Rumble Roses XX: Total Domination (1 Viewer)

  • Thread starter Jonah_Arc
  • Start date
  • Watchers 5


Avid Affiliate
Jul 16, 2012
Wow amazing. Thanks for adding more stuff. I still prefered it if you added pictures though.


Avid Affiliate
Sep 6, 2012
Hey, when are you going to continue this story? Its been over a month since you last posted. I really want to see more...


Hey readers and Reiko Hinomoto ryona lovers,

First of all, I want to apologize for the long wait. School and work has kept me busy. Plus, the next chapter's really long and it took me a while to finish. But good news, I'm done with the next chapter and once I finish editing, I'll post it this weekend.

Second, I read the reviews for this story and your comments/feedback really mean a lot to me. I'm glad all of you liked it so far. But a common theme I noticed is how I did a little too much on the first match against Reiko. And how's Reiko going to last if this keeps up. To be honest, I want to keep the realism on a certain level. But once when I get past that point, it's pretty much anything goes. I'm writing this story so you can guys can see my imagination go wild. Take note from this point onward, Reiko's going to take a lot of beating that an average person cannot take. Again, thanks for the feedback and I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the story.

Third and finally, I got a few request to upload pictures of the story or at least a comic book of it. I would like to offer you guys some visual eye candy to the story. Unfortunately, I am artistically handicap. My drawings are only limited to stick figures. The only pictures I can provide are the ones you can find on other websites. However... if there is someone here who is great a drawing and wants to contribute in drawing pictures of this story, then by all means, go ahead! I ain't going to stop you.

Now with that out of the way, expect me to upload the 2nd match sometime this weekend. Thanks guys.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Very well, as long as we know what we're in for, I can probably suspend my disbelief and just enjoy her getting destroyed. Mind if I ask you to work some weapons in? Maybe towards the end or something, she can just catch a pummeling with a chair or something. lol.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
haha, well, I was aiming low! What the hell did you have in mind, machetes and uzis? :P


Haha! Nah, just the many things you can find underneath the ring... and backstage. *spoiler alert*


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
"She was shot in the stomach half a dozen times and then pinned. How would she fare in her third match??"

Just kidding :P


Potential Patron
Mar 26, 2012
Hey, glad to see your back and continuing the story. Guess when you called this story "Total Domination" you weren't kidding, but I can't wait to see what you have in store next. I don't mind Reiko taking a heavy beating, just so long as she's not 100% the next day, then that would just be silly. Really enjoyable read with creative violence and wrestling moves, I was happy to see you started with Evil Rose, I think she's underutilized in ryona stories for some reason. I like how the storyline is something you might actually see on WWE, over the top villain and all. The announcers crack me up, I keep hearing J.R. and the king's voice when they speak :D

I think using in-game shots works fine enough for now, it'd kind of being asking a lot for you to write AND draw the story.


Falls Count Anywhere Handicap Match (Part 1)

[FONT=&amp]The next day, Reiko Hinomoto drove into the garage of the arena. She got out of her red 2004 Nissan Altima and hobbled towards the entrance. She was still incredibly sore from the helacious beat down Evil Rose gave her last night. Even walking provided somewhat of a challenge for her. Every five minutes, she would stop moving and wait for the pain to subside. It took a while, but minutes later, she finally reached her Locker Room. She made her way to a bench nearby and dropped her stuff. As she tried to sit down, jolts of pain surged through out her body.
[FONT=&amp]"Damn... it hurts so much." Reiko said to herself. "Evil Rose sure did a number on me. I'm surprised I'm still alive after my match last night."
[FONT=&amp]After fighting through the pain, Reiko managed to sit on the bench. She opened up her bag and took out her red wrestling attire. While she was getting dressed, she thought about the brutal Steel Cage Match she was in the other night. Getting slammed through the cage was a very agonizing experience for her. Then again, she went through that three times yesterday. Even though her mother told her to be brave in all of her matches, she couldn't help but feel scared for what's going to happen tonight. She had no idea what kind of match the General Manager has in store for her. But knowing Miss Daemon, anything's possible. And her thirst for revenge against Reiko still has been quenched yet. The Japanese young woman closed her eyes and remembered what happened in the aftermath of last night's match.
[FONT=&amp]Dr. Cutter and Miss Daemon entered the Nurse's Office and found Reiko Hinomoto unconsciously lying on one of the training beds. Both smirk maliciously at each other. They've always wanted to see their little Japanese kitten beaten, bruised and humiliated after her grueling match today. They slowly made their way towards the young wrestler. Dr. Cutter leaned forward until her nose was only inches from Reiko's face. She inhaled deeply and lets out a soft sigh.

[FONT=&amp]"Such a remarkable patient, she is." The psychotic nurse grinned.

[FONT=&amp]"Enough playing around, Dr. Cutter." ordered the GM. "Wake her up, now!"

[FONT=&amp]"As you wish, boss." said Dr. Cutter. She placed both hands on Reiko's shoulders and shook her lightly. "Wake up. Come on, darling. Wake up." She said. But Reiko's eyes remained shut.

[FONT=&amp]"Reiko? Time to get up." Miss Daemon said in a semi-motherly tone. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]She slapped Reiko's face a couple times, but it still didn't work. For a whole minute, the General Manager and the nurse tried to get the Japanese wrestler to open her eyes. But after the vicious beat down from Evil Rose, Reiko Hinomoto remained still and out like a light. After a while, Miss Daemon sighed. She tapped Dr. Cutter's shoulder and waited for her undivided attention. She gave the nurse a peculiar look that only she could understand.

[FONT=&amp]"Do it." commanded the GM.

[FONT=&amp]Dr. Cutter nodded her head and walked towards one of the cupboards. She rummaged through all kinds of medical stuff, searching for something. A few seconds later, the evil nurse finally found what she was looking for. She got back to her feet and brought out a defibrillator. She gave the General Manager one nasty grin. Miss Daemon saw Dr Cutter's two pad thumbs and replied with the same suit. Both ladies laughed for a couple of seconds before shifting their attention back to Reiko. Dr. Cutter got on the Japanese woman's side and hovered the two pads above Reiko's body. She looked back at the General Manager, waiting for her signal. Miss Daemon nodded her head, giving Dr. Cutter the green light. After nodding in reply, Dr. Cutter turned on her little machine. It took a few seconds for the defibrillator to charge up. Finally, the nurse placed the two steel pads just on the outside of Reiko's breasts.


[FONT=&amp]She the activated the machine, which sent jolts of electrical shock across her body. All of the sudden, a shriek of pain escaped Reiko's lips. Her body thrusted upwards before falling back down to the bed. Just like that, her heart rate managed to regain a regular rhythm. She was breathing heavily like she was still in tremendous amount of agony. Dr Cutter and Miss Daemon towered above the beaten Japanese girl.

[FONT=&amp]"Reiko? Oh Reiko? Time to wake up now!" said the evil General Manager.

[FONT=&amp]She slapped Reiko's face a couple of times, trying to get her attention. It wasn't long before she opened her eyes. She noticed both the Miss Daemon and Dr. Cutter hovering above her like hawks stalking their prey. Her eyes widened with fear. But before she could react, Dr. Cutter dropped her defibrillator and brutally punched Reiko's tender stomach. The Zero Fighter clutched her belly and curled into a ball, coughing and gasping for air. While Reiko tried to recover from Dr. Cutter's vicious blow, the nurse grabbed a fistful of Reiko's brown hair. She held her up so her eyes met the General Manager's. Miss Daemon leaned forward and gazed deep into her victim's eyes.[/FONT]
"Hello Reiko. Do you remember me?" She grinned.

[FONT=&amp]"M... Mi... Miss. Daemon..." murmured Reiko.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]"There we go. Thank goodness." smiled the GM. "For a moment there, I thought Evil Rose knocked you so hard, you lost your memory along the way. But, I'm glad you're alright. After all, I need you in one piece of this Sunday, at Rumblemania."[/FONT]
"Why you..." growled the Japanese woman.[/FONT]

"I'm in a generous mood today, so I'm going to let you go for now. You had just been on the receiving end of one of the worst beat downs I've ever seen. Aww... poor baby. Even I can't help but feel sorry for you. Oh well. Don't feel too bad Reiko. At least your mom wasn't there to see you publicly humiliate yourself in front of all those people. HAHAHAHAHA!!!"[/FONT]

"You... you..." Reiko tried to speak. However, Dr Cutter delivered another powerful blow to her gut, almost knocking the air out of her. While Reiko tried to catch her breath, the General Manager continued to speak.[/FONT]

"Now, now. Let's not's get too feisty." Miss Daemon laughed. "You have to save your energy for your match tomorrow."[/FONT]

"To... Tomorrow?" gagged Reiko.[/FONT]

"Of course!"[/FONT]

"N... No! I can't compete tomorrow!" Reiko argued. "My body... I need to recover before I... OOF!" Dr Cutter again shoves her fist into Reiko's exposed belly.[/FONT]

"You're going to wrestle the following night, whether you like it or not!" Miss Daemon ordered. "I want you in the ring, 7:00 sharp, and not a second later. If you decide to bail on me, I will personally send my bodyguard, Brutha, to hunt you down and drag your fat ass down the walkway and into the ring. And not only that, you could kiss your championship AND your wrestling career goodbye. Now, how does that sound?"[/FONT]

Reiko flinched at the General Manager's proposal. Her body isn't physically ready for another match, especially in the next twenty four hours. It would take days or maybe weeks for her to fully recover. However, she hasn't forgotten the words from her mother. She taught her to never give up, no matter what the circumstances. She can't let these two women intimidate her. Also, given the current situation she was in, she has no other choice but comply with Miss Daemon's orders. Reiko Hinomoto gulped one last time and stared deep into the GM's eyes. However, the moment Miss Daemon saw the determined look on Reiko's face, she immediately knew the answer.[/FONT]

"Excellent! I'll see you tomorrow then. Come, Dr. Cutter."[/FONT]

"I'll be right there, boss." The nurse smiled.

