar it and use the mod manager to apply it.
Oh Nvm, its .dds format. Hm then you probably need to read that guide from 777.


Casual Client
Feb 7, 2014
Check page 5, silentpanda uploaded to mediafire shares.
I wonder if that edited textures from iare was with black pubic hair.

underwear fetish

Swell Supporter
Aug 24, 2014
Check page 5, silentpanda uploaded to mediafire shares.
I wonder if that edited textures from iare was with black pubic hair.
Ok thanks. How about the Ada nude mod that Slice posted. I clicked the 3dmgame link but it tells me to login and I cannot understand Chinese. Is there a mediafire link instead?


Casual Client
Feb 7, 2014
It's there too except if you want add pubic hair to her or ada to Claire replacer. Then you need to read previous posts from him.


2D Artist
3D Artist
Mar 5, 2013
Did you unzip the mod and replace the files? It should be inside the native folders. Once you done that just re-rar it and use the mod manager to apply it.
Oh Nvm, its .dds format. Hm then you probably need to read that guide from 777.

I've read the guide from here How to properly edit textures and thanks to the devs UPDATED |
I'm using the nude ada mod from nexus, and I've edited the mod texture, added some hair.
The mod mentions some hex editing, is that necessary? I'm re editing someone's mod.
The issue might be that I do not know how to transform .DDS file format into .10 format?


Casual Client
Feb 7, 2014
Yeah. You need to hex edit it back to .10 format. I hope you are able to do that. Hm the ada nude mod from nexus is good too except her genital isn't realistic as the Chinese modders ones but I like her breasts more. If you could add that Chinese modders lower parts to her and add black pubic hair. I would call it a perfect mod.


Avid Affiliate
Dec 4, 2012
Ada mod version 2.0

neck seam fixed(red dress) but still has a bit of color difference
however neck seam is not able to fix for the coat nude because the model itself does not have a body inside of the coat
so choose the one you like

ada new body dress+coat v2.0

ada new body red dress only v2.0

all credit goes to ·空中铁匠· (Aerosmith)
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Casual Client
Feb 7, 2014
Does it has a black pubic hair too? Good to see them improving the mods.

Edit: do you have those new version of ada for Claire too? Or the Chinese modders still hasn't released? I can see on his trainer, it has newer version.
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2D Artist
3D Artist
Mar 5, 2013
Anyone kindly willing to explain how can I put the edited texture back in the mod/game?
This is for Ada mod

If anyone has time please use these textures and finish the mod... if you want hairy bush and armpits


Casual Client
Feb 7, 2014
DrFaker DrFaker , can you modify Aerosmith's Ada new body mods too? Her vagina looks way better than the ones on nexus. I like to see bush,trimmed and ampits on her too. Then we just need to wait for someone is able to implement it.

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