Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (17 Viewers)


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Hmmm I just dunno how I could make one without info like that.
Kinda shame, I don't even really want to get too much into this game, just record some ryona for it, hahah.
Might be too much trouble, I guess. ^^//


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Yeah, I wouldn't really advise it. Kinda makes you wonder if the makers wanted to make the game fail by making it hard to access and hard to play to begin with.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ehhhh it's just dumb laws in china I think.
They do this stupid stuff where they make games that would have a western market but then never move them here, like Monster Hunter and other MMOs like that.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
From what I heard some time ago, consoles were banned in china until not long ago. The developers said they wanted to experience KOF, but given they couldn't get KOF they made their own version, reason why King of Combat is a copy. The issue however is that despite everything, they still made the game hard to access even for chinese people, the netcode worked strangely and the game had little advancement and updates over several years (it never left the beta stage) until consoles were unbanned, KOFXIV eventually made it there and pretty much killed King of Combat. Is the version I heard at least.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Hummm found something maybe I could like?

In Gravity Rush 2 it looks like there is tired animation, heavy breathing at low health.
Can't find many ryona vids for this game, anyone found any?

I could try to do ryona of this buuuuut it would be a long time before I can rent this one. ^^;;


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Dunno, Eye Candy Detective had some vids on this game but haven't checked them.

Also, found something nice:

Monster Hunter Frontier Z - Knee Fall/Stun of 2B


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ahhhh coool.

I did a vid of a lil bit of GG Xrd Rev2 since there's DLC characters I couldn't do before.

I also am gonna rent Gravity Rush 2 -- sorta wanna try playing it anyway -- aaaaand the DLC seems free? So I'll prolly do a bit of ryona vid for that. I like the tired pose for that game, maybe it'll have voice I like...AND. It has a change of facial expression animation, which is nice for me! (- 3 -)

Uhhhhmmm, although, I ran into this problem with the Lacrimosa video...How come there's a loud buzzing on my Share Play recordings?? Not all of them...but it seems like a bunch lately. Come to think of it, maybe everything that's a demo I guess...?


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Yeah, Gravity Rush's DLC is free of charge, which was a great reason for me to get that (and the original Gravity Rush) during Golden Week some time ago. Amazing value.

Also, I hope you don't mind but I don't think these games were featured here so I figure I'd share them here. Was 'pleasantly' surprised that these old school fighters had stun in them (which 'unfortunately' was at my girls' expenses during these playthroughs.)

Breaker's Revenge - Tia (a little quick since the AI went in to capitalize but it's not immediate either)
13:12, 36:30, 53:38 & 58:04

Ninja Master's - Kasumi
4:36 (though it's blink-and-you'll-miss-it tier... It's a basic one but at least it's there. I think she gets stunned one more time during this video but I forgot where else.)
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ah, cool, thanks!


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Hey, thanks DeNice. Good old arcade games, I remember there were many good fighting and beat'em up with decent animations. Now Mame would be a good source for that stuff. Perhaps I could gather some stuff myself there. Good thing is nowadays almost all old arcade games can be emulated, just a few years ago a good bunch didn't work. Now there's a workaround for everything.

On another thing, came across this when looking at KOF XIV vids:

Some look weird, but some fit surprisingly well (such as Angel or Luong's animations)


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Hey, thanks DeNice. Good old arcade games, I remember there were many good fighting and beat'em up with decent animations. Now Mame would be a good source for that stuff. Perhaps I could gather some stuff myself there. Good thing is nowadays almost all old arcade games can be emulated, just a few years ago a good bunch didn't work. Now there's a workaround for everything.

On another thing, came across this when looking at KOF XIV vids:

Some look weird, but some fit surprisingly well (such as Angel or Luong's animations)

Hey, I enjoyed this. I actually enjoyed it a lot. This idea is definitely great. Hopefully people could apply this into SF or any other fighting games


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ahhhhh yesss wow thank you! How did you find that??
I hope they do more..!!!

