Revision Request: Isolating and relayering wings (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Sep 12, 2018

I would like to request that someone edit Angel by @kylters which is central to my loader bundle that I look to continue expanding and improving on.

It's an swf mod consisiting of wings, a halo and a background. I would like:

- The wings to be isolated so the mod doesn't have a background or halo.

- The RGB slider for the wing tips is currently on the secondary tops slider. I would like it moved to the secondary ankle slider (which I have determined to be the most useless one).

- The wing closest to the screen is currently beneath the top hair layer. I would like it to be above all hair layers, the ear, earrings and upper arm but beneath the forearm.


top hair_________________wings
wings___________________top hair
upper arm______________upper arm

Assuming that it's not a lot of extra work II would prefer to also have a version with the wing above the ear and earrings but beneath the top hair layer.
There are also two things that are less important but I'll mention them anyway.

From the mod's description: "Setting the RGB value for the Top slider in a char code will not change the color of the wing tips when they are first loaded. However, once the mod is loaded any changes to the second Top slider will affect the wings." I'm working around this by setting the color with dialogue code but if it's only a minor thing to fix that'd be great.

Instead having it go beneath the upper arm as well. This seems like a logical impossibility since the upper arm goes beneath the top hair layer, but if it's possible to do with coding voodoo I'd be over the moon.

So if for any given area on screen the wing, hair and upper arm are all there you see the upper arm.

If the wings and hair, but not the arm, are there you see the wings.

If the wings and arm, but not the hair, are there you see the arm.

If the arm and hair, but not the wings, are there you see the hair.


I have no expectations but just in case somebody already knows of a way to do that it'd be silly not to throw it out there. If so I'd like both versions in case the code involved has an adverse effect on performance.

Thank you for your consideration/

PS EDIT: Just clicked on kylter's profile after tagging him/her and it seems to be another kylters that joined more recently. I'll leave it as is. If you're reading this kylters and you're horribly confused just ignore this. Seems like a case of duplicate usernames to me.
Last edited:


Content Creator
Jul 24, 2014
- The wing closest to the screen is currently beneath the top hair layer. I would like it to be above all hair layers, the ear, earrings and upper arm but beneath the forearm.
It is probably not possible to change the layering like that, because even Loader layers are same as Vanilla layers:
The top.back layer (where is probably placed the right wing) has voluntarily been put between other hair layers (see this) and the right wing can obviously not be placed in an hair layer (cos it would move with the head, not the upper body).
The only layer above all hair layers is the right forearm one, and like the hair layers, its motion is not the same as the upper body).


Content Creator
Sep 12, 2018
the right wing can obviously not be placed in an hair layer (cos it would move with the head...

Thanks for letting me know. I had assumed that how stuff moved was a property of the contents of a layer, not of the layer itself.

If so I'd like:
-One version with the isolation, moving of the rgb slider, but the layering as is.
-One version with the isolation, moving of the rgb slider and the wing placed beneath the upper arm and "under" hair layer but above the left arm and left wing.

Is that possible? I've been looking for a comprehensive explanation of all layers but come up short.


Content Creator
Sep 12, 2018
Partially filled by me.

Isolated wings, moved rgb slider to the primary tongue piercing slot, kept original layering.

I'm still unable to do the alternative layering. I can do it by moving the wing to the chest layer but then it moves with her breathing while the other wing doesn't. Is it possible to have the wing be disassociated from the breathing like it is on the Back and Torso Under layers?


Angel Wings Original Layering.swf
32.3 KB · Views: 231

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