Ryona (1 Viewer)


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
Ryona (リョナ), is a Japanese term for a sexual complex where a character is, usually sexually, attacked or tortured, usually by another male or female character(s). The term "ryona" comes from "ryonanī" (リョナニー), a portmanteau of "ryōki" (猟奇, "Seeking the bizarre") and "onanī" (オナニー, masturbation).

Ryona as a fetish revolves around a victim being physically assaulted or psychologically abused by an offender; most common are female victims and typically content that does not revolve around one is categorized into a sub-genre of ryona. It differs from sadism in that it is a voyeuristic fetish with focus towards fictional characters, most commonly from popular media such as video games and comics. Characters from movies and TV series represented by live actresses are becoming more common as less stigma is attached to violence being inflicted to women in media. Because the fetish is very broad, it often incorporates other, more common, fetishes such as humiliation, rape, and BDSM depending on the preference of the individual. Often the victim is any combination of physically fit, well trained, or strong of will as many find ryona more appealing the greater the gap between the victim and offender's power or status.

In cases where the victim is male, it is often labeled as gyaku-ryona (逆リョナ). The Japanese term is typically used for content with a female assailant while the English term is often used to label content with a male assailant. The term reverse ryona is less commonly used, but generally implies content with a female assailant and a male victim.

When ryona is taken to the point of lasting physical harm resulting in bleeding or death, it is generally referred to as guro (グロ). The term was most likely derived from the word gore, defined as blood shed from a wound. Guro typically depicts realistic or highly exaggerated levels of violence and graphic content involving dismemberment and mutilation.

Ryona may also be tied to Vore or Vorarephilia depending on the context. Vore (捕食) is usually associated with creatures that swallow victims whole.

Another form of ryona is Onna Zako (女ザコ, "female cannon-fodder"), where the victims are weaker, generic female enemies or 'cannon-fodder'.

There have been several independent video production companies formed in the past decade that create content that specifically relate to ryona themes, most commonly women's wrestling (女子レスリング), mxed wrestling (混合レスリング), and superheroine peril.

Ryona video games
  • Dead or Alive series
  • Street Figter series
  • Mortal Kombat series
  • Soul Calibur series
  • Resident Evil series
  • [games]Tomb Raider series[/games]

While there is no mainstream standard or guideline for what constitutes it, any video game that involves a female character being attacked could be categorized as a "ryona video game".

Ryona in animes, TV and movies
  • Any video clip, TV series or movie that features a female character attacked, beaten up or abused
  • Animes such as Agent Aika, Sailor Moon or any other anime that features a female character being assaulted, can be considered a Ryona anime.
  • Wrestling matches with female wretlers
  • Superheroine peril videos, TV series and movies

Ryona comics and fiction
  • Any comic or fiction that features a female character attacked, beaten up or abused
  • Catwoman comics
  • Supergirl comics
  • Wonder Woman comics
  • Power Girl comics

Further reading

[games]Ryona in games[/games]
Understanding Ryona : Why?


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
Suggestion to help break down ryona:

A) Degrees or Extremes. Light ryona being wrestling, fighting games, death moans. Extremes include vore, guro, rape, etc.

B) Mainstream vs. Alternative ryona. The differences would be similar to light and extreme, just slightly different context.

We could also do a "As seen in popular culture" section, showing examples of games and movies (Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Kill Bill, etc.)

Yes, I could just start editing, but I don't want to make a mess of things, especially since this is *the* wiki entry people will be visiting.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Wikis are supposed to be a group thing so feel free to enter in whatever you want and don't be afraid to remove something that was already in there. It will keep a history of everything so if there are parts we like and don't like, we can pull them out later. Or you can start a new article for the as seen in popular culture idea you had.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
it would be great if somebody would help writing this stuff. my english skills are not good enough for writing "good english" that the wiki would require :(


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
Almost all of the material on ryona is in reference to heterosexual men, with victims being highly feminine females. However, it is known that ryona fetish is having a number of woman admirers as well.
Fetish itself does not force that victim must be female so basically there could be male ryona for homosexual men.
Is there any data to support those claims, especially regarding the sexual preference? Because that sounds more like wild assumptions.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
error: could not parse line

do you mean evidence that women watch ryona? (heard from d£t that his youtube channel had female viewers too and i think we are having at least one female user here)
do you mean that the fetish is 100% for heterosexual? (yes well i don't know whether gays watch males getiing beaten)

shoud write that it's 100% heterosexual only fetish?
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Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
I...yeah, I really need to find time to start working on this, it needs some clean-up. Thanks to all who are contributing though! I'll try to help soon, onlinehero.


