Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (4 Viewers)


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Just curious, has anyone found vids online contains clear and close up face camera on stun animation of dynasty warrior 9 or monster hunter world? Both games contains detailed stun facial expression but I havent found a good vid yet.


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Yeaaaa KR is maybe my all time fav for dizzy/stun animations -- soooo many!~~

I use this to make my GIFs. GIF Maker - Imgflip
Mmm, prolly better out there, but yea.

Sometimes I'm frustrated that all the stuns looks the same in one single game, probably because they all come from the same artist. Otherwise games like KR or seven knights would be amazing for stun ryona purposes...


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
hummmm maybe I can do MonHun ryona a bit? There's dizzy and also tired animations...was waiting for more lady skins like Aloy, but we should be getting Sakura and Chun Li some time??
Maybe I'll just do something with kirin armor? xD


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Monster Hunter World is kinda tough to get an actual close up, imo. If it was released for PC then it'll probably easier if you can figure out how to do camera mods though I'm guessing Dynasty Warriors is kinda the same staple stun that dates all the way back to DW8 (US) or whenever they developed the multi weapon equip feature before everyone's was kinda dependent to their own unique weapon.

I'll do Seven Knights since it's a loss in arena (I am only missing Atlanta and Orly atm).

Since I have bigger phone with more memory, I can redownload all the games. Expect something in the future.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
ohhhhh nice~~
Looking forward to more!
Also, here's something I did quick using that gif maker site. I'm soooooo happy they finally updated it with preview feature huehuehue, makes so much easier to gif things so they loop~


Also made a twitter, hummmm...maybe I will use it for GIFs...??
Ryonaneer - (リョナ) (@_ryonaneer_) | Twitter


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
ohhhhh nice~~
Looking forward to more!
Also, here's something I did quick using that gif maker site. I'm soooooo happy they finally updated it with preview feature huehuehue, makes so much easier to gif things so they loop~


Also made a twitter, hummmm...maybe I will use it for GIFs...??
Ryonaneer - (リョナ) (@_ryonaneer_) | Twitter

Your channel used to be my favorite. Glad that you are making something again.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Ryonaneer - I mostly go to Fire Emblem wiki rather than the FEH wiki you mentioned, they got larger pictures.

Honkai Impact 3
just released Yae (yea!), I got until 5/9 to get her. I also know where I can get dizzy poses (problem is the camera).
Chain Strike (sadly has no voice ryona) but does have stun just need to level up a bit so I don't get OHKO, again camera is a problem!

What I'm going to do with the following mobile games:
Dragonblaze - The Seven Emperors are going to be released soon. I'm mainly going to do lobby animations (some have stun, some have hit, some have none since they don't show all the animations for it when you click on the character).
Seven Knights - Missing Atlanta going to basically 'lose' in arena (Orly has super bad clipping and I couldn't get one of her costumes that solves that problem).
Sdorica - Cute game, but only has death animation but it more looks like kneeling to me.
FantasyLegend - Waiting for chars
Blustone - Cute little sprites with dizzy, tired, but no voices with little animated cutscenes.
Ultra Fighters - Waiting for characters (might do a female character compilation soon)
Kings Raid - Released two more females (angel and harp girl)
Dynasty Warriors Unleashed (mobile) - Sadly same stun as game, used to have unique stuns but apparently it got replaced.

What I'm going to do with following PC games (need to buy Bandicam):
Lunia - and going to try to get Dark Eir, Eir, Arien, and Yuki stuns
Various PC JPN games - Kinda like what I did with Luminous Heart
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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Ryonaneer - I mostly go to Fire Emblem wiki rather than the FEH wiki you mentioned, they got larger pictures.

Honkai Impact 3
just released Yae (yea!), I got until 5/9 to get her. I also know where I can get dizzy poses (problem is the camera).
Chain Strike (sadly has no voice ryona) but does have stun, again camera is a problem!

What I'm going to do with the following mobile games:
Dragonblaze - The Seven Emperors are going to be released soon. I'm mainly going to do lobby animations (some have stun, some have hit, some have none since they don't show all the animations for it when you click on the character).
Seven Knights - Missing Atlanta going to basically 'lose' in arena (Orly has super bad clipping and I couldn't get one of her costumes that solves that problem).
Sdorica - Cute game, but only has death animation but it more looks like kneeling to me.
FantasyLegend - Waiting for chars
Blustone - Cute little sprites with dizzy, tired, but no voices with little animated cutscenes.
Ultra Fighters - Waiting for characters (might do a female character compilation soon)
Kings Raid - Released two more females (angel and harp girl)
Dynasty Warriors Unleashed (mobile) - Sadly same stun as game, used to have unique stuns but apparently it got replaced.

What I'm going to do with following PC games:
I need to buy Bandicam for my computer :/
- Going through Lunia and going to try to get Dark Eir, Eir, Arien, and Yuki stuns

I like how you focus on less popular games that are hard to get and not covered by other people. However sometimes I find it difficult to locate the stun in your videos. There are times that I watched for very long time, only to find that stuns are not included.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I must've mistagged a few, sorry. Stun / Dizzy / Low HP / Status Ailments (if tagged, but remember I'm also into voice ryona so NOT all my videos I upload have stun)...
- UltraFighters is a pain to do it and it's quite short.
- Dawn Break... waiting for that stun to happen is a f---ing pain.
- Valkyrie Connect (yet there are stars spinning in a circle over the char), Kritika, has no stun.


