Ryona in games (5 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
I'll check on your question S92 and get back to you. I assumed everyone could see the history.


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
I was referring to the quality of the article as well, and you can't expect the articles for all games to be as well-written as the current ones. What happens when we review an old beat'em up for instance? We will write "This game contains a female protagonist and each of your opponents can throw a punch and a kick" ... and that's about it. Because there is nothing more to write. And I thoroughly disagree with the phrase in bold. Whether you have something worth mentioning or not, every game with ryona elements must be written in the list, not just for the sake of completion (which is reason enough for me) but also for the reason you yourself stated later in your post : Our tastes in ryona are so different that someone else might love the game which you decided not to write an article about. It's evident that extremely short articles are a one-way street for a wiki like this.
I guess we're meaning the same, but talk at cross purposes.
You seem to have missed the sentence after the bolded one; I didn't say that games with limited quantity of ryona content should not be added in the main list, but that currently we should concentrate more on creating articles about games already in the list, not adding just names to the list. Maybe we're having different opinions here, but imo a list with 100 game names and 10 are described more detailed in an extra article is for most people more helpful than a list with 500 game names and 5 extra articles.

I thought it obvious that the rating will not judge the quality of ryona since that's pretty much impossible, and also harmful as you stated. It can, however, rate its quantity. Even if the possible attacks are listed in the game's description, they should still appear in this main list, for that will make it infinitely more helpful. If someone, for example, is looking for games which include lots of female characters, it will be very easy for him to find them if we use quantity suffixes, but it will be hell for him if he has to open each and every game's description to find them.
Either you're not talking about the "thread rating system", or I still haven't understood how it's supposed to work.
What you describe is pretty much the same what I meant with "suffixes for popular kinds of ryona".

I'll check on your question S92 and get back to you. I assumed everyone could see the history.
In case it helps to solve the issue, I don't see a tab with "history" next to "edit", "watch" etc. if it should be there.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Updated some permissions for awesome members, let me know if you can see the history tab now.


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
Yeah, I have a new super power now: When I click on the "history" tab I can create Database errors.

A quick test shows that every single article produce a database error when I click on "history".


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Not sure what that's about. I click on history and it works fine. Can you copy paste the db error in a PM for me sir?

Edit: Nevermind, the error was a bug in the wiki system. I updated it and tested it and should be good now. Let me know if not.


Potential Patron
Jan 18, 2010
You seem to have missed the sentence after the bolded one; I didn't say that games with limited quantity of ryona content should not be added in the main list, but that currently we should concentrate more on creating articles about games already in the list, not adding just names to the list. Maybe we're having different opinions here, but imo a list with 100 game names and 10 are described more detailed in an extra article is for most people more helpful than a list with 500 game names and 5 extra articles.

I guess I missed the word "currently" :p And we do have different opinions on this, as I don't see any reason why anyone who knows of a game with ryona should not insert it into the list ; even if he doesn't have the time to write an article, someone else will. And I'd much rather have 500 game names that 100 game names in the list (the number of the articles is obviously the same in both cases) , the more the better, it's not like they are harming anybody. Plus it lets people who like to search out their own games (as opposed to relying on reviews) the incentive to do so.

Either you're not talking about the "thread rating system", or I still haven't understood how it's supposed to work.
What you describe is pretty much the same what I meant with "suffixes for popular kinds of ryona".

I'm trying to address the issue Clan mentioned in the text I quoted, that there should be a distinction between games with several female characters with lots of ryona-inducing moves each and those with one female character with minimal interaction. That's why I'm proposing a suffix that will rate the quantity of ryona inside each game. The former will be "Good quantity" games , the latter "Barely passable" games.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
My summer holiday has officially begun! I'm going to edit some of the older articles that need editing and also write few new ones. Anyway, I was going to suggest that in future article writer would add his own rating of the game X into the article, and other people could use the thread rating tool to give their opinion. Grade could be 0-5. This is because it would be too hard to make such calculations that Mardidion suggested. I hope that we could get somekind of rating to every game we have wiki articles for.

I have added ratings for two articles for example: Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and The Bouncer. You can look at those articles and then me your opinion.

EDIT: For games with no ryona I have not made an article but just added "(no ryona)" after the game's name in the list. Thoughts?
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Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
My summer holiday has officially begun! I'm going to edit some of the older articles that need editing and also write few new ones. Anyway, I was going to suggest that in future article writer would add his own rating of the game X into the article, and other people could use the thread rating tool to give their opinion. Grade could be 0-5. This is because it would be too hard to make such calculations that Mardidion suggested. I hope that we could get somekind of rating to every game we have wiki articles for.

