Resident Evil Remake 2 (1 Viewer)

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
I saw 4 different zombie kills
- Normal standing zombie (front)
- Standing (behind)
- Crawling (from one side it's different from the normal one, other side was the same)
- Jill Sandwich (even though Jill's not in the game that's what I'm calling the zombie double-team)

IIRC there's a version of Jill Sandwich from behind but it's hard enough to set up the front one as zombies can be so dumb so I didn't get to see it.

Also an interesting thing I discovered is when you're standing on top of an object like the box that lets you crawl through the window next to the record room, you can't be killed. You'll take damage when you're attacked but you don't die for some reason.

Man the knockdown deaths are so damn lazy. They could have at least made them look more brutal, have them do a last gasp or twitch or something but no, they just fall over like they tripped on something. And Claire makes so much noise when she dies too, the regular death animation is already over before she's even finished her death cry.

I think Claire's B scenario should have different bosses, but I don't quite remember. Hopefully I can get to it soon.


Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
I think the Ivy death scene would be awesome if it really beheaded the character. From claire A to B, there's only one different boss, birkin G5, which has very good vore death, as Boundy22 commented


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Honestly, if it wasn't for the camera angles and that flickering blackout nonsense, some of these kill animations would be a 10/10 for me. Choking sounds are a major plus for me so this actress, Stephanie Panisello, is like a damn godsend, lol. Also, it looks like some of the zombie and dog kills end in spread eagle type of death poses, but the freaking camera does it's best not to show you that. Definitely going to look up some camera mods after I am done with all the campaigns.

And yeah, how the hell is that Ivy kill not a decapitation? Honestly, the camera view is so bad, you can't even see if the head is still intact or not, lol. For all I know, though, she could crash to her back in a nice death pose, but we will need a camera mod to see it.

The game itself is so damn good, though. Not that 7 was a terrible game, but I am very happy they went back to 3rd person for this one. They got some free DLC coming out, from what I heard. One of them stars the Mayor's daughter, which could be nice. Kind of wish there was a Raid/Merc mode, though.

Either way, hopefully the rumors of a RE3 remake are true. And they better not fuck with Jill's outfit, heh.


Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
I think they probably will release something similar merc/raid as Dlc. One other thing that is very likely is an Ada mini game dlc, cause by datamining the demo, people found out there was a "Ada the spy" on the game modes section along with tofu and the 4th survivor, there was also a mode call "rogue" which could be a merc/raid kind, or just that ghost survivor they announced


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Hmm, yeah, hopefully that "Rogue" mode is something along the lines of Raid/Merc. Though, then we have to worry about them doing some stupid shit like in Rev 2 where there were no kill animations because they had that dumbass revival item that you could use upon dying. We were left with just shitty normal death animations which was terribly disappointing.

A side note which is kind of annoying. Finally got to the Ada section in Leon's campaign and she is missing a sound bite during one of the zombie kill animations. The one where they drag you down by the leg and then bite your neck. Two sounds are supposed to play. The screaming as they bite the neck and then the gurgling after they do the throat rip. She only plays the scream sound. I cursed at my monitor in frustration, lol.

Oh, and one last thing, why the hell doesn't the final boss of Claire's A campaign have a kill animation? What on earth happened there? heh

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
I think the Ivy death scene would be awesome if it really beheaded the character. From claire A to B, there's only one different boss, birkin G5, which has very good vore death, as Boundy22 commented

So only Leon fights the alligator? No naked Tyrant boss fight either? They really screwed everything up.

Hmm, yeah, hopefully that "Rogue" mode is something along the lines of Raid/Merc. Though, then we have to worry about them doing some stupid shit like in Rev 2 where there were no kill animations because they had that dumbass revival item that you could use upon dying. We were left with just shitty normal death animations which was terribly disappointing.
Yeah that was disappointing but at least Rev 2 had the best death facial expressions.
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Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
So only Leon fights the alligator? No naked Tyrant boss fight either? They really screwed everything up.

That is quite upsetting to hear that there is only one different boss in Claire B. That is why getting something along the lines of a merc mode would help out a lot. Then you can pair any character against any enemy in the game. Though, I would assume not the alligator, since that seemed like more of a cinematic sequence rather than open gameplay, unfortunately.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
So people are already starting to mod the PC version and this guy FluffyQuack created a trainer that lets you swap out one character for another. He posted a link to it on this page: Changing playable character via memory editing |

I was actually able to get Leon A's final boss kill on both Claire and Ada, which is awesome. The cool thing is that they come with their voice files as well, so it's not just a model swap, but an audio swap as well.

It's a little complicated to get it to work properly, though, but it's not too bad if you mess around with the options in the trainer. Can't wait until these guys release a camera mod.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Liking the game so far (just got past the Ada's part), but I agree that compared to original game the ryona here is quite disapointing. Death animations are missing and camera is just too close. Soul Calibur 6 has been much better from ryona standpoint :)

Still... happy to see them do a good job with the remake in general. One of my childhood fav games :)


Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
The base game is pretty disappointing, but with mods and freecam I think this is actually a pretty great ryona game.

Theres a very good variety of facial animations, whether they are wincing in pain in danger mode, gritting their teeth being bit from behind, screaming with both eyes wide open during the tag team zombie death, or crying in fear when they are about to get bitten on the ground. Hell, even the death faces are different depending on the death, and if you use freecam on the birkin fights their face is mid-screaming in horror.

