Resident Evil Remake 2 (1 Viewer)


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah, I kind of hate this trend nowadays where the devs decide to obscure the screen upon death or when your health gets low. Shit is annoying as hell.

Regarding this game specifically, it's like they are trying to be too cinematic. The camera is so damn close at times that you don't get to see the entire death scene. Like, if you look at Leon's zombie deaths the camera is so zoomed in that you can't actually see his entire body after death. As someone who is into KO/death poses...this is a big problem.

I do have to say that I like the sounds that the Claire voice actress is making during the Birkin death scene. Not bad at all.

But what the hell is up with that lame ass Licker death scene? That was terrible, lol. It just slashes her like a normal attack and then the camera completely focuses on the Licker. Really hoping that is not the actual kill animation. Trash.

And don't get me started on the classic outfit. Not sure why they are finding it so difficult to just make her classic outfit in updated graphics. They got rid of the sleeves, gloves and replaced her tall brown boots with shorter black ones. Why make these changes? Weird stuff.

But yeah, as much as I am bitching about it the game still looks pretty damn good.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
The Death scenes direction is a disappointing Sadly , But as we previouslly saw a Birkin Boss death scene where Claire was seen more in detail , Then I hope that this is " Player Placement " issue rather than a general camera problem , I also hope the grabs itself isn't that too close or I hope that there is an FOV option that applies to cinematic grabs


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
Oh its definitely player placement. Given that during the scene the camera clips through Claire's body and then kinda; falls over in a way that doesn't look even remotely intentional.

Yeah, its super weird how it seems like the game is shying away from showing the protagonists getting, you know, defeated. Especially given that they're doubling down on the gore everywhere else.
I guess they're trying to go for a "ooOOoo! spooky!" thing with the intense zoom in on the creatures, but that effect is lost on me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still looking forward to the game as a whole. Judging from the reactions I've been seeing (which are admittedly anecdotal) REmake 2 looks like it'll do well. Hopefully with this and RE7 as successes Capcom will stay the course and keep RE, you know, at least horror focused. Then we'll start to see some good (awful?) things happen to the player characters.
Besides, there are quite a few enemies in the original RE2, so there should still be tons of scenes. They've already confirmed the crocodile which I've got hope for.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Besides, there are quite a few enemies in the original RE2, so there should still be tons of scenes. They've already confirmed the crocodile which I've got hope for.

Yea , There is still the other Birkin forms , which could bring new attacks that wasn't in the original games ( possibly vorish attacks in the last two forms ) , and I think Birkin third form will have a tight grab attack , Plants will have tight tentacle grab attack , Crocodile will have a vore attack for sure but I hope it isn't that extreme hard vorish , I hope spiders has a cocoon attack this time rather than normal slashing attacks , There is still the dogs

I am glad too that they kept the Crocodile and the plant monster even thought they said in the interviews that the team nearly erased them and there was a huge debate in the team over them but the key producers of the game wanted them in so they made it in at last moments

They said The members of the developing team that wanted both out are saying that both creatures aren't " Realistic " so they initially erased them for the sake of fucking " Realism " but when key producers found out ( Who were huge RE2 fans at their young days ) they wanted both to be in at all costs as they are essential to RE2 and RE itself isn't that realistic themed itself and that is where the debate came from but they said they came to a solution to make both featured in the game and make them look " acceptable " in the realistic atmosphere of the game

That interview made me fear for the future of the series , the series is known for its Nice and crazy monsters designs , If the new direction will aim for " Realistic " monster designs like the lame ones in RE7 , Then say goodbye to Ryona in RE , and if Team Reality won in Remake2 then we would had probably end up with Zombies , Dogs , Lickers , Mr.X , Variations of them and human forms of Birkin , But I am glad the key producers stepped in and wanted the old crazy designs at all costs


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
Yeah, the whole realism thing does strike me as strange. The Resident Evil series was built on sets of viruses which, nine times out of ten, utilize body fluids (saliva, blood, etc) as its main transmission vector. The main symptom of these viruses is bringing the dead back to life as mindless killing machines, or to cause a body to grossly mutate and transform into inhuman abominations... but having a larger than normal crocodile is 'too unrealistic'?

