Resident Evil 3 Remake (1 Viewer)

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
I guess we need a RE3 thread now, because a death animation has been revealed and it shows some serious promise:

Notice a difference from RE2R? No annoying camera, no obnoxious effects obscuring everything. There's a small possibility that they just haven't been added yet, but the release is VERY close so unless they add it post-release I think it's going to stay like this.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Thanks for the Thread , and Yea one of the Major Positive changes Ryona wise from Remake2 to Remake3 is that there is no more of those annoying obnoxious effects , and as a Bonus the scene continues in the game over screen in the background

Also , The Carnivorous Monster in Resident Evil Resistance can Swallow the Player up whole , and it is also a Very cool Vore scene


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Glad to see you guys are still around. Place has been a ghost town, lol. I do wish this place was a bit more active. I like discussing this stuff, even if it's mostly bitching about how disappointing a particular game's ryona turned out to be. This isn't exactly a subject that you can freely discuss in every day life.

Anyway, on to RE3. The improved visibility of the death animations is a great plus. Although, I am assuming that amazing camera mod for the PC version of RE2 will be ported over to RE3 so we should be able to get around any annoying UI elements or camera angles.

Did you guys hear about what those Drain Deimos can do to Jill? Basically, they force some embryo down her throat and if you don't heal yourself quickly enough bugs will kill her from the inside. I have no idea how the death animation looks, but it sounds very promising. They even say that if you heal yourself you actually see her vomit out the bugs. Sounds crazy.

I am assuming this is the animation when they force the embryo down her throat?

Now, I do have some major concerns about the potential ryona in this game, though. I am very particular about KO/death poses...basically the final resting pose that the victim takes when they are on the floor. I prefer more embarrassing poses like seeing the girl spread eagle on the floor as opposed to her being curled up in the fetal position or something like that.

The reason I bring this up is that RE2 was sharing animations between Leon and Claire and videogame devs seem to give male characters death animations that better fit my taste. So when a videogame dev makes a KO or death pose specific for a female they usually have them curled up in the fetal position or something like that. Just seeing that knockdown pose that Jill takes after being tripped by Nemesis' tentacle has me worried. It's like her legs are glued together.

Speaking of Nemesis, I am hoping he has some better attacks than what we have seen so far. All he seems to do is throw out wild haymakers, lol.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Yeah the spreadeagle sprawling has been a RE staple for so long it's hard to imagine a game without it, when I really think about it. But for my tastes as long as Jill's head snaps back I'm not too particular about the rest lol.

Anyway I know I made this thread, but I'm really trying avoiding knowing anything further about the game at this point, which include any more deaths, so if you want to talk about anything that's already in the game please use spoiler tags for now. It's only until the game comes out next month.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah, I am kind of the same way. I am definitely going to avoid the inevitable death compilation that somehow releases before the actual game even comes out. I am already pissed off about them revealing one of the jump scares where Nemesis busts through a wall. That would have been great to experience the first time. Not sure why they ruined that...


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
So Demo got Released , We have come Death Scenes Compilations , Thanks SplitRyona SplitRyona

Major Difference here is the Gameover itself , As here there is no more that weird blackout , and even Death scene resumes in the background in the Gameover screen , Which makes RE3 superir Ryona Wise

- Zombie Grabs : Animation Wise , It is the exact same as Remake2

- Mutated Zombie : Interesting one here

- Nemesis : I noticed he has two different Animation based on the hand he grabs Jill with , With left hand the camera is positioned up and Nemesis stabs Jill with its Nentacle , While with its right hand the camera is positioned low , and we see very nice view of Jill's ass and her Nice wiggling


Potential Patron
Feb 18, 2020
A little sad they removed the light effect when the camera is close to something honestly.
Demo seems rather easy going but fun. Jills animations are a mixture of brand new and taken from Claire.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Audio is a huge aspect of ryona for me and I loved Claire's damage and death sounds in RE2 Remake. Thankfully, I am also liking Jill's sounds in this game. Also, it is nice that lowering the sound effects and BGM allows you to hear the main character clearly since the zombie's voices are actually considered sound effects. I was worried they would screw that up for part 3, but luckily it works the same as it did in 2.

I am definitely interested to see the Nemesis kills using the camera mod. I want to see if they actually animated the face tentacle or the head stomp. It's really stupid that they don't actually show you the freaking kills, though. Lame ass camera angles.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
It's not bad. The death camera is still annoyingly close.

