Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (3 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Thief, which one are you looking for? I'm kinda passed that part with those bosses (in the video) -_- so I need to find another enemy (or boss) since there's a lot of reuse enemy skins in this game.

Ryonaneer, which Ys game (or similar to it)? As for Ys 8 (Lacrimosa of Dana (Vita, PS4)), you got low health hp, stagger (from ground hit), on all fours breathing hard, paralyze, and can't remember if there's drowning (I know they kinda have voice of it). Ys (Memories of Celceta (Vita)) has low hp, stun, and I think that's it. Ys Seven (PSP) you really can get it from Sora no Kiseki vs Ys, which I think is just stun/dizzy. Tokyo Xanadu is coming out soon for the PS4, I don't think there is any new girl characters sadly (I did my favorite three girls from the Vita version).

I'm not quite consistent here, I do jump from game to game to game. Go for the ryona and never finish the game. Sometimes the story is boring or I gotta level up here for a while or the gameplay is bad (most of the old system games is like, i beat this game, but getting that certain part is soooo far and I have to start the game from the beginning... Grandia -_-).
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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Thief, I've been mostly watching gameplay videos of it... mostly I've seen knockdown stuns

- (2:31:45, 2hr 31min, boss fight with some stuns... and a death)

Also finally got the stuns in Four Goddesses Online (Black Heart and Green Heart) and did some low hp stance (which is the same for the other status ailments) for Summon Night 6: Lost Borders. I should learn how to edit videos, but this computer is really old... and it hates Bluestacks -_-
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Memories of Celceta -- yeaaa that's it! Can't find any ryona of low HP or stun for that game.
Will be tryin' to do something for Ys8 like what I did for the demo, but with more characters and more stuff if I can find it.
Too bad there's nooooo alt costumes on the PS4 version. WTH??


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
There is a JPN video of Ys Celceta. I have the US version (which means US voices) but I haven't done any ryona for it. I got to the point where I got the last girl and I was like, I'm done. I might purchase the JPN in the future though.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
When you say there is JPN video, what do you mean? Did you find any that weren't vore?
Ah, cool, well, I would love ryona vids for that one no matter what voices, more interested in animations. I found out PS4 version of Ys8 does have alternate outfit for one of the characters sooooo I might do that for the ryona vid. ^^;;; But still waiting for my rent copy to arrive in the mail.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Zaysha: Saw you made some new vids, including 2 of 4 Goddesses online. Great work! Though you should let us know here as well when you have new vids, linking to them would be awesome.

Memories of Celceta has stuns? I looked into it some time ago and never saw it >_<

Also, more stuff:

SAO Defrag - Yuuki - 1:52 - 2:52

Street Fighter V - Cammy as 2B: 1:08 - 1:43 (Small glimpses)

Dissidia NT - Yshtola 4:55 (Glimpse as well)
Dffac 2:20 Ultimecia

Seven Knights - Noel (Different animation) - 12:43
키리엘 리메이크 결투장 랭커 꿀디!? [세븐나이츠] Noel (Different animation) - 9:38
세븐나이츠 혁명단 46 키리엘 리메이크 결투장 [모바일게임 세나] - 기리 Fox Lady - 8:38 - Dragon Ladies - 10:24

If I can say, I looove this other animation for Noel, given the regular one is pretty lackluster IMO, she's just knocked down.

闘技場は毎回苦戦する【グリムノーツ】 Dunno the name, 6:52 (There are others, but this is the only clear one)

ตีกันเป็นทีม - Light: Fellowship of Loux Loux 1:27 - 1:35 - 2:20 - 3:22

【#コンパス】新コラボ ストⅤ春麗のマジスク連打が熱い!!【#35】 Compass Chun Li 3:17

Anarchy Reigns Mad Survival Mode Hands On (Bayonetta) Anarchy Reigns Bayonetta 4:10 - 4:30
Anarchy Reigns - Bayonetta vs. Sasha Anarchy Bayonetta 0:20 - 0:32
Anarchy Reigns - Online Mad Survival 1 Bayonetta 2:41

Digimon All-Star Rumble - Impmon Story - Beelzemon Angewomon 17:47

【炫斗之王】 Xuan Dou Zhi Wang | Linn In-Deep Tutorial (Part 1) XDZW Yuri lookalika 1:22

【東方軍】ドラゴンボールZENKAIバトルロイヤル Part01【18号】 DB Zenkai Videl 7:32 8:02
〈ビーデル&ピッコロ〉灰原のZENKAIバトル《APTX77》 Videl 3:55