Go to my playlist and hit 'Stun' and you'll see the ones that have stun. I don't tag stun if they don't have it.


Ryonaneer - If you want to make .gifs out of my YT videos you can and place it on your twitter, you can.
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
maahhh gurrllll Sakura got added to MHW sooo I might finally do my own lil ryona vid of it this weekend~
Also, I would be doing some more stuff buuut I'm broke. xD


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Dude, quite a lot of activity in the time I was gone. Great work! Especially you, Zaysha quite a bit of new vids.

Say, question, how did you made Another Force run in your PC for me it's impossible. As soon as I try to open it it shuts down. (this game does have stuns btw).

Also, do you plan to do more vids of SAO Defrag and add Neptunia to the 4 Goddesses online vids?

And the more time passes the more it hurts me that Star Ocean Anamnesis removed the stun status. I mean, come on:




Also, found Falke's Dizzy:

Falke Dizzy

Still strange she hasn't been covered in youtube yet.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I follow this guy on YT named: Vysethedetermined2. Search 'Another Force' and he put a link in the description section of the video. It runs fine for me on my computer though I'm on the JPN settings of Windows.
- SAO:MD, I'm just waiting for Alice. I have various costumes of all the other characters, but what are you expecting from this? Stun/dizzy is set depending on what weapon they are carrying. There is 'paralysis' but it's just then in their normal standing position with their eyes closed and seems to be opening their mouth breathing hard.
- Four Goddesses Online, Neptunia...? Stun/Ryona?
- I so want to play Star Ocean Anamesis, but I need to make a JPN account for it. Is that Opera (can't tell because she carries a sniper rifle but has a third eye)?

- Uwaa... good finds on the stuns for MHW.

- Dragonblaze (Mobile), is updating their game to have the chars I like in May 8th update. I will be doing the recordings for those characters after the update.
- Seven Knights (Mobile), I got every female in the game (woot!), but can't get the costumes I like. I will do each character that I have soon.
- Kings Raid (Mobile), I managed to get the harp girl.
- Lunia (PC), I got Iris (pirate Kratos female), Kali (bard), and Asuka (dual swordswoman) to do.
- Chaos Masters (Mobile), I just noticed that 'sleep/(paralysis?)' has it's own thing, need to find an enemy that does it well.
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Yeah, I meant stuns (always do actually). My bad. Different animations for girls in SAO with weapons as you say, Neptunia I meant the main character girl which seems to be the only one missing in your collection of 4 Goddesses Online stun vids.

Guess gotta try the JPN configuration, that's gotte be in settings, right?

SOA Anamnesis just has stuns for bosses, it sucks. The same way it sucks Fate Extella and Fire Emblem Warriors don't use stuns either. Such a waste.

So, for findings:

Xiandou Zhiwang (The Chinese KOF knock off):


Dynasty Warriors 9

Interestingly this game does seem to have a new dizzy animation, the old one is still there but lasts for a brief instant instead. The new one has the character stumble around, struggling to keep balance and looking upwards. Seen here:


Also as seen in the pic section here they added expressions to them
Dynasty Warriors 9 - Sun Shangxiang Ryona 真・三國無双8 孫尚香 リョナ

And, dizzy Monster Hunter Sakura here:

MHW サクラ リョナ (0:28)

Not fan of poop dragon, though XP - Gotta say, though the female hunters look better than ever, not a big fan of the new animation. The lack of effect and more subdued motion looks a bit dull. Though makes sense given the game looks more detailed and realistic than before. Too bad, Monster Hunter Online which also looks great is ANOTHER game that removed the stun status.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
- Aaa, no one does Zhu Rong ryona... Dynasty Warrios 9 has those extra tidbits they fixed up. Get hit in a combo you're dizzy is a bit longer and their is staggering. 'Service Center' (backwards) has been doing these great recordings. I just don't have the time to cut/splice/edit multiple videos...
- I like the butterfly girl (Ameth, both of her costumes) in Xuan Dou Zhi Wang... I tried applying that game a while back, got a chance but realized my computer couldn't run it.
- Okay when I have the time to do Neptunia (if you haven't noticed she's not my favorite character, I'm a Blackheart fan... no twin tail tho).
- I have Windows 7, and I just went to 'Control Panel' change my region to JPN. Then switched it back to US. Sometimes this site: DLsite English for adults: DLsite Official Translation | Doujin manga and game download shop can help you play some of the doujin/fan-created PC games.
- I kinda do agree with you... I'm having a difficult time finding mobile (or any other 'platform (i.e. ps4, etc) games that have stun or other status ailments, but then I do come across these weird games. I'm really not into the main stream characters.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
re:Another Force
Soooo, this vid right?
hummm I can't get it, says the download expired?

Alsoooo that led me to this

Is this an older game by th team doing Blade Strangers or something?? :O

I got one or two vids recorded I think just need to edit and upload~

ohhh Xiandou Zhiwang
I wanted to do ryona of it buuut cannot figure out how to play it >_<

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