She shifted her attention back to the weak Reiko Hinomoto and gave her a sly grin. She released Reiko's hair viciously shoved her off of the bed. Reiko landed hard on the marble floor. She groaned in pain, since most of her muscles were extremely sore from her the Steel Cage Match. As she struggled to get back to her feet, Dr Cutter casually left the Nurse's Office. Reiko stood back up and clutched her tender ribs. Clearly, things weren't going her way, and it was only going to get worst from there.[/FONT]

*End of flashback*[/FONT]
Reiko shook off those horrid memories and finished getting dressed for her match. She just put on her wrestling gloves and proceeded to lacing her red boots. Reiko then put on her red and white boxing robe and walked out of the Locker Room. As she hobbled down the hallway, she proceeded with another light prayer.[/FONT]
"Mom, I knew you're up there watching my match tonight." She said to herself. "I'm sorry I've disappointed you last night. But please give me courage and strength to win my next match. Whatever obstacles Miss Daemon presents me, help find a way to overcome it and come out with a victory. I promise, Mother... I won't let you down again."[/FONT]
When she had finished praying, Reiko made her way across the backstage lobby. She was slowly approaching the entrance to the stage. Reiko could hear her fans shouting and chanting her name. And it only got louder the closer she got to the stage. Just like last night, her heart was filled with unbridled joy. It gave her inspiration, hope and the strength to keep her chin up. Regardless how painful her last match was, at least her fans were still there by her side, supporting her and cheering her on. Reiko forgot about the pain in her body and focused on her next match. The only thing she cared about was giving her best effort and doing what she loves to do. The Japanese wrestler faced forward and headed straight for the platform, ready to face whoever Miss Daemon has planned for her.[/FONT]


[FONT=&amp]Meanwhile, back at the GM's office, Miss Daemon was enjoying another glass of champagne. The TV was on and she had just finished watching Evil Rose brutalizing her opponent. It had just gone on to commercial break, with Reiko Hinomoto's match coming up next. She took a seat and planted her legs on the table. She turned her attention to the front door and saw Dr. Cutter walking in. Even though her surgical mask covered her face, the General Manager could tell she there was a huge smile underneath the paper-like material. Dr. Cutter slowly made her way towards the desk where her boss was sitting.[/FONT]
"Good evening, Doctor." greeted the General Manager.[/FONT]
"Hello, Miss Daemon." said Dr. Cutter. "I'm assuming you're just as excited about Reiko's match as I am, huh?"[/FONT]
"Precisely! Come have a seat!" Miss Daemon politely offered. She snapped her fingers and, upon command, Brutha walked in carrying a sofa on her shoulders. Dr. Cutter was astounded by the power and strength of this beastly woman. Maybe she could be one of Reiko Hinomoto's opponents sometime in the near future. Brutha finally placed the sofa down in front of the television. She then casually walked behind the GM's desk and waited for any further directions from her boss.[/FONT]
"Thank you, Brutha." chuckled Miss Daemon.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]"Indeed. Thank you very much." said the nurse. But the gigantic woman didn't respond. She didn't make eye contact, nor made a single sound. [/FONT]
Dr Cutter fell back on the comfortable couch and relaxed like she was at home. Miss Daemon came in from behind her and offered her a glass of champagne. She kindly received the cup and scooted over to her right so her boss could sit next to her. Miss Daemon took a seat on the comfy couch and stared into Dr. Cutter's eyes. Both of them raised their glasses, prepared for another toast.[/FONT]
"Last night's match was incredible." said the nurse. "But that was yesterday. Today, I expect the same vicious beat down on poor Reiko Hinomoto."[/FONT]
"You don't have to worry, Dr. Cutter." The General Manager grinned. "I can guarantee you. The Steel Cage Match Reiko was in last night is only just a sample of what I have in store for her. Tonight's match will be twice as brutal, twice as humiliating, and twice as painful."[/FONT]
"Excellent, boss! I just love how you come up with these kinds of things."[/FONT]
"You're too kind, Dr. Cutter."[/FONT]
"But don't you forget that I need Reiko Hinomoto in one piece for my championship match this Sunday at Rumblemania."[/FONT]
"Don't worry, Doctor. A deal is a deal. You'll get your title match this Sunday. And at Rumblemania, I'm expecting you to put a nail in Reiko Hinomoto's coffin."[/FONT]
"I can do better than that. I'll make it ten nails. That bitch will never wrestle ever again by the time I'm done with her."[/FONT]
"Very good. I just love it when a plan comes together." She and Dr. Cutter tapped both tapped each other's glasses. "To the end of Reiko Hinomoto! And to the end of her 'glorious' wrestling career."[/FONT]
Once she finished speaking, the two of them took a sip of champagne. They then focused their attention on the television. The commercials had just finished and the program was about to continue. Two commentators in regular black suits were seen sitting at the table in front of the wrestling ring. But then the camera pans out and captures the audience, cheering and screaming for more action

"Welcome back to the show, ladies and gentlemen! John Allen, alongside Michael Ruff, bringing you live coverage of today's episode of Rumble Roses!" said one commentator.
"It's a pleasure to be here, John! And just look at this crowd! You could feel the energy building up in this arena! Everyone's standing on their feet, waiting for the next matchup! I got to tell you, John! I'm just as thrilled as these fans are!"[/FONT]

"Well, you should be Mike! And you won't believe what's coming up next. The Rumble Roses Champion, Reiko Hinomoto will be in action tonight. It was a little less than a day ago when the entire Rumble Roses Nation witnessed history, when the Zero Fighter and the Beast from the Underground, Evil Rose, squared off in a Steel Cage Match! Some were calling it, one of the best matches of all time!"[/FONT]

"Easy to say that, unless you're the champion. She had no chance in winning last night's match, especially against Evil Rose. Reiko Hinomoto was on the receiving end on, what I believe, one of the worst beat downs in history."[/FONT]

"Indeed Mike! That steel cage was brutal to her! She was slammed through the structure a few times and she was even hit a large number of times with a steel chair! Not only that, she tapped out a couple of times, but our General Manager wanted her to suffer even more!"[/FONT]

"Well, speaking of the General Manager, she and Dr. Cutter have a plan to end Reiko's wrestling career once and for all. And they're putting our champion through tough matches to get her to quit the one thing she loves the most. Poor Reiko. She's in a no win situation right now."[/FONT]

"Reiko may be at a disadvantage, but she's still the champion! And her mother was the late, great Kamikaze Rose! She not only taught her the basics of wrestling, but about life too. That includes never giving up! If I know Reiko, she'll take whatever pain the General Manager has in store for her and keep on fighting until the very end! She won't quit, which is why these fans admire her so much!"[/FONT]

"Meh, says you, John! She might not quit now, we'll see how she is when Rumblemania is all said and done."[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp] [/FONT]
Reiko Hinomoto stood on the platform and closed her eyes. As the platform slowly ascended to the stage, she went over a quick few things for her match tonight. Her body was still sore from the Steel Cage match last night against Evil Rose. But she had to forget about that and focus on tonight. Reiko could hear her fans screaming her name and it grew louder as the platform approached the stage. She opened her eyes and was ready for her match. The platform came to a halt and Reiko waited on the stage. She stood before a large white banner with the iconic image of Japan's red Rising Sun on it.[/FONT]
"Ladies and gentlemen!" The energetic announcer shouted. "The following contest is set for one fall! Now, time to introduce our competitors!"[/FONT]
"YEAH!!! WOOHOO!!! LET'S GO REIKO!!!" The fans shouted.

"Rumble Rose Champion! From Japan, Zero Fighter... REIKOOOOO HINOMOTOOOOOOOO!!!"