Mm, this same thing for SFV would be great...!! Or even SFIV.
Wish I could do better dizzy videos of those games w/mods and cameras angles n stuff...I'm too broke for that tho haha. Good to see others making it!

Well, for me, ummmm I am renting Gravity Rush 2, will do video of tired/Low HP animation for Kat w/some costumes, and also Raven. Wish I could turn off low HP beeping...

Ah, yes, I could help do vids with MAME stuffs if I knew the game and how to find the animation. I think I did that with Dungeons and Dragons awhile back maybe?

ohhh yea! Just remembered that ARMS comes soon with three cute ladies! Haven't seen any dizzy animations but they each have unique knock down and KO and stuff...
I have elgato game capture, buuuut I dunno how it works on Switch? I have elgato game capture hd, aaaand I dunno how it could work on Switch. =_=
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
This is one of the reasons why I was so insistent on try the mods on Smash 4, you could put dizzy animations on a good number of characters. =P. Guess SFV is a possibility or even GGXrd Sign since it's also on PC, though that depends if the user is giving a shot to those games as well. From what I could get he has to do some model correction aside just swapping animations.

Also, he uploaded part 2:

Same as the first, some look odd but some really nice, the drunken old geezer looks plain funny though. XD


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Wow nice, a part two! Nice, nice, nice.
Apart from Ryonaneer s work, this probably the best video I've watched this year, probably followed by the monster hunter dizzy on knee video. And kof XIV is also moving from shit tier to mid-high tier in my mind xD

But also, by watching these stun animations, you would be shocked by the singularity of kof14's animation design....

Anyway, this idea is absolutely great, as well as the camera mod. That's definitely the two very best ideas of stun ryona recently. I'm very looking forward to people applying those to other games.
Besides, anyone can recommend a reliable GIF uploading website? I've got some stuff to be posted here


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ohhh I love GIFs for these type of ryona~

I use this!
Animated GIF Maker - Imgflip

Arghhh but my sounds not working!!!
I don't know what the problem is. >_< It's PSN share, why would the sound not work??
All I get is loud BUZZING most of the time so my sound is useless.
Though with this game if it worked, you just get quiet breathing and beep-beep-beep low health beep-beep-beep so maybe not TOO bad to lose but still.


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
I've recently run into a mobile game my cousin is playing, called monster super league.
Personally, I think they have extremely good dizzy animations, if not a bit too low key on graphics. So I recorded it down from some of the characters.

Comparing to games like kof14, their dizzy expression is so vivid, they are more like a real person getting dizzy rather than people in a Korean drama or a fashion show... Which is a bit hard to find nowadays.





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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Pretty nice collection of gifs. Are there more? We really should share more stuff.

Okay so, here's another list of findings:

Dissidia Final Fantasy

(Y'shtola Alt. Outfit: 1:22)
(Y'sthola Alt Costume 1:15)
(Y'sthola Alt Costume 2:06)
(Terra Regular Outfit: 21:26)
(Terra Red Dress, Green Hair Alt: 1:28)
【DFFAC】ライトニングネアッシュ#37【ダイヤ】イフリートガードブレイク! Dissidia Final Fantasy (Lightning Valkyrie Alt: 1:07 - 3:31)
ディシディア ライトニング(アダマンA) (Lightning Valkyrie Alt 6:09)

If I may say something regarding Y'shtola, her regular pajamas looking regular clothes really makes her look more plain than she actually is. Her alt with a more stylish feel to it, with the cool white coat and the skirt and high boots, and she looks a lot better >_> and the short, messy hair suits her better than the sidetails. Not to mention the regular outfit makes her look like a very girly guy even with the skirt, which can pass as a tunic like Link's, I blame the large amount of manpretty in the FF series for this as well. The alt actually shows her figure. Her eyes look a bit odd, yeah, but that's because she's blind when she dons the alt outfit in FFXIV so there's an in story reason for that.