I tried confronting Nemesis in as many different areas as he would enter and he has a couple of throws that he only does in closed spaces. One where he grabs Jill's face and quickly paintbrushes her to the ground (which can kill) and another where he smashes her head against the wall (which he only seems to do in the alleyway with the grenade and doesn't kill as far as I can tell). I hope there will be a lot more of these area-specific grabs in the full game.

Here's a list of the deaths I found (new ones with *):

  • Collapses (happens from running through the fire or Nemesis stomp)
  • Knocked face-down (stand too close to an exploding barrel, punched by Nemesis from back or side)
  • Knocked face-up (punched by Nemesis from the front)
  • Grabbed in front
  • Grabbed from behind
  • Grabbed by the legs from front
  • Grabbed by the legs from behind
  • Grabbed on stairs (seems same as grab from front, except the zombie pins her immediately)
  • Two zombies grab at the same time (Jill Sandwich)
Parasite Zombie
  • Grabbed and possessed with parasite*
  • Head slam*
  • Tentacle impale*
  • Head stomp* (only seems to happen in open areas)

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
I finished my playthrough on standard.

As far as I can tell, all of the deaths in the demo are still in there, although I wasn't able to confirm the Nemesis grab and stomp one because I kept running into him in closed areas.

The zombie deaths I already listed, I didn't see anything new aside from one cinema death if the zombies get into Jill's hospital room while you're fending them off (which doesn't show anything, it cuts to black as soon as the zombies creep up on Jill).

There are dogs again, but dog deaths are copied from RE2. Nothing new to see there.

The drain delmos doesn't specifically seem to have a death, but the parasite it injects will cause a special death if Jill dies. Although normally Jill will just puke up the parasite when leaving, if you leave BEFORE restoring power, you can leave the facility with Jill in the weakened parasite state. It doesn't do anything special (I was kind of hoping for some special zombie/parasite combo death), but it's something to mess with I guess.

The two types of hunters have two deaths each, basically one from the front and one from behind. With the sewer hunters the difference between front and behind isn't huge but it's there. With the other hunter they're both very different from each other. The Hunter kills are probably my favorites in this game.

There are some lickers, and I'd imagine the licker death is copied from RE2 but I didn't bother checking because Jill never gets to fight it (it's in a Carlos section)

As expected, Nemesis goes through several iterations but his kills outside of cinematic scenes are kind of disappointing. Flamethrower Nemesis has a throw where he lifts Jill up by the tip of his weapon, roasts her and throws her away, but it doesn't look like it was meant to kill. Bazooka Nemesis has a similar-looking throw where he lifts Jill up and shoots her with a point blank rocket, but the camera doesn't show much. Dog Nemesis can mount Jill and chew her to death. Final Nemesis can squash Jill if she takes too long to shoot the railgun. And unfortunately that's about it. The final 2 battles with Nemesis don't seem to have much of anything. Hopefully I'm wrong and someone else can find something, but I messed around for hours and got nothing. Not doing anything when you get the prompts to finish Nemesis only seems to result in Jill taking longer to finish it. EDIT: Saw in a video that there is a death in the final battle where he grabs her and ragdolls her corpse around, not sure why I never saw that

Aside from these there are the usual cinematic deaths that trigger in scripted sequences. A slightly dumb thing they did was in some scenes when you have to run away, they show a prompt with a direction. But even if you push the opposite direction, Jill will still run away. The only way to not run away is to not touch the stick at all.

Overall I'm happy with it. There were some deaths and some scenes I really liked and some things I didn't, but I'd much rather have had this game than not had it.
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Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah, also finished my playthrough last night.

Overall, I am very happy with the ryona elements in this game.

First off, the voice actress for Jill in the English dub is perfect for my tastes. The way she gags and gurgles during the ryona scenes adds a lot for me. Pretty much a 10/10 in this regard.

Jill's character model is also amazing looking. All this hubub of how she was looking like a man. Her actual in game model is great looking.

Now on to the actual death animations:

Zombies: I am kind of glad they didn't alter the death animations from RE2Make. Some of those were perfect for me as well and I wanted to see them done on Jill. Actually, they improved the one where they tackle you from behind. In RE2 the death sound that plays during that kill animation gets cut off prematurely. In RE3 it plays fully. This is huge for me.

Dogs: Similar to zombies, I love the death animation that plays when the dog kills the character from the front. The supine pose fits my tastes perfectly.