*Insert Song: Rising Sun*

Raging hot flames erupted on the stage. At the same time, the white banner falls to the ground and the Japanese young woman stepped off of the platform. The heat from pyro momentarily soothed Reiko writhing pain in her body. She looked around and noticed a bunch of cameras flashing from every conceivable direction. Everyone was still cheering for her, regardless of last night's crushing and humiliating defeat. Reiko couldn't help but let out a few tears. The sound of her loyal fans cheering her on was enough to make her happy. She took a step forward as the stage gave off one more blast of fireworks and flames. She slowly took off the white boxing robe and tossed it to the side. The Japanese wrestler revealed her hot, sexy body and red wrestling attire to the crowd. The fans went berserk. Even though she took a vicious beating last night, just seeing Reiko Hinomoto back in action was a sight beyond words. A huge smile appeared on her face. She clenched her fists and slowly jogged down the walkway. Usually, she would sprint as fast as she could to keep the energy level high. However, her body hasn't fully recovered so she has to slow things down a little bit. She got to the ring and took a deep breath. As she made her way through the ropes, a small jolt of pain surged through her body. But she ignored the agony and entered the ring.[/FONT]
Reiko proceeded with her normal warm up routines. She hopped in place a few times and did a few arm stretches. After that she threw in a couple of punches, hooks and knees strikes to an invisible opponent. The crowd was pleased when they say their favorite wrestler prepared for another match. Once her warm up was complete, she swiped her index finger across the bridge of her nose. What was supposed to be next was everyone's favorite part: the posing. However, when Reiko bent over to strike a good pose, she felt some kind of agitation in her spine. She tried other various poses, but each one would send small jolts of pain throughout her body. Reiko decided to cut the entrance short and skip the posing for the fans, even though it was her favorite part. She could hear a few boos in the stands. If there's one thing Reiko hates more than losing, is disappointing her fans. However, her upcoming match is very important and she has to save her energy. A few seconds later, her entrance music faded out. Reiko Hinomoto bounced on her toes and faced the stage, waiting for her newest opponent.[/FONT]
"There she is, ladies and gentlemen! The daughter of the late, great Kamikaze Rose! The Rumble Roses Champion! The Zero Fighter! Reiko Hinomoto ready for action, here tonight!"[/FONT]

"Reiko sure seems pumped up about tonight, John! But you can tell by the expression on her face that her body hasn't recovered from the Steel Cage Match she was in last night! Our champion is very vulnerable right now! I don't even think she can fight at 100%."[/FONT]

"It doesn't matter, Mike! Reiko Hinomoto can be at 90%, 75%, or even 60%! The bottom line is nothing can stop her from getting in that ring! That's where she belongs! If she can wrestle, then she has a chance of coming out of this match as the victor. We'll just have to wait and see what kind of surprises our General Manager has in store for her."[/FONT]

"Speaking of which, we're about to find out who her next opponent will be! I can't wait to find out!"[/FONT]

"Excuse me! Excuse me!" A voice shouted. Everyone in the arena, including Reiko, shifted their attention to the stage, searching for the person who was speaking. All of the sudden, a lady dressed in a black business suit appeared. She stood on the center of the stage with a microphone in her hand.[/FONT]
"You got to be kidding me! What the heck our General Manager doing here?"[/FONT]

"Hush up, John! Miss Daemon is about to speak!"[/FONT]

Just like last night, the crowd wasn't pleased seeing the General Manager of the Rumble Roses in this arena. They responded with boos, hisses, thumbs down and the middle fingers. Miss Daemon wasn't very fond of the reaction she was getting, especially since she's the boss.[/FONT]
"SHUT UP!!!" She cried, but of course, nobody listened. The audience jeered louder and louder with each passing second. "SHUT UP!!! ALL OF YOU, SHUT UP!!!"[/FONT]
But it was no use. Her orders fell on deaf ears. But the longer she waited for the crowd to obey her commands, the more out of control they've become. Miss Daemon lets out a small, yet disappointing sigh before turning back to Reiko.[/FONT]
"Hello, Miss Hinomoto! We meet again!" smiled the General Manager. "Are you ready for your match tonight? Haha! You better be! Because, just like last night, this will NOT be your traditional, one fall match!"[/FONT]
"Alright! Did you hear that, John? Miss Daemon's changing the rules again! God, I love the Rumble Roses!"[/FONT]

"That may be good news for most, but bad news for poor Reiko! She had just competed in a devastating, brutal Steel Cage Match last night! That's puts a huge toll on her body! Depending on what kind of match this is going to be, I don't know if Reiko could last!"[/FONT]

"So, who here would like to know how I'm going to torture Miss Reiko Hinomoto tonight, huh?" The GM asked the audience.[/FONT]
The place was in total chaos. Many wrestling fans were cheering like crazy. Most companies don't allow female wrestlers to compete in such matches. Yet, here in the Rumble Roses, the possibilities are endless. However, Reiko's fans weren't the least bit happy. They feared for the Japanese woman's life. Some of the younger fans were even crying. Miss Daemon looked around and smiled. That was the kind of reaction she wanted to hear. [/FONT]
"Very well then!" said the GM. "Reiko Hinomoto! This match is going to be... a Falls Count Anywhere Match!" All of the sudden, the fans went nuts! They were standing up and cheering louder than ever before.

Upon hearing the last four words, Reiko's eyes widened in fear. Her heart was pounding at a 100 miles a minute. Again, she has to compete in some kind of hardcore singles match. This is going to be extremely bad for her body.[/FONT]
"What? Oh no! Give me a break, Mike! Reiko's got to compete in a Falls Count Anywhere Match?"[/FONT]

"Oh yeah, John! I like it! I like it a lot! Falls Count Anywhere matches are one of my favorite matches of all time! Now, the action can take place anywhere and everywhere in this arena."[/FONT]

"And now..." continued Miss Daemon. "... time for you to meet your opponent!" The General Manager scooted towards the side if the stage, and presented the mystery opponent to Reiko. All of the sudden, the lights went out. The fans were very excited and nervous at the same time. Reiko Hinomoto, however, stayed focus and concentrated on the stage, searching for whoever she has to face.[/FONT]
"And her opponent..." The announcer said. "From the U.S.A... The Law Rider, SARGENT CLEMENTS!!!"[/FONT]
*Insert Song: Dice Away*[/FONT]
Suddenly, two spotlights shined on the stage. A blonde haired woman appeared to the right on the platform with her arms crossed. This was the powerhouse from the United States of America, the Down-n-Dirty Cop, Sgt. Clements. She wore a black leather bikini with two 5-sided segments covering her chest and narrow straps running between them. A silver badge was attached to the left side of the bikini top, over the top of her breast. She also wore a pair of black leather gloves that reached up to her elbows. Besides a black leather bikini bottom, Clements's legs were covered with a pair of sturdy black leather chaps; often worn by motorcyclists. She also sports a pair of black leather high-heeled (and steel-toed) boots under the chaps. She stood behind her very own personal motorcycle and smirked at her opponent warming up in the ring.[/FONT]
She slowly trotted towards the center of the ring, where the General Manager was waiting. She gave her boss a quick nod before turning to the crowd. The floor was hers and she finally started dancing on the stage. She waved her arms around, got down low and even slapped her own ass a couple times. The crowd watched in awe as the American wrestler shook those sexy hips and displayed her perfect body. The fans began to shout with excitement, begging for more action. Sgt. Clements took the opportunity to strike a few poses so that the audience can take some pictures along the way. As she played with the crowd, she slowly made her way down the walkway and towards the ring.[/FONT]

Norm_Sgt._Clemets,_full-length_v3.0.png [FONT=&amp]

"Unbelievable, Mike! Her?"[/FONT]

"You bet, John! This is great! The Law Rider, Sgt. Clements is going up against Reiko Hinomoto... IN A FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH!!! Man, it doesn't get much better than this!"[/FONT]

"Reiko has faced a lot of tough opponents throughout her entire career. But Sgt. Clements is as tough as they come. You talk about brute strength, Mike. This woman thrives on tossing her opponent around and slamming them down hard. She uses raw power to break her victim's body."[/FONT]

"You got to feel sorry for the champ! She's at a huge disadvantage! Not only her body is still suffering from the effects of the Steel Cage Match last night, but now she has to go up against a fresh and very powerful opponent. From what I've heard in the back, Sgt. Clements couldn't wait to get her hands on Reiko."[/FONT]

Sgt Clements marched towards the Japanese wrestler and stared deep into her eyes. She could sense the fear lingering inside Reiko's body. The American wrestler lifted up her sunglasses and gave her opponent a small, but malicious wink. After that, she took off the glasses and tossed them into the crowd. Sgt. Clements lifted her arm up pointed her hand at Reiko Hinomoto like a gun. She aimed in between her eyes and lets out a small "PPPCCCHHHUUUUU," signifying that Reiko is as good as dead.[/FONT]
Both women backed up into their respective corners and waited for the match to begin. The referee in the center of the ring checked to see if both participants were ready to fight. Sgt Clement was hopping on her toes while Reiko Hinomoto stayed in her defensive stance. [/FONT]
"ROSES, ON YOUR MARKS... FIGHT!" The announcer shouted. [/FONT]
The bell rang, and the match has officially begun. Both ladies started off by circling the ring, trying to study the person in front of them. Reiko decided to stay on the defensive side first. She didn't want to rush into the match, especially in the condition she's in. All of the sudden, Sgt. Clement made the first move. She tried to grab a hold of her opponent, but Reiko ducked out of the way and increased her distance. Again, Sgt. Clement came at her with a powerful clothesline, but she hit nothing but air. Reiko quickly rolled out of the way and got to her feet. The American powerhouse glared at the agile wrestler. If all she was going to do was run away, this match would be incredibly boring. However, she liked chasing her opponents around. That way, it would be more satisfying once she catches her. Sgt. Clements slowly approached Reiko, backing her into a corner. She clenched her fist and swung a right hook at her face. However, Reiko saw it coming. She ducked out of the way and quickly went on the offense. She grabbed the ropes and unleashed a barrage of kicks and stomps to the American wrestler. She managed to get Sgt. Clements into a slumping position. Unfortunately, her attacks had little to no power. The blonde haired woman easily shrugged off the pain and pushed Reiko away. The Zero Fighter tumbled on the mat and rolled out of the ring. She quickly got on all fours and faced the muscular woman. Sgt. Clements made her way to the center of the ring and cracked her knuckles. Reiko regained her composure and walked back to the edge of the ring.[/FONT]
"Good start so far, right Mike?"[/FONT]