Tales of Rays

レイズ期間限定イベント【精霊の主とゆかいな仲間たち~ピンキストの心得】最終ステージ (Elise 1:29 - 2:14)
Tales of the rays gameplay #42 (Tear: 24:06 - 20:53 Mileena: 29:53)
Tales of the rays grinding session #14 (Tear: 28:38)
Tales of the rays chiral crystal event #2 (Milla: 2:36 - 5:52 - 6:00 - 6:04 - 11:30 - 19:41 - 28:32 - 35:26 - 36:22 - 36:27 - 40:31 - 43:53 Sophie: 2:36 - 12:25 - 41:36 - 42:32 - 43:06 Elize: 8:05 - 8:17)
テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ 魔境強化素材 キラル超結晶カーニバルⅢ 増量中 (Milla and Elize: 0:29)
Tales of the rays gameplay #34 (Edna: 42:59)
Tales of the rays Town grinding event (Rutee: 7:30 - 15:20 - 15:29 Sophie: 10:10 - 10:12 - 10:29 - 15:29 Mileena: 13:27 - 13:47 - 14:43)
テイルズオブザレイズ 今日もやるぞ‼キラル結晶カーニバル (Edna: 2:42)
Tales of the rays gameplay #23 (Mileena: 13:45 - Tear: 19:43)
らイベント"スイートピア遺跡と神のケーキ"「テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ」 (Sophie: 27:20)
Tales of the rays gameplay #9 (Tear: 12:43 - Mileena: 16:26)

Musou Stars:

【ryona】無双スターズ かすみ リョナ【死亡集】 (Kasumi: 1:19 - 2:15 - 2:23)
【ryona】無双スターズ あやね リョナ【死亡集】 (Ayane: 0:16 - 0:44 - 2:02 - 2:54
【ryona】無双スターズ ほのか リョナ【死亡集】 (Honoka: 0:43 - 0:51 (with Marie Rose) - 3:46)
【ryona】無双スターズ マリーローズ リョナ【死亡集】 (Marie Rose: 1:43 - 2:08 - 2:18)
【ryona】無双スターズ レグリナ リョナ3【死亡集】 (Laegrinna: 0:40 - 1:33)
【ryona】無双スターズ アーナス リョナ【死亡集】 (Arnice: 2:26)
【Ryona】無双スターズ アーナス リョナ (2:56 One felt a bit too little)
【ryona】無双スターズ クリストフォロス リョナ【死亡集】 (Christophorus: 1:31 -
【ryona】無双スターズ 井伊直虎 リョナ【死亡集】 (Naotora Li: 0:56 - 3:00 - 4:09)
【ryona】戦国無双4 井伊直虎 死亡集 (Naotora Li: 2:22 (Not Musou Stars, but has her old stun animation so I put it here) - 3:53
【ryona】無双スターズ 王元姫 リョナ【死亡集】 (Wang Yuanji: 0:00 - 0:30)
【ryona】無双スターズ ソフィー リョナ【死亡集】 (Sophie: 1:16)
【Ryona】無双スターズ プラフタ リョナ (Plachta: 4:03 (With Wang Yuanji))
【ryona】無双スターズ プラフタ リョナ【死亡集】 (Plachta: 1:13 (With Wang Yuanji again) - 1:17 - 3:20)
【ryona】無双スターズ 桜花 リョナ【死亡集】 (Oka: 1:08 - 2:14)
【Ryona】無双スターズ リオ リョナ (Rio: 0:09 - 0:59 - 2:22)
Musou Stars (無双☆スターズ) - Sayo OP Boss, Oka Don't give Up! #16 (Sayo: 32:19 - Arnice: 34:29)

Well, all characters have the same animation, which may take the appeal of it for some. Then again you can see animations for girls from games where there isn't a dizzy state like the DOA ladies, so that's a plus =P. Also, recovery animations do differ from character to character, but those are hard to find given how fast paced the game is.
Sadly, Horo and Millennia didn't have stuns in their vids. I tried looking around in regular gameplay but players rarely even get hit. I dunno if I missed any characters, but this guy's vids cover only these ones.