I have added ratings for two articles for example: Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and The Bouncer. You can look at those articles and then me your opinion.

EDIT: For games with no ryona I have not made an article but just added "(no ryona)" after the game's name in the list. Thoughts?

I'm not sure what you mean by (no ryona) (other than there's no ryona at all?). Blade Kitten does have ryona, just not that great lol. I remember Sacred 2 had some too.
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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
I think we can just use the star rating system to rate the level of ryona. Obviously it will depend on the taste of the individual, but enough people do it, it would get an average. Adding weird tags to the title breaks the autolink.

Alternatively, you can add the (no ryona) tag on this list but keep them out of the article title. Maybe that's what you suggested. My brains a little crispy today.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
(no ryona) is my solution to deal with ryona games that have so little/nonexistent ryona, that it is not worth writing article about them. I remember that in Sacred 2 characters where just standing like statues when receiving beating (i'm not sure if they even had damage voices). There was no pain animations at all, and when health redused to zero, they just suddenly collapsed.


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
(no ryona) is my solution to deal with ryona games that have so little/nonexistent ryona, that it is not worth writing article about them. I remember that in Sacred 2 characters where just standing like statues when receiving beating (i'm not sure if they even had damage voices). There was no pain animations at all, and when health redused to zero, they just suddenly collapsed.

Oh I see. Well on the top of my head, I remember seeing a video of sacred 2 with some damage voices(very little or maybe I was hearing things ;/) but it was a long time ago so I can't say for sure, I might check later.

I want to add some more games to the list but I don't see the edit button. I guess a moderator would have to finish checking the first edit I made until I can add more?

EDIT: I checked for sacred 2 videos and like I was in the past, I'm disappointed of sacred 2 lol. There is damage voice(s), but it's like a small chance(as much as winning the lottery) for the voice to activate on hit. I agree with the (no ryona).
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Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
OK, you should be able to continue adding games now :) If you wan't to write articles about them, feel free to do so. If there are some tecnical difficulties with linking or something, we can fix them later.


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
Added one for Vindictus. Not sure how to go with format but I looked at a couple and kinda copied it. Feel free to add the game description/release date cause I'm too lazy lol. I might add soe more stuff later(like rating) but for now, i'll leave it as that.

I was wondering how in the game list, there are blue hyperlinks? I see the orange ones are the ones but how does the blue hyperli...for games. I probably won't rate them at all.
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Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Thanks for your wiki articles and help HorridRyona. I made some changed to Vindictus article and fixed Diablo 2 one. Hope you approve the changes :) Ratings are based on opinion of the article writer so feel free to give whatever rating you want.
Note to det: automating linking to newly created articles is not working and currently links needs to be added manually. Well they seem to link to posts but not to our sticky article.


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
Changes look awesome!
small error on the vindictus change tho, 2nd video is fiona with korean voice, sorry for the confusion lol.
I'll add an evie later when i get the chance. 5gb of bandwidth left :jk:

Edit: I figured out how the blue linking works, you have to create the thread first about the game, then you update the ryona:in game wiki (with the same name as the thread that you created), and it will automatically link to the thread. If you do it the other way around, you have to manually link it(which makes it orange)

weird, sometimes the blue ones become orange over time, and the automatic linking doesn't work when there's duplicates on the list(one game in xbox and one game in ps3, it would only link to one of them).
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
After clearing a list through Mardion first, I've made some substantial additions to the list, including some obvious omissions (like Super Smash Bros. Brawl). I also took the liberty of adding a few I accidentally forgot in the list (like Marvel VS Capcom 3 and some 007 games). It's awaiting approval, but I hope everyone likes what I had to add. It's a mixed bag quality-wise, but I can say it all has ryona in it in some form.


Potential Patron
Jan 18, 2010
Major thanks for doing this, HyperZealot, I'm ecstatic that I now have so many more games to surf through! You've also given me the incentive to add even more games to the list, check it out via the History tab and have fun as well ;-)


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
What about adding a small tag in the article's name to define for which platform(s) they are available, e.g. "Zone 4 [PC]" or "Evil Zone [Playstation]"; would make browsing through the list more comfortable in my opinion.

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