
Ryonani Teamster
Dec 11, 2009
at least it doesn't look like your partner is there to help with a shooting gallery or "HEY WE HAVE TO BOTH OPEN THIS DOOR BECAUSE CO OP LOL". if they can actually make the partner mechanic mean something then it could be cool. seeing that one of them either can't or is very shit at shooting makes me more interested in it.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah, that's true. It's kind of why, as annoying as she was, I didn't really mind Ashley in RE4. She was a hindrance more than a help.

It's just that I am beginning to think that there will never be a RE game with a solo main character again. Oh well, not that big of a deal.

Hoping for Raid mode to make a return with a bunch of unlockable characters/stages. Enjoyed that from the first Revelations, even though the ryona from REV was kind of weak. I just like unlocking stuff, lol.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
this with the partner sounds like Ashley if she was a bit useful and the game had atmosphere...because RE4 has none and Ashley sucks also it looks like the flashlight can stun some foes so that adds something to her flashlight mechanic

PS the partner is cute and I think Claire is still just as beautiful


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Going to disagree on RE4 having no atmosphere. The only part I didn't like was the beginning of the island section with the stupid helicopter and gun toting enemies. Also, as bad as Ashley may have been, she wasn't there for a decent amount of the game...plus you could throw her in a dumpster, lol.

Either way, it's the last RE game that I thought was top notch. RE5 was horrendous for me. RE6 I actually enjoyed, but didn't think it was very good. REV was decent, but you could tell it was a handheld port.

Anyway, there will probably be portions of the game where you are separated from Moira. And as in other games with partner characters (REV, TLoU) those sections will probably be the best parts of the game. Just makes things more tense when you don't have anyone watching your back.

We will see, I guess. Wonder when we will see some gameplay vids.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
Re4's atmosphere...the only parts with any is the area when the regeneration first appears, the night fight in the cabin and that one dark area in the mansion like area of the castle....the rest of the game

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for some reason the damn thing only lets me do one attachment(the hell this is new) so I will just link the others

http://www.geimaku.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/RE4PC-9.jpg http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/6/61840/2348649-resident_evil_4_opening_shot.jpg nothing says scary like brightly lit open areas

http://media1.gameinformer.com/imagefeed/screenshots/ResidentEvil4HD/Resident_Evil_4_HD_5.jpg Hey look it's night...looks like an action game though(cause it is one)

Try to not look at this and think ELLO GOVNA http://bestcoliseum.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/resident-evil-4.jpg

I want to issue a challenge to everyone, I want you to reply RE4, however I want you to pull of the nostalgia goggles and play it like it is a new horror game. I also want you to remember everything you do not like about 5 and 6(like the ammo) when I did this around the time of 5....I noticed the things I have been saying


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Capcom Will NEVER totally remove co-op in any current Resident Evil , the best they can do is that they lessen the role of the AI make it like in revelation where the partner is an invisible one but they will never remove the option to play in it CO-OP , it is the main point of attraction for casual players and it is a main reason on what made RE5-6 a multi million seller despite the flaws in those two games and to be honest playing RE5-6 in CO-OP with friends was one of the best experiences in the last Gen

What capcom can do to please both the casual and old RE fans is to make the game like Ada's campaign in RE6 where you can go for it Solo or playing it in Co-op but it won't make sense storywise


Potential Patron
Feb 21, 2012
if there is one thing i am hoping in this game is that moira is a lot like her father who was a funny badass


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Still disagree with you on RE4 and we will leave it at that. Not all of us have the same tastes.