The only thing I can think of to explain Capcom's newfound desire for 'realism' in the series, is the critical reception to RE6. That game pretty much shattered any suspension of disbelief: Given that the game had a boss that can transform from normal-sized human into a T-Rex-like monster, and the solution to beating him was... to punch him a lot when he is in human form. (And then he transformed into a dog, and then a giant fly, because that line of progression makes sense.)

Going crazy and bucking any semblance of realism is what lead to RE5 and RE6, as well as (if we go a step further) the RE movie series. I shouldn't need to explain why none of those were good. But playing it too safe lead to RE7; which tried to copy the Indie Horror Game formula to a T.
There's gotta be a balance between the absurd and the realistic.
Thankfully it seems like some folks on the team get that. Though if I'm being honest, I haven't kept up with the interviews all that much.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
I want to see if they have the G Embryo enemy and how they will handle the death scenes for those little parasites that crawl around on the floor. Would be pretty cool if they actually forced their way down the character's throat, but not sure if they would go that far, lol. Here's the OG version at about 7:30 in the following vid:

Regarding the whole realism thing, I agree that RE5 and RE6 were a bit off the rocker. But the main two things that bothered me with RE 5 and 6 was the forced co-op and the way that the environments were designed. I prefer when you are placed in one central location (RE1 Mansion, RE2 Police Station) and need to slowly find your way out of it. RE 5 and 6 were more A to B, linear corridor action romps.

That is one of the things I appreciated about 7. They got rid of the forced AI companion and placed us in one central location again. Still, that game had it's own problems. Take Ethan, for example. Terribly boring character. Resident Evil has always had a colorful cast of characters and RE7 completely failed in that regard. Though I guess the Bakers were alright, lol.

But yeah, still upset at how lame that Licker death scene was. I am just going to stick with the theory that these are all the censored versions and we haven't seen the real death scenes yet. Wishful thinking, I know, lol.


Swell Supporter
May 27, 2012
And We are Back to normal , Remake 2 is confirmed to be an OTS game and it is confirmed that Claire will have its own campaign like the originals

The trailer heavily focused on Leon with one shot of Claire , So I guess we will see Claire's footage later

For those who might not know what the abbreviation of OTS stands for, it's Over The Shoulder.

It might just be easier to say that the game will have a third person perspective, unlike the first person perspective that Resident Evil 7 had.

Personally for me, I am glad that this new Resident Evil 2 Remake will be in third person view and is going back to it's roots, because this kind of view is what made the games what they were, unique. Being able to see your characters on screen instead of from a first person perspective adds more to the horror genre of this series, and I feel that is how it should be played.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Yeah, the whole realism thing does strike me as strange. The Resident Evil series was built on sets of viruses which, nine times out of ten, utilize body fluids (saliva, blood, etc) as its main transmission vector. The main symptom of these viruses is bringing the dead back to life as mindless killing machines, or to cause a body to grossly mutate and transform into inhuman abominations... but having a larger than normal crocodile is 'too unrealistic'?

The only thing I can think of to explain Capcom's newfound desire for 'realism' in the series, is the critical reception to RE6. That game pretty much shattered any suspension of disbelief: Given that the game had a boss that can transform from normal-sized human into a T-Rex-like monster, and the solution to beating him was... to punch him a lot when he is in human form. (And then he transformed into a dog, and then a giant fly, because that line of progression makes sense.)

Going crazy and bucking any semblance of realism is what lead to RE5 and RE6, as well as (if we go a step further) the RE movie series. I shouldn't need to explain why none of those were good. But playing it too safe lead to RE7; which tried to copy the Indie Horror Game formula to a T.
There's gotta be a balance between the absurd and the realistic.
Thankfully it seems like some folks on the team get that. Though if I'm being honest, I haven't kept up with the interviews all that much.

