
Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
hm i have downloaded the files and renamed them correctly, but when i try to unpack it says i am using the wrong password :(

You renamed the 4.95 GB file "1402656168.part1" and the 6.0 GB file "1402656168.part2"? Open 1402656168.part2 and extract using the password above. It is weird, but that's how it worked for me. Hope this helped.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Firstly , nice video and i thank you for all your efforts :)

I also like helena harper because i like women with natural broad shoulders and natural fitted big bones with overall above medium female body shape with great healthy boobs and curves but with no overweight and helena fits in that category nicely and she was a change from the usual small female body shape we see in nearly every female videogame character nowadays and in the few moments she smiled in the game she looked gorgeous and the most beautiful lady in the game

A shame that she will unlikely appear in any future RE game along with Sheva


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
her body is fine but her face....also I kinda can't like her myself because she kinda you know is the reason the entire planet is nearly destroyed. She sparked all this shit. So I can't hold anything but contempt for her.(honestly her boobs are the only reason anyone likes her imo also to be honest being more active would make your breasts smaller from less of body fat) on the flip side Ada's doll face urks me. Sherry's looking like a human and a female and having small imperfections in her skin tone(her face has some red marks and freckles) makes her more my choice.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
very nice!
Thank you, though, the real credit goes to Odin Enteomega and MicMac Game for the footage. Without them, I couldn't make this. If I had RE6 on PC and a decent video recording program, I would gladly make my own footage for such projects.

Firstly , nice video and i thank you for all your efforts :)

I also like helena harper because i like women with natural broad shoulders and natural fitted big bones with overall above medium female body shape with great healthy boobs and curves but with no overweight and helena fits in that category nicely and she was a change from the usual small female body shape we see in nearly every female videogame character nowadays and in the few moments she smiled in the game she looked gorgeous and the most beautiful lady in the game

A shame that she will unlikely appear in any future RE game along with Sheva
You're welcome, but as stated before, we know who the real credit belongs to. I do agree that she has a fine body type in both normal game and in mods. Yeah, it sucks she won't ever show up again in other games and speaking from a one track mind, I doubt they'll bring back jiggle physics that RE6 had either.

her body is fine but her face....also I kinda can't like her myself because she kinda you know is the reason the entire planet is nearly destroyed. She sparked all this shit. So I can't hold anything but contempt for her.(honestly her boobs are the only reason anyone likes her imo also to be honest being more active would make your breasts smaller from less of body fat) on the flip side Ada's doll face urks me. Sherry's looking like a human and a female and having small imperfections in her skin tone(her face has some red marks and freckles) makes her more my choice.
Well, true, I suppose. I don't see a problem with her face, but I can see what you mean. Helena didn't nearly destroy the planet, though. She did help in cause of the outbreak in Tall Oaks, but that's about it. It really boils down to mostly Simmons and Carla and even "The Family" to some very minor degree. Helena does have terrible anger management issues (she shot at Deborah's boyfriend due to him abusing her) and acts very rashly which I can see why people dislike her just on her personality. I don't mind her bitchiness either. I guess I'm just very objective and single minded on pervertedness and let these things slide on by.

I do like Ada and Sherry, too, but just not as much as Helena. Though, I guess my reasoning for liking Helena is suuuper shallow anyway. I'm sure if Ada and Sherry had jiggle physics (Sherry does in her hospital gown outfit and her EX outfits in Mercenaries, but that doesn't count for me), then I'd probably ogle them just as much. Oh, me and my bullshit shallowness...


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
You're allowed. There really isn't any thing wrong with you finding her attractive. That isn't what I am saying at all. Everything I said is just for me.

It is just for me I can't get past her massive cheekbones. While being a bit bitchy and rash is not a problem for me at all(Cassandra from soul calibur Asuka from tekken and Ayane from DOA are some of my favorites) I just have this issue with her helping set off the outbreak and she never feels remorse or is held accountable. She is sad her sister got fucked and that is it. Not about a city getting destroyed(hell considering it is a virus we can assume since how fucked the world is by the end it spread to other states. Just for me while these are fictional characters certain things they do can make them completely unattractive to me. There are characters in series that fit most of my favorite things(short hair tomboyish) and the character is a huge asshole who kills innocent people or what have you and I find them detestable. I am just odd with my picking and choosing
Last edited by a moderator:


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Her priorities during the Tall Oaks incident was focused completely on trying to save her sister due to her overprotectiveness towards her. Yes, she did feel very guilty for what she had done to the President and everyone in the city; she was even crying and very aware of the consequences for crime. Sacrificing so many lives just to save one life is always seen as the idiot move in such scenarios. You could say she even sacrificed her own life just to try and save her sister and put her back to a normal life while she would rot in prison or even be executed. Helena was so focused on saving her sister that she wasn't really willing to attempt to try to save everyone during the outbreak. All that mattered to her was doing the deed and trying to save Deborah as quick as possible.