On top of all that, there is a very good variety of deaths in general. This shit has zombies, dogs, Birkin/Mr.X crushing skulls, birkin/croc vore, getting poisoned, face eaters, burning in an incinerator, and tyrant impalement. Not to mention that Birkin leaves some very nasty model damage. Linked my recent video below if anyone wants to give the game a second chance, might be my all time favorite game ryona/guro-wise, though it does require additional effort over the base game.

Thanks man, your videos are really awesome, the camera and the mods does make it a lot better ryona-wise, but imo the lack of gore still very disappointing, I mean, it had so much potential to be basically perfect, the graphics are amazing, the voice work, etc, but it just lacks gore, if it had a least decapitations, but no... Even though, it is still a good ryona, but it could have been so much better


Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
More gore would be nice, but in the entire RE series how much death scenes gore has there been really? Decapitations, the acid face burning in RE4, that RE5 one where only the legs remain, Rasklapanje from RE6, and Nemesis impaling Jills polygon face maybe? As far as RE gore goes, it is really only missing 1-2 scenes max, and is gorier in other areas like model damage (6:05, 9:40, and 12:32 in my video as examples). Im on the same boat that gore scenes would have made this so much more amazing, but I dont think its really fair to hold the remake to a standard that was never really that much of a staple in the series to begin with.
4 was the last really gory resident, and the most gory of all. 1,2,3 all had a least decapitations, I don't mean to put that as standard for the series, but since re4 I always build this hope that it will be gory again. And this remake had everything to have it back, is more horror focused like the old ones, is a remake of one that was gory, they even made different versions for the Japanese market, the npcs have very gory deaths, even the enemies, but when comes to the player... Is hard for me to understand why the developers choose to make it that way. Overall, I think is still a very good ryona, a lot better than 5 and 6, especially because it has Ada, my favorite ryona character of all. But it just misses the mark, still I do think is one of the best ryona games out there, I even dare to say it has the bet voice workc of all time ryona-wise, is just that it could have been so much better... It all comes down to each person's taste, ryona is very complex, I guess everyone has it's own ideal ryona
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Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
Fair enough, I definitely had my hopes up too when I saw some of the gore tech in the demos. But as the camera mods got figured out, it really shot this up to be my favorite RE game for Ryona, though I also considered RE6 to be amazing for ryona too (shit has like 50 unique death scenes) so what do I know.
I sorta build a hate for re6 because it feels like they used the same motion capture movements for the males and female characters, and the girls movements feels so weird, I just can't get trough it, but it's probably just me. My ranking for the resident evil series on ryona-wise would be:
Every other game


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
My ranking for the resident evil series on ryona-wise would be:
Every other game
To me its something like:
RE5 (I dont like any of the models and the DYING part ruins it for me)
Everything else

For me the ranking would be

RE6 ( The game had insane production values in enemies attack animations and death animations , lots of enemy variety and there are attacks based on normal or critical state , Merc Covering most enemies in the game and 3 ( 4 if u count Carla ) female playable characters )
RE5 ( lower in Quantity than RE6 , but Urobous and Irvin were A+ material for me , Plus sheva is gorgeous and I love her )
RE4 ( Dont know If we should be grateful we got an Ada mini campaign , or hope that we got more of her , but there was some interesting Ryona for her and an exclusive boss with Nice Ryona )
Remake2 ( Said my detailed take on it before , but want to add that No merc/Raid type of mode is a big bummer for Ryona )
RE3 ( Please keep the Gamma hunters and Gravedigger worm for Remake3 )

Personally I dont like Gore and decapitations that much , I am more into the " Restrictive " type of Ryona , so Things like tentacles or bearhugs or vore or normal grabs appeals to me more


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Yeah having no mercs is a big bummer, but as someone that makes videos, having so many save slots let's me go through every death scene in a pretty short amount of time. Its more convenient to me than having to play through a chapter or kill X enemies in mercs in order to fight the enemy I want. Im definitely biased towards remake 2 just on the fact that Ada is like an 11/10 for me in that dress though.

Yea Agree that Multiple save slots is a big time Saver and even more time saver than Merc itself , it is just that ( outside mods of course ) Merc/Raid increases the chance that Ada or Katherine faces something like G-Adult that they dont face in the main game

Speaking of Mods , I am very pleased that mods for this game is already over expectations and at the same or even more than the pace of RE4/5/6 mods , I had a fear that due to RE7 not having mods that it was a RE Engine issue ( some engines arent mod friendly ) , but Remake2 smooth modding scene and later seeing modders saying that they didnt make much mods for RE7 due to " lack of interest " makes me very pleased , Now I am sure a mod like replacing Jill in Remake3 with any Claire/Ada costume in Remake2 is a lock


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
That looks like exactly what I was waiting for. Got a link to the mod? Does the death flicker removal come bundled with the camera mod?

Good stuff.


Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
Hey fu11m3ta11, I've notice this channel

Is stealing your videos, and a from other ryona content creators channels. I think we can try to do something as a community, like report this on YouTube, because this kind of thing can damage the whole ryona community, tanking views away from the real content creators, also, I recommend you start putting some sort of " water mark" on your videos

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