Because I doubt anyone here is familiar with the universe I taken Lilim and Tre from I guess it won't hurt if I do some explaining.
A creature's strength can be measured by 4 different factors:
- Its physical strength
- Its amount of spiritual energy and its ability to control it
- Knowledge about Alternation and its ability to use it
- Knowledge about Conjuration and its ability to use it
Physical strength is pretty self-explanatory, it describes what the creature is physically capable of without the help of the other powers.
Spiritual energy is the soul, spirit, ki of a creature, or however you want to call it. Normally the spiritual energy just flows behind a creatures physical movements and has no effect, but the spiritual energy can also be used to direct the creature itself, therefor giving the creature speed or strength it should not be capable of. All angels and demons get instructed to actively and consciously use their spiritual energy since at an early age. Usually humans don't get instructed, but many subconsciously use their spiritual energy, i.e. to increase the force of impact of a punch. Most creatures have so less spiritual energy that can hardly perform anything that they are not already physically capable of. The most noteworthy exceptions are: Angels and most of its subraces, demons and most of its subraces and humans; however it has been never observed that a human could put all his spiritual energy to use, as if a genetic error prevents humans to do so.
Alternation is the shifting of the environment to the creature's liking. It is also often described as nudging a tip to change the balance of the universe in the user's favor. Having good control over the own spiritual energy greatly helps to successfully feel and reach out for the tips, but it's not necessary. The effects of Alternation are either temporary or require a sacrifice; i.e. you can create a illusion to look like someone else, but you need to renew the illusion once in a while, you can staunch a wound by increasing the reproduction rate of the nearby cells, but decreasing the lifetime of those cells. The power of the effect of Alternation usage is determinate by how much the user knows about the materials he wants to affect, how much preparation time he has (but it's not required that he uses all of his concentration on this, i.e. he can prepare an Alternation usage during an hand-to-hand fight) and his experience. If the actual material differs from the material the user tried to manipulate (i.e. the user tried to change the form of a pillow filled with feathers, but in reality it is filled with lead) the Alternation usage has a weaker or mostly even no effect at all. This fact can be used to identify the material at hand by weak usages of Alternation. Some humans have somehow learned to use Alternation by themselves, but the range of their powers is often very restricted, i.e. they can just manipulate water, fire or metal, or can just heat something up or cool it down. A greatly experienced user of Alternation can feel the tips that someone else tries to move and counterbalance them to prevent the other creature from using Alternation. Therefor the battle between masters of Alternation is boring to watch for anyone who is not at least equally experienced as they cannot feel most of the countless pushes and pulls on the tips, but just seeing two creatures standing there or having an ordinary duel.
Conjuration is very similar to what many humans call "magic". On the first view it seems to be very similar to Alternation, but there's a big difference between them. Conjuration ignores the need for a sacrifice but tries to create "something out of nothing". Such a thing is possible, but figuratively speaking the universe doesn't like it very much and tries to hit the user of Conjuration in his face, hard. Therefor the effect of Conjuration is nearly never exactly like the user has wished, and often it comes with negative side effects. The effect can even be harmful to both the user and his target, even if it wasn't intended to be harmful. Because of the great dangers of Conjuration its usage is officially forbidden by both angels and demons for anything but educational purposes and punished by death or equal punishments, but authorities often turn a blind eye as long as they can feign ignorance afterwards because the findings or products created by Conjuration usage may turn the tide in the battle between angels and demons.