(Y'shtola Alt. Outfit: 1:22)
(Y'sthola Alt Costume 1:15)
(Y'sthola Alt Costume 2:06)
(Terra Regular Outfit: 21:26)
(Terra Red Dress, Green Hair Alt: 1:28)
【DFFAC】ライトニングネアッシュ#37【ダイヤ】イフリートガードブレイク! Dissidia Final Fantasy (Lightning Valkyrie Alt: 1:07 - 3:31)
ディシディア ライトニング(アダマンA) (Lightning Valkyrie Alt 6:09)
If I may say something regarding Y'shtola, her regular pajamas looking regular clothes really makes her look more plain than she actually is. Her alt with a more stylish feel to it, with the cool white coat and the skirt and high boots, and she looks a lot better >_> and the short, messy hair suits her better than the sidetails. Not to mention the regular outfit makes her look like a very girly guy even with the skirt, which can pass as a tunic like Link's, I blame the large amount of manpretty in the FF series for this as well. The alt actually shows her figure. Her eyes look a bit odd, yeah, but that's because she's blind when she dons the alt outfit in FFXIV so there's an in story reason for that.