"You said it, John! Reiko thought she could use her speed to gain the upper hand. But like I said before, Sgt. Clements is fresh and ready to go! I mean, did you see what she just did to poor Reiko? She threw her out of the ring without even breaking a sweat! This is a great start to this match, and it's going to get even better, once things pick up!"[/FONT]

"Let's quickly go over the rules of this match. As we all know, this is a Falls Count Anywhere Match. That means pinfalls and/or submissions can occur in any location, thus negating the standard rule that they must take place inside the ring and between the ropes. Also, there are NO DISQUALIFICATIONS in a Falls Count Anywhere Match! That means everything is legal! Chair shots, being thrown into vehicles, you name it, and it's all under the rules!"[/FONT]

"And that's not good news for Reiko! Her opponent is one of the dirtiest wrestlers in the game. I can guarantee you that Sgt. Clements will use anything AND everything at her disposal! It's like the entire arena is her own little backyard. One thing's for sure, John. That spells 'disaster' for Reiko Hinomoto!"[/FONT]

"You're right, Mike! Reiko has to keep her guard up at all times. There's absolutely no telling what would... WAIT A MINUTE![/FONT]

Reiko was so busy glowering at Sgt. Clements, she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. She failed to notice another woman sneaking behind her with a steel chair. Slowly and silently, she approached the unsuspecting Zero Fighter. She brought the steel weapon back and swung it as hard as she could. The chair crashed into Reiko's back, producing a loud cracking sound. She yelped in pain and collapsed on all fours. While she rubbed her aching back, she looked up to see who had blindsided her.[/FONT]
"Get ready to dance, bitch!" The woman laughed. She dropped the steel chair and gave the Japanese wrestler a lot of stomps to her arms, legs and back.[/FONT]
Like Sgt. Clements, this woman was also an American. She was very tall, with a well-toned, curvy figure. Her hair was gold like the sun and her skin was medium brown. She wore a shiny gold bra with a high collar. She wore matching shiny gold elbow pads on both arms and a pair of fingerless black gloves. The woman also wore a matching shiny gold bikini, with what appears to be an extremely short chainmail skirt made of interlocking gold hoops and gold-pieces. A black Demon tattoo was imprinted on her left thigh and she wore a pair of gold open-toed, high platform-heeled shoes.[/FONT]

Normal_Sista_A_vB_2.0.jpg [FONT=&amp]

"What the hell? It's Sista A! It's Sista A, with a thunderous chair shot off the back of Reiko Hinomoto!"[/FONT]

"What is she doing here? Look at her viciously stomping on the champion!"[/FONT]

"Someone better do something! With Sista A in the picture, things are not looking good for Reiko Hinomoto!"[/FONT]

While Sista A continued attacking the defenseless Zero Fighter, Sgt. Clements rolled out of the ring and decided to join her partner in the beat down. Both wrestlers gave the Japanese wrestler brutal stomps and hard kicks to her back, midsection, arms and legs. Reiko curled into a ball, trying to fight the pain and the onslaught of attacks. There appeared to be no way out of her current predicament. After half a minute of vicious attacks, Sista A and Sgt. Clements got Reiko back to her feet and threw her back in the ring. As Reiko struggled to get back to her feet, both women looked underneath the ring and took out a bunch of weapons. Sgt. Clement brought out a steel chair, a table, and a sledgehammer. Sista A took out another steel chair, a trash can and what looks like a long cord. As they threw their weapons back into the ring, the General Manager decided to make one more announcement.[/FONT]
"Oh, and Reiko? I forgot to mention one very important thing. I'm adding one last stipulation to this little contest... This match has now become... A Falls Count Anywhere HANDICAP Match!"[/FONT]
The reaction she got was mixed. It was also very similar to last night. Reiko's fans were devastated to hear that their favorite wrestler would have to compete in another brutal non-traditional match. At the same time, the Rumble Roes fans were super excited about the match. They're being witnesses to history once again. These three female athletes are the first to ever to participate in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. And to top it all off, it's now a handicap match. Reiko Hinomoto vs. the powerful team of Sgt. Clements and Sista A.[/FONT]
The two heel wrestlers rolled back into the ring and slowly approached the groggy Japanese wrestler. Reiko tried using the ropes to get back to a vertical base, but the pain in her body still remained. Still, she told herself she will not quit, no matter what the stipulations are. Her mother would be disappointed in her if she decided to back out now. Then again, Reiko couldn't help but wonder if she would still be able to wrestle once this match was over.[/FONT]
Reiko quickly got in a defensive position and faced the center of the ring, where Sgt Clements and Aisha were waiting. The Zero Fighter carefully observed each of her opponents, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. She has faced both of them many times throughout her career. Sgt. Clements fighting style heavily emphasizes on strength-based attacks, muscle-tearing submissions and powerful throws. Her brute strength is unparallel, plus her endurance gives allows her to keep tossing her opponents around without getting tired. Basically, Sgt. Clements relies heavily on offensive tactics, inflicting high levels of damage. Sista A's fighting style is similar, yet very different. It could be described as a highly-focused form of 'street fighting.' In other words, she was a striker. Sista A attacks with tremendous amounts of force, making every one of her attacks potential bone breakers. And with incredible speeds, she could strike multiple times in just a second. This was not going to be an easy match for Reiko.[/FONT]
"This is nuts, Mike! It's one thing for this match to be a Falls Count Anywhere! But it's another when you got to face two opponents at once! I don't see how Reiko can come on top in this one!"[/FONT]

"Me neither, John! This is getting worse and worse for this young woman! If you ask me, it would take a miracle for her to win this match!"[/FONT]

"I got to ask, Mike. Falls Count Anywhere, Handicap Match... What would be the strategy in this contest for both sides?"[/FONT]

"Well for the one side, Sgt. Clements and Sista A, it's really simple. You have the edge with the numbers game. Get in there and inflict as much damage as possible. There's no way Reiko could stop a dominating team such as these two. But as for Reiko, things are different. She's constantly on the defensive end. She needs eyes in the back of her head because her opponents are gunning for her. One wrong move and it could cost her the match, and possibly... her career!"[/FONT]

"But since this is No Disqualifications, it's going to be ten times harder than usual. I just hope Reiko Hinomoto would still be alright when this match is over."[/FONT]

Sista A was the first to make her move. She came charging at the Japanese wrestler with a closed fist and went for a huge clothesline. Reiko found the strength to duck out of the way, but couldn't stop her momentum. Dodging the first attack made her run into a Big Boot delivered by Sgt. Clements. Reiko landed with a thud and grasped her aching head. Sista A lifted up her leg and buried her foot into the young woman's gut. Reiko clutched her belly and gasped for air. Sgt Clement flipped her on her stomach and sat on her back. She placed both of her arms on her thighs and applied a devastating Camel Clutch, pulling Reiko's head and torso backwards. The Japanese wrestler squealed like a pig as Sgt. Clements brought more pain to her aching back. It was déjà vu all over again. Memories of last night's match with Evil Rose came back to her. Only this time, the pain was twice as intense. She couldn't take much more of this. However, she refused to give in like last time. No matter what, she'll find a way to endure the hold and continue with the match.[/FONT]
"Let's kick it up a notch!" Sista A laughed, deciding to get into the action.[/FONT]
She sat on Reiko's back like her partner. She grabbed both of Reiko's legs and applied a brutal Boston Crab to her opponent. Reiko's screamed from the top of her lungs. [/FONT]
"KYYAAAHHHH!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!" The Zero Fighter squealed.[/FONT]
Never in her life has she been on the receiving end of two different submission holds at the same time. Tears of pain and anguish came out of her eyes. But the louder she screamed, the more pressure both American wrestlers applied on their holds. Sgt. Clements and Sista A pulled Reiko's head and legs back a little further to double the damage on her back and increase the pain throughout her body. It was too much for her to handle. Reiko couldn't break out of the holds. There was only one thing left to do... tap out. She hated to do in. It's painful and humiliating for her to submit to her opponents. On the other hand, Reiko was running out of options. It won't be long before her back give in, which could mean the end of her wrestling career. The taste of defeat was terrible, but she rather lose a thousand matches than never wrestle again.[/FONT]
"Aw, what's wrong Miss Hinomoto?" Miss Daemon said. She had a microphone in her hands so that Reiko and everyone in the arena can hear her. "What's wrong, baby? Can't take the pain anymore? Huh? Afraid that Sgt. Clements and Sista A are going to break you back? Go ahead, Reiko! Tap out! Show these people how weak the daughter of the late, great Kamikaze Rose really is!"[/FONT]
Those words were like millions of daggers piercing through her heart. How dare Miss Daemon say something like that about her mother? She cannot forgive her tarnishing her mother's name. But regardless of the things the General Manager said, she did bring up a valid point. Her back couldn't take any more punishment. Reiko had no other choice but to obey the GM's orders. Just like last night's match, Reiko faced the referee and tapped out. The man saw her gesture of admitting defeat, but he stood there frozen on the spot. The referee saw Reiko tapping out in defeat, but he still didn't stop the match. Sgt. Clements and Sista A continued applying the hold and Reiko Hinomoto screams grew louder and louder.[/FONT]
"C'mon, ref! Reiko submitted already! Ring the damn bell! End the match already!"[/FONT]