【崩壊3rd】スタン手段が沢山!白練キアナのスキル解説! Honkai Impact 0:08

Zodiac Brave; 18-5 Batalla Contra Sorrento de Siren Zodiac Brave Jun
Guía Saint Seiya Zodiac Brave ; Géminis (OCE) 1:43 Shina and Marin
Guía Saint Seiya Zodiac Brave ; Escorpio divino ♏ Jun 0:43

Tales of the rays TOG event Tales of Rays Mileena 4:18
Tales of the Rays 清掃2・4・6をアスベルとシェリア連れてクリア 戦慄 ティル・ナ・ノーグ 七不思議 テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ 7:36 Elize
Alisha/Velvet gameplay - Tales of the rays gameplay #101 - テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ 3:35 Alisha - 11:10 Sophie
'PIKOHAN ONLY' VS Alisha/Arche/Edna/Mint - Tales of the rays - テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ 0:20 Tales of Rays Mint
Tales of the Rays “HALLOWEEN EVENT NIGHT PARTY ALL STAGES CLEAR” Tales of Rays 16:20 Reala and Sophie Halloween
#11【雪】FIGHTING OF THE SPIRIT~火の章~:前編【テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ】 - YouTube Tales of Rays Tear Bikini Glimpse - 11:56
【テイルズオブザレイズ】高難易度クエスト『三ヶ国の勇士』攻略! TotR Tear Pikohan Mirror Arte - 0:50

These actually have the stun animation:
石頭賢よるのないくに2 part4(僕は香港人です,名前は石頭です,今は日本語に勉強中ています) Nights of Azure 2 Aru 2:18:05
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon / よるのないくに2 ~新月の花嫁~gameplay 7 Drifting Ark-Black Shadow Nights of Azure 2 19:30 Aluche School Uniform
Let's Play Nights of Azure 2 PC 11: Drifting Ark, Creeping Black Shadow! Christophorus & Veruschka 9:59 Aluche Bikini

I do wonder if the partner girls can get stunned. I've seen the familiars get stunned once, but the girls rarely even get hit.

두뇌 풀가동해서 상대를 제압! 카오스마스터즈 결장플레이와 컨텐츠 평가! Chaos Master 1:22
#2 카오스 마스터즈 CEO 2초월 후기와 초월 깨알팁! 모바일게임 해달TV Chaos Master 25:44
그래픽은 완벽! 컨텐츠는..? 빛의 계승자cbt 컨텐츠 플레이와 평가! Fiary Game

Lineage 2 Revolution PvP Arena Lineage Revolution 5:06

Dragon Spear - Gunner vs Supharna | Stage 2-9 Dragon Spear 0:30 Gunner
Dragon Spear (10/19/2017 stream) Dragon Spear 1:35:13 Assassin
สตรีม dragon spear mobile ทำเควสรายวัน Dragon Spear 30:43 Sorceress
dragon spear mobile คิเมร่า 0:34 Dragon Spear Gunner
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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Celceta... (i'm hoping my save is not corrupted)
- Stuns, I know where the stuns are in this game I'll see if I have time tomorrow. Between the girl's village and the village by the river/sea with the dragon riding animals are, there is an enemy in the forest that causes stun.
- There is a ryona video of it (not vore), but it's not labeled Ys... I have it somewhere in one of my subscribed users -_-

Thief, I thought you were subscribed to my channel. There are just droughts and then there are days I just upload a bunch of stuff.
- Now I uploaded a Vert stun. Nepgear I'll do but she's like lvl 5 atm.
- Noel ain't awakened in the current US 7 Knights, and she has a bow... wtf? EDIT: Oh nvm they gave Kyrielle Noel's skin and Kyle Ragna's skin.
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Oh yeah, I don't have a youtube channel. Guess I am lazy, but to be honest I just search the stuff I want to watch =P

Keep up the great work, btw!


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Effing hell, it (Ys Memories of Celceta’s save) got corrupted... gotta go through it again.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Effing hell, it (Ys Memories of Celceta’s save) got corrupted... gotta go through it again.

Man that sucks, no worries, all to its time, though.
The forest you were talking about in this game, do you remember the name of the stage or the name of the enemy?


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Man that sucks, no worries, all to its time, though.
The forest you were talking about in this game, do you remember the name of the stage or the name of the enemy?
Forest of Dawn Stream, Bozwalla is the enemy name, its quite stationary and shoots seeds, get near it and you got paralysis. If coming from Codomo village and you enter the forest going up that small hill, you should see this enemy.