Drain Deimos: Some amazing stuff here. The initial attack is great with the way it forces that crap down her throat. Her sounds are great and you can actually see Jill's eyes kind of roll into her head a bit using the camera mod. The death sequence is pretty cool, but definitely censored.

Parasite Head Zombies: Nothing really here for me. I do like the suffocating sound that Jill makes, though.

Hunter Gammas: Not a vore guy so this isn't really in my wheelhouse.

Hunter Betas: So I kind of like the start of the death animations. Especially the throat slice, but neither one ends in a pose that I really like, unfortunately.

Pale Heads: As far as I can tell they are just reskinned zombies pulled from the Ghost Survivor mode in RE2Remake. Pretty lame stuff. Would have been nice if the lab had some nasty new monster to deal with.

Nemesis: For the regular Nemesis fights, the only real animation that I liked was the tentacle impale one. I love the way Jill's arms and legs go limp. Need to use the camera mod to get anything decent out of it, though. The boss fights also didn't really do much for me. The way he starts chomping on her looks terrible. Like his mouth is clipping through her body, lol. Not great. The final boss had a decent kill, though. The way he crushes her in his hand and her body goes limp is nice.

QTE scenes: I am very happy that we got some QTE scenes. Been missing them for a while now. The car sequence had some amazing deaths and the final one with Nikolai was awesome. I wish there were more of these scenes especially with Nikolai ending Jill in various ways.

So yeah, definitely enjoyed it. I do wish there was a Merc mode or something similar, though. Resistance is a big letdown when it comes to ryona. Can't get a single goddamn kill animation in that game because of the shitty "downed" state. Such a waste.

If the rumors of RE8 are true, that is going to be another letdown ryona-wise. It may be a while until we get our next ryona fix from an RE game, unfortunately.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
I rated RE2 Ryona at 7.5/10 , Here I will rate it 8/10 ,
Some nice grabs that I liked and I was grateful that the Gamma hunter made it to the game and they still swallow Jill Whole , Drain Deimos Wrap to Jill is great along with the Injection and Pregnanting Jill , I liked Nemesis Final Form grab on Jill , Nemesis middle form is Disappointing Ryona wise , Didnt expect much from the First form but some nice Camera views for Jill's lovely ass in the Head Grab and her struggling in that grab is great too , Don't like Beta Hunter type of Ryona , nor the Parasite Zombies , Dogs and Zombies are the same as RE2

BTW , Resistance Offline Practice Mastermind mode is Great for Zako Ryona if u dont mind the Free but not-Cinematic Camera Angles , U can control the enemies and BOW's and do Ryona on Female Characters , list of Current Enemies are Zombies ( lots of Variations ) , Ivy's , Lickers and Dogs ( arent controllable ) , for Bosses u have Mr.X , Birkin G1 and a New plant Monster that Can Wrap the characters in its tentacles and Swallow them whole , I am sure more will follow as it is mainly an online game , in that Offlice Practice mode u only start with Annette Birkin and Her Boss BOW Birkin G1 , but u have to do a little online Grind to unlock the other 3 Masterminds and their Boss BOWs ( raise Annette to Lvl 5 to unlock Daniel , LVL 5 daniel unlocks Alex Wesker , LVL 5 Alex unlocks Spencer ) , There are total of 3 Female survivors in that mode and Jill will be added at 17 April

R Rag40 I heard Lickers can appear in Jill section in harder Difficulties
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Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
R RyonaDamsels
Yeah, I actually forgot about the Lickers. I think I have a Carlos save point in the RPD so maybe I can do a model swap and check it out using that PC Trainer. I just wish Lickers got some love in the animation department. They always get the short end of the stick for the death animations. They never actually utilize their tongues to do anything.

Regarding the Resistance stuff...I am very upset that you can't actually get proper death animations. Even if the freaking enemies grapple someone and take all their health away they will just push them off and enter the "downed" state. What a damn tease.

I do like the sounds the girls make during the Ivy attack animation, though. Also, I really hope we can get that Dealer zombie ported over to RE3 somehow because her kill animation looks awesome, but it cuts off prematurely in Resistance because of the aforementioned downed mechanic.

kubi mage kubi mage
Damn, forgot about that part. Amazing stuff and you can actually see her legs go limp and spread eagle using a camera mod. Jill gets put through the wringer in this game, lol. I just wish we had a "Krauser Knife Fight" QTE like sequence between Jill and Nikolai. That would have been great.

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