Once they did "save" her, though, then it turned into a goal of revenge and trying to atone for what she had did; even if it wouldn't really help her once it was all over. At the end of the game, she accepted her crimes and was ready for the supreme punishment of the law. However, she was spared due to the evidence of the blackmail and I guess because Leon and Hunnigan put in some good words. Is she an scumbag asshole for what she did? Indeed. Did she feel remorse for her actions? Very back and forth at times, but in the beginning and the end, yes. Should she have been punished for her crime? Most likely.

I do understand your hatred for Helena, though, and how that would seem unattractive towards her. I agree that she is a pretty terrible person, but she does have her moments. Wouldn't it be more rewarding then to see her "suffer" for her assholeness? ;)
Or is it that even seeing ryona of characters you hate doesn't really do anything for you? I understand if that's the case.​


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 15, 2009
the last Resident Evil game i played was 3, so long ago, so i don't know most of these characters. so i don't have an opinion on Helena other than that i think she's sexy, but i think i am like randomguy in that if, outside my fetish, i cannot root for a character, then seeing them suffer does not do as much for me.

of course that is just for me, not what anyone else "should" like :)


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
yeah I am not saying anyone "should" be that way either. Just for me :P That is why when I do the images only certain characters


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Makes sense to me. I understand your guys point of view. Sorry if I was being inconsiderate. Maybe I should make another one of these projects with Sherry instead for randomguy? :3


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Alrighty then. Just makin' a possible offer. I mainly made the video to get something a bit more out of the original footage for myself and as a way of thanking the original recorders of the footage. I wish I had a powerful PC and RE6. It must be nice to make your own footage! (jealous) :TT TT:


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Great efforts Carl :) but IMO I think if you want to post only videos then it would be better to be posted in the videos section of the forum because this thread is dedicated for discussing , helping and sharing info , ryona and mods for the game


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
This kind of spam is always good. :-P
Is it? Is it really? Because now...

Great efforts Carl :) but IMO I think if you want to post only videos then it would be better to be posted in the videos section of the forum because this thread is dedicated for discussing , helping and sharing info , ryona and mods for the game
Very well then. I suppose you're right. I wasn't sure if it was OK to make another thread in the videos section when there is already a thread about RE6. Apologies, guys. I'll try to transfer everything into its own thread in the video forums. Now it's really going to look like spam.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
Very well then. I suppose you're right. I wasn't sure if it was OK to make another thread in the videos section when there is already a thread about RE6. Apologies, guys. I'll try to transfer everything into its own thread in the video forums. Now it's really going to look like spam.

It's all good friend, if I had any RE ryona videos to share they likely would have ended up in this thread first too.
This place is pretty casual like that.

More on topic: Anyone think we'll ever see Helena again? I personally kinda doubt it, she'll likely join Billy, Rebecca, Sheva, and Carlos in that nebulous void where most RE characters end up. Which is a bummer as while she was partly responsible for the Tall Oaks outbreak, that fact could easily turn her into a redeemer/repentance type character which would have opened up opportunities for development and characterization.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Very well then. I suppose you're right. I wasn't sure if it was OK to make another thread in the videos section when there is already a thread about RE6. Apologies, guys. I'll try to transfer everything into its own thread in the video forums. Now it's really going to look like spam.

No need to apologize :) , I was just recommending a better idea for yourself and the forum :)

More on topic: Anyone think we'll ever see Helena again? I personally kinda doubt it, she'll likely join Billy, Rebecca, Sheva, and Carlos in that nebulous void where most RE characters end up. Which is a bummer as while she was partly responsible for the Tall Oaks outbreak, that fact could easily turn her into a redeemer/repentance type character which would have opened up opportunities for development and characterization.

Yea Sadly I Think she will join the other "one-shot" characters you mentioned , As for RE7 we were always getting a nearly constant formula where we get a game for "Chris-Jill-Wesker-Bravo and Star Members" arc and the following one is for "Leon-Ada-Secret Agent" Arc with Claire serving as a mix between the two world so it was easy to predict but when RE6 came with all of that huge cast then it is hard to predict the outcome of RE7 and add the fact that Jake didn't get mega popular with the fans to make him carry a game on his own , Or I could predict a major reboot to the series "DmC treatment" and leaving Revelations series for the old fans

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