"I have no idea what's going on John. Either the referee is blind, or this match is a repeat of last night!"[/FONT]

"Aw, poor Reiko! Just look at you! How pathetic!" laughed Miss Daemon. "When will you learn? Haven't you figured it out yet? THERE IS NO SUBMISSIONS IN THIS MATCH!!!"[/FONT]
"What? No! You got to be kidding me! Our General Manager has lost it!"[/FONT]

"She just added another stipulation to the match! No wonder the referee didn't stop the match. He knew that it was pinfalls only!"[/FONT]

"But you know what that means, Mike? Nothing can stop Sgt. Clements and Sista A from breaking Reiko in half! They can apply any kind of submission hold on the champion! And no matter how much pain Reiko's in, tapping out will not end the match! All she can do is try to endure the pain and hope that Sgt. Clements or Sista A would go for the pinfall sooner than later."[/FONT]

"I highly doubt that's going to happen, John! If I recall, Sgt. Clements and Sista A both have a score to settle with Reiko Hinomoto1 Both of these women want nothing more than brutalizing and humiliating the Rumble Roses Champion! And since this is still a Falls Count Anywhere Match, I'm pretty sure that's what they're going to do! The possibilities are endless and the damage they can inflict is outstanding! These two make a deadly pair!"[/FONT]

"Indeed. And we're about to find out just how these two can do to poor Reiko Hinomoto."[/FONT]

With nothing and no one stopping them, Sgt. Clements and Sista A went right back to work on Reiko. They nodded at each other and both women decided to switch places. Sista A and Sgt. Clements sat on Reiko's back and proceeded with their submission holds. Only this time, Sista A locks in the Camel Clutch while Sgt. Clements applies the double legged Boston Crab. The Zero Fighter screamed out in agony as her back spasmed. Physically, she was in a tremendous amount of pain. But mentally, she breaking down, praying and hoping that this nightmare would end. Tears of pain ran down her face as her back was on the verge of snapping in half. She tapped out harder, banging and slapping the mat.[/FONT]
"I GIVE!!! PLEASE, I SUBMIT!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!" She pleaded. However, she was at the mercy of Sgt. Clements and Sista A.[/FONT]
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Falls Count Anywhere Handicap Match (Part 2)

Finally, the two American wrestlers got off of the poor woman’s body. Reiko rubbed her aching back and flipped over. She couldn’t stop crying, especially since her body suffered not one, but two submission holds at once. Sgt. Clements and Sista A looked at Reiko’s body, trying to figure out what other things they could do to brutalize this young woman. An idea came into the dancer’s head and she snapped her fingers. She took a seat on Reiko’s left side with her long dark legs scissoring one of the girl’s arms. Sista A then grabbed hold of the wrist of that arm and pulled it upwards, causing hyperextension of the shoulder and elbow. A loud shriek of agony escaped her lips as the tendons and muscles in her left arm stretched beyond their limitations.

“YEEOOOWWWW!!! STOP!!! LET ME GO!!!” Reiko screamed.

“Shut up, bitch!” Sista A demanded, pulling her arm back further. She then turned towards Sgt. Clements and gave her a quick nod.

“Sure sounds like fun!” The cop grinned.

She sat on Reiko’s right side and, like Sista A, gave Reiko another vicious cross armbar. Once again, Reiko was engaged in another double submission hold. She could feel both of her arms going numb. She tried kicking her legs to at least loosen the hold, but nothing seemed to be working. Sista A and Sgt. Clements pulled back even further on both of Reiko’s arms, damaging the joints and injuring her arms. But after a while, the two women released the hold and Reiko fidgeted on the mat. She grabbed both of her arms and rolled on the mat in pain. Tears were falling nonstop.

“Mom… I’m sorry… I can’t… take it anymore.” She said to herself in anguish.

Unfortunately, Sista A and Sgt. Clements were far from finished with their torture. They each grabbed a hold of Reiko’s legs and yanked them in opposite directions. Reiko squirmed as she felt her groin being stretched to their limits. The pain was even more unbearable since she couldn’t do anything to stop them. Reiko Hinomoto was a flexible woman and she could bend her body in some spots your average Joe couldn’t. However, one of the places that she’s not flexible in is her groin. Her legs can spread out to a certain point. Yet, here we have Sgt. Clements and Sista A giving Reiko one of the most painful Wishbone Splits she’s ever received. After stretching for what seemed like an eternity, the two heels released the young woman’s legs. Reiko curled up in a ball in pain, holding onto her crotch. She was gasping heavily for air. Her back, arms and groin were in a enormous amount of pain. She couldn’t move and she didn’t have the strength to fight back.

But in the back of Reiko’s mind, she knew Sgt. Clements’s and Sista A’s game plan. Just like last night’s match, they wanted her pain and suffering to last. They’ll apply a lot of double team maneuvers and break the holds just when her body reached the breaking point, maximizing damage and efficiency. White hot tears of pain continued to fall from Reiko’s eyes. She noticed some of her fans were heartbroken. Seeing the look of fear and sadness in their eyes made the pain even worse. But she was helpless at this point. There was nothing she could do to win this match. It would be another night of disappointing the fans.

“Honey, this match is just getting started!” Sgt. Clements grinned with a steel chair in hand.

“Now, it’s time pick things up!” laughed Sista A, holding another steel chair.

“Oh no! This is terrible! Somebody stop this match! These two women are about to assault the Rumble Rose Champion with a pair of steel chairs!”

“No can do, John! This match will conclude only when Sgt. Cements and Sista A wanted it to. They can do whatever they like to Reiko Hinomoto, and no one can stop them because of the stipulations in this match.”

Sgt. Clements raised her weapon high and slammed it down on Reiko’s back, producing a thunderous sound that echoed throughout the arena. Reiko laid on the canvas, shuddering in pain. Then it was Sista A’s turn. She brought her weapon up and slammed it hard on the poor Japanese girl. Reiko cried in agony as her back takes chair shot after chair shot. Each successful attack would create loud clapping sound. Even the audience was engaged in the beat down of Reiko Hinomoto. For Reiko’s fans, they closed their eyes and cringed in fear as the metallic weapon struck their idol. But for the wrestling fans in general, the sound of steel meeting bone made the audience react with “OOHS!” and “AAHS!”

Sista A raised her weapon one last time and decided to go for the head. But before she could bring her weapon down, Sgt. Clements grabbed her arm, preventing her from attacking. The dark skinned dancer looked at her partner feeling somewhat confused as to why she stopped her. She then noticed the cop getting down on her knees and traps Reiko’s arm in between the folding parts of the chair. At that moment, Sista A knew exactly where she was coming from. She too got down and copied exactly what Sgt. Clements did on Reiko’s other arm. Both American women stood back up and looked into each other’s eyes. After exchanging nods, the countdown began.

“One…” Sgt. Clements grinned.

“Two…” smirked Sista A.

“THREE!!!” Both ladies cried.

On cue, the two ladies stomped viciously on the bottom part of the steel chair, crushing both of Reiko’s arms at the same time. The Japanese fighter squealed as twitched and rolled on the canvas. Both of her arms went numb after the unorthodox chair attacks. Sgt. Clements and Sista A, however, were not done with her yet. Just like last time, the two American powerhouses placed the chairs in between Reiko’s knees. They gave each one another quick nod before stomping mercilessly on the chair, crushing both of her legs. The Zero Fighter fidgeted on the mat, writhing in pain. Sgt. Clemens and Sista chuckled to themselves as they watch their beaten flop like a fish out of water.

"AAAHHHHHH!!! KYYAAAHHHH!!!" Reiko screamed.

“I’m… I’m speechless, Mike. Reiko’s helpless against these two women. Just listen to her scream in pain.”

“This is what the fans came to see, John. They want to see the greatest female wrestlers beat the crap out of each other, and they’re getting their money’s worth. Sgt. Clements and Sista A are having the time of their lives, all at Reiko’s expense.”

“This isn’t even a match anymore. This right here is what we call an assault and battery!”

“Say what you like, but it is what it is. And it looks like the two American powerhouses aren’t even done tormenting this young woman.”

Aisha grabbed a fistful of Reiko’s brown hair got her back to her feet. She got behind the Japanese wrestler and applied a full nelson on her. Unfortunately, Reiko couldn’t muster any strength to break loose or do anything about it. She noticed Sgt. Clements slowly approaching her with a sledgehammer in her hands. Reiko’s eyes widen in fear. But with very little energy left in her body, there was not much she could do. Sgt. Clement shifted her attention to Reiko’s exposed belly. The cop brought her weapon back and brutally thrusted the hammer into the gut of the Japanese young woman. Reiko fell on her knees as she gasped heavily for air. Sista A laughed maniacally as she stood the Japanese girl back to her feet. She kept the full nelson hold on her, giving Sgt. Clements another shot at her belly. With nothing to stop her, the blonde haired cop mercilessly pound Reiko’s midsection with the sledgehammer. The young woman collapsed to the ground and curled into a ball with saliva escaping her mouth. She clutched her swollen stomach and spent the next few seconds coughing and sputtering hard.