Or was it a different enemy...
- I just know that thanks to the game called 'Drive Girls' (which also has stuns from those stupid wheel things) corrupted my memory card because I shut it down while saving -_-
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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Forest of Dawn Stream, Bozwalla is the enemy name, its quite stationary and shoots seeds, get near it and you got paralysis. If coming from Codomo village and you enter the forest going up that small hill, you should see this enemy.

Or was it a different enemy...
- I just know that thanks to the game called 'Drive Girls' (which also has stuns from those stupid wheel things) corrupted my memory card because I shut it down while saving -_-

Just watch your devilian mobile game video on youtube and I have to say this is really my type of ryona game. Do you think there will anything else similar?


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Zaysha: Looked up for that stage in Memories of Celceta... But only the main hero and his martial artist friend are playable in that stage... So is the forest of dawn where the enemy really is?


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Zaysha: Looked up for that stage in Memories of Celceta... But only the main hero and his martial artist friend are playable in that stage... So is the forest of dawn where the enemy really is?
There is the knife throwing girl (Karna), your mage (Calilica), and spear weilder (Gruda). It'll take me hopefully a little bit more than a week. I was disappointed in Gruda's voice, and gave up in the game when I got her. Yeah the dungeon is somewhat early, so by the time you have the mage and spear girl you're high leveled -_- and it gets difficult trying to get your two partners kills to solely focus on one character.

quiet_resolve, if I come across, I'll do them, but there were a lot of games in the past that had some good stuns and such but the game got discontinued before I could get videos of it (Far East, Champions of Norad, and Rune Story). I'm more into voices, but if I come across stuns, it's kinda quick, but as usual... gotta deal with iPhone5 quality -_-


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014

Mighta put this up before buuut I did finally sorta edit some stuff from Odin Sphere NPCs:

Today I put together quick vids for a couple more Rumble Roses ladies.

Also! Recorded those Low HP animations/voices for Ys 8 I been waiting to do for months!! xD
Gonna put that together soons.
Also also! Quick vid on Indivisible. With new backer preview, they added low HP animations for Ajna! I hope everyone has them in the final game...!!! O_O Would be great. Even if not, Ajna uses different weapons soooo there's prolly gonna be one for each. She already has two in this demo!


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Glad to see you're back in action! I noticed you posted vids of Indivisible and YS 8 as well. Zaysha also updated contents with a few new stuns.

YS doesn't have stuns right? Just wondering. I also looked everywhere in Memories of Celceta (vids I mean, I don't have the game) but seems that the only ones that can be stunned are enemies.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
That's OK! For Ys I'm more interested in those low HP animations/voices.

Yup yup! Did ones for Ys 8 and Indivisible beta!

Not sure what next though. Sad Fire Emblem doesn't have stun like Hyrule Warriors, I like my Nintendo ladies. xD
Blade Strangers might have stuff I like, especially if they keep those low HP animations.

Any other recs for upcoming games? Or maybe older stuff on emulator?


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
To be honest I've never seen a stun in fire emblem warriors, there are many vids around but all that happens is the characters get knocked around. That said, in Hyrule Warriors it was impossible to get stuns in videos because the only way to do so was with the boomerang and only enemies could be stunned, getting hit would get nothing. So I dunno if there is actually a way to stun enemies, a special attack or if you get something by depleting the stun bars of bosses, given that, like in Hyrule Warriors, it leads to an special attack right away and players obviously don't wait to use it.

Other stuff... I've been checking Nights of Azure 2 which does have stuns, as mentioned before, however only found of the heroine Aluche so far. The partner girls have some surprising good AI to avoid attacks and enemies mostly aim for the player character right away so it's rare to even see the partner girls get hit, much less their stuns. The girls are pretty nice for the most part, but I seriously think they go overboard with the breast size =P

Tales of Rays is also a good finding, but I doubt you want to sink so much time in mobile game (has gachas, events and all that, not terrible or anything, but it's not a quick play and to get everything you have to take time on it).

I'll let you know if I find something.

Say, what video editor do you use?

EDIT: Have you considered giving another round to Senran Kagura?


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Ryonaneer, good stuff. As for upcoming games, I don't see anything particular that interests me that much. Pretty much the mobile game industry is really pushing out games but some of the games don't make it to the iPhone (which I have) or I can't play it due to it being a different country, but I have still oldies that I think I can get stun animation from, but I'm kinda so far behind on stuff now.

Still working on Ys Celceta, I "almost" to the area where I was talking about. I plan to get further during the Thanksgiving break. I upload from time to time. I'm kinda surprised I have 312 videos -_- Also not much good stuff for Black Friday on the PSN store... also running out of room on my PS4 -_-

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