Regarding co-op, I understand that we will probably be stuck with it for the rest of RE eternity, since it sells. But I kind of wish it was optional. Now every storyline from here on out has to account for two individuals...kind of silly.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 11, 2009
oh look it's an action game.

really though, it'd be great to have what you're hoping for but it's not going to happen. considering the only RE games i can even think of that pulled it off are 1/REmake and adding in how utterly casual the modern gaming market is, where you can't provide them any challenge what so ever or make them think/conserve anything, it's just not going to happen dude. enjoy them for the silly monster designs and maybe decent shooting. (RE6 was the best TPS since vanquish, fuck anybody who says otherwise)


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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
If I may was philosophical for a moment:
"A good scare only works once" the old phrase is about as true as it gets. It's hard to look back on the older entries in the series now and say they are "scary" because all the horror in those games have been done before.
To keep people playing the games after the scares wore off the player was often given large amounts of ammo and/or powerful weapons to "get revenge" as it were on the creatures that once caused them so much dread. That ultimately gave birth to the mercenaries mode that has appeared in subsequent games.

What really made the earlier RE's work as "survival horror" was not actually being scary, but being atmospheric; giving the player the feeling that even with a shotgun and an inventory full of ammo they aren't exactly safe from whatever might pop up around the next corner.* A feeling of dread throughout the first venture into the game is what is most important to setting the tone of the entire series.
To keep people playing, doing action modes like Mercenaries or Raid Mode are fantastic ideas, that should also be expanded and maybe made available early on for the more "casual" market who just want to shoot things.

Just my two cents after giving the whole "direction of Resident Evil" some thought.

*An example: In RE2 facing the many mutations of William Birkin as he constantly became more durable and more deadly, your most powerful weapons often felt like pea-shooters on the first run through.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
(RE6 was the best TPS since vanquish, fuck anybody who says otherwise)


If you can master the gameplay mechanic of the game then I congratulate you for enjoying the best TPS game in history beside vanquish , as much as I want a resident evil game to be more survival horror with limited ammo but at the same time it will be a great shame if they got rid of that excellent gameplay that was in RE6 so either insert that gameplay to another IP or it seems that the direction Capcom is heading is making canon spin-offs that is more survival horror for the old fans with acceptable sales (Revelations) and make the mainline ones an action TPS for the casual market to get those multi million sales (RE5,6) and I am fine with that direction as i enjoy both of them

- - - Updated - - -

What really made the earlier RE's work as "survival horror" was not actually being scary, but being atmospheric; giving the player the feeling that even with a shotgun and an inventory full of ammo they aren't exactly safe from whatever might pop up around the next corner.* A feeling of dread throughout the first venture into the game is what is most important to setting the tone of the entire series.

Resident Evil main scare tactics were dependent on the static camera , as soon as Mikami switched to the behind the shoulder camera the series had lost most of its scariness and I don't find RE4 scary that much because the old tactic won't work on that kind of camera , I always treat RE as a not 100% horror franchise , it was always a mix between action , survival and horror and I like it that way

On other note , I heard from a long time that Mikami intended to make Resident evil a Co-op game from the very beginning with Jill and Chris and there are some magazine scans that prove it but the limitations of the PS1 forced him to split it to two campaigns , I wonder what would happen to the series if it started as a Co-op game
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Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
Update from the official Capcom blog with some new screenshots and details. The biggest piece of news seems to be that the game will be episodic, and divided into 4 parts. Each part will then be sold over the course of 4 weeks, with a complete digital/disc release after all 4 parts are available.


It's been quite a few years since we've seen Claire Redfield in her own adventure, but early next year she she'll face all-new dangers and dread in Resident Evil Revelations 2. As some fans may already know, since the Code: Veronica days she's joined the anti-bioterror organization Terra Save, helping people around the world deal with ongoing bio threats. Revelations 2 begins with Claire welcoming Moira Burton - daughter of Barry! - into Terra Save, but in true RE fashion it's not long before trouble finds our heroes.

The party is crashed, Claire and Moira are knocked unconscious and taken to a mysterious detention center located on an island. They soon encounter demented, writhing enemies called Afflicted roaming the halls of this abandoned facility, and have to team up to survive. The real question is, who brought them here? And... why?