“Girl, your punishment has only just begun.” Sgt. Clements grinned.

“Let’s make this bitch beg for mercy.” proclaimed Sista A. In her hands was some kind of long cord.

She got behind the gagging Reiko Hinomoto and wrapped the wire around her neck. She then pulled tighter on the cable, thus completing the choke. Reiko tried to fight back, but her arms were still numb from the chair attacks a while ago. She was practically helpless. Sista A smirked as she wrapped her legs around Reiko’s body and squeezed with all of her might. Reiko gagged she tries to endure a brutal body scissors and a cable wrapped around her neck. Sista A pulled tighter on the cords, preventing oxygen to enter her brain. Reiko could feel her consciousness slipping away from her. It wouldn’t be long before she passes out. Sista A could feel Reiko’s body starting to relax as she drifted off to unconsciousness. She wasn’t satisfied with the damage she had inflicted, so she released Reiko’s neck just before she passed out. The Japanese young woman felt weak and incredibly dizzy. She could not tell left from right or how much time has passed.

“GET UP!” Sista A demanded as she grabbed Reiko’s hair once again and pulled her up.

Facing her opponent, she reached between Reiko’s legs with one arm and reached around their back from the same side with her other arm. The dark skinned woman easily lifted the young woman up and was ready to throw her down. She walked towards the center of the ring where a steel trash can laid. With all of her might, Sista A slammed Reiko onto the container. The garbage can bent in half upon impact, but the damage to Reiko’s back had already been done. She flipped on her side and rubbed her aching back. While she was writhing in pain, Sgt. Clements and Sista A got set up for their next move. The two of them rolled out of the ring, bringing a wooden table along with them. They set the table up and placed it on the outside edge of the ring. Sgt. Clements rolled back into the ring and made her way towards the beaten, battered and bruised Reiko. She grabbed her hair and get’s Reiko back to her feet. With her awareness out of whack, the Zero Fighter had trouble keeping her balance. With little time to react, Sgt. Clements kneed her in the stomach. The wind was forced out of her body and was instinctively doubled over. Sgt. Clements placed Reiko’s head in between her thighs and looked around the audience. Everyone rose to their feet, excited for what’s about to happen next. With the crowd engaged, the cop proceeded with her attack. She then lifts Reiko up until she was sitting on her shoulders. She then walks toward the edge of the ring where the table originally was.


“She’s going to do John! Just look at the strength, physicality and raw power from Sgt. Clements!”

The cop reached the edge of the ring and lifted Reiko off of her shoulders. With the strength of ten women, she powerbombs the Zero Fighter out of the ring and onto the table. Reiko landed head and back first on the wooden table, breaking it in half upon impact. She laid on the broken piece of furniture barely conscious. Her torso took the worst of the force. Every breath she took would send jolts of pain throughout her body. She rolled off of the broken table, feeling winded and very weak. Sista A got on her knees, hooked one of Reiko’s legs and went for the cover.

“Please… just end it already…” Reiko begged to herself. “No more… please, no more…”

The referee slid out of the ring and hustled to where the dancer is. He got down on his knees to make sure Reiko’s shoulders were on the ground. Finally, he started counting. “1… 2…”

“Not yet!” Sista A commanded.

She intentionally lifts Reiko’s shoulder up, stopping the count. She grabbed Reiko’s hair and gets her back on her feet. She then grabs Reiko’ arms and Irish Whips her into the barricade wall behind her. The Zero Fighter slammed hard into the boundary like a car crashing into a building. But before she could recover, Sgt. Clements got Reiko back to her feet. With the strength of a bull, she Irish Whipped the Japanese wrestler into the steel steps by the corner. Reiko crashed into the steps, toppling them over. Reiko grimaced in pain and massaged her aching back. She could feel it getting stiff due to the tremendous amount of punishment she took. Tears of agony and anguish fell from her eyes.

“Aw, poor baby. Just look at those tears. How pathetic!” Sgt. Clements laughed. She gave Reiko a vicious soccer kick to her exposed belly.

“UUUUUHHHHH!!!” Reiko sputtered as she curled on the arena floor. “Oh God… no more… please.” She begged.

But her pleas didn’t stop Sista A. She sat on top of the young woman, dropping all one hundred and thirty eight pounds on Reiko. The Japanese wrestler gasped and felt the wind being pushed out of her. Sista A locked Reiko’s arms with her legs and went to work on her victim. She gave the Zero Fighter a few brutal shots to the temple and a couple to her jaw, knocking out a couple of teeth in the process. Reiko did her best to endure the hits and fight the pain, but every strike Sista A gave her makes the task much more difficult. Sista A then shifted her attention to another target.

“OOOFFFFFF!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!! UUUGGGGHHHHH!!!” Reiko moaned as Sista A relentlessly pounded her two breasts. It brought an enormous amount of pain to the young woman, especially getting hit in that specific area.

“This is embarrassing, Mike! Sgt. Clements and Sista A… they’re not even focusing on winning the match. They’re just taking their time torturing the Rumble Rose Champion. Just look at Reiko’s face. You could see how much pain she’s in.”

“Those two American wrestlers have waited this moment for a long time, John. Put yourself in their shoes. It’s not every day you get to beat Reiko Hinomoto to your heart’s content. For Sgt. Clements and Sista A, this is more than just another wrestling match or a street fight. This is play time!”

Sista A got off of Reiko and lifted her back to her feet again. The Japanese wrester was barely conscious and her body was heavy and extremely stiff. She dragged Reiko Hinomoto back on the walkway, with Sgt. Clements trailing behind her. When Sista A reached the halfway point, she lifted Reiko off of the ground and carried her on her shoulders. She walked in a circle to make sure everyone in the audience sees what she was going to do. The crowd stood on their feet and screamed for more. Once when Sista A believes she’s got everyone’s attention, she stood in the middle of the walkway and viciously scoop slams Reiko on the concrete. Upon impact, Reiko groaned in agony and arched her back. There was literally nothing to cushion her fall. She tried to move any part of her body, she couldn’t. The pain grew worse with each passing second. Sista A spat on the bruised young woman and stepped to the side, giving her partner, Sgt. Clements, room to work. She grabbed a fistful of Reiko’s hair and sat on her up straight. She flipped the Zero fighter on her knees and placed her head in between her thick thighs. Sgt. Clements took a deep breath and lifted Reiko off the ground and sat her on her shoulders. The two remained in that position as the cop slowly walked off of the walkway and onto the stage. The General Manager, Miss Daemon watched carefully and was anxious to see what Sgt. Clements has planned. The cop gave her boss a wink and she replied with the same suit. Finally, Sgt. Clements unleashed a loud yell before throwing Reiko down to the ground. She gave her opponent a brutal powerbomb and Reiko’s head, neck and torso crashed on the steel canvas. The Japanese woman’s body fidgeted on the stage as the pain intensified. She had her mouth open, but not a single sound escaped her lips. Her eyes were shut tight, but that wasn’t enough to stop the tears from falling.

“Poor Reiko… poor, poor, Reiko.” The General Manager spoke in a caring tone. But a second later, the look of concern disappeared and she maniacally laughs at the beaten champion. “HAHAHA! Behold, ladies and gentlemen! This is the woman you admire so much! Just look at her! Weak, pathetic, a loser… Well what do you know? Like mother… like daughter!”

“BOOOOOO!!!” The crowd reacted.

Even for the General Manager, those insults were beyond low. As for the Zero Fighter, it was pure humiliation. Nothing angers her more than having someone tarnish her mother’s name. She would do anything to defend her mother’s image. Unfortunately, that doesn’t appear to be the case. Reiko was faced with the horrible truth. Miss Daemon can say whatever she likes about her and her mother, and there’s nothing she could do to stop her.

“I’m sorry… mother… I have failed you…” She said to herself. “I can’t… I can’t fight… anymore.”

Sgt Clements knelt by Reiko’s side and went for the pin. The referee checked to make sure Reiko’s shoulders were down, (which in fact, they were.) He lifted his arm up, but looked back at the cop to see if she was serious about ending this match. Sgt. Clements gave the referee an arrogant grin and a quick nod, signaling him to end the contest. The ref sighed and proceeded with the count.

“1… 2…” He shouted.

His arm went down a third time and was about to strike the mat to end the match. All of the sudden, Miss Daemon stretched her hand forward and caught the referee’s hand just before it struck the ground. She stared into the ref’s eye and shook her head, telling him that she wants this match to continue.

“BOOOOOOO!!!” The audience reacted.

“Oh come on! Give me a break! Are you seeing this, Mike?”

“We all did, John! Our General Manager has stopped the match! It looks likes she wants Reiko to suffer a little more!”

Miss Daemon shoved the ref out of the way and approached the bruised Japanese wrestler. She knelt beside her and noticed her beautiful, unconscious face. She gently slapped Reiko’s cheek a few times until she was wide awake. The nineteen year old woman opened her eyes and saw a malicious grin on her bosses face. “Morning, sleepyhead! Are you ready for some more pain and punishment?” She placed the microphone by Reiko’s mouth so the audience can hear her reply and her cries of agony.

“Please… no more…” She sobbed. “I can’t… move. I give up… please…”

“Aw, poor baby’s got a boo-boo? What’s wrong, Miss Hinomoto? Can’t take the pain anymore?” She watched as Reiko shook her head from side to side. “Haha! That’s too bad! But guess what? This match WILL continue! Now, Sgt. Clements, Sista A! Get her in the back! Right now!”