The sentence that made me worry in one of the interviews was " Trying to make a convincing scene where a human-sized character - a guy with a knife - is taking on an alligator… that’s really silly " , like if they see that as a silly , then almost all of old RE bosses and enemies are silly , Since they are human-sized character taking on a large monsters and creatures and the vast majority of monsters in RE0/1/2/3 are animals who got the virus and mutated/enlarged like the snake or Graveworm or gator or the spiders or Frog or scorpion or Centipide or are animal themed like both types of hunters or Ivy , I am glad that old and key developers are still know what made RE monsters special and their word won in the end but I worry that newer developers are chasing that realism trend and ends up to have lame monster designs and encounters in general and ryona wise having more lame ryona , I can't believe Capcom still shipped RE7 with only one monster and its variations and all are lame

I thought Capcom chasing Realism was due to RE Engine limitations since it relies on photorealism , but seeing DMCV then I guess this isn't a RE Engine issue but a vision issue

regarding bad camera angles , something that will make up ( in worst case scenario ) for lame camera angels is if they followed the trend of recent games and include photo mode , of course seeing the ryona in motion in better angel is the better solution , but at least having photo mode will make up for that
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Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
There is a bunch of new gameplay out, didn't found one with deaths yet unfortunately
Found a least Ada genting bit by a zombie, and when she is about to get killed by Mrx, the video blacks out
Found a Clair death, looks less censored than the earlier ones

Ada zombie death a 12:23
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Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
ERSB released their statement on Resident evil 2 remake age ranting, this give us a clue on what to find in the final game towards the death scenes:
Resident Evil 2

"This is a survival-horror game in which players assume the roles of a policeman and/or a college student battling a zombie outbreak in the fictional Raccoon City. From a third-person perspective, players explore environments and use pistols, shotguns, tasers, explosives, and flamethrowers to kill mutant creatures and zombies. Combat is highlighted by realistic gunfire, screams of pain, and large blood-splatter effects. Cutscenes also depict instances of intense violence and gore: a character's throat ripped out by a mutant's teeth; a man's body cut in half, leaving entrails dangling from his torso; a man's head crushed by a zombie's hands. Some areas also depict mutilated corpses/zombies with exposed organs and viscera. The words “f**k” and “sh*t” are heard in the dialogue."

If we compare to the Resident Evil 4
rating, when they referred to the chainsaw death, they say" Cutscenes" , so, when they say cutscenes here, they might actually be talking about the death scenes, not the in game cutscenes.
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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
The game is out now , and it looks promising Ryona wise , I didnt yet play it , but I saw a very great Ryona scene in it

When u play Claire B in Resident Evil 2 Remake , U will face Birkin G5 Boss fight , and there is a totally awesome ryona scene there ,It will totally wrap claire in its tentacles then swallow her whole

RE2ClaireG5 - Streamable


Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
I manage to record Ada's "skull crush" death

Got to say, this game is a huge disappointment for me, ryonawise, it got so much potential, amazing graphics, amazing voice work, but the death scenes are just lazy, no dismemberment, no decapitations, and it never really shows anything the camera just black outs or focus on the enemy... While the Npcs deaths shows every detail
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Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Still early in the game, but yeah, love the voice work of the Claire VA during the zombie bite scenes. Great screams and choking sounds, but like Lokolol said, the damn camera blacks out or barely has Claire in view at all, lol.

And what is up with the Lickers? I was trying to get some kind of death animation from them, but their pounce literally doesn't even kill when I am on danger. And why on earth did they once again not give them a kill animation using their tongue? Lickers always seem to get the short end of the stick regarding death animations for whatever reason.

Camera mod may help immensely with this game's death scenes, though I am unsure if it will help with the whole screen flickering/blacking out. Here's hoping it will because like Lokolol said, the graphics and voice work are top notch.


Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
They could have used the zombies damage system on the characters, would have been perfect. But yeah, the voice work is so great, Claire has like multiple screams and moans for every situation, is very dynamic and well put, just make so frustrating that the deaths are so lame


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Long gone are the days of the old "YOU DIED" screen where you get this nice 360 degree pan of the main character's body after the kill. Nowadays, all these devs come up with this annoying screen overlay that happens upon death. It always obscures your vision and sometimes even the sound gets distorted. We can't just get a simple death animation anymore.