Tales of Berseria:

Tales of Xillia

Tales of Xillia 「Elise単独」 - ウィンガル、プレザ、ジャオ (アンノウン) ( Elize: 3:06 - 3:39 - 7:00 Preza: 2:40 - 8:28) There are more, but those are the clearer ones.
Tales of Xillia 「Elise単独」 - ウィンガル、プレザ (アンノウン) (Elize: 2:17 - 3:50 Preza: 2:19 - 2:26 - 2:33 - 3:53)

The following are vids with an entire section dedicated to dizzy state:

Tales of Xillia Milla ryona II (Default) リョナ (Milla Regular Outfit 32:35 onwards)
Tales of Xillia Milla ryona I (Classy lady) リョナ (Milla Classy Lady 15:23 onwards)
Tales of Xillia Milla ryona I (Spirit Garb) リョナ (Milla Spirit Garb 16:37 onwards)
Tales of Xillia Milla ryona I (Swimwear) リョナ (Milla Bikini 12:50 onwards)
Tales of Xillia Leia ryona I (Default) リョナ (Leia Regular 17:54 onwards)
Tales of Xillia Leia ryona I (Idolm@ster) リョナ (Leia Idolmaster: 19:47 onwards)
Tales of Xillia Elize ryona I リョナ (Elize 13:05 onwards)

Smash Bros Mods:

Nairo's FAIL #13 (Rosalina (Olympics): 4:51)
Nairo's FAIL #10 (Hyrule Warriors Great Fairy (Zelda Mod): 7:09)
BREATH OF THE WILD ZELDA IN SUPER SMASH BROS! (Smash 4 Wii U Mods Skin Showcase) (Breath of the Wild Zelda: 0:29)
Super Smash Bros Brawl Modded Edition - All-Star - Madoka Kaname (Brawl Madoka Mod: 1:58)
Brawl Hacks. Yoko Littner Joins The Brawl! [Gecko OS] [Vs. Shadow The Hedgehog] (Brawl Yoko Littner: 3:14)
Final Fantasy X Rumble - Tidus Vs. Yuna Vs. Wakka (Brawl Yuna from FFX : 0:20)
PM Dev Build - Lamp and Dave best Lyn and Knuckles in the world! - 2 / 2 (Lyn: 1:20:49)
SSBB Hacks - Hyperdimension Neptunia's Noire and More! (Brawl Noire: 0:46)

Gotta love mods and the possibility to put a animations on characters XD

Compass (I think that's the name, that's what the name is translated by google at least =P).

Seven Knights

Sword Art Online Defrag

The animations are nice and there's certainly more variety than the 3D games where everyone has the same.. There are two issues here though, first the game is played with the screen vertically so the youtube screen will never cover well the video, leading to zooming out to see everything, two it is one of those games with faraway camera that players use to see the field around them so it's hard to see the characters. Aside that, the game is painfully easy, so most vids are just players stomping everything in record time so not much to find. I did have luck finding these though.

「SAOメモリー・デフラグ」いたずらコボルドにご用心! (3:05 - 4:03 - 4:21 - 14:37)
「メモデフ」 Pop Star Online 前編 絶級 クリアしたい ソードアートオンラインメモリーデフラグ (3:14)
【メモデフ】最強ハロウィンキリト目指して武器ガチャ16連!いたずらコボルド 超級周回 (7:32 - 10:26 - 22:00)
Spring Breeze - Hina-Matsuri Festival Character Scout - SAO MD #48 (11:30)
Sword Art Online: Memory DeFrag! Gameplay Ep. 3 (Kobold Lord) - Android (3:24)
SAOメモデフ ひな壇と猫妖精攻略 人形 なぎ払い→縦切り (0:16)
The Stage and a Cat Fairy - Stage Unlock Event - SAO MD #45 (15:23)
Sword Art Online Memory Defrag #25 (Leafa Halloween Event!!!) (9:28)
Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag - First Impressions & Gameplay (10:25 - 10:58 - 11:05 - 11:14)
【SAOメモデフ】【絶級】砂嵐の衣星4つくれるまでおわれま10 (4:40 - 7:15 - 12:26)
Midnight Kobold Lord Event & Rerolling in SAO: Memory Defrag (6:39)
Sword art online Memory Defrag - [Samurai Soul Ex] Only Yuna (1:28 - 2:10)
Sword Art Online Memory Defrag #24 (Asuna's Halloween Event!!!) (1:22)