The two American heels smirked and grabbed a hold of Reiko’s hair. They got her to her feet and dragged her behind the stage with the General Manager not far behind them. It wasn’t long before they reached a small, narrow staircase. They grabbed Reiko’s arms and Irish Whips her towards the stairs. The Zero Fighter lost her balance as she fell down the flight of stairs. Once she reached the bottom she skidded on the ground for a couple of feet. There were scrapes and bruises all over her arms, elbows and knees. Her face tightened due to the enormous amount of pain she was in. With little energy in her body, Reiko tried crawling to safety. But before she could move another inch, Sgt. Clements and Sista A had already reached her. They unleashed a barrage of stomps and kicks to every part of Reiko’s body.

“UUUHHHHHH!!! YEEOOOWWWW!!! OOOFFFFFF!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!” The Japanese girl cried as the assault continued.

“Reiko!” A voice of another woman shouted. The two American powerhouses stopped their stomping and turned to where the voice was coming from. Another female wrestler with blonde hair came running towards them.

“What’s this? Someone’s trying to spoil our little dance here.” Sista A grinned.

“I got her.” said Sgt. Clements.

She also ran towards the woman at top speed with her arm pulled back. She gave the blonde a powerful clothesline that folded her in half and knocked her out. After a couple of arm circles, she walked back towards her barely conscious victim.

“Too bad, honey. No one can save you now. We’ll make sure of that.” The cop chuckled.

“Hang on Reiko!” Another brunette cried with a steel chair in her hands.

“I don’t think so, baby.” Sista A said.

She got in position and waited for the right moment. Once when the brown haired woman was close enough, she unleashed a powerful roundkick. Her leg made contact with the steel chair, which bounced off the woman’s head, instantly knocking her out.

“No…” Reiko cried as she reached out towards her friends. “Alexa… Taylor…”

“It’s too noisy in here. Why don’t we go some place quieter?” suggested the dancer.

“Hmm… where could we go to have some more fun with this young woman right here?” asked the cop. Both women thought hard for a few seconds, while still keeping an eye on Reiko, who was in very bad shape. All she could do was wait and hope that this match would end soon. Her body couldn’t take any more punishment. Unfortunately, that wasn’t her call. And knowing her two opponents, it’ll be a long time before they decided to go for the win. Suddenly, both American women snapped their fingers and smiled back at each other.

“REIKO’S LOCKER ROOM!!!” They said in unison.

They each grabbed one of Reiko’s arms and dragged it across the lobby. Reiko’s body slide on the cold concrete floor. And to make things worse, she noticed a few other wrestlers pointing and laughing at her. She couldn’t hide her tears or her grief. A few minutes later, Sgt. Clements and Sista A reached Reiko’s locker room. In front of them was a wooden door with a sign that has Reiko’s name in Japanese on it. Sgt. Clements grabbed the handle and pulled as hard as she could. But the door wouldn’t budge. Even Sista A tried to open the door, but it was locked.

“Well, this stinks.” The dark skinned brawler complained.

“Nah, I’ll take care of it.” Sgt. Clement said. “Just do me a favor, sis. Hold Reiko up for me.”

Sista A nodded in agreement. She grabbed Reiko’s hair and slowly lifted her back to her feet. She threw her against the door and held her up for Sgt. Clements to attack. The blonde haired cop took a few steps back and got in a three quarter stance. Her eyes stalked on her prey and she was ready to pounce. She got a burst of speed and ran towards Reiko Hinomoto as fast as she could. Sgt. Clements leaned forward, lowered her head, brutally driving her should into her gut. The force was so powerful, the Spear the cop delivered managed to break down the door to the locker room. Reiko landed her back on the broken door, with Sgt. Clements on top of her. Sista A helped her partner up and they explored Reiko’s private room.

There were a couple of benches to sit on, plus a number of shelves for the young woman to put her clothes and other stuff. To the right was a poster. Reiko was standing on the turnbuckle, raising her championship belt high. That was the night she became the Rumble Rose Champion. It was the proudest moment of her life. To the left was a desk with a few pictures on it. One of them has a middle aged woman teaching her daughter the basic skills of martial arts. The second was picture of Kamikaze Rose in her prime. The third, (probably her most cherish photo) was Reiko embracing her mother after she just won the championship. That was probably the last time she saw her mother alive.

“Damn, this is such a nice place!” Sista A commented.

“I know right… Too bad we gonna have to trash it.” snickered Sgt. Clements.

The cop lifted Reiko up by the hair and grabbed her neck with both hands. The Zero Fighter struggled to breathe as Sgt. Clements continued to choke the life out of her. She could feel her opponent’s body getting limp her muscles losing strength. With no energy left to fight, Reiko’s muscles before her consciousness slipped away. But before Reiko could reach to that point, Sgt. Clements lifts her up in a gorilla press hold. She walked towards the end of the room and threw her into the lockers. Reiko slammed back first into the metal structure and landed hard on her side. The Japanese girl rubbed her injured spine as moans of agony and anguish exited her mouth. It was Sista A’s turn to get in on the action. She grabbed the battered Reiko and threw her head first into the lockers. Reiko’s skull bounced off the steel and she collapsed on the ground. She clutched her head with on hand while holding her back with the other.

Sgt. Clements and Sista A went around the locker and started to trash the place. They took out Reiko’s clothes and other personal stuff, tore them apart and threw them on the ground. The Japanese girl could only watch as the humiliation continued. She saw Sgt. Clements waving her favorite picture of her mother right in front of her face. The cop ripped the photograph in half without any remorse. Just like the picture, Reiko’s heart was torn in two. A minute later, Reiko’s place was a complete mess. Almost everything was on the floor, ripped, tattered and torn. The two American powerhouses towered over their crushed victim and watched as tears poured out of her eyes.

“You bored yet, hon?” Sgt. Clements asked her partner.

“Are you kidding me? I never thought dealing this much punishment could be so much fun!” Sista A answered with excitement.

“Alright, alright. While we’re here, what should we do?”

“Hmm… I got it!”

The dark skinned dancer took one of Reiko’s arms and dragged it towards one of the opened lockers. She placed her Reiko’s hand inside the locker and rested it on the bottom. She shot a quick glance at her opponent, who has absolutely no idea what’s going on. Finally, Sista A took the door and slammed it shut. Unfortunately, Reiko’s hand got caught in the door. She squealed in pain and flopped on the floor, grabbing her bruised, swollen hand. White hot tears of pain fell from her eyes. The two American women laughed maliciously like their proud of what they did to Reiko. But then, Sgt. Clements ceased her laughter and grabbed Reiko’s other arm.

“Very impressive, Sugar. Now let me show you how it’s done.” She spoke arrogantly.

Like her partner, she dragged Reiko towards the same locker. She placed it inside cabinet and rested it on the bottom. Sgt. Clements slammed the door shut with every ounce of her strength. Similar to last time, Reiko’s hand was crushed by the door and the outside frame of the locker. She screeched like a banshee as she rolled on the ground. Both of her hands have been severely injured. It was either a bone fracture or a joint dislocation. But the damage has already been done. Reiko could barely feel her hands. And it hurts like hell if she tried to move it.

“Oops! Sorry Reiko. It appears as if we injured both of your hands!” Sgt. Clements smirked.

“Just look at her cry like a little baby!” Sista A laughed. “Does it hurt if I do… THIS?”

She lifted up one of her heels and brutally stepped on Reiko’s swollen right hand. The Japanese wrestler shrieked out loud as Sista A applied more pressure to her injured hand. Not wanting to be outdone by her partner, Sgt. Clements stomped on Reiko’s left hand with the heel of her boot.


The pain was excruciating and beyond unbearable. Even the strongest and toughest fighters couldn’t with stand this kind of torture. Unfortunately for Reiko, she has no choice but to lie on her back and take whatever cruel punishment Sgt. Clements and Sista A is giving her. A minute later, the two women stepped off of Reiko’s swollen hands.

“Well, you ready to take the fight somewhere else?” Sista A asked.

“Sure, why not?” Sgt. Clements agreed. Both of them grabbed Reiko’s long legs and pulled her out of the locker room.

The two of them dragged the Zero Fighter down the hallway. Both of them were getting pretty tired, especially since they were doing all the work. However, they want to continue this match until their satisfied. It wasn’t long before they spotted a shopping cart nearby. Once they get close, the two women released Reiko’s legs. Sista A stepped back while Sgt. Clements grabbed Reiko’s neck with one hand. She easily lifted her back towards her feet and up off the ground. Reiko only had two seconds to cough and gag for air. Suddenly, the cop dropped the Japanese young woman into the basket. Her arms and legs dangled out of the container. Sista A ran as fast as she could, pushing the cart down the lobby with her partner following behind.

Finally, the three wrestlers reached the parking garage. It was an extremely large area filled with a lot of pillars and plenty of cars and trucks. Unfortunately for Reiko, there weren’t any people around the vicinity. So even if she did cry for help, no one would be able to hear her. All of the sudden, Sista A started to pick up the pace. The faster she ran, the faster the cart traveled. She finally released the hand and watched as the shopping cart took the subconscious Reiko Hinomoto for a ride. However, the ride wouldn’t last long as the cart crashed into a pillar, with her legs taking the full brunt of the impact. The shopping cart fell on his side and Reiko rolled on the concrete. She howled in pain as she grabbed both of her injured legs.