And yeah, regarding character damage, I haven't seen many of the deaths yet, but for the one by Pipe Birkin, your head doesn't really explode, does it? They just manipulate the camera so you can't even see if her head is there or not. Pretty lame stuff coming from the same company that made the likes of RE4.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
The licker pounce has a death animation, I can confirm that. It suffers from the same bad camera as everything else though.

I've finished Claire's A-part and it seems like the only really good death was that double zombie tackle that happens in the early Ada footage. Even the dog kill was disappointing. And for some reason bosses don't even try to perform their death grabs that much, which is annoying.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Finished Claire A , From what I saw there , Here is the Ryona that I managed to witness

Overall , every enemy in the game consists of some slash/punching attacks + one grab attack , so I will list the grab attack and their death animation

- Zombies : I guess all of us saw it in demos and previews , they grab Claire either front or back , bites her making her lose a health status ( fine , Cuation , Danger ) , If Claire got grabbed and bitten while in danger status , the zombie will lay on her on the ground and start to bite her , the death scene from the back is quite interesting position wise , Also there is a possibility that two zombies can grab claire at the same time , 6/10 from me

- Lickers : they will jump on claire and pinning her on the ground , like zombies one successful attack will decrease one health status and make a slash attack while pinning her on the ground , Death animation isnt that difference from a normal slash , 1/10 from me

- Mr.X : Mr.X grab attack consists on holding Claire on the air from her head with Claire wiggling a lot and smashing her on the ground , and the death scene is Mr.X crashing Claire's skull , 4/10 from me because I liked Claire's wiggling

- Dogs : Their grab attack is pinning claire on the ground and biting her , Death animation also isnt that difference , 3/10

- G-Adult : They have a grab attack where they trap Claire in its arms and then spits poison on her , I hoped the death animation would be something great but it is just that it eats Claire's head through the Flytrap-like mouth , 5/10 mainly due to the nice grab

- Ivy : Sadly , This Remake's Ivy is more lame than the OG Ivy where they used its long tentacles to totally wrap the character , but here instead they are just normal zombies with useless tentacles around them that arent used for attacks , This enemy will KO claire if she doesnt have any defensive item at any health status , its death animation is that its head opens to reveal a small Flytrap mouth that eats Claire's head , 0/10

Birkin 1 : Its Grab attack is too similar to Mr.X one , It will hold Claire into the air from her head then smassh her on the ground , the death animation is Birkin Stomping on her , 1/10 as she didnt wiggle enough like Mr.X one

Birkin 2 : Its grab attack is that is uses its huge hand to completely trap claire in its hands even trapping her arms , This is a KO attack so it will trigger death animation if Claire didnt use defensive items , the death scene is that it will just threw claire in the bottomless pit , 8/10 because I liked the grab too much , Also in one of the cutscenes it totally trapped Annette in its arm , so that was nice to see

Birkin 3 : Its grab attack is that it will hold Claire by its legs on the ground , Death animation is it crushing Claire by its legs , 0/10

Birkin 4 : no grabs , 0/10

Birkin 5 ( Claire B , But saw the videos ) : The thing that saved the game for me Ryona wise , In this boss battle Birkin G5 grab attack is that it totally wraps Claire by its tentacles and then Opens its huge mouth to swallow Claire whole , Had been a while since I saw this kind of Vore attack for a game having Playable female , 9.5/10 for me and will be 10/10 if there will be a mod to remove those black flashes in death scenes

Overall , Originally I would had given the game 3/10 Ryona wise ( two nice grabs and ranged quality Zombie ryona depending on the situation and camera + a legs wiggling that I liked ) , But the wonderful vore and Tentacle wrapping treatment that claire recieved from Birkin G5 had upped the score for me to 6/10

Looking at RE7 and looking at their attempts to " realistic " the enemies in RE2 , I think that Remake3 If Released would be the last RE game with fair Ryona in it
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