Chaos Code

Tales of Symphonia

Tales of Symphonia HD: Extra Boss- Cameo Team (Farah Cameo: 3:39 Wish they had kept this as her dizzy animation through the series, since her appearance in Radiant Mythology 2 they changed it for a pretty lame one.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCVaf2ls1_Q (Meredy Cameo: 1:00 Same issue as Farah.)


Hyrule Warriors
Great Fairy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBiSYOls8hI (13:09 a small glimpse, using a moveset swap with Medli. Gotta love this kind of hack to give different animations to several girls.)

King's Raid:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GkQPO9uMTs (14:44 Small glimpse)

Onechanbara ZZ Chaos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49PqP32TsYA (Saaya: 14:53 - 15:30 Saki: 15:25 Aya: 15:27 - 15:50)

Street Fighter V
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHPKwPv9fw0 (Angel KoFXIV Mod: 3:02 Just a glimpse actually, but is nice to see an alternate animation and the mod is very nice.)

Honkai Impact
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tOL5ym92X0 (Kiana: 0:26 - 2:12)

Persona 5
Ann: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsuBvlDkFyg (1:03 Catherine Dress)

Tales of Vs:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT3EWZN-W-A (Colette: 0:21 - 0:30 - 0:38 Anise: 1:23 -1:46)

One game I've tried my damnest to find if it has dizzy animations is Genji Days of the Blade for PS3. I know the prequel to that game in PS2 did have them, but they are pretty hard and situational to pull and I don't know if Days of the Blade kept them. Shame because there's a girl I really liked in the second one.
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012

Well, Ryonaneer posted in Upcoming games Blades Strangers which looks pretty nice (I was a bit surprised the girl from Code Princess poping up in a fighting game). I took a look at Fire Emblem Warriors' event. The game looks great, it has a Hyrule Warriors vibe to it (I mean aside the Dynasty Warriors similarities that come with the genre), unfortunately it seems it doesn't have stuns, following the same steps as Fate/Extella you can at best stagger your opponent.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Aww, no stuns in FE huh?
Though seems like Musou games lately all have only one stun, kinda boring. Looooved Hyrule Warriors had unique ones for each character.

ALSO! That game above! Super cute detail I never see in fighting games!!!
When their HP is really low they get a tired animation! I dunno if this game will have stuns too BUT I love tired animations the same, does the same kinda thing for me. ^^;;

So with the vid above, times for three characters I found.
1:50, 9:00, 10:19


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
To be fair, Musou games always use only one stun animation for all the characters (which is still something if the character is from a game where there aren't stuns like the DoA girls). Hyrule Warriors giving each character an unique one was the exception to the rule more than anything (though some characters share animations, such as Zelda and Twili Midna). What bothers me is that lately the games have been just discarding stuns altogether. Is such a waste given the amount of cute girls in some games, with Fate/Extella was the same (especially given the game had status effects save for stuns).

It also reminds me of Star Ocean Anamnesis. A crossover Star Ocean game from all 5 installments, beautiful 3D graphics, uses the Star Ocean 5 battle system (where stuns were finally given proper animations for each character), characters from all games with gorgeous updated redesigns for the girls (compare Sophia in SO3 to her SOA look) aaaand they removed the stun status. Such a waste. >_<

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