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
error: could not parse line

do you mean evidence that women watch ryona? (heard from d£t that his youtube channel had female viewers too and i think we are having at least one female user here)
do you mean that the fetish is 100% for heterosexual? (yes well i don't know whether gays watch males getiing beaten)

shoud write that it's 100% heterosexual only fetish?
I would say scratch that part of the article entirely.
First visual media is way more often consumed by males than by females, so that presumably Ryona is consumed mainly by males goes without saying. Then why do you need to be attracted to females to enjoy female Ryona, or likewise need to be attracted to males to enjoy male Ryona? I highly doubt that this stands in any correlation. The fact that the victim in Ryona situations is almost always female is already stated in the definition.

About "Common misunderstandings":
It should focus more on the difference between fantasy/fetish and real life, something like:
"Ryona is a sexual fantasy/fetish and most people who have this fetish don't act differently in real life than people without this fetish, as it is the case with many other fetishes."


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
well personally i wouldn't enjoy seeing male ryona, lets say zangief ryona for example, no matter how sexy moans zangief would make. imo there is a correlation.
i guess what i am trying to write is that ryona is not connected with misogyny or hatred or frustration of women (at least not in my case) and that the fact why victims are always females is that we are not gays :D

you can scratch that part if you want. like i said earlier, im not good enough in english that i could write very understandable text.
i'm not sure whether or not it's worth mentioning that males are not the only audience?
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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
I always assumed ryona was about women and could be enjoyed by either gender. I also figured there was probably another fetish that was like ryona except with a male victim. Maybe there's an obscure forum out there somewhere full of women and a handful of men that enjoy watching dudes get beaten and raped. xD


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
Ryona is about a female victim. Preferences over sexuality aren't really up for debate. Males may like it for exhibitionism or imagining they are the ones inflicting the ryona (to put them in a dominant position). Females enjoying ryona I would imagine do so out of similar interests. They could put themselves in the dominant figure's position or that of the victim in a submissive role. Note that this does not imply BDSM subculture, this is about fantasy, BDSM is a lifestyle choice.

Or, we could all just be sadists. I don't apply any sexual preference with ryona, the only criteria is that of a female on the receiving end of any perilous, painful or permanent situation imaginable.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
I could have swore I made a post about the subject of what Ryona is on a thread here... something about being on Google or something.
Strange; but I'll point out a few things here anyway:

shoud write that it's 100% heterosexual only fetish?
I would say scratch that part of the article entirely.
I agree that it should be dropped. We should be more focused on saying "what" ryona is, not "who" likes it.

About "Common misunderstandings":
It should focus more on the difference between fantasy/fetish and real life, something like:
"Ryona is a sexual fantasy/fetish and most people who have this fetish don't act differently in real life than people without this fetish, as it is the case with many other fetishes."
I don't really know about adding in a line like this. Merely explaning "what" ryona is, should be enough. It's a fantasy based fetish.
By saying people into it "don't act differently" kinda sounds both creepy and hollow, like we are trying to cover our asses to avoid judgment or something.
Just emphasize the fantasy aspect of it by telling it like it is: Common ryona material comes from video games, anime, and wrestling: None of which are real, with the latter of the three is all about acting.
It's all about the illusion really.

Females enjoying ryona I would imagine do so out of similar interests. They could put themselves in the dominant figure's position or that of the victim in a submissive role.
After browsing gurochan for a while, it's rather clear; atleast to me, that males will imagine themselves in both dominative and submissive positons. There are as many threads like: "How you want to die?" as there are "How would you kill so-and-so?"
I know you pointed out males may enjoy the domnative aspect, but I just felt a minor correction was necessary.


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
After browsing gurochan for a while, it's rather clear; atleast to me, that males will imagine themselves in both dominative and submissive positons. There are as many threads like: "How you want to die?" as there are "How would you kill so-and-so?"
I know you pointed out males may enjoy the domnative aspect, but I just felt a minor correction was necessary.

Ah, yes, I didn't mean to imply that males cannot imagine themselves in a submissive role, but in the realm of ryona, I assume the nature is that the female is always the victim. If the male is on the wrong end of the pain, peril, torture, etc., I would have to consider a different term, no? I know some here refer to "male ryona", but, to me that sounds like male ovaries, I can't seem to play one with the other. Perhaps my definition is incomplete?