If that sounds a bit like a cliffhanger ending, well... it's intentional. If you recall, the original Revelations told its story with chapters divided into TV-like episodes (even featuring "Previously in Resident Evil Revelations" bumpers). This storytelling technique continues in Revelations 2, which will debut as four weekly downloadable episodes and then as a physical disc once the saga has unfolded.

*Retail disc version includes further gameplay content in addition to the content included in the Complete Season

Each week will end with some kind of cliffhanger that should spur further conversation and speculation; if you want to stay on top of the latest twist, you'll want to check out the weekly episodes. But if you're more interested in an all-in-one experience, there will be a "complete season" digital option and the aforementioned disc for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC.


Experience the Horror Event of the Season with this Brand New Episodic Serial Thriller

SAN MATEO, Calif. — September 10, 2014 — Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, last week confirmed Resident Evil® Revelations 2 is in development for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC. Resident Evil Revelations 2 will be available across North America and Europe in Early 2015.

Evolving the episodic chapter set-up of the original Resident Evil® Revelations, Resident Evil Revelations 2 will initially release as a weekly series of episodic downloads. Each of the four episodes will feature hours of terrifying gameplay ending with dramatic cliff-hangers that will leave players fully engrossed and anticipating the next twist in the gripping horror story. A digital download option of the Complete Season will also be available to ensure fans can get each episode as it rolls out, and a retail disc version will arrive following the final episode. Both the disc version and the Complete Season will include additional game content, which will be detailed in the coming weeks and months. With the variety of options available, Resident Evil® fans will have more choices available to them than ever before.

Format Content Price
Weekly Episodic download 4 individual episodes $5.99 per episode
Complete Season
All 4 individual episodes plus additional game content – details released shortly $24.99
Full Retail disc version
All 4 individual episodes plus additional game content* – details released shortly $39.99

*Retail disc version includes further gameplay content in addition to the content included in the Complete Season

The beginning of the Resident Evil Revelations 2 tale sees fan favorite Claire Redfield make a dramatic return to the horrors that haunted her in the past . Survivor of the Raccoon City incident depicted in previous Resident Evil games, Claire now works for the anti-bioterrorism organisation Terra Save. Moira Burton, new recruit and daughter of Resident Evil legend Barry Burton, is attending her welcome party for Terra Save when unknown armed forces storm the office. Claire and Moira are knocked unconscious and awaken later to find themselves in a dark and abandoned detention facility. Working together, they must find out who took them and to what sinister end. With the terrifying Afflicted enemies waiting around every dark corner, players will need to use their ammo and weapon supply wisely, in classic survival horror style. Will Claire and Moira make it out alive and discover what’s led to them being taken to this remote island? Who else will they come across? A story of twists and turns will have players guessing the next step at every turn.

Fans will be able to share in the experience and participate in the weekly conversation around the drama when it releases early next year. Capcom will be releasing details on how fans can join in and start speculation on the horror event of the season soon. Keep your eyes on the Resident Evil Facebook page and the official website Resident Evil for all of the series chatter as it happens.

In addition to the episodic story mode, Resident Evil Revelations 2 will have additional play modes. More details will be revealed at a later date.
The official website has also opened up but there isn't much on there aside from the original concept trailer, a flash page, and an anorexic Specs page. You can visit it here: http://www.capcom.co.jp/rev2/en/index.html
Here are a couple more screenshots from the Resident Evil Revelations 2 gallery, as well as larger versions of the pictures posted above.


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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Here is an interesting photo of claire being nearly trapped by monsters ,

Reminds me a lot of that Carla's multiple hands attack on Ada if you remember it :D

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Potential Patron
Nov 16, 2012
Resident Evil Revelations and the RE timeline

So I'm sitting playing RE: Revelations for the second time. Oh and SPOILER ALERT! So the ending of the game has a small cutscene of Chris and Jill going into the Mansion. From RE 1. But at the beginning of the RE timeline it was supposed to be part zero, Part one, and then two and three happend at Raccoon city because of the happenings of RE Zero and RE 1. Going through it the second time, I got to the beach and suddenly Jill's partner says "Not as difficult as Raccoon City Eh, Jill?" and I'm just downright confused. Somebody help!