“Aw, you hear that? Reiko wants us to end her misery. What do you think, Sarge?”Sista A asked.

“Hmm…NO!!!” replied the cop as she stomped on Reiko’s legs and soccer kicked her in the gut. “We’re not done with you yet, little missy. Now, get your ass up!”

The two American wrestlers grabbed a fistful of Reiko’s hair and got her back to her feet again. Sgt. Clements picked Reiko up in a gorilla press hold and faced her partner who was only a few feet away from her. She threw the Zero Fighter towards the dark skinned dancer. Sista A pulled her leg back and delivered a vicious kick up towards the gut of Reiko Hinomoto. The Japanese woman crashed on the concrete and clutched her injured ribs. She rolled on the floor coughing and sputtering.

“Nice kick, sister.”Sgt. Clements said, placing a hand on her partner’s shoulder.

“Should we end it right here?” Sista A asked. She got on her knees and was ready to go for the pin. But her partner wasn’t paying attention to the question. Sgt. Clements had her eyes on something else. Sista A was puzzled, but she shifted her attention to where her partner was looking at. Just ahead of them was a red 2004 Nissan Altima. They looked at each other with malevolent grins on their faces.

“Say, isn’t that Reiko’s car?” Sista A questioned.

“It sure is.” answered Sgt. Clements. “Let’s play with it for a little bit.”

They picked Reiko up by the hair and dragged her over to the red vehicle. As they got closer, the two of them picked up. They quickly approached the driver’s side and slammed her into one of the doors. Reiko bounced off the side of the car and collapse on the concrete. As she moaned in pain and massaged her back, Sgt. Clements and Sista A observed the small dent on the side of the vehicle. Both of them were amazed at the damaged they caused, but also believe that they could do more. Sgt. Clements got Reiko up to her feet again, grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up. She ran towards the car once again and slammed her opponent back first into door. Reiko’s back also crashed into the side window, shattering the glass into pieces. The Japanese woman wept in pain due to the huge amount of force that was applied on her back. But before the tears could fall, Sgt. Clements backed off a little bit and slammed Reiko into the other window on the left side of the car. The glass broke apart and fell into the vehicle. Sgt. Clements topped it all off with a brutal Spinebuster onto the hard concrete. Reiko’s groans became cries for help. She felt as if either her back was broken or has suffered quite a few sprains. Unfortunately, calling for help was useless. The only people in the parking garage besides her were Sgt. Clements, Sista A and a referee. However, the referee was only there to render decisions during the match. And of course, the other two women are here to destroy, brutalize and humiliate the Japanese girl. Speaking of which, it was Sista A’s turn to wreck Reiko’s car. Like her partner, she wrapped her arms around Reiko’s waist and lifted her up. She casually walked to the right side of the car, where both side windows were still intact. All of the sudden, Sista A ran as fast as she could towards the vehicle and slammed her into the passenger side door, denting the car and breaking the window at the same time. Reiko could feel the pain intensifying beyond the limits. Again, the dark skinned brawler crashed Reiko into front side door and shattered the last window. While the Zero Fighter cringed in agony, Sista A kept her on her shoulders and carried her towards the front of the car. Just like Sgt. Clements, she gave Reiko a powerful Spinebuster onto the hood of the vehicle. Reiko’s mouth hung open, but no sound came out. She had lost almost all feeling in her body. She was helpless and couldn’t do anything to stop this torture.

“Damn… I’m surprised she’s still alive, after what we just did to her.” Sgt. Clements grinned.

“Let’s end this match!” Sista A. For once, and to Reiko’s (I guess) delight, her partner agree.

But if they’re going to end this contest, they’re going to do it in style. Both women got the Japanese wrestler on her feet and grabbed her by the neck. They lifted her off the ground as they climbed on top of Reiko’s car. Sgt. Clements and Sista A stood on the hood of the vehicle with the helpless young woman in their grasps. The two American gave each other one last nod before viciously chokeslamming Reiko onto the top of the car. The Zero Fighter crashed through the car windshield and immediately lost consciousness. Sgt. Clements and Sista A placed a foot on each of Reiko’s breast and turned towards the ref. The officiator quickly made his way to the two Americans. First he checked to see if Reiko’s shoulders were down, which of course, they were. He raised his arm up, ready to count the pin. But before he could continue, he shot a quick glance at Sgt. Clements and Sista A to see if they were serious in finishing the match. After seeing them politely nod back at him, the referee shrugged his shoulders and began the count.

“1… 2… 3!!!”

The referee quickly got his feet and rushed out of the garage. He ran down the lobby, back on the stage and towards the desks behind the ring. He signaled the end of the match and ordered the announcer to ring the bell. Sgt. Clements’s entrance music started playing and the crowd stood up and cheered. Many of Reiko’s fans have left the building while the few that stayed had tear in their eyes. As for the rest of the Rumble Roses fans, this one-sided match totally beat last night’s match in every way shape and form

“Here are your winners… SGT. CLEMENTS AND SISTA A!!!”

Meanwhile, back at the parking garage, the two heels just heard the wonderful news about them winning the match. They took their foot off Reiko’s chest and kicked her off of the wreck car. The unconscious young woman crashed on the concrete and rolled on the ground. Sgt. Clements and Sista A hopped off of the vehicle and landed very close to Reiko’s body. After evaluating the damage they had inflicted, both women spat on their opponent. Finally, they walked away out of the parking garage with another W added to the win column.

As for Reiko, unfortunately, she suffered another devastating and humiliating defeat. She laid motionlessly on the ground with injuries all over her body. One of the officials spotted the unconscious woman and ran as fast as he could to check on her. He nudged her a few times, but she her eyes wouldn’t open.


In a matter of seconds, athletic trainers and medical staff rushed towards Reiko Hinomoto. Just like last night, they brought along a stretcher and a gurney. While a couple of them checked Reiko’s level of consciousness, the rest of the staff got ready to transport her out of the arena. They placed the Zero Fighter on the stretcher and got her on the gurney.

“Thank God it’s over Mike. Just look at the poor woman. She’s not moving. Her eyes aren’t opening. It’s just… I don’t know what to say. I’m sick to my stomach.

“As sick as it may seem, this is the Rumble Roses, John. This is a dangerous business. Sometimes, these ladies get hurt, other times… they end up like Reiko.”

“My thoughts and prayers go out to this young woman and to all of her loving fans. For those of you who just joined us, you’re watching the aftermath of the Falls Count Anywhere Handicap Match Reiko Hinomoto was forced to participate in. She had no chance of winning and was in no condition to fight.”

“But if she had backed out earlier, think of how that would affect her reputation. Running away from a fight is something Reiko would never do. Her mother was not a quitter and she did not want to disappoint her.”

“You know something, Mike? I hope our General Manager is happy with what just happened. She vowed to get revenge on poor Reiko. I sure hope that this match had done the trick.”

“Maybe. But knowing Miss Daemon, she’s still far from satisfied after this match.”

Back in the GM’s office, Dr. Cutter and Miss Daemon had just finished watching the brutal handicap match on television while enjoying another glass of champagne. The TV showed the Japanese woman being carted out of the arena and into an ambulance. As soon as the back doors closed, the ambulance took off to the nearest hospital with sirens ringing out loud.

“Brutha?” The GM called.

“Yes ma’am!” The heavily muscular woman replied.

“Follow the ambulance and bring Reiko Hinomoto back to my office. I need her for tomorrow.”

“Your wish is my command.” Brutha nodded. And with that, she stomped out of the office.

The General Manager grabbed the remote and turned off the television. She smiled with a feeling of satisfaction after witnessing that helacious beat down. Even Dr. Cutter was laughing manically. She was incredibly happy seeing Reiko suffer another humiliating defeat. Both ladies tapped each other’s glasses and took another sip of champagne.

“Well Dr. Cutter? What do you think of the last match?” asked Miss Daemon.

“Haha! Most impressive, boss.” answered the nurse. “After watching last night’s match, I began to wonder how could you ever top that. But it turns out that tonight’s match was so much better than last time!
Well done! You sure know how to run a show!”

“Why thank you, Doctor! But now that that’s over. We must prepare for tomorrow’s match. I got a few more girls in the back still waiting for their shot at her.”

“And don’t forget this Sunday at Rumblemania. That’s when I take what’s rightfully mine: The Rumble Rose Championship!”

“In due time. You’ll get your chance. But for now, sit back, relax and enjoy what’s left out little fun.”

“Very well then. I’ll see you tomorrow, Miss Daemon!” After the nurse finished her glass, she gently sets it on the desk and walked out of the office. When she was out of sight, Miss Daemon walked over towards her calendar hanging on the wall. She put an ‘X’ over Thursday’s date.

“Reiko Hinomoto! You cannot escape your fate! Your wrestling career will come to an end! Your dreams of fulfilling your mama’s wishes will be broken! Three days, Reiko… Three days, until you’re all mine. Hahaha. Hahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

She started laughing maniacally as the countdown continued. There were only three days left until Rumblemania and the end of Reiko Hinomoto.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
These beatings sound a lot like what I hand out in my wrestling games. lol.

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