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
By saying people into it "don't act differently" kinda sounds both creepy and hollow, like we are trying to cover our asses to avoid judgment or something.
I'm not a native speaker, so I often don't get the subtile undertone a word has; would "behave" sounds better?
I wouldn't have added it myself, but there seems to be a strong urge to clarify the difference between fantasy and reality inside the community.

If the male is on the wrong end of the pain, peril, torture, etc., I would have to consider a different term, no? I know some here refer to "male ryona", but, to me that sounds like male ovaries, I can't seem to play one with the other. Perhaps my definition is incomplete?
The question is does terms like "male ryona" or "reverse ryona" exists because the term "ryona" specifies the gender of the victim or because ryona with a male victim is so rare compared to ryona with a female victim that you would never find if it you would label it "ryona", too?!

well personally i'd like to have this kind of misunderstandings corrected:

Urban Dictionary: Ryona
Archived Discussion - TV Tropes

if we don't do it here then everybody will oblivously think that peeps who like ryona are all sadistic and evil persons (that we're bunch of michael myerses ) who would like to see violence towards females in real life as well.
Saying something along the line "We are not sadistic bastards!" can easily backfire; why is there a need to say it upfront if you aren't?
That's why I would, if at all, only add that Ryona is a fantasy and don't affect the person's everyday behavior.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
Saying something along the line "We are not sadistic bastards!" can easily backfire; why is there a need to say it upfront if you aren't?
That's why I would, if at all, only add that Ryona is a fantasy and don't affect the person's everyday behavior.

This is what I was trying to say actually.
I may have been trying to use too many words to say something simple again.

I'm all for clearing up misunderstandings; but I'm perfectly aware they'll always be there... much like how the 2D complex has misunderstandings even now.
So here's how I put it:

"Ryona is a fantasy, no more, no less.
The viewer is often a voyeur, who merely enjoys onlooking on the fantasy; rarely wishing to engage themselves in it: The most preferred material are things that are obviously fake: Video games, anime, wrestling (acting) and 2D images.
"Real Ryona" or actual, non-acting, violence towards a human being is often shunned and frowned upon."

As I said; it's all about the illusion. As long as we know it's not real we seem to enjoy it.


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
The question is does terms like "male ryona" or "reverse ryona" exists because the term "ryona" specifies the gender of the victim or because ryona with a male victim is so rare compared to ryona with a female victim that you would never find if it you would label it "ryona", too?!

We are breaking new ground as far as defining what ryona is, and with that we have to determine what the culture, the Internet, defines it as. If you search for "ryona", I think you will not find male ryona. This might be under a new term that we don't know. If we are using the term "male" or "reverse" ryona, then maybe it is undefined.

We could put this as a sub-topic. For example, this thread is about Zako fetish, which is a fetish for female henchmen. There is a download there that features a female henchman beating up a male, and I could definitely see that as "reverse" ryona. I would like to see more examples of this before we include a reference within this article, to demonstrate that it has popularity.


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
We could put this as a sub-topic. For example, this thread is about Zako fetish, which is a fetish for female henchmen. There is a download there that features a female henchman beating up a male, and I could definitely see that as "reverse" ryona. I would like to see more examples of this before we include a reference within this article, to demonstrate that it has popularity.
You mean media that shows males in ryona situations? Or such media that is labeled as "Ryona"? You'll find plenty of the former, but only every once in a while you'll find some of the second.
Because we don't know if Ryona is specific about females we should just stick with what we know; "the victim in Ryona is almost exclusively a humanoid female".


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
It's not that I have a problem with the subject, it's that I always thought that ryona only applied to female victims. Otherwise we wouldn't need another term for it.
Didn't mean to sound snippy, sorry for that.
The need for another term is not only there if there's not another term that already covers it, but also when the orginal term is mainly used to describe only a part of what it according to definition means. E.g. thing about the term "sexsism"; by definition it means to be treat differently, not even necessarily worse, than someone else just because of your gender. However, sexsism is almost exclusively used to describe a situation where a women is treated worse than a man. I've often heard the term "reverse sexsism", and even though the term is self-contradictory I guess you already have a good idea what it means: A situation where a women is treated better or a male treated worse.
I'm not saying that the same applies to the term "Ryona", just that from the observations we've made so far we cannot rule it out.
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Black Lion

Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
I'm gonna have to agree with you. We don't really have any sort of a definition to ryona, and even though the term is almost exclusively used in relation to females submitting, like you said, there isn't significant proof that the term can't relate to males as well. As much as I'd like to say it's not ryona, it most certainly could be. I won't argue against it. Sorry if I angered you at all.

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