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
Ah, it's not the mansion from RE1, it's the mansion from the DLC/prequel to RE5.

From what I've gathered the game timeline goes:
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 1
Resident Evil 2 and 3 (Take place during the same time)
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil 5 DLC - Lost In Nightmares
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil Revelations 2 (That's what the previews say at least)
Resident Evil 6

Most of the other RE games like Raccoon City, Survivor, and so on, are not canon. The 2 3D animated movies fit in somewhere, but haven't really been referenced so it's easy to pass them over.
Hope this helps.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
Famitsu scans are out and feature quite a few new screenshots.


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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
I am liking these new updates to the game!

While it is true a good scare only works once but let me try to explain better and also note RE4 never scared me.

I really has little to do with the camera for me. The main issues are the fact that in RE4 there is never a time when fighting is not the best option. In ever scene in every part of the game fighting is always the best choice. To be honest RE1 and 0 did it best, where you did not always have enough ammo to kill something, and sometimes saving bullets was a better choice then shooting that zombie in your way. The other difference is timing, RE1 and 0 spaced out enemy encounters, to where it made you wonder when an enemy would show up and sometimes with little warning, in RE4 any big room always had an enemy you could tell right away and enemies were always in the open making LOUD NOISES, and rarely in small areas. Then there is the atmosphere which I pointed out. in RE1 and 0 you were usually isolated lower visibility in many areas due to it being dark sometimes thing placed in the environment like corpses blood environment oddities(like a mutant looking planet or what have you) and just general unsettling things. RE 4 other then 3 key areas is brightly lit and has nothing to really put you off other then that one dead guy at the start...wooooooo.

The other thing is there is no mystery in RE4. You already know it is a crazy cult who kidnapped the presidents daughter and really early on learn their goal....so no mystery with your enemy here. It was a mystery as to what the fuck umbrella was in RE1 2 0 Veronica and 3 and what their goals were

Hell RE6 was more of one since you didn't know who the hell Neo umbrella was....or the hell was going on in Africa in RE5 until the mid point
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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Capcom is really bold on a lot of things in this game and I see they try to experiment a lot of things finance wise and gaming-wise and it looks like the extreme high budget and the negative reviews of RE6 had hurt them a lot despite reaching great sales at 6M copies which seems that didn't cover their high costs , they want to try the episodic structure of games like telltale , they push more for digital marketing and we saw that coming based on their future strategy plan , they will release the game at a surprisely attractive low price like 25$ but the games looks to have a low budget anyway and it looks like it is based on an Console-version of revelation rather than RE5-6 so the costs isn't that high , they went with the double main female characters which is rare for the industry in this time ( I think the last AAA game that nearly done that was heavenly sword) , they showed Claire exactly like a realistic normal woman in her 30's and not just another supermodel or anime girl like what most games do to their female character and I respect Capcom for that change of direction , I think the only reason this game exists for and at the same time that explains the lack of new Capcom titles is that their new Next-Gen engine isn't ready yet so they try to fill time with Cross-Gen titles like this , Remaster and Ultra Street Fighter and if that theory is right then we might not see RE7 for a looong long time

I fear that the enemies in this game would be too similar based on screen shots but there isn't a single resident evil game that failed me in terms of ryona

I think there is no excuse to not buy the game unless you are a graphic whore who expects a crytek level of graphic from a $25 game


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
A new trailer is out now.

And here's the accompanying fact sheet. Open the image in a new tab if you're having trouble reading the text.

The official website has also been updated with some more information about the setting and characters.


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Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
Sorry for the double post. TGS is currently ongoing and there's quite a bit of offscreen gameplay footage out now.
In the one below after a couple of hits and grabs the player dies at the end of the video at around 02:50. The Afflicted bites out Claire's throat much like any other zombie.

Here's another video with a couple of grabs and bites throughout, most near the end. No death:
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